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Instantaneous Thoughts

Instantaneous Thoughts

A Photographic Journey

Through Life in Lockdown

by Alice Kemp


This photobook documents a journey through lockdown using a series of

photographs and accompanying thoughts. The concept of ‘Life through

lockdown’ sheds a light on the struggles around mental health during

Covid-19 Britain. Alongside this pandemic, there is another death rate

to be taken into consideration — the rising number of suicides in the

UK each week. This needs recognising in order to tackle the stigma

of silence attached to mental health.

Most people find it easier to stay silent in their own struggles, making

it difficult to identify who might need the help. A sensitive approach is

adopted via the sharing of a personal experience, where brief annotations

will express the thoughts and emotions within each snapshot of life

through this pandemic. Aloneness and isolation is brought to attention

by sharing the vulnerabilities felt during this time. The photography in

this book holds an authenticity that comes from the instantaneous nature

of Polaroid shooting, allowing an original and honest glimpse into this

new version of everyday life. The moments of beauty within the images

are countered with a thought, sometimes a dark, showing both

the layers of truth and the complexity in our ways of seeing.

St Leonard’s Place, York.

The confusion is setting in

Stanley Street, York.

What day am I on?

Egton Bridge, Whitby.

Home is not where my heart lays

Egton Bridge, Whitby.

My living room feels like a cage

Falling Foss, Whitby.

Will I get over this?

Egton Bridge, Whitby.

I broke down today

Littlebeck, Whitby.

I feel claustrophobic in my own thoughts

City Walls, York.

The days are darkening

National Railway Station, York.

I needed to get away!

Liverpool St Railway Station, London.

Where do I belong?

Castle Baynard, London.

The skin around my fingertip

continues to break

Stanley Street, York.

I am weak, I am selfish

Stanley Street, York.

The intrusive thoughts are flooding me

Stanley Street, York.

I’m trapped by my responsibilities

Wigginton Road, York.

The self-doubt increases

Grape Lane, York.

My chest is getting tighter

with every breath

Shambles Market, York.

I am strong for still being here

Unkown Location, UK.

Is this the new normal?


St Leonard’s Place, York.

Stanley Street, York.

Egton Bridge, Whitby.

Egton Bridge, Whitby.

Falling Foss, Whitby.

Egton Bridge, Whitby.

Littlebeck, Whitby.

City Walls, York.

National Railway Station, York.

Liverpool St Railway Station, London.

Castle Baynard, London.

Stanley Street, York.

Stanley Street, York.

Stanley Street, York.

Wigginton Road, York.

Grape Lane, York.

Shambles Market, York.

Unkown Location, UK.

Photography and words by Alice Kemp

Instagram: @photography_alicekemp

Design & curation by Alice Kemp

Printed at Lulu


Proof reading, graphic design &

post production by Georgina Estill

Instagram: @georginaestill

Typeset in Bodoni

First Edition, 5 copies

Concept from York St John University

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any

form or by any means, including photocopying,

recording or ther electronic or mechanical

methods, without the prior written permission of

the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial

uses permitted by copyright law.

© Alice Kemp, 2020.

A journey through ‘Life in Lockdown’ — documentation of Covid-19 Britain

through Polaroid film and instantaneous thoughts by Alice Kemp.

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