MC Fall 2020

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for equality in



By James Onuska

Fans look to see their favorite players drop 30 in

a victory on the hardwood. They look for their

quarterback to distribute the football among their

teammates and lead their team to victory, and they

look for their leading r.b.i. left fielder to go 3-4 while

driving in three runs in a team win. What fans see

now are players using their platform to advocate for

ending racial injustice and police brutality. In 2016,

a rising star used his platform to call for the end of

those heinous practices and requesting equality.

Colin Kaepernick has found himself blackballed

from the game he cherished playing as a youth and

building a career in the NFL which included taking

the San Francisco 49ers to the Superbowl in 2013.

Since Kaepernick’s stance on social injustice and

police brutality, other players have followed suit.

Is this behavior unacceptable in any level of sports

or are they supposed to “shut up and dribble”,

words famously uttered by Fox News host Laura

Ingraham to NBA star LeBron James.

Regardless of the status of these athletes, their

advocating for equality is worthy and necessary.

Since the revolutionary campaign on behalf of

coequality and fairness by athletes Kaepernick,

LeBron and others, the spread of peaceful

demonstrations have been seen throughout all

levels of sports. High school football teams have

taken a knee during the playing of the National

Anthem with hopes of bringing light to impartiality

seen in America. Players from the WNBA down to

the high school have elected to wear apparel that

requests justice and equal

opportunity in women’s sports. These actions have

brought a tremendous amount of criticism and even

cost immense amounts of controversy through

social media outlets. What these athletes are

doing is exercising their First Amendment right of

freedom of speech that is supposed to be protected

by the US Constitution.

“As this country

continues to fight for

equality, it is everyone’s

responsibility to stand

up for what’s right. “

Numerous organizations and people have

called for some sort of course of action. Suggestions

of defunding the police which is when you

redirect funding to a police department to other

government agencies. By doing this, training

and other resources could be made accessible for

departments to use to help with training and create

a more obliging atmosphere. There’s also the Black

Lives Matter movement which is a social movement

that advocates against incidents of police brutality

and all racially motivated violence against Black

people. These have been discussed with enormous

variance and should just boil down to having

respect for your fellow brothers and sisters. This

country is a very diverse nation in the world and it

would behove everyone to unite as one and have

mutual respect for one another while embracing


With the nation in monumental agitation,

people look for ways they are able to show their

objection for the social injustices carried out by

fellow Americans. Coach DeLisha Milton-Jones,

the women’s basketball coach described how the

coaching staff has approached the team and says

“we have clearance to do certain things from higher

ups and the administration and that’s something

I’m going to take to the team and where they want

to go with it,” said Coach Milton-Jones goes on to

say how the team is a unified front and definitely

for equality and stand firm on that notion. ODU’s

women’s basketball forward Victoria Morris

explained how the team has considered several

options but haven’t decided on what they will do

but know that they 100% stand for equality. We

asked ODU’s football cornerback Kaleb Ford-

Dement the same thing and his response mirrored

Victoria Morris’s and also stands for equality.

As this country continues to fight for equality,

it is everyone’s responsibility to stand up for what’s

right. Athletes are not exempt, they have as much

of a right as the people who are protesting.These

courageous individuals are conducting themselves

peacefully and doing so to achieve equality. If

taking a knee or wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt

during pregame warmups is offensive, the lives lost

because of social injustice should be what is really

addressed. When voices start to be heard, maybe

people will start to change for the better.

21 | maceandcrown.com Fall 2020 | 22

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