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“Education is a transformational

opportunity for people to have choices

and opportunities in life that they

perhaps wouldn’t have had.”

Dawn Freshwater, University of Auckland

“Both of these are not dissimilar to what the government

is having to address. It’s not just protecting public health,

it’s about the adjustment to our liberty and to our

understanding of what’s acceptable, the management of our

anxieties, the way we think about ourselves and our identity

as people, as well as how we think about the economy

going forward. And that’s exactly what I’m having to deal

with as a leader within the university.”


Dawn acknowledges that the government and education

sector need to do a better job of articulating and increasing

understanding of the value that international students and staff

bring to the nation.

“It’s very easy to focus on the importance of the economy,

international students add value from a tourism point

of view and the supporting services in our economy.

What I think people forget about is how our own students

benefit enormously from having international students and

staff on campus. This group provide them with an international

experience simply through their day-to-day interactions,

helping our students to understand and learn different ways of

thinking, how to approach problem solving and how different

cultures work. This international mix creates an important

opportunity for discussion and innovation.”

Rather than the perception of international students taking

jobs away from people within New Zealand, it’s often the

direct opposite as they generate jobs.

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