mynt Indian Lamb Dishes to Try in Orlando

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Indian Lamb Dishes to Try in Orlando

Craving some good Indian lamb dishes in Orlando? Well, you must try Mynt. Mynt as one of the best Indian

restaurants in Florida offers different kinds of Indian lamb dishes. Their Indian lamb dishes are appreciated by

connoisseurs and foodies. Thus, trying Indian lamb preparation at Mynt, Orlando known to offer best Indian food in

Orlando is worth an experience.

Without further delay, lets quickly take you through the top 5 Indian lamb dishes that you must try at Orlando:

Lamb Xacutti

Lamb Xacutti originating from South Indian contains dry coconut powder as the main ingredient. It also has an

amalgamation of other spices that make Lamb Xacutti exotic. This one is available for lunch at Mynt, Orlando -

Indian restaurant in Orlando.

Lamb Korma

The next must try Indian lamb dish in Mynt, Orlando is Lamb Korma. This is slightly sweeter and has a thick gravy

whitish in color. Lamb Korma at Mynt, Orlando costs 12$. Mynt is a must try Indian restaurant in Orlando serving

Lamb Korma – one of the must try Indian lamb dish in Orlando.

Andra Lamb Curry

Another South Indian lamb preparation that one must try at Mynt, Orlando is Andra Lamb Curry. Andra Lamb

Curry is prepared with roasted black pepper, curry leaves, and bedki chilies. This is available for lunch only at Mynt


Mynt is one of the best Indian restaurants in Florida.

Lamb Tikka Masala

Lamb stew paste, rich tomato gravy, house special $12

Well, this is an Indian style lamb curry that is red in color. It is heavy and tastes good with both rice and bread. Lamb

Tikka Masala is served for lunch at Mynt, Orlando. Lamb Tikka Masala per plate costs 12$.

Lamb Samosa

This is an Indian lamb dish usually taken as starter that has a crunchy coating over a soft lamb filling. This one is a

fried item that is recommended to be tried as starter at Mynt. Mynt serves Lamb Samosa in dinner only.

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