This is a debut piece on 'Human' Consciousness, written by Imole Peter, Sobriquet- Sasani Eldis. The book sheds light on the definition of 'Hu-man' the God in the human clothing. The seven gODS are a mention of the senses in which human performs on earth. The essence of this book is to drive the human Consciousness to work, even in our quotidian lifestyle and ambitious pursuits.

This is a debut piece on 'Human' Consciousness, written by Imole Peter, Sobriquet- Sasani Eldis.

The book sheds light on the definition of 'Hu-man' the God in the human clothing. The seven gODS are a mention of the senses in which human performs on earth.

The essence of this book is to drive the human Consciousness to work, even in our quotidian lifestyle and ambitious pursuits.


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while trying to catch the sight of every moment. In due course, he

learns from the prospects in life, he also learns pain and he is never

afraid to turn, he is never upset by pain to learn.

Reposeful in the look on his face, dr. Highwater fades away in all his

discourse, he falls into a cloying relapse;

"Well, we are one, yet we walk the earth in various human clothing.

This is painful."

He repositions himself witha a slight turn to his right side. He faces a

novel side of his audience;

"However, these are my words in a dumb-silence of heart; all that is

given is taken. In this, many of us revel, we often feel as the giver,

and then, the taker. In reality, we never do give and we never do

take, just like I speak to you, I do not; there is no action, no subject

and neither is there a receiver of action, it is all obsessive as in a

drama. Like you see, not all days are the same, such are the times

which we have created, in a way, to bring forth our thoughts, ideas,

imaginations and vibes, like costumes fit into a character play,

making a use of them to suit our plot. We ought to live, day by day,

leading a perfect life. It is not that we do not have a significant

control over the affairs of time and chance, that we are caught in it,

experiencing; we have to choose our reality and that changes

everything about our world. Choose to know who you are and do

wisely; in this wise, we shall fall in love with the drama in the most

entrancing incarnation."

In the message from Highwater to the regal personage and his

associates, he expresses his abhorrence for the action taken by the

king in a bid to ruin him and his undertaking and put his back down.

What a seedy corruption from the conspiracy of racketeers who have

for long besieged his domain as a traditional healer, in their vast

company. His good service has been vyed for, to be written off. No

thing is as bad as an ego that feels enmity and malice.

Apart from the acuity in his practice, Highwater is a sage whose

touch on everything is divine. I tell you, so is yours as well. Your

touch is divine!

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