YULA Girls | Panther Post | Issue I | November 2020

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Did the U.S. 2020 Presidential Debate Sway Voters?


Notwithstanding the political polarization that has

manifested itself in the animosity of the first presidential

debate, both, or perhaps I should say, all three of the

debaters, had interjected objections to such an extent

that every voice seemed to coalesce into one. Despite

the chaos of the discussions, both President Trump and

Vice President Joe Biden took riveted positions and

expressed their stances quite forcibly and combatively.

Bilaterally, this debate did not seem to have swayed

any viewers—perhaps the chaos simply obscured

everyone’s judgment.

Generally, however, a few strong points were made

by each side: Trump explained both the ramifications

of a prolonged national lockdown as well as how his

presidency justifies his nomination of a new Supreme

Court Justice. Seeing as the Senate, with vanishingly

few democrats, confirm the selection, and President

Trump’s incumbency extends across the span of exactly

four years, we must not nullify the established governmental

system and Mr. Trump’s entitlement to “fill the

seat.” Regarding Joe Biden’s moments of intelligence,

his sympathy and affinity for his son (with regards to

his resolved troubles with substance abuse and the like)

mitigated his perceived senility, though he did manage

to contradict himself: he claimed not to endorse the

Green New Deal, a proposed legislation with the object

of mitigating climate change and its effects, during the

debate, yet on his website, he attests otherwise. On

the other hand, the condemnation of white supremacy,

to which President Trump delivered a poor response,

seemed to dictate the trajectory of the debate and the

public’s consequential reactions. This, perhaps, most

greatly rendered Trump’s performance inferior.

In conclusion, Chris Wallace, the moderator, Joe

Biden, and President Trump each, strategically speaking,

comported themselves negatively; and expectedly,

the media, whose reporters feign neutrality, have distorted

the discussions, falsifying many statements, all

of which will remain in circulation.

YULA High Schools hosted a presidential debate to educate the student body. Sam Yebri (representing the Democratic Party) and Barak Lurie

(representing the Republican Party) debate about the elections, moderated by Leora Teichman ‘22 and Ethan Frankel ‘22.


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