HABITales - Daily Tales

A series with four stories, where the young women: Laura, Yasmin, Amanda and Lorena, very close in age, go through certain situations. Whether common or not, all of these situations need a lot of care and attention.

A series with four stories, where the young women: Laura, Yasmin, Amanda and Lorena, very close in age, go through certain situations. Whether common or not, all of these situations need a lot of care and attention.


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International Cataloging Data in Publication (CIP)

(Brazilian Book Chamber, SP, Brazil)

SILVA, Ariadne de Cássia Bassani; COSTA, Camila Florentino; SANTOS, Cibele Lima; NYCZ, Edley Ponara; LEITE,

Guilherme H. Coiado; SANTOS, Jemima Everly; ELIAS, Letícia Moura; ANDRADE, Ricardo Marques – HABITales,

daily tales. – São Paulo, SP, 2020

ISBN: 978-850-600-909-3

1. Children and Youth Literature I Title.

20-112020 CDD: 202.2

Indexes for systematic catalog:

1. Children and Youth Literature I Title. 202.2

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