School Souviner 1-100

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1978-1993 Batches


Debt of gratitude

y journey began in 1983 at the

Mfootsteps of BHPV Primary School

where I had my first lessons.

Everything that I am today, I owe it to the

teachers and teachings at BHPV School. Even

after 37 years I can still remember the first day I

sat in Mrs Praphulla Kumari teacher's class,

friends I made that day onwards are my best

friends to this day. What I have learnt through

high school, is what shaped me and led me

through to this day. I am not an exceptional nor

a talented student by any means, it's just that life

offered me different opportunities and I have

applied the same lessons we learnt, to reach a

different destination. Without the experiences

offered at the school, I would have remained at

the same country side where I was born. Instead,

I carved a path for myself far away from home

and along the way doing the something good

for the society in general.

Lessons such as "In celebration of being alive" by

Dr Christian Bernard helped me immensely, to

appreciate life's every moment and encouraged

to recant my blessings more often. I may not

remember the title of every lesson that was

taught but most definitely do remember the

morals they conveyed. School life was not

always about the text books and teachings but

the examples our teachers have set for us

through their actions. Through extracurricular

activities and sports, they helped us develop

1993 Batch

R. Ravi Kumar

into complete individuals. This list could go on,

putting together ten years of lessons learned

and followed by all the experiences in applying

those lessons, could very well turn this into a

book by itself. Intent here is to convey my

gratitude to all my teachers and friends who

helped me become what I am today.

Better late than never, most of us came together

to support one another in need and to support

the under privileged and unprivileged along the

way. Hope our collective will , will lead us

through times under our school banner, doing

the most good.

December 2019

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