Wycombe-Abbey-School-British-International-School in-Hong-Kong

Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong is a private primary school, known in the UK as a preparatory school, which offers a private UK curriculum to primary school aged children in Hong Kong. At our beautiful, co-educational preparatory school on Hong Kong Island we provide an English holistic educational model, using the National Curriculum for England and Wales as a foundation, which is complemented by an exciting extracurricular activity programme as part of our normal school day We also offer an exceptional Chinese language and culture curriculum. We emphasize our commitment to a broad and international school education including fourteen Primary subjects, complemented by learning outside of the conventional classroom setting. Our teaching methods, experience and heritage enables us to offer a primary school education for each individual pupil that balances academic rigour with an integrated focus on mental and physical well-being. Drawing on our expert knowledge of dynamic UK and international school educational practice, our vibrant preparatory school lays a solid foundation for our pupils as they prepare to enter and excel at the top schools in Hong Kong, England or at other international schools and boarding schools around the world.

Wycombe Abbey School Hong Kong is a private primary school, known in the UK as a preparatory school, which offers a private UK curriculum to primary school aged children in Hong Kong. At our beautiful, co-educational preparatory school on Hong Kong Island we provide an English holistic educational model, using the National Curriculum for England and Wales as a foundation, which is complemented by an exciting extracurricular activity programme as part of our normal school day We also offer an exceptional Chinese language and culture curriculum.

We emphasize our commitment to a broad and international school education including fourteen Primary subjects, complemented by learning outside of the conventional classroom setting. Our teaching methods, experience and heritage enables us to offer a primary school education for each individual pupil that balances academic rigour with an integrated focus on mental and physical well-being.

Drawing on our expert knowledge of dynamic UK and international school educational practice, our vibrant preparatory school lays a solid foundation for our pupils as they prepare to enter and excel at the top schools in Hong Kong, England or at other international schools and boarding schools around the world.


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The Importance of Becoming Bilingual


English is part of our core curriculum.

We are an English medium school with

many of our teaching staff originating from

Britain. Therefore, correct English is

modelled consistently throughout the

school, every day. The English curriculum

starts with a phonetic approach to reading

and an early introduction to writing, using

a cursive script. As children progress,

mechanical reading quickly develops into

exploring and empathising with a text,

leading to advanced comprehension skills.

Creative writing is

the second major

strand of our English

work. Oral skills are

practised and

supported by an

active Speech and

Drama curriculum.

英 文

7 Lessons of English and 7 Lessons of Chinese per week

英 語 是 我 們 的 主 科 之 一 。 本 校 以 英 文 為 教 學 語 言 , 大 部 分 教 職 員 均 來 自 英 國 。 因 此 , 學 生

每 天 都 能 沉 浸 在 英 語 環 境 中 , 鍛 鍊 語 言 技 巧 。 英 語 課 程 會 先 從 拼 讀 法 入 手 , 並 開 始 學 習 草 寫

書 法 。 隨 著 孩 子 的 成 長 , 基 礎 的 閱 讀 逐 步 發 展 成 對 於 文 本 的 深 入 探 索 與 感 知 , 最 終 提 升 至

全 面 的 理 解 能 力 。 創 意 寫 作 是 我 們 英 語 學 習 的 另 一 重 點 , 同 時 教 授 口 語 技 巧 , 並 以 演 講 及

戲 劇 課 程 進 一 步 鞏 固 學 生 的 英 語 能 力 。

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