L& R December 2020

Liberty & Restraint Lifestyle Magazine 2020 December Edition

Liberty & Restraint Lifestyle Magazine 2020 December Edition


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Issue 22

December 2020








What is the difference?, is

funishment something to

be found under the

Christmas tree? Are we

really just talking about




Amazing articles

and recipes by the

wonderful Sir


Whats on in second life

Our VIP section. This section will

introduce you to some of the

wonderful places you can visit and

enjoy in second life. Also some of the

educational groups you can join for

quality lifestyle and community



Liberty & Restraint is

moving to a quarterly


Letter from the editor


Flame Jie

Associate Editor

Sir Arithon


Zack Lightman

Kitchi Crystal-


Sir Arithon

Freelance Writers


Madam Steele

Franklin Veaux

Kathy Labriola


Master P

My mind often goes to the

strangest of places and

physical punishment,

correction or Fun-ishment

however you want to term it

can slip into a loving

brutality.....Whoa i can hear

you shout, amidst the

collective intake of breath

a n d t h e m a n y

gasps.....keep reading and

see the softer side of my


Physical punishment to me

is primal, it is a primal state that allows a Dominant to physically

or mentally over power me, Submitting to loving punishment is

the ultimate power exchange especially the physical, i have

given over my freedom of movement, choice and safety.....it is a

very freeing state to be in. It also deeply seats me into

subspace, a profound physical reaction.

"we don't need to understand fully each other's needs...we just

need to fill each other's voids"

loving use of punishment closes those voids, it allows an unparalleled symbiosis with my

Master, that deep deep intimacy that you only get with absolute trust. I want to know there

are consequences to my actions, that my Master cares enough to enforce our dynamic so

i don't stray from the fundamental basis of our relationship and it's foundation.

I think it is sensual pain i often see as endurance, a positive that makes me feel like a

fulfilled woman.... to be totally dedicated to something outside myself is a prime trait of

women.... whether it be motherhood, or the extreme sympathy and care she gives or how

she endures the discomfort in service to her Master. I find an intrinsic part of my service

could be seen as pain based, but i don't identify as a masochist, what i do identify as is

Master centric and enduring... be it pain, punishment, correction, time apart .....a deadline

for a task...i see it as fulfilling and pleasure to give that...

I could not surrender to the punishment without the love. I often say to Master that each

lash of the flogger is just a different way for U/us to demonstrate that love and


Happy reading!

Flame x

In this Issue….


Whats on in second life

Our VIP section. This section will

introduce you to some of the

wonderful places you can visit and

enjoy in second life. Also some of the

educational groups you can join for

quality lifestyle and community


Kinky Kitchen

Amazing recipe’s by Kitchi



Discipline in BDSM

Written by Mistress

Natalya Dostova

The Dominants use of

discipline - Author


BDSM & Fetish Safety -

Based on materials

from POWERotics


Punishments by

Submissive Feminist

Shivers down my spine

Erotic story telling by talented


Online BDSM – D/s


In this Issue….



Information and advertisement for

venues and Shops online



Erotic art, Editor’s picks.

In the spotlight…

Showcase of the talent

that is in abundance in


Useful links

like the web? Follow these

crumbs for fun and


Simply Online

Specific content for those of the

lifestyle who only practice in Second

life or other online platforms and how

you might manage relationships in

these spaces.

Lyrical Passion

Our new music section, it can

inspire and build on those

amazing scenes, enjoy the

playlists provided by our editor

and resident DJ.

Discipline in BDSM

Discipline in BDSM - some of the tools used by a Dominant

The most commonly used implements in BDSM discipline are floggers of various

designs and made of various materials.The beginner's choice is usually the riding crop,

exactly like the ones used when riding horses. It is easily controlled but can administer

a good sting when used with gusto.

… beginner's choice is usually the riding crop …

There is also the old schoolmistress' favourite; the cane, which again can be made

from various materials, but the classic is a very flexible rattan cane which stings a lot!

Less common, but no less vicious schoolmasters' tools of punishment are the strap

and the tawse. The strap is a thick leather strap, of up to 50cm (1.5 feet) in length,

which can be used on buttocks or palms of the hands. The tawse is the same but split

halfway up the middle, making it even more painful than a strap.

There are many other instruments that can be used, and

many other ways to use them. It's only bound by the

imagination of the players involved.

Lastly, there is also the tool of self-discipline. A Dominant

needs to be disciplined within himself or herself in order to be

able to manage a submissive (or in some cases,

submissives). A submissive needs to cultivate self-discipline

in order to follow the orders of their dominant.

Discipline is not only a letter in the acronym we use

constantly, but a vital part of the BDSM lifestyles, a basic

building block which is used from casual play right through to

full power exchange relationships. I think Julie Andrews sums

it up well, albeit in another context: “Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me,

it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.”

Written by Mistress Natalya Dostova

The Dominants use of


The Dominant's use of discipline

Discipline is employed by a Dominant for a variety of reasons. Three of the most

common uses are now examined.

Purely for enjoyment

Many BDSM players are

also sadomasochists. If

you go to a club or party

and witness a Dominant

joyfully applying a good

hard spanking, flogging, or

caning to a bound

submissive, who could be

yelping or groaning or very

quiet (depending on how

they respond to play) you

know you're seeing

sadomasochists doing

what they enjoy best.

… masochist players have

confirmed that they get an

endorphin rush when they


I know from my point of

view (as a somewhat

sadistic Dominant) being

able to hurt someone,

knowing that they have

consented to receive the

pain and really enjoy it -

well quite frankly, it's a

massive turn on!

actually derive enjoyment from receiving physical pain.

I believe some people

have the need for pain so

ingrained that it has

become 'hard wired' and

they are masochists, who

Many of the masochist players have confirmed that they get an endorphin rush when

they play and it's quite addictive. Some love to have it as part of their sex lives, others

just love it for the rush!

(I'd like to qualify here that the masochists who enjoy their 'discipline' only like it

applied in certain ways. They do not 'get off' from arbitrary pain, but only from pain

given by a chosen person, in a certain setting, and in a way they like.)

Punishment for transgressions

Not all people into BDSM are sadomasochists, and so a Dominant can use discipline

as a form of punishment. This could be anything from sitting quietly in a corner and

being unable to participate in conversation right through to a vicious caning which

would cause a great deal of pain for days afterwards. The use of 'discipline' in this

context is also used as a deterrent. The Dominant can remind the submissive of past

transgressions and use the threat of discipline again to bring them back into line.

… a professional Dominatrix is taught how to make a 'slave' be in the wrong …

In the commercial arena, a professional Dominatrix is taught how to make a 'slave' be

in the wrong, no matter what they do, so they can be 'disciplined' for their

transgressions. All part of the negotiated session of course. By attempting impossible

tasks which inevitably involve 'failure, 'incompetent' slaves ensure they will receive

their punishment, along with the relished suffering.

Behavioural control

Discipline can be used as a means of behavioural

control, to assist in the attainment of certain

goals or to reinforce desirable behaviour

patterns. There is a significant aspect of the

BDSM lifestyle that centres on Domination and

submission that involves the giving and

receiving of control over aspects of lives,

commonly referred as 'power exchange'. In this

context, how does discipline work in D/s


One example might be where the Dominant

creates rules and boundaries as a structure for

their submissive to work within. This enables the

submissive to focus on their assigned tasks and

removes any distractions and the need to worry

over things which are now beyond the

submissive's control. A good example of this

would be if the submissive had to complete

assignments in order to pass a course of study.

The Dominant could issue a standing order that

the submissive work on the assignments for an

hour each night, with the work to be sent to the

Dominant to check in the morning. If the work is not done, the submissive will be

disciplined in a way that is considered punishment. This way the submissive gets their

assignments done, which hopefully enables them to achieve their goal of passing the

course of study.

A diary gives a Dominant an insight into a submissive's mind ...

A lot of Dominants require their submissives to keep a diary, where they can record

what is happening in their lives, their observations and feelings about it. A diary gives a

Dominant an insight into a submissive's mind, and gives submissives an outlet to

express themselves freely. Many submissives feel it inappropriate to ever query their

Dominants in any other forum.

Behavioural discipline can also be used with a submissive who has personality traits or

habits that are considered detrimental by the Dominant. For a submissive who is

manifesting their emotions in a way harmful to themselves (for example, 'cutting'), the

alternative outlet offered by a physical act of discipline, receiving pain in an ordered

structure of routine and behaviour, is invaluable. This provides the submissive with a

sense of belonging and security and enables them to reach the Dominant's goal of

changing their behaviour. This level of behavioural control is usually only found in a

24/7 or Master/slave relationships as it's a huge investment in time and emotion from

both sides.

Author unknown


BDSM & Fetish Safety

Things to remember about how to play safely...

Welcome to the safety section. The pages here will lead you through tips and tricks to

go about erotic power exchange in a safe and consensual way. We will cover physical,

technical and emotional safety as well as some of the basic concepts of consensual

erotic power exchange.

A lot of technical safety has to do with the quality of your toys and gear and their

maintenance. Check out the sections about buying and maintaining toys and gear, as

well as other technical information and details, especially about hooks, chains, locks

and suspension gear.


Some of the articles in this section cover medically related subjects. Please be aware

that these may not be interpreted as personal medical advice. In the event of medical

issues always consult your doctor or a health care professional. Whenever precautions

and general first aid are mentioned and described in these articles, please be aware

that every individual situation is different, that the information provided is of a general

nature and that all erotic power exchange play is always and only the responsibility of

the partners involved. Neither the author of these guides nor this website can be held

responsible or liable.

Finding safety information on the internet

There is a lot to say about safety information provided on the internet. If all this is new

to you, you should be aware of a few things:

Most of the information available refers to the specific American situation, which -

especially when it comes to health care - is totally different from, for example, Asia or


The reliability of much of the information provided is often questionable. Quality is not

always easy to determine for everybody. The source for this article is one of the very

few erotic power exchange oriented sites on the internet that has both a qualified

medical editor and a professional and licensed psychologist in its team.

Especially when it comes to health and safety related subjects, you should be extra

critical. Do not believe everything you read, especially not the advice given in

newsgroups or on discussion mailing lists, unless the advice is provided by someone

with a proven and checkable track record.

One starting point can be "The ABC of BDSM," which is a rated link library produced

by the International Maledom/femsub Guild (see "Contributors" page). Sites with

quality information are listed and can display the IMfG rating logo. This can help you

find reliable information.

Don't let any urban legends scare you away from talking to your doctor if you have

medically related questions, including prevention. There are a lot of tall stories around

on the internet and in chat boxes. The truth is that almost all doctors will have no

problem discussing it with you. It may

not be their own taste, but the vast

majority of medical practitioners will be

honest, open and non-prejudiced.

As a general rule of thumb, be critical

about what you read in internet

discussion groups, newsgroups and

such when it comes to health and

safety. There is a lot of amateur - hence

bad - advice around everywhere. To

find reliable information, best turn to

some of the standard textbooks on the

subjects. If you want to save some time

try the the erotic bookstore link on the

Contributors page to find a list of the

most well-respected books on the


Finally, always use your own common sense. If anything sounds alien or strange to

you, believe your own instincts...they are likely to be right.

Based on materials from the POWERotics Foundation


by Submissive Feminist


Posted on05/08/2017

A major part of many kinky

dynamics is a focus on

discipline. While “discipline”

can be a fun part of your

everyday activities, it can

also mean something more

specific in terms of

punishment. Punishment

always has a specific goal to

focus on that changes a

submissive’s behaviour.

Many people engage in

what can be called


activities, like regular

spankings or other forms of

play, that are not meant to

alter the behaviour of the

submissive but rather to

provide enjoyment to either/

both/all parties. However, it

is important to distinguish

the difference between

playful discipline and serious

punishments. Punishments

are consequences of

negative actions, whether

this is based on officiallywritten

regulations or

unspoken general

behaviours like brattiness,

defiance, or dangerous


The idea of punishment is

based largely on

psychological research in

the area of behaviourism. It

consists of techniques that

are supported by science to

effectively alter the

behaviour of an individual.

(If you want to learn more

about the research behind

punishments, look up B. F.

Skinner’s work in this area.)

Two types of punishments

exist: positive punishments,

which add undesired

consequences to the

behaviour, and negative

punishments, which take

away desired privileges.

Now, before I get into some

specific ideas for

punishments, there are

some important key points I’d like to make. Please be sure to read all of these before

deciding on a specific punishment.

Punishments do NOT negate the right to a safeword. Some people are mislead into

dangerous situations by being told they cannot safeword during a punishment. This is

completely untrue. All parties have a right to safeword at any time during any kind of play

or punishment. Taking away the right to safeword equates to abuse, plain and simple.

Don’t ever tell your partner they cannot safeword or ignore their safeword for the sake of

punishment. This is not effective and is extremely harmful to your partner’s mental and/or

physical well-being.

NEVER punish out of anger. Anger is never a healthy motivation for punishment.

Punishments are meant for the submissive’s benefit, at the core. If the submissive’s

behaviour has made the Dominant angry, they should have a cooling-off period where

they can calm down, think about an appropriate punishment, and resolve the matter at a

later time, after healthy discussion about what happened.

Limits are NOT to be used as punishments. Many people have activities they don’t

particularly enjoy that aren’t on their limits list. Some people have specific ideas for

punishments that suit them best. However, regardless of you or your partner’s

experience with punishments, it needs to be understood that hard limits are not

punishments. Hard limits are never to be used for punishment’s sake because “hard

limit” means “I do not want to do this under any circumstance.” Using a hard limit as a

punishment would be an abusive act, as hard limits come with an automatic safeword

attached, since they are specificly stated as things the person does not feel comfortable

with. Never, ever, threaten or use hard limits to punish a submissive.

Use healthy discretion. This one should seem obvious, but don’t follow through with

punishments if rule-breaking was out of the submissive’s control. Say the submissive has

a 11PM bedtime, but they recently suffered a trauma or loss and can’t sleep. Let them

engage in healthy coping skills instead of punishing them for something they aren’t doing

on purpose. Above all else, make safety and well-being a priority.

Make the punishment fit the crime. Punishments that are relative to the defiance are

much more effective at changing the behaviour than random punishments. For example,

if the submissive cums without permission, try a punishment from the “orgasm control”

section. This will better reinforce the reasoning in the submissive and more effectively

guide them to make better choices in the future. There are also punishments that work

best for specific dynamics like for littles or pets, so be sure to read into those, below.

Aftercare is absolutely required. Like any kind of play, aftercare is required at the end of

the scene. This is especially important during punishments because often times, the

submissive is consumed with feelings of guilt and disappointment. After a punishment,

Dominants need to give their submissives aftercare that includes a conversation about

why they were punished, how proud the Dominant is for them taking the punishment so

well, and that there are no negative feelings between them. The submissive should leave

the punishment scene feeling forgiven for their mistakes and proud of themselves for

making things right with their Dominant. Do not leave your submissive alone after a

punishment without aftercare, ever! This is highly abusive and can seriously harm your



A great way to get a submissive to stay in line is to humiliate them when they’ve done

something wrong. There are several ways to go about this, depending on your dynamic

and kinks, but it’s an effective and amusing way to get the message across.

Clothing Restriction: Clothing restriction can be done both domestically and in public.

Restriction can be as much as not allowing any clothing (in legal or private settings),

ordering a certain amount of skin be showing, or choosing a specific outfit or collar for

the submissive. For shy submissives, clothing restriction can be intense. This is an

especially good punishment for submissives who have said negative comments about

their bodies.

Diapering: For ABDL or little submissives, this can either be a reward or a punishment.

Depending on the comfort level with diapers, they can be used as a punishment that ties

into humiliation. Making them relieve themselves in only the diaper for a set amount of

time or wearing it around the house as their only clothing can be very humiliating for

some people.

Sissification: Sissification is a kink that is most common in submissive men. It’s the act of

dolling a man up like a girl and humiliating him based on his presentation as such. This

can be very effective for some people but can be very problematic to others. Be careful

not to use this kink as punishment with trans or gender non-conforming subs without

their explicit consent, as it can very easily trigger dysphoria and cause severe emotional


Public Humiliation: Public humiliation can be done in any subtle way that embarrasses a

submissive without breaking any obvious laws. Some examples include making them

wear an anal plug or remote-controlled vibrator to dinner or making them kneel at kinkfriendly

gatherings. Work this idea into the submissive’s specific kinks and limits to be

sure it’s just enough to embarrass them, without making them unbearably uncomfortable.

Orgasm Control

Orgasm control is simply that–

controlling the submissive’s

orgasms. Most of these types of

punishments are used for

submissives who break rules

about orgasms, be it without

permission or when they were

told not to touch themselves.

Controlling orgasms is an

amusing way to teach the

submissive who their orgasms

belong to.

Edging: Edging is the act of

getting your partner right to the edge of orgasm, then denying them release. This can be

done multiple times, even in short amounts of time. It’s a little psychological torture, best

for those who cum without permission.

Toy Restriction: For a submissive, like myself, who is accustomed to using toys during

masturbation or play, toy restriction is a very effective punishment. This is especially

good for submissives who have a difficult time reaching orgasm without toys, as it makes

things very frustrating very quickly. An evil punishment may even combine toy restrictions

with a quota of orgasms for the day that they must reach in order to get off restriction.

Desperation will sink in very quickly and this lesson will be easily learned.

Forced Orgasms: Forced orgasm is another great punishment for submissives who cum

without permission. It turns a great sensation into a torturous experience very quickly.

This is especially great with toys like the Hitachi or a Sybian. Focus on a goal–either for

number of orgasms, or a specific amount of time. An hour spent riding a Hitachi can

really be the most agonizing thing for some people due to heightened sensitivity after

each orgasm.

Denial: Denial is the complete opposite of forced orgasms. It’s like edging, but there is no

orgasm at the end of the scene. This can be doing while using toys and not allowing the

person to orgasm or it can be done by restriction orgasms or even touching oneself for a

longer period of time.

Chastity: Chastity, much like denial, is the refusal of orgasms. However, with chastity, the

submissive is completely unable to touch themselves, even if they wanted to. Devices for

people with penises and vaginas are available to purchase online to assure your

submissive is following orders properly.

Domestic Discipline

Domestic discipline includes things that can be done within the home. Some of these

include behaviour modifications or restrictions. While some of these can be done outside

the home, these are good examples of things for couples who live together can do for


Chores: Chores not only benefit the entire household, but they can also be an effective

punishment for unruly subs. Added chores can be especially fun if you make her clean

the bathroom with a toothbrush or make him do dishes with nipple clamps on. Combine

with other punishments for your amusement!

Furniture Restriction: Especially fun for people into pet-play, furniture restriction involves

limiting where the submissive can sit or lie down. Require that they sit on the ground

instead of the couches or sleep on the floor next to the bed if they’ve been defiant.

Caging: Another good one for pets, especially. Caging can be used to make the

submissive reflect on their reasons for being punished. Be sure to use a cage small

enough to confine them, but still large enough so they aren’t going to hurt themselves by

spending too much time in the cage.

Bedtime: A great one for littles! Bedtimes are good for college students who don’t do their

homework, or easily distracted adults with work to do. Set up rules that require all

obligations get done and enforce an early bedtime to be sure they are well-rested (and

easily frustrated) when they don’t follow these rules.

Time-Out: Another punishment for reflection. Time-outs are good for brats and littles

because it makes them analyze what they did wrong. Put them in a corner or a special

“time-out chair” so they know they are being punished. Increase the time or add in other

punishments if they break rules more than once.

Sensory Deprivation: Sensory deprivation is a lot like time-out, but can be used for added

psychological torment. Plug the submissive’s ears or use headphones, blindfold them,

bind them to a bed or chair, and completely ignore them for a set about of time. This

desensitizes them and not only makes them reflect on their reasons for punishment, but

makes it very uncomfortable, assuring they won’t want to end up in isolation again.

Objectification: Objectification is fun for Dominants who like their submissives in service

to them during punishment. Make them kneel and become your footstool or coffee table

while you watch TV or catch up on work. This is even better when you make them do it

completely naked and/or in front of guests.

Speech Restriction: For disrespectful submissives, punish them by taking away their right

to a personal pronoun, making them refer to themselves as “this girl,” “Your slut,”

“Master’s puppy boy,” or anything else you want to use. You can also make it a rule that

they must refer to you by your Dominant title at all times, even in public. Having to

remember their restrictions on speech will keep them thinking about their punishment all


Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is enforcement by physical contact. These types of punishments

involve pain, which is a tricky subject for punishing. Typically, pain punishments don’t

work as well to change behaviour, especially if the submissive is also a masochist. Be

sure to carefully choose what kind of pain if you’re going with one of these methods.

Impact: If your submissive likes thuddy pain, use stingy pain. If they like stingy pain, use

thuddy. Push their limits carefully, but make it clear this is a punishment and not for fun.

Have them apologize as you strike them. Tell them why they are being punished and

make it clear that they are to be good and learn from their mistakes.

Rice Kneeling: Kneeling on uncooked rice is an age-old technique that leaves painful

marks. Be careful with time, as this can scar if done for long periods of time or used

constantly. Be present during this to be sure the submissive can take it and listen

carefully for safewords. Use this as a time out or have them recite an apology to you as

you do this.

Figging: Figging is done by carving a plug out of ginger and inserting into the anus. This

causes a stinging pain that ranges in intensity depending on the person. Frozen ginger is

a milder form of this punishment.

Writing Assignments

Writing assignments are usually meant to bore a submissive into obedience. Whether it’s

writing lines or a random homework assignment, the punishment focuses on making it

undesirable for the submissive to misbehave.

Lines: Writing lines is effective if you use it reflectively. For example, for a submissive

who is disrespectful, you can have him write, “I will always be polite around my Sir,” a

hundred times. For a submissive who cums without permission, you can order, “I will ask

permission from Mistress before I cum,” until they fill up five pages. What’s even more

fun is making them be stuffed with a toy or on their knees with nipple clamps on while

they write.

Apology Letter: An apology letter is a simple task meant to make the submissive think

about what they have done, analyze why it was wrong, and have them apologize formally

by writing it down. Have them read their letter to you our loud or crumple it up and put in

their their underwear for that added perk of remembering all day that they were


Essay: An essay is a good assignment for submissives who don’t seem to understand

their rules. Make them come up with reasons as to why these rules are in place and write

a formal essay about the reasoning and purpose of these rules. Making them analyze the

fact that this is for their benefit will remind them that rules are not just there to be mean,

but to guide them to healthier behaviour.

Homework: Especially fun for people with school girl or teacher fantasies, assign a

random homework assignment. Ever wonder about a certain subject but never have time

to actually research it? Assign a paper to your submissive about a subject of your

choosing and have them report back to you–because knowledge is power! Grade their

paper and reward/punish again as necessary for the quality of their work.

It’s important to remember that reinforcements are also important in addition to

punishments. When your submissive follows directions, reward them. Give them a treat

or praise them and thank them for being so good. If you mix positive reinforcement with

punishments when necessary, they’re sure to be trained in no time!

About the Author

SubmissiveFeminist started off as a personal blog back in March of 2011. Since then, it

has grown to be a place to connect with the online community, share my experiences

and knowledge in kink and sexuality, and teach the importance of self expression.

I currently hold my B.A. of

Psychology, with a focus on

Women, Gender, and Sexuality

Studies from Central

Connecticut State University.

During my undergraduate

studies, I conducted a study on

sexual satisfaction and gender

identity. I also created an

independent study course on

kink and feminism. During this

time, I researched the positive

attributes of BDSM on women’s

empowerment, both on a

personal level and the

community as a whole.

Above all else, I support the

risk-aware, consensual choices

of the individual. I believe

everyone has the right to

pursue a sexual lifestyle where

they have full autonomy over

their bodies to seek pleasure

how they see fit so long as

consent and safety are


I have been writing about kink

and reviewing sex toys for over

eight years. Sharing my

knowledge is the most valuable

aspect of running this website.

It is a professional aspiration of

mine to give workshops and

lectures on sexual identity, BDSM instruction, alternative sexual lifestyles, and adult sex


I currently reside in Connecticut.


Kinky Kitchen

Rum Balls

by Kitchi Crystal-Nashoba

With the holiday season this year I have made a few easy recipes. These are some of

my favourite, and a spicy one was requested. Happy Holidays, and enjoy all the gifts of

the season!



10 oz. Vanilla wafers, plus more for coating

1 c. Toasted pecans, chopped

1/2 c. Powdered sugar (have extra for coating)

3 tbsp. Cocoa powder (have extra for coating)

1/2 tsp. Ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. Kosher salt

1 tsp. Pure vanilla extract

1/4 c. Rum

3 tbsp. Water


Finely grind vanilla wafers, pecans,

powdered sugar, cocoa powder,

cinnamon, and salt in a food

processor. Add vanilla, rum, and

water and pulse until a ball forms

around the blade. Add more water

(or rum!) as needed to help mixture

hold together.

Roll mixture into 1" balls and then coat them in crushed “Nilla” wafers, powdered sugar, or

cocoa powder.

Chill until ready to serve.


1 lime, halved

2 tbsp. Sugar


1 c. sweetened cranberry juice

1 Champagne bottle

12 Fresh cranberries

4 Small sprigs fresh rosemary


Rime champagne flutes with lime and dip

in sugar. Pour 1/4 cup cranberry juice

into each glass and top with champagne.

Use a toothpick to poke a hole through

cranberries. Thread rosemary skewer

through cranberries to garnish the mimosas.


1 Stalk of celery, minced

1 Medium onion, minced

1 Tablespoon olive oil

2 Cans (or 1/2 pound of crab meat)

1/2 Cup Thick white sauce

2 Eggs well beaten

1/2 tsp. Pepper (you can use white or black)


1/2 tsp. Seasoned salt (you can find various types

in stores)

1/2 Cup Cracker crumbs (I take selves of crackers

and crush them before opening the package for

less mess)


Sauté onion and celery in olive oil. Drain on paper

towel. Mix with crab meat, white sauce, eggs,

seasoning and cracker crumbs. Shape into bite

size balls. Fry in deep hot shortening until golden

brown. Drain and serve hot. Should make about

3 dozens.



2 Tbsp. Butter (I use unsalted but it's your choice)

2 Tbsp. All-purpose flour

1/4 tsp. Salt

1/8 tsp. Pepper

1 Cup milk


In a 1/2-quart saucepan, melt butter over low heat.

Stir in flour, salt and pepper. Cook over medium

heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is smooth

and bubbly; remove from heat.

Gradually stir in milk. Heat to boiling, stirring

constantly; boil and stir 1 minute.



16 oz. Deli Brie wheel (or wedges)

1/2 cup Caramel sauce

1 tsp. Pumpkin (or apple) pie spice

1/2 tsp. Ground red pepper


1/4 cup Roasted pepitas (or sunflower kernels)

Crackers, pretzels, or pita chips (optional, for serving)


Preheat oven to 425 °F. Remove cheese from packaging, then shave off top rind if

desired. Place cheese in small baking dish; bake 5–8 minutes or until cheese is melted

and gooey.

Combine caramel, pumpkin spice, and red pepper in a small microwave-safe dish; whisk

until blended. Cook on HIGH 1 minute or until hot.

Top cheese with caramel mixture and sprinkle

with pepitas. Serve with crackers, pretzels, or pita

chips, if desired.

From My SL family to yours, hugs!


Shivers down my spine

What You Wish For


Part 1. Sunday Morning

avid stirs as the first rays of sunlight filter into the bedroom. As usual, he turns

over and gently pulls Claire into his arms. Without waking, she presses herself

against his lean body and pushes her bottom against his hardening cock, an

unconscious movement which makes him dizzy with desire and tenderness toward her.

David gently kisses the back of her neck, inhaling her scent and tasting the sheen of

sweat which prickles her skin on this summer morning. He moves his hand up from her

flat stomach to caress her small round breasts, feeling her nipples harden as his palm

gently brushes her sensitive areolae. He can hear Claire's breath start to quicken as he

moves his hand down her body, lingering over the concavity above her hips before

moving his focus to the entrancing topography of her bottom. David's hand moves over

her ass cheeks, his fingers start probing the moist cavity within before they prise her

apart exposing Claire's asshole to the cool morning air.

She is passive now, enjoying her vulnerability and anticipating what is to come. He gently

pushes his fingertip into her tight anus, and she relaxes her sphincter to let it in further.

Claire reaches her hand behind to grasp his hard cock and guide it between her legs.

David can already feel her wetness as the tip of his cock pushes at her cunt mouth

probing its way in. As he slides into her tight pussy he marvels at her ability to become so

quickly aroused, even after all this time together. He holds her waist and thrusts his long

cock into her warm interior, telling her how much he loves her, how much he loves

fucking her. His rhythm intensifies as he feels her cunt juice drenching his balls and

running down his leg onto the damp sheets. He feels a trance-like state of equilibrium

between his erotic dreams and an earthy reality where it's hard for him to tell where he

ends, and she begins. Later, (how long? he has no idea) he feels her insides tighten and

try to push him out, as she gasps "Oh god, oh god" and makes that strange yet familiar

guttural animal sound that tells him she is about to come. There is no more pretence of

tenderness as he forces himself into her depths, Claire thrusting her ass onto his cock.

Both losing control as they come together, semen, vaginal fluid and sweat intermingling

as they collapse back onto the bed, still connected, in tired satisfaction.

Two hours later, after a leisurely shower and another sleep they both lay on the bed,

lazily enjoying the cool breeze through the open windows as it blows across their naked

bodies. Claire is absently stroking David's flaccid cock. He turns towards her "Tell me a

story from your past." he says.

"Which one? You know them all, already."

"The one where you had a threesome with your boyfriend and his friend."

"I knew you would say that! Well it was a long time ago now. I can't remember all the

details. We were all pretty high that evening."

Claire can feel David's cock growing in her hand as he investigates her face. "Tell me

what you remember." he says.

She smiles at him and begins to talk, "Well, my

boyfriend and I weren't really seeing each other by

then although we hadn't officially broken up. We

had a party at his place one evening and his friend

visiting from America came along. Really

handsome tall guy called Jack. I hadn't met him

before. We were all taking coke and getting along

well. Jack was paying me a lot of attention and

flirting with me all night, but my boyfriend wasn't

getting upset. In fact, he seemed to be encouraging


"Go on." says David, although he knows every

detail of this story intimately.

"By the end of the evening," she says "there was

only the three of us left. It was my boyfriend who

suggested a threesome. I thought he was joking at

first, we had never done anything like that before,

but the coke was making me horny and Jack was

beautiful, so I thought why not? The three of us

were sitting on the sofa and my boyfriend was

kissing me whilst I had my legs draped over Jack. I moved my foot over the crotch of his

jeans and I could feel is dick was hard. I started rubbing it with my toes. I could feel

Jack's hand gently touching my legs. He was lightly running his fingers up my thighs and

under my skirt, until he was just touching my panties before moving away again."

"Were you wet?" David asks.

"God yes." Claire laughs, "I'd never been so turned on. Jack knew exactly how to tease


She can see David is now very excited and she starts mischievously stroking his hard

cock, squeezing the tip as he investigates her green eyes, his hands moving over her

body, down to her pussy, still swollen from their earlier exploits. The story is arousing

Claire too, as she begins to remember more details of that evening.

"What did your boyfriend do?" asks David, "Was he jealous?"

"Not at all" replies Claire, "He took off my top and bra, and started rubbing my tits,

showing them off to Jack who can't take his eyes off me. By this time, Jack had his hand

inside my panties and was rubbing my clit. Pushing his fingers inside me inside my wet

pussy. I was so excited that I could hardly speak. Then my boyfriend asks me to kiss

him, so I lean over and kiss Jack, pushing my tongue into his mouth and tasting him.

Knowing my boyfriend was watching us both was so sexy."

David, lifts Claire's long leg over him, and guides his cock into her wet cunt for the

second time that morning. He holds her under her knee and gently pushes himself inside

her. "Go on." he says.

"My boyfriend takes off my skirt and panties and has me stand in front of them naked."

She says, "Then he starts showing my body off to Jack. He talks about how much he

loves my long legs, then has Jack stroke and touch them. They start on my breasts,

weighing them in their hands and then each sucking a nipple. I am a quivering mess of

lust by this time. I felt like a slave in a Roman market Jack was so handsome and to be

honest all I could think about was fucking him..."

David's thrusts are becoming stronger and Claire can feel his excitement mounting as

rubs her clit with his long fingers working in tandem with his cock...

"So then," she tells him "the boys strip off and stand in front of me naked. I hold and

stroke their hard cocks and I can feel that Jack's is much bigger and thicker than my

boyfriends. It was circumcised which I hadn't seen before. I was fascinated. I kneel in

front of them and take them in my mouth."

"Who did you suck off first?" asks David.

Claire hesitates before replying "I put them in my mouth at the same time."

This is new information for David, although he has heard the story many times. He

wonders why she is telling him this now and feels himself filled with lust and jealousy and

desire for this beautiful and uninhibited woman.

"They were quite gentle with me." She says "I had never done that before and having

two cocks in your mouth is quite a stretch. It was an effort not to gag. They took it in turns

to push themselves into my mouth and I could feel it as each cock as it touched the back

of my throat. Eventually my boyfriend came inside me and I swallowed his come, looking

at Jack. After that, we go and lie on our bed. I am lying sandwiched between them and I

take turns kissing each of them, sucking their tongue while the other is massaging my

body and pushing their fingers into my wet cunt. Jack didn't seem to mind tasting my

boyfriend's cum in my mouth."

"Did you fuck Jack?" David asks insistently, although he already knows the answer

"Well, when I was kissing my boyfriend I could feel Jack's hard cock pressed against my

bum and he hadn't come yet" she says " so I asked him if it was ok and he just smiled

and nodded, so I opened my legs and allowed Jacks cock to push inside me."

David is struggling to contain his excitement now.

He can picture Claire sucking and fucking these

two men and feels an intoxicating mix of lust and

envy. He is silent now but his engorged cock

pistons into her body as her cunt floods his balls

and drips down his ass once again.

Claire continues to talk, her memories and David's

cock combining to bring her close to the point of

no return. "He was fucking me from behind and his

cock felt much bigger than my boyfriend's. The

force of his thrusts was pushing my face into my

boyfriend's chest and as I looked up at him, I had

never seen him so excited. I couldn't stand it

anymore. I pushed Jack back off me onto his back,

got on top of him and guided his huge cock into

my pussy. Then I started fucking him, bouncing up

and down as filled my insides, looking up at me

with his blue eyes. It was amazing. I saw my boyfriend watching us and reached out to

hold his hand. I felt very connected to him. Jack was pushing up at me now, holding my

hips and thrusting inside my cunt as I pushed down and I started coming. I don't know

how many orgasms I had before I felt him starting to come. He wasn't wearing a condom

and I could feel his come flooding my insides and seeping back out onto the base of his


David stops fucking Claire. His penis is iron hard inside her and Claire feels close to

orgasm "Don't stop now" she pleads.

"Would you do that with me?" he asks.

"What?" she asks.

"Have a threesome with another guy"

She laughs "Do you think you could handle it? You get jealous if I even talk to another

guy in a bar!"

"This would be different," he replies "we would be together. I want to see you experience

that kind of pleasure. As long as you don't have feelings for the other guy, I think it would

be fun to see you use him as your sex toy."

"Well, it would be an intense experience" Claire says. "But you know how much I love

you and I don't want to harm our relationship. You have to be ok with seeing me fuck

another man."

"I think it would be incredible"

says David "it would be such a

turn on and something we have

never tried. I think we are

secure enough in our

relationship to make this


fuck any man you choose."

"Ok, if you are sure, let's do it

then" says Claire, her eyes

shining with excitement "I would

do anything for you, and I will

David, feels the familiar electric rush as his orgasm rises within him and he floods her

pussy with his cum. Afterward they lie together enfolded in each other's arms, gently


Simply online….

Online BDSM – D/s Relationships

his is a topic I feel the need to explore more as it seems to be really controversial

with fans and haters both having valid arguments. Some would say that online

domination is the ultimate submission based on the fact the submissive has to do

everything on her own which isn’t easy many times. Get spanked hard might come easy

when you are on a Master’s knees but do it on your own might not be an easy task. On

the other hand there are those who claim it isn’t submission at all given the fact the

submissive might close the connection at any time (which to me sound close to what the

use of the safe word would result in real life) but also the absence of the physical

presence has a great impact.

It seems like a growing trend that people claim to be professional Doms who will provide

online training for those who seek to learn. Honestly? Not that it can’t be done but

claiming this as a profession sounds ridiculous. I also had a few emails asking me if I am

doing this. In any case this a lifestyle, this is who and what we are not a profession. In

my opinion online Domination is a possibility that requires both to be completely honest

on what they seek, what they think, how they feel as also having a good match regarding

how deep they both want to go in D/s. Is it just for the sexual side or is it a total control?

Anyway this isn’t an article about me, if I am into online D/s and what I think about it.

Here are some interesting words from a sub I found during my research over the web:

“People have asked me whether I had to endure punishment on my own. The answer is

yes, though truthfully I was never punished a lot. While the easiest (and worst)

punishment would have been to have total silence between us, that was a bit too easy.

As a novice, I forgot that punishments didn’t always come right away. One night during a

video chat Sir reminded me that I was due a punishment. Two things happened. The first

thing was that I had to redden my own ass. Spanking one’s self is both challenging and

humiliating. Honestly, I can tolerate pain much easily when it’s coming from someone

else. Spanking myself was not easy because you can’t get the angle right to really

deliver a blow……… Anyone who tells you that punishments can’t be doled out properly

in a long distance relationship clearly has never truly experienced it before……………

Playing from a distance is very exciting, and creative Dominants and willing submissives

can have loads of fun trying new things together. For a submissive, playing from a

distance requires an extra dose of self-discipline. ”

What I noticed is that many vanilla consider to try the online Domination and submission.

A good reason behind this as I see it is their deepest fear to try it in real life (though some

of them might really desire it) and the fear to share their deepest thoughts with their

partners. As humans we tend to be insecure when it comes to sharing our deepest

desires with each other. We keep certain fantasies strictly to ourselves as we learned to

feel ashamed and label them as dark.

Let us get a bit deeper on how as humans learn about our likes and dislikes. Actually it is

a very simple way. Try and decide. Do you like fried chicken? You do know that you like

chicken but then you have to try all the different ways to cook it to come down to a

decision which one is your favourite one. The same goes with everything. Do you like

Domination and submission? You must have tried it to know. Does it work for you online?

Again you need to try it to decide. Just by throwing out arguments won’t take you

anywhere. You may imagine it works or it doesn’t work, that for Master x and sub y did

work but at the end of the day if you don’t try it yourself you’ll never know.

Now if you ask me to give you how an online D/s could work I would say there are two

different options:

Servitude of pleasure. A submissive who loves to serve expects to find one to provide

pleasure whenever she/he is asked for. I find this to be mostly sexual but there might be

a total control approach here. It isn’t that different in real life and I believe a Dom online

would ask exactly the same as he would in real. I can’t see my self online ask only for

sexual submission when in real I need a deeper control of my sub. If it was online I would

love to control her the same way I would in real.

Exploration D/s. In this case both are trying to explore their likes. Ideally the one knows

already his/her likes and helps the other to explore their side. You know a submissive

may always help a Dom find his way in the lifestyle. It isn’t only the Dom who does this

for the sub.

Would it lead in a real life relationship? Again this is up them to decide how they use the

online. It might be a period of trial, to see and learn each others likes before deciding to

take it to the next level in real life, or it might simply be a pleasure game that will stay the

same. If they are honest from the start in what they seek it will save time for both. I, for

example, feel quite hesitant to get involved with an online relationship as I know to many

out there use the cyber just to satisfy some fantasy and never explore their deeper

desires. As I am one who cares mostly for a true relationship the online D/s comes with

the fear of losing time and invest (sentimentally) with those who care for a cyber sex


Here is something found on the

web from a Mistress that I totally

agree with:

“Among the cyber population is a

growing number of predators.

Those who seek to find the

vulnerable, exploit their dreams

and pervert those dreams into

ugly episodes of brutality and

cruelty. And there are those who

have discovered a way to find

‘free’ people to use for sex or

servant. They have landed amidst the herd of the unsuspecting. The only way to combat

these people who are not ‘of’ our community but ‘using’ it for ugly purposes is education.

The more a person learns the easier it becomes to spot those who have suspect


To conclude this article, I have to admit that online-cyber D/s might be a possibility to

explore up to some level your self but at the end of the day you need to take this in real

life. If you wish to try it, then it is up to you how you will explore your world of Domination

and submission.

Lyrical Passions….

A mix of music genres to inspire lust and love in your play scenes, shared by our editor and

resident DJ Flame Jie x

My Angel's voice...PART ONE : by Hydra Larsson

Accompanied by Bury My Heart

There will be a door for heaven...

After sensing my whole body being hurt, from toe to hairs, after touching the dark

clouds, after seeing the stars in the sky, sitting in the right of my heretic Angel as a

reward, will be my last wish before my climax.

I still wonder sometimes in my head why when i begin to speak to someone, i'am like

away, hearing the blabla but imagining also a complete story , where i would surrender

myself to the person, still wondering why i would like to be on my knees, just looking at,

with shinny eyes , like a student fascinate by some of the storys the teachers are telling

to one.

It comes to me...Never have i told you my inner thoughts... the deepest ones … you

know ,the ones that you generally never speak about unless you have that « best

friend » .

I would give you my soul to sense one more time the light silver chains brushing my

breasts, crawling like a snake on my stomach, raising each part of my skin on the path.

Waiting the slap on my bare bum in my mind like a gift you would offer me, like to tell me

you like me and want me.

Those shadows we build around our body, the steps we do in darkness, and that fly to

heaven that always awaits us. I would sign any contract with you, as long as there is

pain, as long as there is love, as long as there is deliverance, as long as i see your wings

deploying themselves, your body sweating on me.

I wanna keep still our little world apart, i don't wanna tell anyone about, because i

wanna see that glance at me , when you squeeze my butt in public with an evil smile.

Sometimes, when your not near , trying to empty my mind, in general , the birds where

whispering magic words in my ears, but time to time, the birds are covered by the

whispers of an Angel, then i smile again, and my mind getting plain again.

To my Angel, that whispers to my soul. To my Angel, that made me discover a world i

wanna live in. To my Angel, that i love...


Peter grundy – burry my heart

VIP section!

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you to some of the

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community information

Liberty & Restraint is one of the most iconic magazines in Second Life. This ultra-modern,

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Liberty & Restraint Magazine prides itself on offering an 11k plus audience for you to

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What's most important, this is a not for profit project which has a great service, so you

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A s h o w c a s e o f r e t a i l

outlets across the grid

where you will find quality

pose makers, mesh

clothing and much much


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Useful Links

like the web? Follow these crumbs for fun and






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ACES in FetLife:



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Editor’s Picks

Nothing is more

evocative or inspiring to

me than art. I often find

one of the most

satisfying parts of editing

this magazine is finding

the art that brings life to

the heartbeat of the


Join me as i present

some of the most

wonderful imagery

available, from the most

sensual of minds.

Amazing art

myriad of talent.

by a

Visit Boa Gallery at the

Liberty & Restraint

Lifestyle Venue




Coming up…



Magazine Podcast.

Varied topics and guest

speakers. Unique way to

educate and learn. Visit

the venue to hear it

stream or download from

next month in our



Sexy venues around the

grid, expertly narrated

and interviewed by

Zack Lightman.

March Magazine Topic


We explore strength in

the lifestyle context,

what do we mean by



Thrown to the floor

Articles by Sir Arithon,

delivered in his unique

Dominant style.

Editor’s Picks

A trip into the naughty

mind of flame and her

choice of erotic art.


VIP Venue’s

Information and

advertisement for venues

and Shops online

Simply Online

Specific content for those

of the lifestyle who only

practice in Second life or

other online platforms.

Produced by

Flame Jie-Editor in Chief


Sir Arithon-Associate Editor

The content on the magazine and its website are made available on the terms

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Contact Flame


Sir Arithon.

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