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December 9, 2020

www.TheTownCommon.com Page 13


Community Announcements,

from page 12

“Many retirees end up

regretting it,” Rush says.

“They feel they are forced

to go to that second home

every weekend just because

they spent so much on it. A

vacation property or second

home can certainly provide a

lot of joy, but it rarely works

out financially.”

That doesn’t stop people

from buying them,


The National Association

of Home Builders estimates

that Americans own about

7.4 million second homes,

which is about 5.6 percent

of the total housing stock.

“People tend to purchase

a second home either as a

rental property or a vacation

home, which they might also

rent for part of the year,”

Rush says. “But unless you’re

in a hot real estate market,

the return on investment

usually isn’t worth the hassle.

There are better ways of

growing your money.”

Rush says a few things to

know about investing in a

second home include:

• Real estate doesn’t automatically

mean easy

money. People mistakenly

believe real estate provides

a guaranteed return, but

that’s not always true. Rush

recalls one client who, over

Rush’s vehement objections,

withdrew all of his retirement

money to build an expensive

second home. The

client was certain the house

would pay off, but he eventually

was forced to sell it

for half his investment.

• Consider the overall

impact on your life. Most

people don’t have endless

streams of money, even if

they have done well for

themselves financially. So,

a splurge in one area often

requires a sacrifice in another.

“If you want the second

home, then perhaps an

Alaskan cruise won’t be in

the budget,” Rush says. “It

comes down to what your

priorities are.”

• Upkeep can become

overwhelming. People tend

to overlook the ancillary

costs that make owning a

second home expensive,

Rush says. Take those into

consideration as you make

your decision. “Property

taxes, homeowners association

dues, insurance, and

maintenance start to add

up,” he says. “Renting the

house out when you aren’t

using it does provide an income

stream, but managing

the property and dealing

with tenants is a hassle. You

can hire a property manager,

but that has its own disadvantages.”

• Renting can work just

as well. While it might feel

exhilarating to own a mountain

home in North Carolina

or a Pacific Ocean beach

house, Rush says another

option is simply to rent a

place for a week or a weekend

whenever you’re in need

of a getaway.

None of this means a second

home is always a mistake,

Rush says.

One client whose parents

died and left her a generous

inheritance wanted to invest

the money in a beach

home. Rush warned her of

the potential pitfalls.

She teared up. She agreed

it might not be the best financial

decision, but when

she and her sister were growing

up, their parents took

them every summer to Sunset

Beach on the North Carolina

coast. She wanted to

continue that tradition for

her children, her sister, and

her sister’s children.

“It was a reminder that it’s

not always about the numbers,”

Rush says. “You have

to weigh the return on investment

against the emotional

benefit. Financially,

it wasn’t the best choice, but

to her, it meant so much

more. It was about keeping

her parents’ memories alive.

Some things truly matter

more than money.”

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