RYCO Publication: A Better Region Starts with YOUth (2020)

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A souvenir shop in Sarajevo

Darija's story


There was this really cool souvenir shop that sold

handmade goods and the vendor was this woman and she

was a muslim, I think. I said to her: “Oh my god, your work

is so pretty, I really like it!” And she said: “Oh my god, you

are so nice. You're not from here, right?” I said: “No, I'm

not. I come from Serbia.” Then she said: “Oh you're such a

sweet child.” I bought a magnet and she gave me a gift and

we hugged. We talked a little more and I was so surprised,

because I met her for the first time. We are on different

sides and we got along so well. That was really a big

moment for me.

(Darija, participant of a RYCO funded

youth exchange, explored the old town of Sarajevo.)


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