Winter 2020 4

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Vol. 29, No. 2 St. Louis, Missouri - Fall 2020-2021 sjathevoice.org

2 The Voice: Fall 2020

Table of Contents:

Switching to

Level 2


With Liberty and

Justice (For Whites)



Coronavirus: the

Good News You’ve

Been Waiting For


Let’s Stay Socially

Aware about Social




The Voice is published quarterly during the school year. All articles and photographs can only be reprinted

with the permission of The Voice. The Voice welcomes letters to the editor, but will not print letters submited

anonymously. We are also online at sjathevoice.org.

Mission Statement

The duty and mission of The Voice is to share news with the St. Joseph’s Academy community through honest,

unbiased and entertaining reporting. The Voice strives to give St. Joe students a voice through the publication

of student-produced articles and seeks to serve as a forum for free discussion among students. The Voice fosters

the development of students into values-driven women leaders by providing them with opportunities to discern

their own views on issues facing both the school and the larger community.


Mrs. Amy Summers


Megan Wilcutt

Print Editor

Sophie Gloriod

Digital Editor

Anna Carollo

Print Layout Editor

Lauren Bowers

Digital Layout Editor

Mary Dill

Sports Editor

Grace Becker

Public Relations

Maggie Mays

Social Media Editor

Rosie Johnson

Art Editors

Haley Pruett, Megan Tung, and

Hanna Dressing

Photo Editor

Claire Price

The Voice: Fall 2020 3

Alumna Making

a Profound Impact

on the World


From Freshman

to Seniors: Evolving

Through the Years



Youth Voters


Instigating Change



Moments in

High Schol


Taking the

Next Step

A Letter from the Editor

Dear Readers,

As I’m sure we all can agree, our world is changing right before our eyes. From the presidential

election to coronavirus to social justice movements, everyday it seems something new is popping up in

“Breaking News” as we watch our world being turned upside down. Our world is nothing like it was a

year ago, and will probably never be the same again. So as a whole, we’ve begun to take life day by day,

embracing the change but bracing ourselves for the journey.

With all these changes, it’s important to reflect on what they mean to you and your personal

growth. As teenagers, we typically outcast ourselves away from real change, constantly being told we’re

too young and too dumb to be part of it. However, we hold the future in our hands, and with it the power

to mold it however we wish. This print issue is inspired by these changes in the world, both small and

large. As you read these articles, we invite you to recognize your position in the future and begin to make

your profound impact on the world.

Nevertheless, while we hope this catalyzes conversations amongst you, please remember to keep

an open mind and lead with compassion. Our opinions and endeavors in this world may differ, but, in the

end, we all deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, dignity, and kindness. With that in mind, it’s

time to be the change you wish to see in the world.

Megan Wilcutt

Editor-in-Chief ‘21

4 The Voice: Fall 2020

The Coronavirus: The

Good News You’ve

Been Waiting For

By Maggie Mays

It is hard to believe that we

will soon surpass the marking of one

year since the first reported case of

COVID-19 in Wuhan City, China.

Although the newly formed virus has

had a multitude of devastating effects

in our communities, our country, and

in the world as a whole, there are new

studies and research being surfaced

each day; while it is easy to become

bogged down on everything we have

lost or missed out on due to the fastspreading,

highly contagious disease,

there are more and more updates of

good news and progress made by our

incredible medical field each and every


First of all, there is a reported

number of a total of 28.4 million people

around the world who have recovered

from the disease. Although health

experts do not know for sure how long

immunity lasts or if catching the illness

once offers full immunity protection,

there are very few documented cases

of anyone catching the virus twice.

This offers hope to medical researches

and to all of us that herd immunity

can be deemed possible, and with so

many already through the disease,

an attainable goal. Not only can herd

immunity allow us to go back to life

as usual sooner rather than later, but it

also allows us to protect the vulnerable

members of our society from catching

this virus that could have fatal effects

on their bodies.

The good news is that even if

herd immunity does not last as long

as the medical professionals hope for

it to, tests are already up and running

for a vaccine. Although vaccines

can take years to be tested and FDA

approved, researchers around the world

are making daily advances to have a

readily available, safe vaccine for the

public hopefully by next year.

According to the New York

Times article on The Coronavirus

Vaccine Tracker, “Researchers are

testing 48 vaccines in clinical trials

on humans, and at least 89 preclinical

vaccines are under active investigation

in animals.”

According to the article, there

are three phases in which a vaccine

must undergo to be made ready for

widespread public use. Phase one

consists of human testing on a small,

limited number of people. Phase two

consists of testing on hundreds of

people, and phase three includes testing

of thousands. After phase three, some

countries may release early or limited

approval. For example, China and

Russia have given early permission

for use of the coronavirus vaccine.

However, many medical experts will

say that they are taking quite a risk

with approval this early on in the


Researchers and medical

professionals are not the only ones with

determination for the pandemic to slow.

Juniors Gretchen Helmsing and Vivian

Conran have expressed their hopes for

life to get back to a new normal.

“I hope that someday soon we

will be able to get back to our normal

lives. I miss being able to hug my

friends and I really hope it will get

better soon!” Vivian said.

Keeping up with research and

information on the pandemic daily,

Gretchen hopes to be reunited with her

fellow angels in the future.

“I’m glad that we are all able to go to

school together again, even if it’s not

the same as before. I have high hopes

that an eventual vaccine will prevent or

at least slow the spread of things,” she


Various medical institutions

are in the process of testing, and some

are already in phase 3 of the timeconsuming

process. Researchers at

the medical school at Washington

University here in St. Louis have

already begun human testing with a

newly formed vaccine. According to

an article on the university’s medical

school website, they are hoping to

conduct a phase three trial of about

three thousand people.

The article, COVID-19

Trials to be Conducted at Washington

University, St. Louis, Missouri, states,

“The COVID-19

Prevention Network will

participate in large-scale

phase 3 vaccine trials that

will enroll thousands of

participants from across

the U.S. or in some cases

around the world to

determine whether the

vaccines can prevent

COVID-19 disease.”

Although it will have to go

through an additional process in order

to become government and healthdepartment

approved, our country is on

the right track to herd immunity thanks

to our prestigious medical professionals

all over. Even though many grievances

have come along with the coronavirus,

the research and medical progress

in the making reassures the fact that

an end will come eventually, and

hopefully sooner than we imagine.

The Voice: Fall 2020 5

Sahiti Mumghandi and Megan Crane studying

- socially-distanced style! in the Commons

It’s hard to think positively in the midst of a global

pandemic. Each day, new stress is added to our lives,

knowing we have to wear masks and socially distance

ourselves from every person we encounter. However,

Coronavirus has taught us one very important lesson: we

took many things for granted pre-pandemic. Reflecting

back on simpler times before the virus, we think about

the daily hugs and interactions, the absence of masks and

hand-sanitizer, and sitting next to a friend catching up

over lunch or an iced coffee. Our school environment has

changed dramatically as well to provide for the safety

and well-being of the SJA community. There were many

changes implemented when the school transitioned from

allowing half of the alphabet to be in school half the week,

to allowing everyone back at the same time. The faculty

and staff meticulously planned each step of the plan for

this school year. Not only is there additional cleaning, but

there was also careful planning to ensure less density in

classrooms, traffic flow in hallways and brainstorming the

“what-if’s” and worst-case scenarios that became the basis

for setting rules and guidelines to keep everyone healthy

and safe.

Ensuring that St. Joe is clean is essential to letting

people in the building, and allowing us to be back in

school. The St. Joe Maintenance Staff plays a critical role

in carrying out the new Covid requirements. Specifically,

they work to clean and disinfect surfaces, and areas we

frequently use, including the gym, classrooms, and desks.

During Spring Break, maintenance took extra efforts to

complete a thorough cleaning and disinfecting process.

Jeff, the maintenance supervisor, explained the numerous

challenges that come with cleaning the school. “Making

sure the facilities are still safe, along with cleaning, the

challenges are great because of social distancing, moving

the desks was a lot of work,” Jeff stated. “We take pride

in helping the students and teachers feel comfortable, and

making sure that everything is up to par and people feel

secure in the classrooms. ”

What many students don’t think about is the work

that goes on behind the scenes as it relates to the schedule

and planning for the school year with the challenge

of the virus. The planning was divided into different

committees, or “task forces,” to prevent it from being too


Dr. Davidson was included in one of these

committees, called the Academic Task Force, along with

other faculty members. The Academic Task force sought to

decide the way the schedule should be organized.

“We needed a schedule that could be adjusted from

the chance of us being 100% at home to hybrid, to level

2, to normal. It had to be a schedule that could shift, and a

schedule that could reduce stress,” said Dr. Davidsom

To prevent stress, block days were scheduled, and

M.O.R.E days gave everyone a chance to get a break in the

middle of the week to catch up on work. Other task forces

included the Activity Task Force, which worked on keeping

the community connected, and the Connectivity Task

Force, which ensured communication between members of

the school, and worked to keep the school connected.

For the most part, students are glad to be back

in person, and in a normal routine such as junior Sahiti


“I think moving from level 3 to level 2 was

a bigger impact on me because I was able to see my

classmates and teachers more regularly and in person,

said Sahiti. “The hardest thing for students is managing

schoolwork, keeping up with zoom, and finishing


It’s safe to say, we are all glad to be back and

recognize and appreciate all of the work that goes into

making SJA a safe and productive environment for

learning. Who would have thought that we would be doing

school via zoom calls at home without being able to have

face-to-face contact with friends and teachers. Thank you

to everyone in the SJA community who worked so hard to

bring the SJA Angels back to campus!

6 The Voice: Fall 2020

Let’s Stay Socially Aware about Social Justice

By Rosie Johnson

Art by Lauren Bowers

and Haley Pruett

The year 2020 was a year that most people would

never have expected, especially with all of the events that

unfolded. Yes, not all things that have transpired this year have

gone to plan for the social agenda, but sometimes plans must

be revised in order to adapt to a new message being spread

throughout the world. What if we decided to put aside the

dampered lens of 2020 and look at the world in a brighter light

to not only become more socially aware but also create a goal

for social change?

First of all what is social justice? Social Justice is:

“fair treatment of all people in a society, including respect for

the rights of minorities and equitable distribution of resources

among members of a community.” According to dictionary.


Social Justice is a topic that is not taken lightly at St.

Joseph’s Academy. The school offers the classes: Social Justice

(Junior year), Women and Gender’s Studies (Senior year), and

Voices of Human Rights (Senior year).

Senior Olivia Seidner is a student in Women and Gender’s

Studies, commonly known as “WAGS.”

“In class we talk about a countless number of

social justice issues regarding government involvement,

discrimation, and ongoing social issues that are constantly

resurfacing in daily life and the media.” she said.

Senior Olivia Hampton also finds the class

“interesting” and recommends it to others.

“I like being able to discuss real issues with girls in

my class and have intellectual conversations with my peers

who are interested in topics that often involve race, gender,

sexuality, and social norms,” she said.

Furthermore, there are many extracurricular

activities and clubs that allow students to get involved in their

community by providing a multitude of service opportunities

and group discussions to bring awareness to social justice

movements, including Diversity Club and Angel Outreach.

But what movements can you get involved in?

As the world continues to evolve and become more global,

social justice is always going to exist; therefore, having a voice

for each concern is extremely important to have, especially in

a world where many voices are often ignored and silenced.

Below are some social justice movements and issues

to pay attention to in 2020. Even reading about an issue can

The Voice: Fall 2020 7

bring awareness to oneself. So why not learn more to educate

your mind and find your stance in a world so that you can

bring your voice to whatever cause resonates with you?

Racial Justice

Racial Justice

Racial justice, which has been an ongoing movement

especially recently with broadcasting in the media, fights

against racial discrimination to bring equality to black

Americans as well as other races. For decades, fighting for

equal rights for black Americans has been an ongoing battle.

But due to recent police violence, many have seen this recent

discrimination as a sign for change.. There have been marches,

peaceful protests, fundraisers, educational programs, and

social media recognition that occurred throughout this past

summer. But there is so much more to be done to bring equal

opportunities to marginalized communities. Further reading

please read links below.



Border Wall/immigration

Immigration is still an issue even though it may not

be the main headline in the news these days. Zoom back

through the past year, President Trump made an executive

order regarding “The Wall.” Constructing the wall was

part of his election plan when running for president back

in 2016, but there was a hard time passing the bill through

Congress. Eventually an Executive Order was declared which

allowed for the planning and construction of the wall. Also

the construction of creating border asylums which has been

a controversial topic due to the past allegations of violating

human rights and separating families miles apart. Lately, the

news has not been reporting as much on border immigration,

but it is still an issue that is highly present, especially in the

southern states of the US.

During late October last year, a few members of the

8 The Voice: Fall 2020

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: Abortion

The debate about abortion has been a controversy

since the 1970s in the United States Supreme Court especially

since the court case, Roe v. Wade. The Pro-Life movement

devotes itself to bringing a voice to the unborn babies, often

siding with individual states on whether abortions are legal.

The Pro-Choice movement promotes women having a say

in their decision to exercise their rights based on feminine

health care. Each year both movements host events such as

marches and rallies to promote their cause; these protests are

usually peaceful. After the death of Justice Ruth Ginsburg, the

question is how will new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney

Barret affect the future of abortion in our country? Coney

Barret strongly opposes abortions and future rulings could

alter the legality of having abortions. For more information

about these links may help to learn more.





LGBTQ & Sexual Orientation

Every June is Pride Month which remembers the

impact of the uprising: Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan New

York that took place in 1969. Since then, the government has

become more progressive by allowing same sex marriages to

be legal in all states starting in 2015. But there is still much

more that can be done. Discrimination against the LGTBQ

community still continues as well as discrimation against

certain sexual relationships. Many religions do not believe in

same sex marriage; therefore, conflict arises from their view

that these marriages are not morally correct. Read more learn

about the advancements in the movement and read more on the

history below:

St. Joe community traveled to the U.S. and Mexico border for

a special mass recognizing the injustice at the border. One of

those students was senior Corinna Gardner.

“Just being at the border and actually seeing the wall was

crazy,” Corinna said. “Even more stunning was just imagining

what families and individuals go through just to get north.

It was hard thinking about all of the families being broken

up and people being mistreated at the border for no good


For more updates continue with the links below:







Climate Justice

From the forest fires in Australia to the blazes in

California, the environment has definitely been an issue in

recent climate change discussions. Climate change is evident,

as seen through global warming. Our environment is also

showing need for help as beaches and oceans are full of plastic

from far away places, which disturbs and threatens the lives

of many animals. The earth has no physical voice, but it does

communicate through thunder claps and disasters to show

that it deserves respect. We must treat Earth kindly because

we only have one; therefore, we must do our best to keep it




Gun Control

The debate about gun control has been controversial

lately. Shootings involving citizens and police officers have

made this a hot button topic. According to the United States’

Second Amendment, citizens have the right to bear arms and

that shall not be infringed upon. This second phrase to the

amendment is where the debate lies. Our constitution allows

citizens to own and operate guns though there are many

regulations that must be followed. There have been ordinances

that banned guns throughout certain locations, but many have

been overturned under court order. As the debate continues,

the National Rifle Association (NRA) continues to emphasize

the right to own and use guns. On the other hand there are

many movements and groups that want to end gun violence

by adding restrictions regarding the ownership, operation,

and police involvement with guns. Research more about these

organizations below:



As you see, there are countless social justice issues

and concerns to become involved.. Find whatever interest

speaks close to heart and use your mind and voice to provide

information to those that may not know. Always remember

that knowledge is power and your voice is the megaphone to

the world. And finally, educate yourself on these topics before

having conversations on them. Being a student at St. Joe your

access to education is the most important tool you can use

and carry with you for the rest of your life. So be confident

and concrete on what you say and always allow for new


The Voice: Fall 2020 9

With Liberty

and Justice



By Lucy Butsch

Art by Lauren bowers

The following is an editorial by a student. She is expressing her opinion, and not necessarily that of The Voice

nor St. Joseph’s Academy.

There is something everyone should know. We tend to believe that we live in the greatest country in the world,

with liberty and justice for all. That is simply not true. I could remind you that our nation ranks first in incarceration rates,

27th in healthcare and education, and 15th in freedom. We take pride in knowing that we are the world’s superpower, an

affluent, equitable nation. Then, why are people of color in prison for a dime bag of weed, while white women are featured

in People Magazine for opening up their own artisanal edible marajuana shops? It’s time we unpack this label. Let’s dive

into one of the most corrupt social institutions: the criminal “justice” system.

America has the largest number of prisoners, higher than any nation in the world. One out of every 37 American

adults are incarcerated. According to the Sentencing Project, Black males are 2.5 times more likely to be incarcerated

than Hispanic males and six times more likely to be incarcerated than white males. It is appalling that we boast about

how we live in the land of the free, while Nazis can wield torches in the sake of “tradition.” Upon doing some research, I

discovered that the Drug Policy Alliance asserts one in nine Black children has an incarcerated parent. To compare, only

one out of 57 white children has an imprisoned parent. Yes, you should be infuriated.

In 2019, people of color made up only 37% of the population and almost 70% of the prison population. Again,

that is 70% of the prison population. Despite only representing less than half of the nation’s population. It is simply

inhumane. One out of three Black boys born today will be in prison, while only one out of 17 white boys will be.

Why is this the case? You can thank your politicians. In 1986, the United States Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse

Act, designating more than $1 billion for the War on Drugs efforts, specifically the mandatory minimum, or the law

that requires offenders to be imprisoned for a certain time due to the certain crime they commited. According to the

University of Iowa’s Institutional Repository, any person in possession of 50 or more grams of a cocaine based substance,

indisputably received a 10- year sentence without parole. Because almost 80% of those afflicted with a crack addiction

were Black, the “crack statute” led to an unequal increase in imprisonment for nonviolent drug offenders. Even if a white

person were to have crack cocaine on them and be charged, their sentence would still be lesser for a Black person with the

same offense. Think about that. After the mandatory minimum was introduced, there has been nearly one million arrests

each year for drug possession, with the target, of course, being Black people. The number of prisoners in the United States

has increased by 700% since 1970. What is even more horrifying, is that the crime rate has barely risen.

Institutionalized racism weaved in the fabric of our society is at fault. It is disgusting that, according to the ACLU,

Black people in certain states were six times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites. Again,

that’s six times. There is no other excuse for this than the prevailing notion of white supremacy. Prejudices perpetuated

and endorsed by Americans inevitably is incorporated into schools, churches, courts, and the institution of government

itself. Once the beliefs are spread, this hate shapes public policy and in turn changes the lives of all Americans. Prisoners

are denied from democratic processes and endure punishment rather than rehabilitation. Ex-convicts are challenged with

47,000 federal barriers when seeking employment, as many companies refuse to hire them even after their sentence.

Therefore, due to antiquated legislation, and racism instilled in some Americans, mass incarceration remains an

unfortunate reality. Facing our racial reality is elemental in the pursuit of progression and change. We must ask ourselves:

how did we let this happen and why do we stay silent?

10 The Voice: Fall 2020

Youth Voters Potentially

Instigating Change

By Anna Carollo

With the Black Lives Matter movement gaining followers this summer,

and the different attitudes regarding maintenance of COVID-19, the 2020

presidential election has been highly publicized regarding the possibility

of not only changing the man in office, but also shifting which party is

in control of Washington D.C. Between the Democratic and Republican

parties, constant controversy continues to stir concerning issues of racism,

abortion, climate change, and economics. This election has the possibility

of initiating dramatic alterations to the United States, especially due to the

majority of young Americans with the ability to vote.

Foremost, the obvious possible change revolves around the

President of the United States. Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, this

election will reveal whether Republican values keep control or whether

the Democratic Party will claim victory over the White House. To begin,

while both parties differ, they both share the common goal of achieving

the American dream and providing economic opportunities without

discrimination. Trump stresses reopening schools and businesses as soon

as possible regarding COVID-19, not raising taxes, and advocating more

spending to infrastructure. The Trump administration does not care much

for climate-friendly practices, which is notable. On the other hand, Biden

emphasizes taking more cautionary measures before reopening during this

pandemic, raising minimum wage (therefore, raising taxes), and enforcing

sustainability in terms of construction in the United States. These few beliefs differ

dramatically, and if Biden is elected as president, major changes will undoubtedly take


A never-seen-before possibility is also the chance of America having its first

female vice president, Kamala Harris. Harris currently is a California Senator running with

Joe Biden. Not only will Harris fill a historical role in history if elected, but also another

question arises: will a female leadership role in Washington D.C. help bring more

female opportunities to women all across the United States?

Senior Lizzie Edwards hopes so.

“Personally, I like that females are getting more recognition

regarding politics,” she said.

Biden’s decision to run with a female

undoubtedly has swayed some support to

his side in hopes of increased gender


Additionally, the

number of young

voters strongly

outnumbers the

number of

older voters.

Young voters

The Voice: Fall 2020 11

account for about half of the voting population today. Essentially, young voters have the opportunity to become

a driving force in initiating change, whether that consists of voting for the current administration in

office or for the Democratic Party. Young people’s votes will be especially vital in determining

who claims victory after the election. Plus, the majority of youth voters possess different

beliefs than their elders, which only emphasizes the necessity of youth voting even

more. Therefore, if college students and young adults simply show up to polls

and fill out their ballots, their voice- although one of many- can majorly

impact the future of the U.S. government.

This importance of young voters also stems from the great

diversity among younger Americans. By casting their votes, young

Americans represent their race, ethnicity, gender, and age for the United

States, which is a feature specific to America. The United States oftentimes

is referred to as the “melting pot,” meaning Americans stem from different

nationalities. This diversity needs to be heard, and voting is the perfect way

to voice these thoughts. Voting gives diversity a chance to change unequal

social structures that may be causing discrimination among a majority of

the American population.

Lastly, a young voter’s concern regarding American politics

will change over the course of four years. Consider all the 18-year-old

voters who still rely on their parents. By the next presidential election,

these 18-year-old men and women will be 22 years old. Senior Michele

Origliasso imagines things will change.

“I am positive that by the time I am 22 years old, I will be much

more independent, and I will begin to provide for myself through

employment and housing, which is why I care about voting now,” she said.

Over the course of four years, the way of life for young voters will

change dramatically. Even with 22-year-old Americans, they may be single

now, but they could be married in four years. Their decision to vote now

can change the policies and laws that they will be paying for and supporting

later. While it may not seem relevant now, in four years, a voter’s decision will

matter, and that decision will affect a person’s livelihood including: the price of

taxes, the quality of air, the wage gap between women and men, and diversity in the

workplace. Right now, voting is the key way to work for change in the future.

Altogether, the outcome of the 2020 presidential election has the possibility of

dramatically transforming the future of America. This necessity to vote is more important

than ever due to the rising numbers of young voters and the strong contradictions among the

Democratic and Republican Party. While Donald Trump and Joe Biden

both hope to lead America enforcing different

policies and areas of focus, both

share a common desire to better

America as a whole. The key

to determining the future

of America lies in the

capability of Americans

casting a vote.

Art by



12 The Voice: Fall 2020

Alumna Making

a Profound Impact

on the World

By Sophie Gloriod

Chrissy Dunne Epstein, during her senior year at SJA in 1981,

smiling with her friends in senior hall. Chrissy is in the center, flashing

St. Joe strives to create strong values

driven female leaders, and has been doing

so since the school was founded in 1840.

Not only are the students strong leaders

while walking the halls of SJA, but also

throughout their entire lives. Chrissy

Dunne Epstein, Class of 1981, has used the

values she learned during her time at St.

Joe throughout her entire life to change the

world for the better.

Chrissy Epstein dedicates her time

to working for a nonprofit organization

called The Board of Visitors that works

with a women’s charity to raise funds for

healthcare needs of women, children and

elderly in Phoenix, Arizona. She also

provides administrative support to a new

nonprofit that will fund construction of

the camera a peace sign.

much needed permanent affordable and supportive housing in Arizona. This helps women who cannot pay their bills,

afford housing or child support to find suitable places to live. It also allows for the construction of these houses to be done

in an eco-friendly and sustainable way- bettering the Phoenix environment.

Chrissy has held the St. Joe values in her heart since her years at SJA that have led her in her journey to change

the world.

“St. Joe enables you to think critically, make the best decisions you can, try new things, learn from any mistakes

and be confident to always give your very best,” she said. “I’ve tried to instill these values along with the importance of

volunteering in my children from a young age.”

The St. Joe motto of Not I but We has stuck with Chrissy her entire life, inspiring her to work for different

organizations that help others.

“Being surrounded by incredible women-classmates and teachers for four years who support [its students] in all

endeavors enabled me to open my mind, get to know myself-my strengths and weakness, challenge and push myself, and

to learn from mistakes but never give up. The four years at SJA gave me the confidence and tenacity to embark on my

future,” Chrissy says.

Chrissy reflects on many of her favorite courses from her time at St. Joe. She particularly remembers Anatomy

and Biology with Sr. Pat -- “where we did dissections”--, math class with Sr. Ann Agnes and reading On Death & Dying

by Elisabeth Kubler Ross in Theology class.

“That was such enlightening material at the time and continues to be,” she said.

She also loved Mission Week and the friendly competition between classes. The extreme school spirit and being

able to raise funds for the Missions was, and still is, the best part.

St. Joe fostered Chrissy’s love for service and making change in the world. Chrissy loved her senior service

project, which she claimed was “eye-opening and empowering.”

St. Joe gave Chrissy the ability to meet new people and create strong bonds with her fellow Angels. St. Joe also

helped Chrissy find her voice and become the strong leader that she is today.

Chrissy has taken the values she learned at St. Joe and uses them in her daily life. St. Joe planted the seed of love

for service in Chrissy’s heart, inspiring her to dedicate her time to helping women who don’t have a place to live, don’t

have enough money to pay their bills, or don’t have child support. Chrissy is making a difference and an impact on the

world by using her time to help those around her and create a better life for the less fortunate in Phoenix.

The Voice: Fall 2020 13

Monumental points in high school act as a roadmap from whom you once were to whom you are going to be.

Some of these moments include one’s first day as a freshman, finally getting that driver’s license, the either much dreaded

-- or much needed -- sophomore switch, to the receiving of the coveted junior ring, the last day as a senior, and, of course,

graduation. These are only a few of the many monumental points in high school.

Being a freshman can seem intimidating at first. But to get through it, you just have to keep a positive attitude and

try to make as many friends as possible along the way. And almost every girl has dreamed about getting her learner’s or

driver’s license. It means you finally have freedom… kind of. It is a milestone that many girls are excited to reach.

Nina Kreikemeier agrees that freshman year can be “crazy,” but that she doesn’t know high school any other way!

“I am really just embracing it and trying to make the most of it,” Nina said.

Bailey Brian said that this year as a freshman is “definitely not how she pictured” high school.

“There is absolutely no way that I even thought I would have to recognize people by the top half of their face,

or that it would feel super awkward every time I took a drink of water,” Bailey laughed. “But even though this is all not

ideal, I think that the Class of 2024 has been given a year like no other as our first year of high school, and that we’ll

definitely have an interesting story to tell to future generations!”

As for sophomores, many face the commonly-known sophomore switch,where friend groups change. You just

need to keep a positive attitude and outlook upon life. And just because you are not in a “friend group” with someone,

does not mean you cannot stay friendly with them. The sophomore switch is not a moment of losing friends, but rather

finding yourself and true friends.

As high school progresses, you grow closer to the day all St. Joe girls covet: junior ring. Junior ring is an event

that most Catholic high schools take part in, but is especially monumental at St. Joe. After graduation, and maybe

even after college, in St. Louis at least, you will always get asked this question: “Where did you go to high school?”

Throughout life, you will be able to instantly make a new friend when you see another woman sporting the gorgeous green

and gold St. Joe ring. Wearing the junior ring allows you to carry all of your high school memories with you throughout

your lifetime.

The last days of one’s senior year will definitely bring on the senioritis. Sitting in your classes and seeing your

teachers and friends for the last time can definitely bring some tears, but this just means that you made it through high

school. Which brings you to graduation, a chance to finally say a goodbye and embark on future plans. It is a chance to

feel good about the fact that you made it through high school, and have such an eventful life ahead of you.

Senior Sophie Gloriod finds approaching graduation to be bittersweet. As a freshman, she was “so scared to try new


“I didn’t want to make any mistakes or be seen as weird, so I didn’t do a lot of clubs that I wanted to,” she said.

“However as I met new people and slowly but surely tried new things, I realized that SJA is filled with amazing people

and opportunities and I shouldn’t be afraid to step out of my comfort zone. St. Joe has really taught me that the best person

I can be is myself.”

Now, as you finish off your high school career, embrace these monumental moments. They only happen once, so

enjoy them to the fullest. Each of these moments will change you as a person up until the very last one. When it is finally

your turn to graduate, you’ll be able to look back on these occasions and marvel at your personal growth.

The Class of 2022,

current juniors, with

Mrs. Worrall

freshmen year.

14 The Voice: Fall 2020

From Freshman to Seniors: Evolving Through the Years

By Lauren Stadnyk

The Class of 2021 has been shrugging off

the phrase, “Take advantage of your high school

years, they go by so fast,” until recently. The seniors,

being newly inducted as the leaders of St. Joe, are

discovering their responsibilities as role models for the

underclassmen. Since they are aware of what can be

expected over the four years at the academy, they are

always open to give meaningful advice.

The seniors’ intention is to foster strong and

prepared women who can successfully take their place

in the future. High school is full of ups and downs, and

the seniors know this better than everyone. Students

can find themselves in sticky situations, which is why

it’s always necessary to ask for help from someone

that knows the ropes.

1. Get to know the basics of St. Joe before anything

else. Let’s get the simple stuff out of the way first. The

first number of each classroom is the floor it’s located

on. Make your way up to college advising for kitchen

amenities or advice. Remember to tuck your shirt

in. Drink Cup of Joe! Dip-n-dots are located in the

cafeteria coolers. Save up for Mission Week apparel.

Sports are known to be remarkable in the St. Louis

area. Make sure to attend dance parties outside during

lunch. Read the school newspaper and get involved in

the community!

2. Don’t take the four years for granted. While it

may be a cliche phrase, high school does go by in

the blink of an eye. One moment you’re a scared

freshman searching aimlessly for your classes, and

the next minute, you’re a senior wearing yellow

shirts and enjoying special privileges. This being said,

each student should spend every moment to the

fullest. Attend every pep rally, sing every cheer, don’t

complain about a boring class, and work hard during

every sports season, because it all comes to an end.

When the seniors are gone, they will have to rely on

the younger students to keep up the SJA spirit. So,

make sure to dress up on spirit days and go all out. It’s

more fun when everyone participates (Cheering can

be awkward but it’s always a good icebreaker). School

is often stressful, but focusing on the good aspects of

community and celebrations brings an immeasurable

amount of pride toward an individual’s school.

Senior Grace Becker, a Spirit Club Officer, can

often be found rallying spirit at St. Joe, making every

moment count.

“Pep rallies are such an amazing way to

get involved,” Grace said. “It makes school more

enjoyable and creates a closer bond between our SJA

community. It always puts a smile on my face to see

the girls cheering together in the stands.”

Grace Becker

greeting students

as they make

their way into


Photo from St.

Joe Instagram

3. Express gratitude towards friends and family. Most

high school students are consumed with growing up.

We all just want to be older. However, college is a

whole new wave of responsibility, and you’re going

to wish you spent more time focusing on the good

days. You might find that you actually miss your dog,

your parents, and maybe even a sibling. You will miss

your own bathroom, your mom’s famous cooking, and

even little things like having your laundry done for

you. Parents can pretty much be miracle workers when

it comes to these important tasks, and it’s important

to thank them for it. As you get older, the sacrifices

they made for their children become more evident. In

addition, friends are what really make our high school

years fun. They keep us motivated, and it’s hard for

seniors to part with these people who have been such

a vital part of their lives. St. Joe Angels are connected

forever, not only by their emerald green rings, but also

the unifying memories they share.

Senior Riley Morris explains the positive impact

her friends and family have had on her over the past


“My friends have really helped me be able to

grow as a person and make incredible memories,”

Riley said. “My family always pushes me to stay

involved and work my hardest. Both have made St. Joe

an incredible experience and have shaped me into the

person I am today.”

4. Focus on yourself, not your image.

Don’t try to follow in someone else’s

footsteps because, ultimately,

it’s not possible. Every student

has their own unique talents

and perspectives to offer in

the community. If you’re a

natural at acting, try out for the

play. If you have a tremendous

academic ability or like Jeopardy!,

join Scholar Bowl (P.S. these

activities also look good on college

applications). You don’t need a spray

tan or dyed hair to be beautiful. Take

classes you are interested in, not classes

your friends sign up for. In all, stay true to

your own self and don’t let other people’s

opinions sway your thinking. In addition, don’t forget

about your grades in this social environment. It’s vital

to understand time management and the effects of

procrastination if you don’t want to end up knees

deep in assignments.

Olivia Murphy is actively involved in the

theatre program at SJA currently and played a role

as a cell block tango dancer in the performance of

Chicago last year, but that wasn’t always the case.

The Voice: Fall 2020 15

“Getting involved in theatre has allowed me

to grow in confidence and learn to embrace my

talent,” Olivia said. “Going into St. Joe as a freshman,

I pursued sports, but I’m glad that I branched out to

participate in such an amazing experience. I wouldn’t

change my decision for the world.”

5. Get involved. Not only is getting

involved in St. Joe’s community

an easy way to meet people, but

it’s important for your college

applications. Everyone is good

at something. Find an activity or

club you are passionate about

and make it your own. There are

no excuses, since there’s a club for

almost everything here. Let’s name a

few: Cup of Joe, Scholar Bowl, Future

Business Leaders of America, Joebotics,

St. Joe T.V., The Voice, Harry Potter and

British Humor Club, Frontenac Voices,

athletic teams, Diversity Club, Beta Chi Pi

Honor Society, Campus Ministry, and Student

Council (That was a mouthful). Help out with the

auction or open house. They always need help and it’s

a good way to get service hours. Seniors often express

they wished someone told them to get involved

earlier when it comes time to apply to college

and create resumes. Build it up early to get that

acceptance letter or notable scholarship. Focus on

your grades as well by communicating with teachers.

St. Joe has many extraordinary teachers who will drop

anything to help a student. Forming relationships with

them makes school a lot more enjoyable. It’s a plus to

have faculty to talk to and receive wisdom from.

Bella Buebendorf recognizes the importance of

building community at St. Joe to her by participating

in clubs like Diversity Club, St. Joe T.V., Beta Chi Pi,

Rho Kappa, and Spanish Honors Society.

“Joining clubs allowed me to discover my

hidden interests and build community,” Bella said.

“They encourage students to open up their social

circles and meet new friends with similar interests.”

Olivia Murphy performing her monologue in St.

Joe’s adaptation of “Chicago”

Photo provided by Olivia Murphy

With all these tips in mind, spend the rest of

your time at St. Joe embracing your personal growth.

Change is inevitable, so lean into it and make it for

the better. Make new friends, try the new club, and

never forget to look back at who you once were

compared to where you are now. Before you leave

these hallowed halls, prepare yourself to make your

own profound impact on the world.

16 The Voice: Fall 2020

As seniors close one chapter of their life, they begin a new chapter with even more opportunity than the

last. It seems as if just yesterday we were tiny freshmen, worrying about minute things such as if we were going

to make it to class on time or who we would sit with at lunch. However, high school ends, and it’s time to move

on to bigger and better things, as cliché as it may sound. It is time for us to

be the tiny, worried freshmen again. However, we don’t have to be worried

about college! It’s an amazing opportunity to branch out and become who

we’re meant to be.

Although it may bring stress, college is also a chance for students

to practice their independence, try something new, and experience real life.

It is a chance for new opportunities and meeting new people. College has

so much to offer us. From sororities to studying abroad, everyone has a

place at college, and you will find it.

When asked about how she is feeling about making the switch to college,

senior Lauren Bowers said it has been “an emotional rollercoaster.”

“I think the most daunting part for me is knowing that I’ll be physically

separated from my family, friends, and St. Joe community that all

became my ‘home’ for me over the past four years,” Lauren said. “Still, I

have a lot of faith that I am well prepared for this new chapter of my life,

and I’m excited for this new experience!”

It is true that the college process can be very daunting, but the

rewards that come with it are worth the long hours spent writing essays,

filling out the common app, and applying.

Senior Sarah Hughes is looking forward to the new adventures college


“I’m excited for college because I can’t wait to make new friends

and introduce them to my Angel sisters. I’m so excited to grow with them.

It’ll be so fun!” she said.

College can seem daunting to someone who has never experienced it. Getting

insights as to what college is really like can be helpful in easing any

nerves one may have about the experience.

When asked how her college, Missouri State, has offered opportunities

to grow and change SJA alumna, Cathy DePenaloza had lots of

advice for younger students.

“There are so many organizations that you can get involved with

where you can explore interests you have and interests you didn’t know

you had. Also, you get to meet and interact with people from so many different backgrounds and experiences

that change the way you look at the world,” Cathy said.

College may be a big step in life, but it is a step worth taking. It’s important to trust and have faith in

both the process and yourself. Through this time of great change, you will find your place, and the window of

opportunity will open for you.

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