WD.1368 RevC WCD dam break assessment report with appendices

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Waimea Community Dam: Dam Break Analysis

Waimea Water Ltd








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3.2 Topographic Data

Figure 3-2: Inflow hydrograph for Lee reservoir catchment in PMF.

AAM New Zealand captured LiDAR data of the region for the Tasman District Council. This data is

readily available through the LINZ data service website. Information of the Waimea plains area was

collected in 2015 and updated information of the Lee Dam area in 2017. The LiDAR survey points

had a pulse density of 2 pulses/square meter, a vertical accuracy of ±0.12 m and a horizontal

accuracy of ±1.00 m. The data used the NZVD2016 vertical datum and NZTM2000 coordinate

projection. The extent of the LiDAR coverage is shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: Extent of LiDAR coverage used in assessment.

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