This is a debut piece on 'Human' Consciousness, written by Imole Peter, Sobriquet- Sasani Eldis. The book sheds light on the definition of 'Hu-man' the God in the human clothing. The seven gODS are a mention of the senses in which human performs on earth. The essence of this book is to drive the human Consciousness to work, even in our quotidian lifestyle and ambitious pursuits.

This is a debut piece on 'Human' Consciousness, written by Imole Peter, Sobriquet- Sasani Eldis.

The book sheds light on the definition of 'Hu-man' the God in the human clothing. The seven gODS are a mention of the senses in which human performs on earth.

The essence of this book is to drive the human Consciousness to work, even in our quotidian lifestyle and ambitious pursuits.


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The god of Taste

Honey is so sweet to taste, kola is bitter, vinegar is picric sour! How


In the mouth, there are mouthparts which are assembled in pouchy

cover, and the tongue sits robust in the mist of their assemblage.

Any edible substance that introduces has a turn to take on the taste

buds (certain cellular units grouped in fashion of their

chemoreceptivity). The character of taste is somewhat peculiar and

similar to that of smell.

The god of Smell

The olfactory lobe of the brain is a perceptive organ that is

receptive to the volatility in a trillion kind of odours. Odours are

certain chemicals present in concentrations that are able to travel

through air by diffusion, in all directions. When odours get to the

nose, they affect the members (demigods) of the god of smell- the

olfactory receptors -which in turn serves as a conduit of smell


Olfactory receptors are sensitive chemical receptors that detect

changes in chemical concentration. To boil it down, there are

particles that make up the molecules that are innervating to the

sense of smell.

Olfactory receptors have been found in human sperm. It is thought

that they actually detect chemicals produced by the egg, and swim

towards this 'smell'. Who knew that smell could have such an

important role to play in the inception of life itself!

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