YULA Girls | Panther Post | Issue I | November 2020

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Spreading Joy at YULA Bachutz


Twice a week YULA Girls are

welcomed to campus for a multitude

of fun and creative activities

and a chance to bond with

their grade. Everyone is able to

pick any activity that speaks to

them from the plethora of choices

weekly. These range from creative

projects like woodworking

with the Hechts and ceramics

with Ms. Holmes to Chessed oriented

sessions with Jordy. Girls

can get active with a workout

bootcamp and a Hip-Hop class

or take extra time to catch up

with friends and do homework in

Homework Club. Everyone can

get their STEAM on by joining

Mr. Piliavins fabrication group

or enjoy some holiday cheer as

Mrs. Morgolis teaches us how

to cook special Rosh Hashanah

treats and the meaning behind

the Simanim (symbolic foods).

After ending these Chugim

feeling energized and invigorated,

students head over to their

respective grade time to say

Mincha, hear an inspiring Dvar

Torah, and participate in bonding

activities. We even had the

chance to do our first ever virtual

Clubs Fair during our grade time

at YULA Bachutz!

YULA Bachutz has really

found a way to incorporate creativity,

fun, Torah, and friendship

into an amazing weekly program

for all the YULA Girls students.

YULA Bachutz is really the highlight

of the week for so many

girls, and provides a sense of

normalcy in the midst of a Covid

A multitude of after-school activites are offered to all students, including “Woodworking with the Hechts.”

world. Ariella Gershov ‘23 says

“YULA Bachutz is a great way

to spend time with my friends

in a safe and socially distanced

way.” YULA Bachutz is a fun

and effective way to be social

and get a taste of YULA Girls

that we miss so much during

these uncertain times!

Now that school is

opening up, students are excited

to finally attend in-person

school after starting this year

on zoom. The school has set up

tents and desks to ensure that the

new corona-safe schooling will

be effective, enjoyable, and comfortable

for all families. Ninth

and tenth graders will go one

week, while the upperclassmen

are going to remain on zoom.


The next week the juniors and

seniors will attend in-person

school while the freshman and

sophomores will be on zoom.

This is a very progessive time

for all students, teachers, and


Club Fair done Zoom Style


Last month, over 30 clubs were virtually presented in front of YULA Girls, in hopes that students can choose which clubs they are most

interested to be a part of. Although it was hosted online, we were still able to showcase a myriad of afterschool programs. Jordana

Wertheimer compiled videos made from each team’s captains where they explained the purpose of their club and why students should

join. It was a huge success! Leora Teichman, ‘22, said, “It was really amazing to see how many clubs have been created at YULA, and

regardless of it being over zoom, I was able to witness everyone’s excitement at seeing one another.” YULA Girls has a multitude of diverse

co-curriculars to ensure that there is something for everyone. More importantly, if there’s a club they don’t have, they encourage students

to utilize their leadership skills and create it. Many of these clubs have even had the opportunity to meet in person, through the YULA

Girl’s Bachutz program after school. The Virtual Club Fair allowed each club’s leaders to showcase their goals and requirements for the

year, and encouraged prospective students to join their clubs. The club fair was an immense success and we hope everybody joins these

amazing after school activities!

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