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Some New Life

For This Old Town

Ger Casey

Chief Executive Officer

Grangegorman Development


I’ve been involved in the redevelopment of Grangegorman for over a

decade, starting out as Director of Architecture and now as CEO of the Grangegorman

Development Agency (GDA). The revitalisation of this distinctive part of Dublin, with

its rich and uneasy past, is as exciting now as it was then.

As the Agency responsible for the redevelopment of the site, our purpose

in the GDA is to redevelop the grounds of the former St. Brendan’s Hospital into a

new piece of city with a vibrant, sustainable community. The development of the site

includes a world-class integrated campus for both TU Dublin and the Health Service

Executive (HSE).

The process of revitalising an urban area is a complex task that requires

the support of national Government and wider society. It also requires patience, commitment

and, at times, a leap of faith. At its core is a belief that the outcome of the

project will enhance the lives of the people who live, work and study there.

It begins with a vision that must excite and engage key stakeholders from

the outset, but that also has the capacity to evolve and endure over time. In the case

of Grangegorman, the fundamental building blocks in achieving the vision were already

there – a great location,

a passionate community,

and clear objectives set

out by TU Dublin and the


The next step

is to entice the most innovative

and creative talents

to help realise the vision.

We achieved this initially

The Grangegorman Playground, opened to the community

in 2015. Photo: Lori Keeve

through an international

competition that was

won by architectural firm,

Moore Ruble Yudell (MRY)

and DMOD Architects.

Their vision has stood

the test of time and won

international acclaim. This

approach has been repeated for the design of the various buildings and elements of

infrastructure being delivered as part of the revitalisation.

This commitment to talent must also be reflected in the delivery team,

who need to be highly skilled and sufficiently resourced. A key aspect of their role is to

act as champions for the vision and to continue to drive it forward. In a project of this

scale, decisions can often be made on the basis of cost, convenience, or a lack of understanding.

The delivery team must work collaboratively with key stakeholder groups

– be they internal stakeholders, funders, end users, or the local area – to continuously

remind them of the vision and to promote its shared value and unifying characteristics.

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