Established in 2011 by a group of farmers dedicated to the cultivation of quinoa, the association began with 30 partners who were trained thanks to the internship in Puno and Bolivia where they observed the joint work of the other associations. Currently, we are made up of 200 producer partners that are located in 35 rural communities in the province of Huamanga, Vilcas Huaman y Cangallo, with an extension of approximately 1200 hectares.

Established in 2011 by a group of farmers
dedicated to the cultivation of quinoa, the
association began with 30 partners who were
trained thanks to the internship in Puno and
Bolivia where they observed the joint work of
the other associations. Currently, we are
made up of 200 producer partners that are
located in 35 rural communities in the
province of Huamanga, Vilcas Huaman y
Cangallo, with an extension of
approximately 1200 hectares.


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About us

Established in 2011 by a group of farmers

dedicated to the cultivation of quinoa, the

association began with 30 partners who were

trained thanks to the internship in Puno and

Bolivia where they observed the joint work of

the other associations. Currently, we are

made up of 200 producer partners that are

located in 35 rural communities in the

province of Huamanga, Vilcas Huaman y

Cangallo, with an extension of

approximately 1200 hectares.


Produce and market high quality quinoa

thus contributing to the welfare of families,

working with a great sense of social

responsibility, adapting to new

technologies of organic production to

meet market demands.

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To be a producing and commercializing

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Association of Quinoa for export, leader

in the national and international

market, that is characterized by the

fulfillment of quality standards,

constant innovation of our processes

and protection of the environment,

maintaining the high vocation of

service of our associates.

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