Tao Korero Magazine 2020

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The sun rises in the east, shining towards the west

The orchid of Buddha appears in the west

Lotuses and orchids blossom together

Extending to the southern hemisphere,

people are showered with God’s grace


Virtuous and outstanding youth renew themselves day after day

The key to turning around a situation lies in being sincere and respectful

Prestigious divine light brings immediate transcendence

The orchid in the Western Paradise returns to Lónghuá




For many years now our community in Wellington have been gathering together

once a month for youth classes. For a long time we have been on the

receiving end from many people who care about us and want us to learn

more and grow.

We decided late last year we wanted to create something that would be

a product of our combined efforts and unity as a youth group. For this

reason we ended up creating this magazine in hopes that it could become

something we can give back to our community.

Cover Design: Junyi Wu and Angela Wu

The meaning of the design was to portray the theme of unity. Only

through our collaboration and the combination of our abilities were

we able to produce this magazine.

This magazine is only for use within our community and not to the

public. The views and opinions are those of the contributors. Please

seek professional advice before implementing any suggestions

from the articles.

At first we were a bit lost on what the main purpose was and how we were

going to proceed. However in the end we decided our main driving factor

would come from our passions and the enjoyment that would come from

creating something we could share with other people. We felt this was the

perfect way for us to move forward. We each are unique as individuals and

have different strengths, interests, experiences and areas of expertise.

Therefore this magazine ended up becoming a collection of works on various

topics we want to share with you.

We hope you enjoy flipping through and reading this as much as we had

enjoyed making it!


14 17

An Introduction to Tea Brewing

Making Creme Brulee

by Angela Wu

by Eric Lee

01 06

20 25

Wellington Eateries

by Hsuan-yu Chang & Joanne Chen

Working with the Indigenous People

of New Zealand

A Sharing from the Taiwan

Pilgrimage 2019

Places to go in Taiwan

by Rianne Yeh

by Albert Hung

by Selina Wang

09 11

27 30

A Few of the Happy Things

by Junyi Wu

An Experience with Flower


Some Random Fun Facts

by Wei-hsun Chang

The Lesson of COVID-19

by Yimin Liu

by Josephine Pang

Wellington Eateries



Wellington Eateries


Design and layout by Authors

Images by Authors and from online sources


Working with the Indigenous People of New Zealand

Working with the

Indigenous People

of New Zealand

By Albert Hung

Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.

In the 2013 New Zealand Census, nearly

700,000 people living in New Zealand were

of Maori descent (More than one in seven of

us). The impact Maori culture may have on our day-today

life depends on where we live and what work we do.

As a public servant myself, most of us need to have

some basic knowledge and understanding of Maori

Tikanga (customs and protocol). Te Reo (the Maori

language) is one of the official languages of the country

along with English and New Zealand sign language.

So what is it like for a non-Maori practitioner to be biculturally

competent and deliver culturally safe practice?

I am a social worker for Oranga Tamariki - Ministry

for Children; we work with one of the most vulnerable

groups in the community. Child protection is

complex and not an easy career; burn out is common.

We work under enormous pressure, must develop

a deep understanding of tikanga Maori, be

willing to constantly reflect upon evidence, and defend

our analysis of highly complex human scenarios.

I am not a stereotypical social worker. I am still relatively

young and have not had children of my own.

People often ask how I am bridging the cultural differences

- I believe it can be achieved with commitment,

passion and perseverance. Maori values are based

upon relationships, a sense of community, encouragement,

love, care and compassion, and this is very

similar to our values and beliefs as a Tao cultivator.


I use “Te Whare Tapa Wha” for understanding Maori health.

There are four walls to support the marae (meeting

grounds). Should one of the four dimensions be missing

or in some way damaged, a person, or a collective may

become unbalanced and subsequently unwell.



Working with the Indigenous People of New Zealand

Te Whare Tapa Wha

Maori Health Model

Taha Hinengaro

Mental Health

The capacity to communicate,

to think and to feel the mind and

body are inseparable. Thoughts,

feelings and emotions are integral

components of the body and soul.

This is how we see ourselves in

this universe - our interaction

with that which is uniquely Maori

and the perception that others

have of us.

The Ministry used to be quite a

clinically focused service, but we

all know that nothing is black

and white when working with

human beings. I have started to

notice a change in our practice,

and that we are now taking people’s

cultures, religions and spirituality

into consideration which

is a big shift for a government

organization. The Maori model

of health reminds me to take

care of all the different aspects

of our lifestyle to support our


Taha Tinana

Physical Health

The capacity for physical growth

and development. For Maori the

physical dimension is just one

aspect of health and well-being

and cannot be separated from

the aspect of mind, spirit and


Taha Wairua

Spiritual Health

The capacity for faith and a wider

community. Health is related to

unseen and unspoken energies. The

spiritual essence of a person is

their life force. A traditional Maori

analysis of physical manifestations

of illness will focus on the wairua

or spirit, to determine whether

damage here could be a contributing


Taha Whanau

Family Health

Family provides Maori people with

the strength to be who we are.

This is the link to their ancestors,

their ties with the past, the

present and the future. This is

similar to my culture; we value our

whanau (family) and see them as a

whole. We respect our elderly and

look after them when they get old.

We learn and follow the wisdom

and knowledge that were passed

down from our ancestors.

As a Tao cultivator, my core beliefs

are to be “compassionate”

and “respectful” when working

in the community. By learning

about the indigenous people

of Aotearoa (NZ), it helps me

bridge the cultural differences

and reflect upon my own practice.

I hope by sharing my limited

understanding of a Maori

theory (Te Whare Tapa Wha), it

can help people feel more confident

when working or building

relationships with Maori people.


Images from online sources


A Few of the Happy Things :)


Seeing someone sad ...

Helping out a short friend

Having a treat for the day



Sharing your cookies ...

... and making them smile again

By Junyi Wu

Listening to your favourite song ...

... and sharing the joy

comforting hugs

... and spending time on your


Puppy!! <3


Original illustrations by Author


An Experience with Flower Arranging

An Experience

My Experience with


Flower Arranging

Flower Arranging

在 插 花 的 過 程 中 , 我 會 不 知 不 覺 得

把 專 注 力 都 用 在 擺 弄 花 枝 。 時 間 一

分 一 秒 的 過 去 , 我 的 心 似 乎 慢 慢 平

靜 、 安 定 下 來 。

by Josephine Pang

插 花 也 算 是 一 門 藝 術 , 看 是 容

易 簡 單 , 要 插 成 一 件 優 美 的 好

作 品 也 並 非 易 事 。 趁 夏 天 家 裡

花 園 的 花 盛 開 , 我 用 這 次 的 機

會 學 一 門 才 藝 , 也 在 網 絡 上 查

詢 了 一 些 插 花 教 學 , 試 著 第 一

次 自 己 獨 自 插 花 完 成 作 品 。 剛

開 始 插 花 有 點 笨 手 笨 腳 的 , 不

懂 得 要 怎 樣 搭 配 花 , 浪 費 了 一

些 花 材 。 我 在 花 園 轉 了 好 久 ,

思 考 著 要 怎 樣 運 用 不 同 的 花 材

和 考 慮 花 與 花 之 間 色 彩 的 搭

配 。

Flower arrangement is also an

artform. Although it can be seen

to have very simple steps, creating

a beautiful piece of work is

not as easy as it seems. Taking

advantage of the summer period

where most flowers are in

bloom, I developed my skills in

flower arrangement while studying

tutorials online and physically

practicing it myself. I was very

clumsy at first, not really having

any idea on how to match different

flowers together and wasted

many materials. Then I stood in

the middle of my garden, slowly

observing different types of flowers,

and thought to myself what

colours would match the best to

what I wanted my final product

to become.


花 材 是 樹 枝 和 一 束 小 花 , 簡 單 美 。 彎 彎 的 樹 枝 保 持 花 與 花 瓶 的 平 衡 感

The materials used for this piece was twigs and flowers. The goal was to use

the long twigs as a balancing factor between the flowers and the vase

花 的 美 從 來 都 沒 有 標 準 答

案 , 不 管 是 用 怎 樣 的 方 式 去

呈 現 , 只 要 用 心 去 創 作 , 最

後 看 見 成 品 時 都 能 夠 帶 來 無

比 的 滿 足 與 喜 悅 感 , 逐 漸 地

建 立 自 信 心 。

When I began concentrating on the

work, I realised my focuses were

mainly on the layering of each flower

stem. As time went by, my mind became

calm and stable. Soon, I was

able to keep going without thinking

what was right or wrong.

I found as long as I used

my heart to complete the

work, I felt fulfilment and

joy from achieving the results

while also establishing

my confidence.

半 球 形 – 花 材 選 擇 繡 球 花 和 玫

瑰 , 製 造 粉 色 浪 漫 夢 幻 .

Half sphere shape - By using the

hydrangeas and roses it created a

pink romantic dream

Images by Author

隨 性 插 花

Freestyle crescent shape



There is something in the nature of

tea that leads us into a world of quiet


An Introduction to Tea Brewing

An Introduction to

Tea Brewing

By Angela Wu

Tea is a staple beverage for me and my family. From drinking tea nearly everyday, I have developed

an increasing appreciation for tea. Chinese tea culture is actually very profoud and has been around

for thousands of years. I know there is appreciably more I need to understand and learn. In this section

I will aim to provide some insight on tea brewing from my humble knowledge, in hopes to set a

basic standard for people who also enjoy drinking and brewing tea. This includes a description of the

proper sequence as well as some suggestions on how to treat different types of tea.

The Teapot

The choice of teapot used for brewing is important

in terms of bringing out the best flavour and

properties of the tea. Generally the best type of

pot to brew tea in are pots made from earthy materials

such as porcelain or ceramic (clay) pots.

Different types of pots are also suitable for different

types of teas. For instance, green tea is best to

be brewed in porcelain pots because the porcelain

is fully glazed and less breathable, therefore it can

encapsulate the fragrance of the tender green tea.

Unglazed ceramic pots such as zi-sha are very breathable

and therefore suitable for pu-er as it can absorb

the bitterness from the tea during the brewing

process, resulting in a more pleasant taste.

Try to avoid using metal pots, as metal and the

tea leaves are not compatible and the metal can

change the taste and original properties of the tea.

” - Lin Yutang


An Introduction to Tea Brewing


Warm the teapot and teaware

Warm the teapot and teaware with boiling water

and drain. This is to raise the temperature of the

pot and teaware and create a stable temperature

for the tea.

Dragon Well (Long jing)

Non fermented

Amount in pot : 1/5

Water temperature : Low 80 °C


Put in the tea leaves

The amount of tea leaves to use varies depending

on the type of tea. For instance, 1/4 pot of loose

tea leaves is not the same as 1/4 of curled up tea

leaves, as the curled up leaves will expand when

brewed, so just be mindful of this.

Bi Lo Chun

Non fermented

Amount in pot : 1/5

Water temperature : Low 80°C







Wash the tea leaves

The tea leaves should be rinsed for a few seconds

with hot water to clear it of any dust or residues.

Pour in the water

The temperature of the hot water matters depending

on the type of tea you are brewing in

order to deliver the best flavour from the tea. The

amount of water should fill around 80% of the

pot to allow for air circulation and space for the

leaves to expand.

Pour the tea into a fair jug

After brewing the tea for the suggested amount

of time (varies between 15- 45 seconds), pour the

tea into a fair jug through a strainer. The purpose

of the fair jug is to allow the tea to mix properly

and be even for serving.

Serve tea

When serving, ensure the tea does not fill past

80% of the cup. This gives enough space for

them to hold the cup without it being too hot.

Savor tea

Try not to drink the tea immediately. Take a second

to smell its fragrance before drinking.

Some Tips:

• Most teas can be brewed for around 3 - 6 times.

• Don’t keep re-brewing to the point where

there is only faint flavour left, especially if you

are the host!

• Make sure to always empty the teapot.

Never leave the tea leaves soaking for a long


Images from online sources


Partially fermented

Amount in pot : 1/4 - 1/3

Water temperature : High >90°C

Tie Guan Ying

Partially fermented

Amount in pot : 1/5

Water temperature : High >90°C

Black Tea (Hong cha)

Completely fermented

Amount in pot : 1/5 - 1/3

Water temperature : High >90°C


Post fermented

Amount in pot : 1/5 - 1/4

Water temperture : High >90°C

An inspired poem on tea by Eric Lee

Different tea for

different seasons

Different types of tea are appropriate

for drinking in different seasons. This

is to help maintain a balance within

our bodies. For instance, during summer

the climate is hot, therefore our

bodies become susceptable to the heat.

Green teas such as dragon well or bi

lo chun are suitable beverages as it

has cooling properties that help cool

the internal conditions of our body.

Likewise during winter, our bodies are

susceptable to the cold, therefore black

tea or pu-er are good as they have

properties that help warm our bodies.


Making Creme Brulee


Creme Brulee

4 5 6

Divide the mixture into the


Place the ramekins into a

deep pan and pour in hot

water. The water should

roughly come halfway up

the side of the ramekins

Bake at 165°C for 45 to 50 minutes.

After baking the brulee

should be set but still a little

jiggly in the middle

By Eric Lee

A proper creme brulee would give you that crunchy,

creamy and sweet delight, so I thought to myself why

not learn how to make it and bring this joy to others?


945mL Heavy Cream

2 tsp Vanilla Extract

6 Egg Yolks

100g Sugar

1 tsp Sugar




Sauce pan

Medium mixing bowl

Electric mixer

Large roasting pan

Kitchen torch

7 8

Remove the ramekins from the

pan and leave to cool. Once

cooled cover with plastic wrap

and put in the fridge for at least

2 hours. Take the brulee out

from the fridge and leave for 30


Remove the plastic wrap and

sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar

evenly over the brulee. Use

a kitchen torch to caramelise

the sugar until golden brown

And you’re done!

Tip: Make sure to distribute

the egg mixture into the ramekins

before putting it in

the water-filled pan. Otherwise

the ramekins will float!


I enjoy making creme brulee and

feel glad to be able to share it

with others. In my first attempt I

mixed by hand and instead of using

cream I used milk. The result

wasn’t as good, which goes to show

that the right equipment and quality

is just as important as having

the right technique and being able

to follow instructions.

1 2 3

Heat heavy cream and vanilla

extract in a saucepan until hot

but not boiling

In a medium sized mixing

bowl whisk the egg yolks

and sugar until well mixed

Gradually pour in the hot

cream and mix continuously


Images by Author


A Sharing from the Taiwan Pilgrimage 2019

A Sharing from the

Taiwan Pilgrimage


By Selina Wang

很 幸 運 可 以 參 與 這 次 朝 聖 十 天 的 活 動 , 這

次 是 以 尋 根 、 文 化 、 青 年 交 流 為 主 軸 。 其

中 的 青 年 交 流 包 括 與 台 灣 青 年 互 相 分 享 修

道 意 義 、 目 標 、 挑 戰 及 如 何 走 出 社 區 來 對

外 結 緣 。 第 一 天 還 有 郭 講 師 分 享 甲 骨 文 對

外 結 緣 的 經 歷 , 很 是 感 動 。

We were lucky that we had the opportunity to attend the

ten day pilgrimage. The key elements of this pilgrimage were

“tracing our roots”, ”culture” and “youth interaction”.

The youth interaction session included a discussion with the

Taiwanese youth about the meaning, purpose and the challenges

of cultivating Tao, as well as how to step out and connect

with the society. Speaker Guo also shared his experiences

with oracle bone writing, which I found very touching.



A Sharing from the Taiwan Pilgrimage 2019

對 外 結 緣

台 灣 同 修 分 享 對 外 結 緣 的 方 式 – 半 天 的 生 活 營 , 帶

動 小 朋 友 學 習 基 本 禮 貌 及 整 潔 。 從 邀 請 新 道 親 的 孩

子 開 始 , 慢 慢 影 響 朋 友 的 孩 子 , 進 而 結 緣 。 同 修 有

提 到 , 邀 請 家 長 來 上 課 可 能 是 一 件 困 難 的 事 , 但 家

長 卻 會 很 願 意 為 了 孩 子 的 學 習 而 來 。 一 但 家 長 開 始

認 同 生 活 營 所 分 享 的 , 就 會 想 要 開 始 接 觸 道 了 。



A Taiwanese youth shared with us how they connected

to society through a half-day camp where they guided

the children on mannerisms and tidiness. They invited

new Tao Kin’s children first. This gradually influenced

the children of their friends through word of mouth,

and in turn built an affinity with them. The Taiwanese

youth mentioned that it would have been difficult to invite

the parents to the class. However, if the purpose

was to educate their children, then they were more

than willing to attend. When the parents agreed on

what was being shared and taught at the camp, then

they would have wanted to understand what Tao is.


自 己 最 有 印 象 的 青 年 交 流 是 英 式 下

午 茶 談 心 , 我 們 以 分 組 的 方 式 分 享

修 道 的 意 義 與 如 何 對 外 結 緣 。 我 們

也 以 分 組 的 方 式 準 備 , 有 些 組 負

責 點 心 , 有 些 組 負 責 布 置 場 地 。

修 道 的 意 義

大 部 分 的 同 修 都 是 在 道 場 長 大 的 孩

子 , 一 路 上 跟 隨 家 人 一 起 , 從 不 理

解 , 到 現 在 開 始 了 解 道 的 寶 貴 , 也

有 同 修 仍 在 找 尋 修 道 的 意 義 。 有 同

修 分 享 , 修 道 的 意 義 是 在 生 活 中

與 人 事 物 交 流 時 , 藉 由 一 次 次 的

練 習 來 培 養 、 調 整 自 己 的 存 心 及

意 念 , 而 逐 漸 讓 自 己 心 性 光 明 。

修 道 的 挑 戰

One of the most impressive youth interaction

methods we had was the high tea and heart sharing.

We discussed about the meaning and challenges

of cultivating Tao, as well as how to build

an affinity with people outside of the Tao environment.

We were split into groups for this session.

Some groups were in charge of preparing the refreshments,

while the rest decorated the venue.



Most of the youth Tao cultivators grew up in the

Tao environment and went to fotang with their

family. In the beginning, they didn’t understand

the meaning of Tao and the reason for attending

fotang, but as time went by, they gradually understood

the preciousness of Tao. However, some

of the youth are still looking for the meaning. A

Tao cultivator shared with us that the meaning

of cultivation is to nurture and adjust our mindsets

and thoughts so that our virtues can be seen.



雖 然 我 們 來 自 不 同 地 方 , 台 灣 、 紐 西

蘭 和 澳 洲 , 但 有 種 我 們 都 是 一 家 人 的

感 覺 , 大 家 一 起 共 同 完 成 一 件 事

對 外 結 緣 的 方 式 可 以 有 很 多 種 。 藉 由 這 次 青 年 的 交 流 分

享 讓 我 們 了 解 到 , 只 要 是 自 己 有 興 趣 的 事 , 都 可 以 當 成

對 外 結 緣 的 方 法 。 因 為 有 了 熱 情 , 才 能 長 久 。 對 外 結 緣

的 最 主 要 目 的 也 是 能 夠 帶 給 朋 友 向 上 的 力 量 , 甚 至 是 心

靈 的 成 長 。

透 過 青 年 交 流 , 我 們 得 以 了 解 大 家 修

道 的 背 景 與 想 法 , 也 同 時 吸 取 大 家 對

外 結 緣 的 經 驗 , 這 些 都 將 成 為 我 們

人 生 道 路 上 的 動 力 與 養 分

Despite coming from different

places - Taiwan, Australia and

New Zealand - from this heart

sharing, we were able to

become closer as if we were

part of a family, working

together towards the same goal

There are many ways to build affinity with people outside

of the Tao environment. As long as it is something that

you’re interested in, it can become one of the methods to

do so. Only with passion and interest, can one continue

with it. Another purpose in connecting to society is to elevate

your heart of diligence, progress and spiritual growth.

Through our youth interaction,

we got to learn about other people’s

backgrounds and thoughts

regarding Tao cultivation, as

well as their experiences on how

to connect to the society. I found

this inspiring and motivating

for my own journey

我 們 討 論 到 其 中 一 個 修 道 的 挑 戰

就 是 渡 人 。 剛 開 始 會 覺 得 渡 人 好

像 跟 自 己 無 關 , 或 是 不 知 如 何

分 享 道 。 有 同 修 分 享 當 她 的 室

友 與 家 人 發 生 爭 執 時 , 她 會 分 享

有 關 於 在 道 場 學 習 到 的 , 例 如 脾

氣 變 好 了 , 學 會 溝 通 等 等 , 這 些

都 讓 她 的 室 友 想 了 解 「 道 」 是 什

麼 。 這 樣 簡 單 的 分 享 不 僅 拉 近 了

One of the challenges we discussed was introducing

Tao to people. At first we thought this

had nothing to do with us and we didn’t know

how to do it. A fellow youth shared that when

her roommate had an argument with her family,

she shared what she learned in Tao class. For instance,

to have a better temper and how to better

communicate with others. This actually made

her roommate become interested in Tao. Through

this sharing, it also made me realise Tao cultivation

can actually be incorporated into our daily lives.

This is Selina

我 們 與 「 渡 人 」 的 關 係 , 更 是 說

明 了 修 道 與 生 活 是 息 息 相 關 的 。



介 绍


信 封

A Sharing from the Taiwan Pilgrimage 2019


因 天 氣 的 關 係 , 原 本 早 上 的 鹿 港 老

街 行 程 取 消 了 , 取 代 而 之 的 是 一

整 天 的 甲 骨 文 。 但 很 意 外 地 , 那

一 天 過 得 非 常 快 。 甲 骨 文 是 東 亞

最 早 的 文 字 , 是 早 期 的 人 遇 到 困 難

時 , 乞 求 上 天 的 一 種 方 法 。 當 他

們 看 到 甲 骨 文 時 , 可 以 藉 由 形 象

就 知 道 意 思 , 也 會 非 常 有 感 覺 ,

即 是 所 謂 的 文 ( 紋 ) 以 載 道 。 例

如 : 年 , 當 我 們 看 到 「 年 」 字 時

不 會 有 感 覺 , 但 他 們 看 到 年 的 甲 骨

文 時 , 會 回 想 到 今 年 辛 苦 而 來 的

收 成 , 這 時 的 文 字 是 有 溫 度 的 。

禾 : 稻 草 、 收 成

Straw, Harvest

我 們 好 奇 難 道 郭 講 師 沒 有 遇 到 困 難

嗎 , 講 師 笑 說 :「 剛 開 的 第 一 堂

課 , 來 的 只 有 兩 位 , 而 且 都 是 小

朋 友 , 課 程 結 束 後 還 要 花 上 一 段 時

間 清 理 教 室 , 下 次 才 知 道 還 是 要 篩

選 過 比 較 可 以 掌 握 教 學 進 度 。」 也

有 遇 到 過 動 兒 來 學 習 , 剛 開 始 完 全

靜 不 下 心 , 不 斷 的 起 身 和 大 喊 。 他

的 家 人 很 擔 心 影 響 到 其 他 人 , 但 郭

講 師 說 :「 沒 關 係 , 讓 他 盡 量 動 ,

動 完 就 好 了 」。 果 不 其 然 , 幾 次 課

程 後 , 他 開 始 乖 乖 地 寫 起 甲 骨 文

了 ! 這 才 讓 郭 講 師 體 會 原 來 甲 骨 文

也 可 以 讓 一 位 過 動 兒 靜 下 心 來 。

這 其 中 的 力 量 唯 有 從 書 寫 練 習 中

去 培 養 專 注 , 才 可 以 親 身 體 會 。

印 章


Due to the weather, the original plan to go to Lukang

Old Street was replaced by an oracle bone

writing class for the whole day. Surprisingly, the

day passed by quickly. Oracle bones are inscribed

with the earliest known writing in East Asia. It was

the people’s way of praying to God if they were to

encounter any difficulties. When they saw an oracle

bone, they were able to tell the meaning by

its shapes and expressed feelings about it. Oracle

bone writing was used to convey morals and truth

in words. For example, when seeing the Chinese

word “year”, we wouldn’t feel anything; however,

ancient people would have thought of the hard

work they have made and the harvest of the year,

which makes oracle bone writing warm and lively.

人 揹 著 收 成

People carrying with

their harvest

We asked speaker Guo whether he ever had any

difficulties when holding oracle bone writing classes,

and he said there were only two people who

came for the first class and both of them were

children. The speaker had to clean up the classroom

for a long while afterwards. He then learnt

a lesson that it would be better to have a selection

criteria for the attendees so that it was easier

to control the learning progress. There was

also a hyperactive child coming to the class. In the

beginning the kid could not calm down; he kept

standing up and even shouted during class. His

family was worried that it would affect the class.

However, the speaker said: “It is alright, let him

do so. He will be fine after he vents out his emotions.”

After a few classes, as expected, the child

was able to calm himself down and start the oracle

bone writing. This made speaker Guo realise that

oracle bone has the power to calm down even a

hyperactive child. This power can only be experienced

through practice while staying focused.


( 圖 中 是 「 在 明 明 德 」 的 甲 骨 文 ) 簡 單 信 封 式 的 美 工 , 能

夠 當 做 對 外 結 緣 課 程 讓 學 員 帶 回 家 的 禮 物 。 讓 他 們 偶 爾

看 到 會 想 起 「 在 明 明 德 」 是 要 光 明 自 己 而 後 能 照 亮 別 人

的 意 思 。 這 也 是 學 習 如 何 藉 由 看 得 到 的 書 寫 , 學 習 調 整

看 不 到 的 心 態 。 例 如 : 課 程 學 員 在 寫 的 時 候 想 藉 由 書 寫

讓 心 靜 下 來 , 但 作 品 可 能 呈 現 出 來 的 線 條 是 急 促 的 。

在 這 過 程 中 , 郭 講 師 的 家 人 是 很 不 諒 解 的 , 覺 得

講 師 常 常 早 出 晚 歸 , 不 了 解 他 在 做 什 麼 , 以 至 於

所 有 課 程 、 茶 點 和 課 程 結 束 後 的 收 拾 , 都 是 講 師

一 個 人 準 備 。 這 讓 郭 講 師 很 懊 惱 , 請 示 了 經 理 ,

經 理 說 :「 需 要 開 家 庭 會 議 。」 於 是 郭 講 師 真 的

開 了 一 次 家 庭 會 議 , 家 人 才 了 解 郭 講 師 的 課 是 能

夠 帶 給 大 家 正 面 的 影 響 , 逐 而 開 始 支 持 講 師 。

雖 然 說 這 是 第 一 天 的 活 動 , 但 在 第 十 天 回

顧 時 。 這 個 活 動 還 依 然 是 自 己 最 有 印 象 的 郭

講 師 用 他 的 誠 心 、 毅 力 與 智 慧 , 努 力 的 去

突 破 每 一 次 的 困 難 。 特 別 是 講 師 的 改 變 改

變 了 家 庭 的 氛 圍 , 像 是 給 了 自 己 一 針 強 心

劑 , 要 努 力 克 服 困 難 , 往 目 標 繼 續 前 進


Crafts were made with envelopes, which were gifts to take home

for those who attended the oracle bone writing class. This enabled

us to think of the meaning of “zài míng míng dé” whenever

we are to look at our crafts again. It was also a process of learning

how to adjust and modify our invisible mentality through noticeable

writing. For example, if a class member was to focus on calming

her mind while writing, but the lines in her work look rushed.

Speaker Guo’s family did not understand why he always went out

very early and came back very late. Thus, speaker Guo had to prepare

the classes, materials and refreshments and clean up afterwards

without his family’s support. This made speaker Guo frustrated,

so he asked Master. Master said he needed to have a family

meeting, and speaker Guo did so. It was until then that his family

understood what he was doing, through the oracle bone writing

classes he was bringing positivity to the class members. Therefore

they had a change of heart and began supporting speaker Guo.

Even though the oracle bone writing activity

was on the first day of the pilgrimage, it was

one of the most impressive activities for the

past ten days. With speaker Guo’s sincerity, perseverance

and wisdom, he was able to overcome

many obstacles in his path in order to hold the

oracle bone writing classes. Especially with how

speaker Guo positively influenced his family, it

gave me a strong energy to move on

( 圖 中 是 「 愛 」 的 甲 骨 文 ) 課 堂

中 , 利 用 刻 印 章 的 方 式 , 將 自 己

喜 歡 的 甲 骨 文 字 刻 在 石 頭 上 。 過

程 中 讓 我 們 學 習 怎 麼 靜 下 自 己 的

心 , 以 及 如 何 配 合 呼 吸 , 在 吐 氣

的 時 候 順 順 的 刻 下 去 , 若 是 太 過

急 躁 很 容 易 就 不 小 心 多 刻 出 一 條

痕 了 。 自 己 也 發 現 認 真 專 注 在 某

During class we chose an oracle bone word we

liked for our stamp carving. We learned how to

calm our heart and cooperate with our breathing.

When you breathe out, it enables you to carve

smoothly. I found that it was easy to accidentally

carve an extra line when you are impatient. I also

found that two to three hours passed by quickly

when you are concentrating on one thing, as if you

are in your own world and it is hard to be disturbed.


樣 東 西 的 時 候 , 兩 、 三 個 小 時 真

的 很 快 就 過 了 , 好 像 沉 浸 在 自

Images by Author


己 的 世 界 一 樣 , 難 被 人 打 擾 。

Places to Go in Taiwan


Places to Go

in Taiwan By

Rianne Yeh




Taiwan, also known as Formosa (Portuguese for ‘Beautiful Island’), is a

country filled with awe-inspiring places to explore. Here are some must

visit attractions of Taiwan:




Taipei 101

This was once the tallest building in the world, and although it is no longer

the record holder, it is still an impressive building to visit. It has been

designed and engineered to be sound and earthquake proof, especially

with the fact that Taiwan sits on the tectonic plates.


National Palace Museum

This is home to one of the largest collections of Chinese imperial artefacts.

It displays a broad range of China’s history and culture.



Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

Contains the largest statue of Chiang Kai-shek which is flanked by an honour

guard. Visitors can also watch the changing of the guards at set times

during the day.



Taroko Gorge

Is only a couple hours’ train ride from the capital city, Taipei. It is home to

one of the natural wonders of Taiwan and features a stunning waterfall.



Alishan Scenic Mountain Area

A popular destination for both local and foreign tourists. There’s a train

that can take you to the top of the mountain where you can see the

breath-taking sunrise. There are also many easy hiking trails where photographers

can take stunning photos.




Sun Moon Lake

Nestled in the heart of Taiwan and also the largest body of water in Taiwan.

It is a great destination for a short trip and there are many activities

to do around the area. There is also a cable car that takes you over to

the Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village theme park, where you can learn

about the history of Taiwan’s indigenous people.



Dragon and Tiger Pagodas

Located on the edge of the Lotus Lake, this is a scenic area in the heart of

Kaoshiung with beautiful views from each tower. Visitors who enter the

temple through the dragon’s throat and exit from the tiger’s mouth are

said to be able to turn bad luck into good fortune.





Kenting National Park

Located in the southern part of Taiwan, this area is popular among locals

as a beach holiday destination. It is also home to waterfalls, hiking trails

and gorgeous forests.

by Author and from an online source


Some Random Fun Facts

“Why do we get a brain freeze from cold drinks or food?”

When something extremely cold touches the roof of your mouth, it causes

the nerve center located there to overreact in a panic attempt to warm up

your brain. The nerves tells your blood vessels in your brain to swell up.

“The close door button in the elevator are just for


Most elevators in modern cities are preset with a closing time. It is for

safety reason for those that need time to enter or exit the elevator. This

change was made since 1990 so now the closing button is just for looks.

“Why don’t your eyeballs get cold when it’s

freezing out?”

There are no temperature receptors in your eyes. Eyeballs

are kept nice and toasty by the blood flow inside the skull.

“What is the circle on top of a soft drink can used for?”

You will find if you twist it around, the circle is designed to put a straw

through it to stop it from floating out of the can.

Some Random

Fun Facts

By Wei-hsun Chang

“Used coffee grounds can be used for gardening. What

else can it be used for?”

To Neutralize refrigerator odors. Placing them in the refrigerator acts as

a natural deodorizer. The only thing you need to watch for is mold if you

use damp grounds. Replace immediately with fresher grounds if it turns

into a science experiment.

“Why is the ring finger used for blood


The thumb and pinky finger are closely connected to the

wrist where if infected, it can travel through the arm

quickly. Therefore, the other three fingers are recommended.

As for the ring finger, it is the least sensitive. It

works less than any other finger so the skin is thinner and

if you prick it, it heals more quickly.

“Sony’s Video game console “Play Station” is known with

its iconic symbols on their controller. There is Triangle,

Circle, Square and what is the blue one called?”

If you call the blue one “X” then you are wrong. It has officially been announced

that the blue symbol is called “Cross”.

“How do you tell which side to fill petrol up for the car if it

is a rental or a brand new car you are not familiar with?”

“Sometimes loosening / tightening a screw can be tough if

your hands are not strong enough. What do you do?”


Look at the dash board of your car - the fuel symbol will have an arrow

next to it, either pointing left or right. This arrow indicates the location of

your fuel tank cap.

Get a spanner and put the screw driver through the spanner’s hole - then

you will have more grip. By using the “principle of leverage”, you can put out

more force at twisting the screw.

Images from online sources


The Lesson of COVID-19





During lockdown, people are only allowed to go

out for essential resources. ‘Stay at home, be kind,

be positive, be calm, be patient and unite against

COVID-19’ is the slogan that has been shown around

the society. Although people cannot communicate

face-to-face, people can express their concern

to others through the internet. Loving each other

would stimulate our own willpower to survive.

It is time to let people readjust their

mindset, to increase the positive energy

in the world and decrease the negative

energy from the virus.

In normal life, everyone is very busy with their work

but during lockdown, people were able to spend

more time with family at home. Although people

are required to stay at home 24/7 and may have arguments

or quarrels, that is the value of family.

Fidelity, truth, and faith are the most

precious things in the world.

by Yimin Liu

What kind of lesson can allow all humans

learn together, allow all humans to look

after each other and allow all humans to

contemplate the value of life? The answer is not a

Math lesson, nor a PE lesson, nor a Music lesson; the

answer is COVID-19. A common cold, bowel cancer

or brain tumor can’t let people readjust everything,

but COVID-19 can. A tsunami, bush fire or hurricane

cannot cause everyone to stay at home with their

families 24/7 for at least six weeks, but COVID-19

can. Climate change, the ozone hole, pollution and

animals had shown humans that the Earth is sick,

but they didn’t listen, so the virus was born as a

teacher to tell us something is wrong - the world’s

lifestyle is wrong and the human mindset is wrong.

COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, was first

identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Viruses

work by getting inside the cells of your body and

then hijacking them. This can be harmful to lives;

many people passed because of COVID-19. Therefore,

most of the countries have been in lockdown to prevent

the virus from spreading. It reached its peak in

2020 when it infected the whole world, for humankind

to learn together - to learn about life and death.

This is a brand new lifestyle for everyone. During

lockdown, the limited amount of essential resources

made people return to a more simple life. The simple

life of people is the easiest way for Earth to recover.

Family can never be judgemental, never discriminate

and never laugh at your weaknesses. Family

is only placed where they will love and respect

each other no matter what happens. It is time to let

people readjust their relationship with the family.

During the lockdown, air pollution has been reduced

by 50 per cent. Thousands of macaque came out on

the streets of Lopburi in Thailand, and goats have

tripped into the empty streets to take a look in Welsh,

town of Llandudno. There was a reduction of public

transport and cars, reducing the amount of carbon

dioxide emissions. It is time to let people know that

they cannot gain their own benefits upon the animals’

and environmental sacrifices. It is time to let Earth

recover from pollution and to readjust the climate.

The COVID-19 pandemic made headlines in 2020. It

has changed many aspects of human life seemingly

overnight. The outbreak of a pandemic is a portrayal

of the underlying chaos in society. Not only is it drawn

from the standpoint of biology, it also touches on the

overall psychological state of humankind. The Coronavirus

has changed humans’ life perspective, highlighting

the worth of Earth and the power of nature.

One of the greatest takeaways from

COVID-19 will be the people who showed

compassion and bravery to help others

during a time of crisis - the brightest light in

the dark and the warmest heater in a frosty

winter. As humans we can see COVID-19 as

a disaster but also as a corrector.


Image from online source




Hsuan-yu Chang

Joanne Chen

Albert Hung

Junyi Wu

Josephine Pang

Angela Wu

Eric Lee

Selina Wang

Rianne Yeh

Wei-hsun Chang

Yimin Liu

Cover page and overall design and layout

Junyi Wu and Angela Wu

Lead Editor

Angela Wu


Angela Wu, Rianne Yeh, Selina Wang and Junyi Wu

♥ Special Thanks ♥

To all the forerunners who have encouraged and supported us along the way


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