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Government effect on the spread of Covid 19

2020 has been a difficult year for students

across the world. For the entirety

of students’ school careers,

they have been going to school every day

of the week for several weeks on end, patiently

waiting for the summer to finally roll

around so they could catch a break. However,

summer came early this year and posed

a lot more challenges than usual with the

arrival of covid 19. Virtually no one has experienced

a pandemic of this magnitude in

their lifetime which led to an increasingly

large panic throughout the world. Covid-19

brought several new challenges, such as

closed borders, small businesses shutting

down, and a large portion of the population

left with no way to continue their studies.

In this time of crisis, many countries looked

towards their leaders for information and

how to handle the situation, however,

America’s current federal staff left many

fearful for the months to come.

When considering government effectiveness

relating to the pandemic, separation of

powers must be considered. Although the

federal government has authority over the

states, the state governments rule their

states directly and should be given more

credit for the effectiveness or ineffectiveness

of the states’ containment of the virus.

“Many states have done well - with limited

resources and unclear guidance from the

better-funded federal government - with

Governors having regular, informative,

fact-based briefings,” Explains Mr. Clark,

an AP U.S. History teacher at Oakton. “The

states have been limited in their effectiveness

by the near abandonment of the federal

government, which normally coordinates

national emergencies. They were left in a

sort of “Hunger Games” to fight for PPE

(personal protective equipment) for their

states’ citizens on the open market, which

led to inefficiencies and price-gouging.”

On a state level, many governments did as

much as they could to keep their case numbers

from rising and have provided effective

mandates of their own, such as the face

mask mandate in Virginia. For most of July

through September, the effectiveness of the

states began to prove themselves with lower

cases nationwide.

However, with events like the election, the

cases began to rise again and eventually

surpass the original spike over the summer

- this can be attributed to the example set

by the federal government and the political

and social division of America created

by the president. “The President seems to

have pressured many of the heretofore science-based

agencies (Centers for Disease

Control) to promote policies that downplayed

the virus, in an attempt to ‘open up

the economy’” states Mr. Clark. Trump’s

main focus during his presidency has been

on bettering and maintaining the economy,

so it came as no surprise when his attitudes

towards handling the pandemic were heavily

influenced by his economic motives.

During his presidential campaign the president

set many examples that promoted

the spread of the virus. The president held

many rallies and at most of these rallies,

proper covid 19 protocols were blatantly

ignored such as the wearing of masks.

Many thought that the president would start

taking the virus more seriously after he contracted

it in early October, but unfortunately,

the president brushed it off and continued

his campaigning, tweeting out, “Totally


Negative China Virus Reports. Hit it early

and hard. Fake News is devastated. They

are very bad (and sick!) people!” Not only

does this demonstrate to his followers that

the virus is no big deal, but it also promotes

a sense of racism towards those of Chinese

backgrounds, indirectly blaming them for

the virus. Overall, Trump’s attitudes and set

examples towards the virus have influenced

a portion of the population to believe that

the virus isn’t as serious as the health officials

are making it out to be, causing neglect

of covid 19 protocols and furthering

the spread of the disease.

With a vaccine on the way, many Americans

are hopeful that this pandemic will

finally come to an end. However, although

the case numbers may begin to finally go

down, the pandemic will surely influence

everyday interactions. “The effects, outside

of any poor federal response, will lead to at

least a year of reduced economic activity

(i.e. flying less, dining out less, attending

fewer mass events) and ongoing psychological

trauma for many people,” resolves

Mr. Clark. Additionally, people may continue

to wear masks in public long after the

pandemic is over and forms of greeting,

such as handshakes, and in other countries

kisses on the cheek, may start to become

less popular. “Sadly though, the politicization

of the virus by President Trump has led

to people not voting via mail ballots; not

wearing masks (which led to further cases/deaths);

doubting the legitimacy of the

news coming from our scientific community,

which will lead to less vaccine usage

and more damage,” all of which have the

potential to divide our country even more.

But political views aside, it is in the best interest

of everyone to follow these protocols

put in place by the state and local governments

to bring an end to the rising cases of

this virus, regardless of whether or not the

virus will have a personal effect.

claudia messina | staff writer

photo courtesy of the FDA

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