christmas test magazine V5

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Atlantic Coast Lines

Support your local Community









A Message from the Deputy Mayor

The Great Tree

Feed the Birds and De-Stress!

School News

Men’s Shed

Whats Going on in your Area!

Can Your Dog Eat Chocolate this Christmas?

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology Help Retail!

Please Note this Magazine is a Sample and for illustrative Purpose Onlys


Thank you to the News USA for allowing ACL to republish some of their work

Holsworthy Town Council for the use of some the adverts and pictures published.

Unsplash for their great photos

NOTE - Filler Text has been used in a few articles for effect!

The information in this test publication is for visual effect purposes only. Atlantic Coast Lines. assumes no liability or responsibility

for any views published and readers must understand it is guide purposes. ACL will not therefore be held respossible for any

inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each

individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organisers or organisation without verification by us.

The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Atlantic Coast

Lines. Therefore, ACL. carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon.

Comments are welcome, but they should be on-topic and well-expressed. Abusive, antisocial or off-topic comments will be deleted

by web administrators.

Helen Parker

I have been asked to reflect on the Covid 19 lock down from my perspective as Deputy

Mayor, also as a Healthcare professional working in the Holsworthy area.

My ability to continue in both roles was tested from the beginning of lockdown, as by the

end of March I had received a dreaded shielding letter. This shocked and surprised me

even though I was fully aware of my personal health challenges. I didn’t think my illness

would be thought serious. I was well and working fully within my roles, however the NHS

had other ideas.

Shielding meant staying at home, normal life had changed. I still needed however to fulfil

my healthcare role in an efficient productive way to support my patients and colleagues.

Luckily, I have a managerial role as well as being a clinician. Thanks to the wonders of

technology & a lot of help from James my son, we were able to establish a fully functioning

office in my home with full internet access to all the systems necessary for me to

undertake a coordinating role for our local community nurses. I was able to contact

patients, guide & support my colleagues who were providing nursing care and support for

people in their own homes. I must pay tribute to all my colleagues who have worked

through out the pandemic out in the Community. They have all worked extremely hard and

selflessly to provide care for our patients at a time of great stress and fear for all.

Normal Council business went on the back boiler for a while, we all adjusted to our new

circumstances. Holsworthy Town Council is comprised of 12 elected community spirited

people of different ages and backgrounds, unfortunately I was not the only councillor who

needed to isolate at this time. Vanessa and Kerry continued in their roles as Clerk &

Assistant Clerk dealing with the day to day management of the office and establishing a

new way for the council to function, hold meetings and make decisions.

The wonder of Zoom was introduced to us, great when we can all get on, and I admit I think

our Zoom skills are improving.

The usual role of Mayor and Deputy Mayor to represent Holsworthy at Civic Functions both

Local and in North Devon has obviously stopped.

I would also like to pay tribute to all the volunteers who have supported people whether

they are NHS volunteers or our local Covid group. These many people have enabled the

vulnerable, elderly and shielding people to stay safe & well.

We must look forward to better days and normality.

We face challenges ahead, but please stay safe.

This time will pass.




Donec mollis justo sed justo pellentesque

sollicitudin. Duis bibendum adipiscing nibh.

Maecenas diam risus, molestie ut, porta et,

malesuada eget, nisi. In fermentum leo sed turpis.

Sed lacus velit, consequat in, ultricies sit amet,

malesuada et, diam. Integer mauris sem,

convallis ut, consequat in, sollicitudin sed, leo.

Cras purus elit, hendrerit ut, egestas eget, sagittis

at, nulla. Integer justo dui, faucibus dictum,

convallis sodales, accumsan id, risus. Aenean

risus. Vestibulum scelerisque placerat sem.

In eget sapien vitae massa rhoncus lacinia.

Nullam at leo nec metus aliquam semper.

Phasellus tincidunt, ante nec lacinia ultrices,

quam mi dictum libero, vitae bibendum turpis elit

ut lectus. Sed diam ante, lobortis sed, dignissim

sit amet, condimentum in, sapien. Pellentesque

nec lectus non risus auctor lobortis. Vestibulum sit

amet dolor a ante suscipit pulvinar. Sed lacinia.

Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea

dictumst. Vivamus sit amet sem vitae tellus

ultricies consequat. Integer tincidunt tellus eget

justo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora

torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos


Morbi pellentesque, mauris interdum porta

tincidunt, neque orci molestie mauris, vitae iaculis

dolor felis at nunc. Maecenas eu diam a leo porta

interdum. In non massa quis odio feugiat sagittis.

Quisque ac lorem. Maecenas ut sem sed ipsum

suscipit malesuada. Nulla quis dui quis ante

fermentum interdum. Proin eget est a augue

vehicula mattis. Pellentesque sed nisi at nisi

scelerisque iaculis. Phasellus orci. Nulla

adipiscing. Suspendisse et leo vel elit ullamcorper

gravida. Proin tempor, ligula ut tincidunt tempor,

mauris nibh feugiat odio, nec tincidunt erat orci

Photo by Forest Simon on Unsplash

In today’s constant contact, cell-phone celebrated,

digital world, most people can go days or even weeks

without spending any time in natural sunlight. Instead,

we eat breakfast inside, or on the go, only to race to an

office, filled with artificial light and plastic plants, for 8

to 10 hours a day. It’s no wonder why Americans’

mental health is suffering. Compare that hectic routine

to those memorable moments when you’re able to sit

quietly, let the sunshine warm your face, hear the birds,

and allow nature to envelope you. While everyone longs

for less stress, actually relaxing can be dauntingly


However, a new study out of the United Kingdom sheds

light on one way people can de-stress: bird watching.

The study finds that people who watch birds from their

home have lower depression, anxiety, and stress

compared to those that live in less leafy areas that have

fewer birds. People "felt relaxed and connected to

nature when they watched birds in their garden,"

researchers say. These feelings increased with the level

of bird feeding in the yard, they add. Specifically, the

number of birds people might see was directly

associated with better mental health. "This study starts

to unpick the role that some key components of nature

play for our mental well-being.

“Birds around the home and nature in general, show

great promise in preventive health care, making cities

healthier, happier places to live.," says lead researcher

Dr. Daniel Cox from the University of Exeter. Dr. Tina

Phillips, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, agrees. Overwhelmingly,

studies show that people feed birds

because it makes them feel more relaxed, that it’s

something they’re interested in and ultimately

something that makes them feel good. If you want to

disconnect from the digital world and relieve some daily

stress and anxiety, getting outside, bird watching could

be the key to increasing your mindful, mental health.

Since studies reveal the more birds you see, the less

likely you are to be stressed and anxious, it’s important

to attract as many birds as possible.

The first step to attracting birds is to use an all-purpose

tube feeder, which is the number one feeder choice,

allowing birds to feed from multiple ports. Cole’s Wild

Bird Products, Co. offers the Terrific Tube feeder, it’s

made to last with state-of-the-art materials that prevent

warping and discoloration and it features a "Quick

Clean" removable base, so cleaning is super simple.

Natural grip perch covers mimic the feel of a real

branch, which encourages longer feeding times. Once

you have the right feeder, you’ll need reliable seed that

will bring birds to your backyard to deliver that dose of

stress relief we all desire. According to Elaine Cole,

President and owner of Cole’s, the quality of birdseed

will deter-mine how many feathered friends will flock to

your back-yard. Unlike other birdseed mixes, which

typically contain cheap filler seed like milo and wheat,

Cole’s selects only the top 1 to 2 percent of the highest

quality seeds birds like to eat. Plus, Cole’s doesn’t add

pesticides or chemicals, preferring instead to keep the

seed as close to its natural state as possible. If you use

inferior seed, you’re not going to like the results. Our

seed is specifically formulated to attract the greatest

number, variety, and species of birds. Birds are picky

and birdseed matters. If you use cheap feed, they won’t

hesitate look for something else they prefer. Birds are

like people, give them what they like to eat and they’ll

come back and bring their friends. Cole said. Since

we’ve learned that the more birds we attract, the more

stress-free we’ll be, it makes good sense to use the

best bird feed you can buy. Cole’s Special Feeder,

attracts the greatest number of wild birds than any

other mix out there. Add Cole’s Blue Ribbon blend,

which attracts the greatest variety of wild birds to the

mix, and you’ve got the perfect prescription to help

calm your anxiety and stress.

At the heart of it, everyone wants less stress and

anxiety. Once you start watching birds in action, they’ll

engage your attention in a way that keeps you in the

moment, a state that provides mental relief. Admiring

their beauty, listening to their sweet song and enjoying

their antics will calm your overactive mind and bring joy

and renewal.

For more information on top quality feed and feeders,

please visit: Cole’s website.

Thank you to the News USA for allowing ACL to use

this story

A local primary school has told pupils to

stay home and isolate due to a confirmed

case of Covid-19


After one pupil at Holsworthy CE Primary School

tested positive for the virus, 60 students have been

asked to remain at home.

Children within the same year and bubble have

been told to self-isolate for two weeks, which is in

line with the Public Health England guidance.

The school released the following statement:

"Having taken advice from Public Health England,

we have taken the precaution of asking the Y1/2

bubble to isolate at home for a period of time,

starting from Tuesday November 17.

"The return date for children and staff in this phase

will be Monday November 30."

Though based in Holsworthy, this initiative also

serves the surrounding parishes of Holsworthy.

This is not a new idea, there are many others

around the country.

The sheds are about meeting likeminded people

and having someone to share skills with, finding

that sense of purpose, reducing the feeling of

loneliness and isolation.

Men’s sheds typically attract older men, but it is

not to say younger men cannot participate. The

essence of a shed is connections and

relationships between members. Research shows

the negative impact that loneliness and isolation

can have on a person’s health and wellbeing. It is

recognised by the medical profession these sheds

can have a positive impact on reducing

depression, also, keeping the mind active, can

help in the the treatment of alziemers and


For some men when retirement comes it can feel

like their personal identity and purposes is lost,

and find it difficult to build social connections.

Men’s sheds can change this!

The shed needs funding for tools, materials,

protective clothing when working with machinery,

and running costs.

There is no membership required to become a

member of the shed as it does not want to exclude

men who might be on a limited income.

All funding is obtained through donations and

small grants.

Whats Going

on in your


Gigs Events Exhibitions

Etiam porta nunc euismod dui.

Maecenas a lectus. In hac

habitasse platea dictumst.

Suspendisse id massa. Nullam

porta velit sed lacus. Duis

eleifend, felis eu euismod

lacinia, felis erat feugiat nisl,

vitae congue leo velit a massa.

Quisque nec justo a turpis

posuere tristique.

Maecenas condimentum

tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum vel

tellus. Sed vulputate. Morbi

massa nunc, convallis a,

commodo gravida, tincidunt

sed, turpis. Aenean ornare

viverra est. Maecenas lorem.

Aenean euismod iaculis dui.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus

et magnis dis parturient

montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Nulla quam. Aenean

fermentum, turpis sed volutpat

dignissim, diam risus facilisis

nibh, sit amet iaculis est turpis

non tellus. Nunc a mauris. Proin

eget ligula. Nam cursus libero.

Vestibulum velit orci, bibendum

eget, molestie eu, sagittis non,

leo. Nullam sed enim. Duis ac

lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit

amet, consectetuer adipiscing

elit. Suspendisse potenti. Sed

tincidunt varius arcu. Mauris

vitae arcu sit amet quam

condimentum pulvinar. Aenean

arcu elit, accumsan id,

consequat ornare, lobortis

vitae, ligula. Quisque vitae velit

ac sapien placerat suscipit.

Donec mollis justo sed justo

pellentesque sollicitudin. Duis

bibendum adipiscing nibh.

Maecenas diam risus, molestie

ut, porta et, malesuada eget,

nisi. In fermentum leo sed

turpis. Sed lacus velit,

consequat in, ultricies sit amet,

malesuada et, diam. Integer

mauris sem, convallis ut,

consequat in, sollicitudin sed,

leo. Cras purus elit, hendrerit ut,

Drop us a line and let us know what your doing

egestas eget, sagittis at, nulla.

Integer justo dui, faucibus

dictum, convallis sodales,

accumsan id, risus. Aenean

risus. Vestibulum scelerisque

placerat sem.

In eget sapien vitae massa

rhoncus lacinia. Nullam at leo

nec metus aliquam semper.

Phasellus tincidunt, ante nec

lacinia ultrices, quam mi dictum

libero, vitae bibendum turpis elit

ut lectus. Sed diam ante,

lobortis sed, dignissim sit amet,

condimentum in, sapien.

Pellentesque nec lectus non

risus auctor lobortis. Vestibulum

sit amet dolor a ante suscipit

pulvinar. Sed lacinia. Aliquam

erat volutpat. In hac habitasse

platea dictumst. Vivamus sit

amet sem vitae tellus ultricies

consequat. Integer tincidunt

tellus eget justo. Class aptent

taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent

per conubia nostra, per inceptos

Band Bio’s

Carnaby Street

Band Information

Quisque in augue. Donec

aliquam magna nonummy

enim. Proin blandit

imperdiet sem. Donec

malesuada, urna sit amet

varius aliquam, nibh tortor

laoreet turpis, eget

sodales felis nibh ac

sapien. Fusce eget augue.

Integer sed risus. Aenean mollis. Donec facilisis

egestas quam. Duis bibendum augue id mauris.

Sed laoreet, tortor vel cursus fringilla, turpis elit

vestibulum arcu, eu varius dolor leo in nulla. In

sem ipsum, faucibus quis, varius tristique, porta

eget, lorem. Curabitur hendrerit diam et mauris.

Etiam porta nunc euismod dui. Maecenas a

lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Suspendisse id massa. Nullam porta velit sed

lacus. Duis eleifend, felis eu euismod lacinia,

felis erat feugiat nisl, vitae congue leo velit a

massa. Quisque nec justo a turpis posuere


Maecenas condimentum tincidunt lorem.

Gig Information

Vestibulum vel tellus. Sed vulputate. Morbi

massa nunc, convallis a, commodo gravida,

tincidunt sed, turpis. Aenean ornare viverra est.

Maecenas lorem. Aenean euismod iaculis dui.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla

quam. Aenean fermentum, turpis sed volutpat

dignissim, diam risus facilisis nibh, sit amet

iaculis est turpis non tellus. Nunc a mauris. Proin

eget ligula. Nam cursus libero.

Vestibulum velit orci, bibendum eget, molestie

eu, sagittis non, leo. Nullam sed enim. Duis ac

lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Sed

tincidunt varius arcu. Mauris vitae arcu sit amet

quam condimentum pulvinar. Aenean arcu elit,

accumsan id, consequat ornare, lobortis vitae,

ligula. Quisque vitae velit ac sapien placerat

suscipit. Donec mollis justo sed justo

pellentesque sollicitudin. Duis bibendum

adipiscing nibh. Maecenas diam risus, molestie

ut, porta et, malesuada eget, nisi. In fermentum

leo sed turpis. Sed lacus velit, consequat in,

Band Bio’s

Band Information

Quisque in augue. Donec

aliquam magna nonummy enim.

Proin blandit imperdiet sem.

Donec malesuada, urna sit amet

varius aliquam, nibh tortor laoreet

turpis, eget sodales felis nibh ac

sapien. Fusce eget augue.

Integer sed risus. Aenean mollis. Donec facilisis

egestas quam. Duis bibendum augue id mauris.

Sed laoreet, tortor vel cursus fringilla, turpis elit

vestibulum arcu, eu varius dolor leo in nulla. In

sem ipsum, faucibus quis, varius tristique, porta

eget, lorem. Curabitur hendrerit diam et mauris.

Etiam porta nunc euismod dui. Maecenas a

lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Suspendisse id massa. Nullam porta velit sed

lacus. Duis eleifend, felis eu euismod lacinia,

felis erat feugiat nisl, vitae congue leo velit a

massa. Quisque nec justo a turpis posuere


Maecenas condimentum tincidunt lorem.

Vestibulum vel tellus. Sed vulputate. Morbi

massa nunc, convallis a, commodo gravida,

Tina Live

Gig Information

tincidunt sed, turpis. Aenean ornare viverra est.

Maecenas lorem. Aenean euismod iaculis dui.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla

quam. Aenean fermentum, turpis sed volutpat

dignissim, diam risus facilisis nibh, sit amet

iaculis est turpis non tellus. Nunc a mauris. Proin

eget ligula. Nam cursus libero.

Vestibulum velit orci, bibendum eget, molestie

eu, sagittis non, leo. Nullam sed enim. Duis ac

lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Sed

tincidunt varius arcu. Mauris vitae arcu sit amet

quam condimentum pulvinar. Aenean arcu elit,

accumsan id, consequat ornare, lobortis vitae,

ligula. Quisque vitae velit ac sapien placerat

suscipit. Donec mollis justo sed justo

pellentesque sollicitudin. Duis bibendum

adipiscing nibh. Maecenas diam risus, molestie

ut, porta et, malesuada eget, nisi. In fermentum

leo sed turpis. Sed lacus velit, consequat in,

ultricies sit amet, malesuada et, diam. Integer

mauris sem, convallis ut, consequat in,

Band Bio’s

Band Information

Quisque in augue. Donec aliquam magna

nonummy enim. Proin blandit imperdiet sem.

Donec malesuada, urna sit amet varius aliquam,

nibh tortor laoreet turpis, eget sodales felis nibh

ac sapien. Fusce eget augue. Integer sed risus.

Aenean mollis. Donec facilisis egestas quam.

Duis bibendum augue id mauris. Sed laoreet,

tortor vel cursus fringilla, turpis elit vestibulum

arcu, eu varius dolor leo in nulla. In sem ipsum,

faucibus quis, varius tristique, porta eget, lorem.

Curabitur hendrerit diam et mauris. Etiam porta

nunc euismod dui. Maecenas a lectus. In hac

habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse id

massa. Nullam porta velit sed lacus. Duis

eleifend, felis eu euismod lacinia, felis erat

feugiat nisl, vitae congue leo velit a massa.

Quisque nec justo a turpis posuere tristique.

Maecenas condimentum tincidunt lorem.

Vestibulum vel tellus. Sed vulputate. Morbi

massa nunc, convallis a, commodo gravida,

tincidunt sed, turpis. Aenean ornare viverra est.

Maecenas lorem. Aenean euismod iaculis dui.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

True Blue Rock

Gig Information

parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla

quam. Aenean fermentum, turpis sed volutpat

dignissim, diam risus facilisis nibh, sit amet

iaculis est turpis non tellus. Nunc a mauris. Proin

eget ligula. Nam cursus libero.

Vestibulum velit orci, bibendum eget, molestie

eu, sagittis non, leo. Nullam sed enim. Duis ac

lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Sed

tincidunt varius arcu. Mauris vitae arcu sit amet

quam condimentum pulvinar. Aenean arcu elit,

accumsan id, consequat ornare, lobortis vitae,

ligula. Quisque vitae velit ac sapien placerat

suscipit. Donec mollis justo sed justo

pellentesque sollicitudin. Duis bibendum

adipiscing nibh. Maecenas diam risus, molestie

ut, porta et, malesuada eget, nisi. In fermentum

leo sed turpis. Sed lacus velit, consequat in,

ultricies sit amet, malesuada et, diam. Integer

mauris sem, convallis ut, consequat in,

sollicitudin sed, leo. Cras purus elit, hendrerit ut,

egestas eget, sagittis at, nulla. Integer justo dui,

faucibus dictum, convallis sodales, accumsan id,

Can your dog really

eat chocolate

this Christmas?

The holidays are quickly approaching and lots

of people gift their loved ones boxes of gourmet

chocolates. However, can dogs eat chocolate?

Of course they can’t! So, how do we include our

cherished furry family members in this loving


What does a box of “chocolates” look like for a

dog? Or more importantly, what does it smell


In the case of Barkaron gourmet dog treats, the

“special sauce” ingredient is not chocolate

(toxic to dogs) but camel cheese, a superfood

with the perfect balance of gamey pungency

and health benefits , creating a safe, and

delicious indulgence for your furry family

member this holiday season.

Especially during the ongoing Covid-19

pandemic, dogs are even more integrated into

family life. Dogs have become essential, not

only as companions, but as workout partners,

entertainers of the kids, reasons to get outside,

and nonjudgmental listeners for venting


With friends and family at a distance this

holiday season, many of us will be forced to

show we care from a distance, deepening the

desire to do something special for everyone in

your life, including your furry family member.

The handcrafted dog treat bakery Chews

Happiness has the answer with sustainablysourced

Barkaron Decadent Doggie Desserts.

Barkarons, French macarons for dogs, arrive in

elegant, eco-friendly dog gift box packaging.

“These are not the kind of treats one buys by

the ten-pound bag,” says Tavor White, president

and CEO of Chews Happiness.

“They are special delicacies and perfect gifting

experiences. We believe that dogs understand

when you give them something special,” he


“So, it’s not about whether or not to indulge

your dog. it’s about bringing awareness to the

impact that high-quality, special treats can have

on your dog’s health and wellness, and that of

the planet.”

Don’t tell the dogs, but Barkarons are good for

them, too.

The treats are not just the equivalent of

chocolates for a dog, they are healthy

functional food made from pristine ingredients

and are veterinarian approved. Camel cheese,

the “chocolate” for dogs, is made from camel’s

milk and has an aroma that tantalizes them,

although their humans don’t really notice it.

This ingredient titillates dogs’ powerful sense of

smell and also targets their taste receptors

(which are hard-wired for fats and meats) in a

way that is similar to the euphoria humans feel

when they eat chocolate.

However, camel cheese is not only delicious to

dogs, but it provides immune system support

with a combination of immunoglobulins,

protein, and healthy fats. The Barkaron

gourmet dog treats combine sustainably

sourced camel cheese, chicken, fish, and other

delicacies for a dog gift like no other.

Visit chewshappiness.com for more information

about Barkarons and other ways to indulge

mindfully with your pet during the holidays or


Thank you to the News USA for allowing us to

use this story

Retailers Embrace AI

Technology for Improved

Customer Experience!

Artificial Intelligence is becoming commonplace

across major industries and retail is no

exception.The retail industry is looking for ways to

keep up with the times and many companies have

started implementing AI technology across the

entire product and service cycle – from assembly to

post-sale customer service interactions.

Major retailers such as Walmart, Sephora,

Walgreens, North Face, Uniqlo, West Elm, and

Macy’s are using AI to enhance cus-tomer

experiences at their stores while also improving

security. AI Applications in Retail While hardware

giant Lowe’s uses small robots to give directions

and help customers navigate a large hardware

store, Walgreens is using technology to track the

spread of flu, based on the locations of customers

picking up prescriptions so they can alert

customers to the flu activity in their area and stock

more flu-related products.Another example is

makeup company Sephora, which now uses AI

technology in many of its stores to scan customers’

faces and help them choose the perfect shade of

blush, lipstick, or eyeliner without having to test

multiple products.

Meanwhile, a Walmart store in New York is

becoming the "store of the future" by incorporating

the latest AI technology. The store’s smart cameras

will have the capability to alert workers when items

are out of stock and even let them know when a

bunch of bananas has gone bad. Providing a

Customisable Retail Experience Artificial

intelligence is being used for everything from

preparing packages in warehouses to enhancing

security to creating a customised experience for

consumers.One company that is delivering

solutions to retail and security is VSBLTY Groupe

Technologies Corp. (CSE:VSBY) (OTC:VSBGF).

VSBLTY is at the forefront of making AI work in the

retail space, developing innovative facial

recognition software and interactive digital screens

that will provide retailers with a multitude of AI


VSBLTY’s VisionCaptor content management

system brings interactive messages to any digital

screen and provides insights on customer

demographics and emotional states, allowing

engagement with consumers in real time.By

commanding guests’ attention with dynamic digital

displays, custom content can be provided based on

what the display camera "sees," while gaining

valuable insights in real time. Through engaging

digital assets such as animations, photos, videos,

and multimedia content, VSBLTY software creates

a complete customer experience through digital

displays, which can be utilised in transit hubs,

entertainment and sports venues, grocery stores,

drug stores and, really, any retail environments.

What’s more, VSBLTY’s VisionCaptor can be

integrated with other technologies, including RSS

feeds, QR codes, and Bluetooth. Using Edgeand/or

Cloud-enabled digital display solutions,

retailers can now enhance guest experience with

proximity-aware, interactive brand messaging

triggered by demographic, identity or even sentiment,

while simultaneously gaining ground

breaking levels of measurement and actionable

insights," according to the company’s website.

Offering Enhanced Security Features VSBLTY has

also developed AI solutions that enhance security.

VSBLTY Vector is focused on security solutions that

combine video screens with facial recognition

software and criminal databases in order to identify

"persons of interest" or individuals carrying

weapons. Cameras are embedded in screens and

can identify individuals alone or in crowds more

effectively than overhead cameras, and can allow

for demographic and emotional recognition as well

as facial and object recognition. By teaching

computers how to skillfully interpret their

surroundings, VSBLTY software can contextualise

all of the information about those surroundings and

deliver it to the end-user vetted and streamlined for

the particular security application. VSBLTY is

publicly traded on the Canadian Securities

Exchange, OTC, and Frankfurt, with the symbols

CSE:VSBY, OTC:VSBGF, and Frankfurt: 5VS.

Thank you to the News USA for this story

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