Inside December 11, 2020

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Some safety protocols for Covid-19

• Stay at home, observe

• Wash your hands often

• Cover your cough or

• Always wear a mask,

• Avoid touching your

social distancing and

with soap and water for at

sneeze with a tissue and

particularly when leaving

eyes, nose and mouth

avoid handshaking

least 20 seconds

disposed immediately





First 30 medical students graduate

from Family Health Medical School

THE FIRST 30 group of

medical students have

successfully completed

their Bachelor of Medicine

and Bachelor of Surgery

(MBChB) at the

Premier Private Medical School in West

Africa, Family Health Medical School

(FHMS) at Teshie, opposite Kofi Annan

Peacekeeping Center, Accra.

Family Health Medical School is

Ghana's Premier Private Medical School

that provides student-centered learning

strategies that promote smart-learning

among the students.

Family Health Medical School

(FHMS), is the medical wing borne

from Family Health Hospital, which

started from a garage at 51 Guggisberg

Street, Korle But in 1997 as a diagnostic

Centre. It was later moved to Zoti road

in a rented premise and now to its permanent

location at Teshie, directly opposite

the Kofi Annan International

Peace Keeping Training Centre.

Family Health Specialist Hospital

have modern facilities such as a convertible

anatomage and telemedicine; various

laboratories and lecture halls.

The Founder of Family Health University

College, and the president for

Family Health Medical School, Prof.

Enyonam Yao Kwawukume in his address,

congratulated the pioneer graduands

for making the school proud. "We

•Prof. Enyonam Yao Kwawukume presenting an award

to one of the students

thank you for demonstrating trust and

confidence in our ability to offer you

world class medical education".

He said the school have adopted an

effective pedagogical strategy which

supports lively student discussions instead

of the traditional didactic lectures.

This Prof. Kwawukume indicated, is a

collaborative approach to learning that

helps students to apply their knowledge

to solve complex problems; and encourage

students to think deeply, ask questions,

defend their assertions, and

determine the merit of other ideas.

The school he revealed, have introduced

French language and Sign language

into teaching to equip students to

interact with French-speaking patients

and patients with speech and hearing


"We believe that our job, as medical

educators, is to reinforce student learning

and to nurture lifetime learners. If

we fail to be innovative, we will stifle

our own growth as professors and lecturers,

and also possibly stifle our students’


Prof. Kwawukume averred that, in

the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic,

management deployed user-friendly, accessible

and affordable online teaching

and learning applications to ensure that

students’ academic work was not disrupted.

The Faculty and students he mentioned,

were given adequate training in

the use of the e-learning applications by

the I.T. staff of the Institution.

"All foreign students of the Family

Health Medical School participated fully

in the e-learning process, and a hotline

was established to receive and address

complaints/queries from both local and

foreign students".

According to Prof. Kwawukume, as

part of their determination to maintain

academic excellence, has engaged a large

number of notable Professors, Senior

Lecturers, and Clinical Consultants

whose services have contributed to the

success of graduands.

"At Family Health Medical School,

students begin their Clinical experience

from their first year, at the Family

Health Specialist Hospital, which is located

on the campus. This is one of the

main advantages of Family Health Medical

School, the only Private Medical

School with its own hospital working

24-hours all year round."

The Guest of Honor, Rev. Prof. P. F.

Ayeh-Kumi, Provost, remind the graduands

that as first graduates of the great

College, they have a lot to prove within

the healthcare sector.

"You have to make the College

proud by excelling at your profession

and working hard to create a platform

for other graduates from your Institution.

As you work towards your goals

and dreams, do not hesitate to take opportunities

for further studies along the

way and surround yourselves with people

and materials that will help you to

expand your level of thinking and practice".

As part of their academic programme

at Level 400, graduating students

undertook a Community Health

Screening project at Teshie (Lenshie

Quarters in Ledzokuku and Adedenkpo);

and also, at Tambushie in


The students met and interacted

with the chiefs and members of the

communities. The health screening project,

which gained a wide media coverage,

was accepted by the chiefs and

people of Teshie and since then, our

students continue to replicate it in our

neighbouring communities each year.

Speaking on behalf of FHMS Class

of 2020, Sharon Nana YaaGyasi-

Dankyira expresses gratitude to Pro

Enyonam Yao Kwawukume and Wife,

DrSusu B. Kwawukume for creating

great opportunity for them. "We know

this is the beginning of greater heights

for this noble institution. It is a great

honour to have been students within its

walls. We have gained more than just

knowledge we overcome our doubts as

fears. We have made considerable strides

into our future endeavours to become

outstanding doctors.”

Youth Agenda NGO CEO donate to Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital



THE FOUNDER and Author of

Youth Agenda Non-Governmental

Organisation,(NGO) Mr Raymond

Tuvias part of his 50thBirthday made

a donation and interacted with staff,

parents and children at the Youth

Agenda-SIF Rehab Centre at the

Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital

in Accra.

The Nutritional Rehab Centre

(NRC) was established in 2005

through the partnership of Youth

Agenda NGO, the Social Investment

Fund (SIF) - the implementation

agency of the erstwhile Ghana Poverty

Reduction Programme (GPRS I) - and

the Boeing Company, USA.

According to MrTuvi, Youth

•Parents and staff pose with the donated items

Agenda was established with an initial

membership of 30 motivated youth of

the KorleWokon-Jamestown Community

and the Sacred Heart Catholic

Church, Derby Avenue, Accra in 2000;

this was after graduating from the

University of Ghana and completing

National Service of teaching at Achimota


“Founding Youth Agenda and its

subsequent activities was my act of

giving back to the community I spent

my earliest years in,” he stated.

He said the Nutritional Rehab

Centre is the only stand-alone Children’s

Hospital in Ghana which provides

non-residential nutritional

interventions for malnourished children

experiencing developmental delays,

weight-loss and illness as a result

of inadequate intake of protein, calories

and other micronutrients.

MrTuvi said parents and guardians

of such children are taught ways of

fortifying meals for the immune systems

of their wards to be boosted


He said through the hard work of

staff, National Service personnel and

volunteers, thousands of moderate to

severe malnutrition cases have been

successfully treated at the facility over

the years. Parents bring their children

to access such services three times a


“Thursday, November 26 was another

such clinic day. So, coinciding

with my birthday offered an opportunity

to give to the facility we established

and have supported over the

years with our widow’s mite,” he


The Administrator of the Princess

Marie Louise Children’s Hospital,

MrYeboahFordjour, assisted by Mr

David Hussey, Stores Manager of the

Hospital and Mrs Bernice Okine, the

Nutrition Officer-in-charge of the

NRC, “took delivery of a mini deep

freezer, curtains and soft drinks we


“We continue to give God Glory

and thank our benefactors for enabling

us come through with support

for the Rehab Centre.”

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