Narrative Design - Samples

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Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin


Quest Line — Brillia


Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin


Introduc3on — The Shinta, Planet Brillia

The Shinta are an insular, utopian society that has thrived over a 1,000 years because of their

unique technical prowess. No one knows where the Shinta actually came from, but they seMled

on what is now Brillia aOer the planet was decimated in an interstellar nuclear war. The planet

was barely habitable, and a lack of clean water and viable land for food produc&on set their

society into a century of poverty, crime, and in-figh&ng. On the brink of societal collapse, a

talented inventor among the Shinta created a maMer synthesizer — elimina&ng the need for

farming or drilling for water. The synthesizers were mass produced, giving every ci&zen of Brillia

enough food, water, and another precious resource — &me.

Over the next 1,000 years, the Shinta refocused their society away from back breaking manual

labor in a ruined wasteland toward one of educa&on and inven&on. This began to alleviate

crime, moved their currency from monetary to more of a socialist barter system, and allowed

for further technological advances like the shielding they use to keep out the radia&on on the

planet. The Shinta reside in a massive domed city where the synthesizers and other inven&ons

provide everything that they need. Hence why they have only recently allowed foreigners into

their completely self-sufficient city. Their maMer synthesizer would not only help with long haul

voyages on your ships, but could astronomically improve life on your outpost as an upgrade to

your hydroponics system. And while the Shinta are extremely wary of outsiders— especially as

rumblings of a coup have started — they would make an excellent ally if you could gain their



Fuel — Can’t get around the galaxy without fuel. Used to power ships and outpost machines.

Minerals — One of the most versa&le resources in the universe. Can be used in building

materials and upgrades.

Metal — Found on most worlds, this is used to build outpost buildings and repair ships.

Food — Since every carbon-based lifeform needs to eat, Food is vital in maintaining your

outpost and its popula&on.

Credits — Galac&c currency, though not every society will accept them.






Ship Computer: The nearby planet of Brillia has a unique tech that allows for increased food

produc&on. They call it a synthesizer and it’s helped them cut back on farming and

manufacturing 10 fold. GeZng that technology for the outpost would make sure everyone is

properly fed and allow a shiO in focus away from basic necessi&es.

Quest Title: Welcome to Brillia

Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin


Quest type: GoTo

Descrip1on: Travel to Brillia

Hint: Open the Galaxy Map and select Brillia to travel there

Loca3on: Brillia

Level 6-8

Time to Travel: 1 minute 30 seconds

—Travel to Brillia—


Ship computer: Captain, there’s an incoming message from the Shinta.

Liaison Shel: Gree&ngs, off-worlder. I am Liaison Shel from the Xeno-Liaison office. We have to

register all foreigners visi&ng Brillia. Especially aOer there have been some... incidents. You are

coming from the Zennia Outpost, correct? Your message said you’d like the purchase our maMer


Liaison Shel: Unfortunately, the synthesizers aren’t for sale in the sense you humans might be

familiar with. We have liMle use for your galac&c currency here since we already provide our

ci&zens with everything they need. But if you’d be willing to trade, there is something we’d like.

Liaison Shel: You know that beyond the dome, the planet is, at best, described as a wasteland

and at worst a death wish for any who wander out there. However, one of our scien&sts has

discovered a deposit of minerals that could be used in medicines and building materials. Collect

some for us.


Credits (x1000)

XP (+400)


Completed — Welcome to Brillia



Ship Computer (On comm device): To get enough for the Shinta to use, we’ll need to find a

sizable deposit.

Quest Title: Collect Minerals

Quest type: Collect

Descrip1on: Claim a Mineral Deposit that is Level 2 or higher

Hint: Open the World Map and look around for a Level 2 Mineral Deposit and claim it.

Resource: Mineral Deposit

Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin


Level 2

Resources Present: 7,000

—Claim Mineral Deposit—


Liaison Shel: You managed to get the minerals, excellent. And since you don’t seem as

incompetent as other foreigners I’ve met, perhaps you could help our lead engineer? She’s been

having some troubles with the dome. At first she thought it might be these revolu&onaries, but

it appears to be something else.


Metal (x5000)

Credits (x1000)

XP (+700)


Completed — Collect Minerals


Engineer Lan: You’re the off-worlder, right? Shel said maybe you could help me. I’m Lead

Engineer Lan and I’m in charge of the dome.


Engineer Lan: We’ve been having some problems lately with por&ons of the dome going down

for a few seconds before the backup boxes kick in. Nothing life threatening, but if enough boxes

go out at the same &me it could be a major problem. When I took a team out to look at them, it

seemed like someone — or something — had been trying to smash the boxes. I thought it was

saboteurs at first, before I no&ced the slash marks. We were able to find some scuMle tracks

leading away from the boxes. If you follow them, you’ll probably find what’s been damaging my

dome. And do me a favor? Make sure they’re not going to come back.

Quest Title: Azorah AJack

Quest type: Defeat NPC

Descrip1on: Defeat an Azorah Nest that is Level 1 or higher

Hint: Open the World Map, look around for a Level 1 Azorah Nest and defeat it.

Azorah Nest

Level 1

Main Resource: Food

Nest Size: 20

—Defeat Azorah Nest—

Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin



Engineer Lan: You’re back! And is that... is that Azorah blood on you? I never figured it’d be


Engineer Lan: I have to say, not every off-worlder would have helped me like this. I’ll make sure

to put in a good word with the council about you. Also, you should take this — you earned it.

Completed: Azorah AJack


Food (x3000)

Azorah Shell — Taken from the back pla&ng of an Azorah, its shell can be used as a shield

against standard weapons.

XP (+1000)



Comm device: (New message from unknown sender) You want maMer synthesizers? We can

make that happen. If you’re willing to do what’s right. Meet us at our camp aOer dark. Come

alone and tell no one.

Quest Title: Go to Revolu3onist Camp

Quest type: GoTo

Descrip1on: Go to the Revolu1onist Camp outside of the city in Sec1on 2.

Hint: Open the World Map, look around for the Revolu1onist Camp.

—Arrive at Camp—


Molo: Psst! Over here!


Fuel (x10000)

XP (+300)


Completed: Go to Revolu3onist Camp



Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin


Molo: Right. My name is Molo and I’m a part of a group that wants more for Brillia. Brillia and

its people have everything we could ever want. Everyone has a job, everyone goes to school, no

one goes to bed hungry. We are able to live on a barren rock because of these things. And yet,

how many other places in the galaxy can say the same? How many died on Earth due to

starva&on? How many children on Yelk must work in order to keep their families afloat? The

Shinta Council could solve this and yet we hoard our technology for ourselves.

Molo: We have been planning a coup for 2 years, but we haven’t had the perfect opportunity to

strike un&l now. As an off-worlder, you have the materials we need. Since the inven&on of the

synthesizers, we’ve had no need for weapons. The Council does not provide the appropriate

resources to the average ci&zen. If you help us, we’ll give you the synthesizers and much more.

Quest Title: Choose Your Alliance

Quest type: Dilemma

Descrip1on: Will you side with the Revolu1onists or the Shinta Council?

Hint: Your choice will have consequences, so choose wisely.

Dilemma Choice:

a) Revolu&onists.

b) Council.


(a) Fuel (x20000)

XP (+2000)


Completed: Choose Your Alliance



Molo: You have made an unfortunate choice, Captain. We can’t let you live now that you know

our plan.

Quest Title: Revolu3onist AJack

Quest type: Defeat NPC

Descrip1on: You have chosen to side with the Council. Defeat the Level 1 Revolu1onist Camp.

Revolu3onist Camp

Level 1

Main Resource: Fuel

Revolu1onist Mili1a

Mili1a Size: 20

—Defeat Revolu1onist Camp—

Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin



Molo: Ugh... ugh... the Revolu&on will not die with us...

Completed: Revolu3onist AJack


Raze Rifle Prototype — A unique weapon created in secret by the Shinta revolu&onaries. It uses

a similar technology as the Rad Boxes, shoo&ng out an energy beam that can turn a grown

person to dust in an instant. Can be equip or recycled into resources.

XP (+1500)



Molo: You have chosen the right path, my friend. We will change the universe together. But first

I must ask something of you.

Molo: As I men&oned, there are things that the government does not readily provide and

aMemp&ng to synthesizing it ourselves would have raised ques&ons. But you are a space farer,

I’m sure you have access to an abundance of metals? We need it to build more weapons like the

one I’ve given you — 1000 should do it.

Quest Title: Donate Metal for Weapons

Quest type: Donate

Descrip1on: Donate 1000 Metal to the Revolu1on

—Donate 1000 Metal—


Molo: Thank you, Captain. I will message your comm device when we are ready to move. Meet

us at the Council Hall when it’s &me.


XP (+800)


Completed: Donate Metal for Weapons



Councilor Hillit (on comm device): Captain, word has reached us that you defeated a group of

Revolu&onists. We had a feeling they were geZng ready to make a move. It would go a long

Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin


way to win the Council’s favor if you were to wipe out the rest of their band of misguided youth.

I’ve marked some known loca&ons on your map.

Quest Title: Defend the Council

Quest type: Defeat NPC

Descrip1on: Defeat 3 Revolu1onist Camps that are Level 2 or higher.

Hint: Open the World Map, find Revolu1onist Camps that are Level 2.

Revolu3onist Camp

Level 2

Main Resource: Food

Revolu1onist Mili1a

Mili1a Size: 53

Revolu3onist Camp

Level 2

Main Resource: Minerals

Revolu1onist Mili1a

Mili1a Size: 53

Revolu3onist Camp

Level 3

Main Resource: Fuel

Revolu1onist Mili1a

Mili1a Size: 131


—Defeat 3 Revolu&onist Camps—


Councilor Hillit: You’ve done Brillia a great service, Captain. I’m sure there are s&ll more

Revolu&onists out there, but your show of force will make them think twice about aMacking us

with you as our ally.

Completed: Defend the Council


Brillian Tac&cian Armor — Light Armor (Body, Hands, Helmet, Legs). Used by some of the

Shinta’s premier engineers and inventors, this ouoit will help protect against even high levels of

radia&on and energy weapons.

Fuel (x500)

Metal (x500)

Minerals (x500)

Currency (x1000)

XP (+4000)

Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin




Molo (on comm device): Captain, we’ve had a slight setback. The Council has seized our

synthesizers in an aMempt to starve us out. There are Food Depots within the city, but they are

heavily guarded. Could you liberate some of the stores for us? We need our fighters well fed for

the baMle to come.

Quest Title: Collect Food

Quest type: Collect

Descrip1on: Claim Food Depots to collect 40000.

Hint: Check your Food resource amount, then claim Food Depots to total 40000 or more.

Resource: Food Depot

Level 1

Resources Present: 10500

Resource: Food Depot

Level 1

Resources Present: 9750

Resource: Food Depot

Level 1

Resources Present: 11270

Resource: Food Depot

Level 1

Resources Present: 8480

—Collect 40000 Food—



Molo: Thank you, Captain. We’ll take it from here. When this is over, you will have your

synthesizers. For a free and open Brillia!


Food (x20000)

Currency (x3000)

XP (+4000)

Completed: Collect Food




Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin

Councilor Hillit: It seems the Revolu&onists did not receive the message. We’ve learned they

plan to aMack the Council Hall and force a surrender. We have few weapons here to defend

ourselves, but we could for&fy the Hall itself. Eventually, the Revolu&onists will run out of &me

and ideas. Can you provide us with metal? We have begun to synthesize some, but it will take

longer than we have to prepare.

Quest Title: Donate Metal for For3fica3ons

Quest type: Collect

Descrip1on: Donate 30000 Metal to the Council for for1fica1ons.

Hint: If you do not have enough, claim Metal Plants or a_ack Revolu1onist Camps.

—Donate 30000 Metal to the Council—


Councilor Hillit: Thank you, Captain. We will be able to defend the Council Hall now. When this

is over you will have your synthesizers and much more. We will use the technology of the dome

to ensure you have the most advanced shields for your ships. Consider the Shinta to be your


Completed: Donate Metal for For3fica3ons


[Unlock] Shinta Shielding — Upgrade the Shields on your Fleet. Shinta Shields protect against

radia&on and mid-level energy weapon aMacks.

[Unlock] Shinta Synthesizers — Upgrade to Food Depot at the outpost. This increases Food

produc&on x3.

Currency (x500)

Minerals (x300)

Fuel (x300)

XP (+3000)




Molo: This is it, Captain. The Council can no longer stand in our way. But we need you to stand

with us in this final fight.

Quest Title: Council Assault

Quest type: Defeat NPC

Descrip1on: Defeat the Shinta Council by elimina1ng there Guards. .

Hint: On the World Map, select the Council Hall at the center of Brillia.

Shinta Council

Level 4


Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin

Main Resource: Metal

Council Guards

Guard Size: 300

—Defeat Shinta Council—


Molo: It’s... it’s finally over. Now, Shinta technology will be able to help the galaxy, not just

ourselves. We will show the other planets that we are capable of more than crea&ng food. With

the weapons we’ve made, we will become a force to be reckoned with in this sector. Something

you will benefit greatly from, my friend. Your ships will have the most advanced weaponry in

the galaxy.

Completed: Council Assault


[Unlock] Shinta Raze Canons — Upgrade to Fleet Weapons. A high powered energy weapon that

can target outposts from space up to Level 10.

[Unlock] Shinta Synthesizers — Upgrade to Food Depot at the outpost. This increases Food

produc&on x5 and negates the need for farm lands.

Currency (x500)

Metal (x300)

Fuel (x500)

XP (+3000)




Ship Computer: Captain, we’ll need some addi&onal resources in order to implement the

synthesizers and [a] Shields / [b] Weapons. Par&cularly, enough fuel in order to power

everything. There should be some mines nearby.

Quest Title: Collect Fuel

Quest type: Collect

Descrip1on: Claim Fuel Mines to collect 20000.

Hint: Check your Fuel resource amount, then claim Fuel Mines to total 20000 or more.

Resource: Fuel Mine

Level 1

Resources Present: 9600

Resource: Fuel Mine

Level 1

Resources Present: 10400


Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin

—Collect 20000 Fuel—


Ship Computer: That’ll do it, Captain. Wait &ll the engineers get a load of these.


Currency (x500)

Metal (x1500)

XP (+2000)

Completed: Collect Fuel



Ship Computer: Captain, now that we have some new addi&ons to the ships, we’ll need to do

an Upgrade. I’ve given you the resource requirements.

Quest Title: Upgrade Ship

Quest type: Upgrade Ship

Descrip1on: Upgrade your Fleet to Level 5 using the specified resources.

Hint: If you’re low on resources, Claim resource 1les or A_ack enemy camps.

Upgrade Ship

Metal — x20000

Fuel — x10000

Minerals — x10000

Currency — x5000

—Upgrade Ship—


Ship Computer: I feel slightly bigger. Is that normal?


Currency (x1000)

Food (x3000)

Fuel (x3000)

Metal (x3000)

Minerals (x3000)


Completed: Upgrade Ship


Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin



If Player Chose Path A (Supported the Council —Diploma3c): Shinta was so grateful for the

Captain’s assistance in ending the Revolu&on, they allowed them to use their Synthesizer

technology and has given them access to advanced Shields for their Fleet. The Shinta will

remain an insular people, leaving the resources in their region largely un-Claimed. This will

allow the player access to easy resources and will make their Fleet more impervious to aMack.

If Player Chose Path B (Supported the Revolu3onists — Military): The Revolu&onists have

seized control of Shinta’s government and have vowed to distribute the Synthesizer technology

to the rest of the galaxy. This means energy camps and neighboring systems will soon have an

abundance of Food. The Revolu&onist also gave the Captain access to advanced ship Weapons,

allowing for a more hos&le takeover of the system. However, the Shinta also plan on using these

weapons for themselves, which means energy camps in the area will have a higher Level and

resources will be harder to find.



Narra&ve Design Example — Emily Kelley Kunin

Narrative Design Sample - Match-3 Hypercasual

Introduction: This is a narrative design exercise focusing on a limited time event for a Match-3

hypercasual game in the same vein as GardenScapes. The exercise includes an overall story for

the event, supporting cast of characters to be featured, and some example missions with


Story Portion

Story Brief

The neighborhood has taken notice of all the work you and Alice are doing on your

grandparent’s house and garden. In fact, MAYOR LONG is so impressed that she’d like for you

two to help clean up and improve the local park!


The park was once a shining community hub where people gathered, kids played, and events

took place — but has fallen into disarray over the years. Working on this project will not only be

a great thing for the neighborhood, but you’ll have an opportunity to meet new friends like

BETH, JOSE, KAMALA, TAYLOR, and SID, who can also help you and Alice back at the house!

Complete as many tasks as you can within 10 calendar days in order to unlock all your new

friends, special bonuses, and make the local park THE place to be again!

Players will have 7 game days worth of tasks to do, given to the player by the supporting cast.

Each day will feature missions related to the ultimate goal of each of the supporting characters.

For example, the ultimate goal from the Mayor is to clean up all the garbage in the park, with a

single mission involving collecting bottles for recycling. Each day will have 3-5 missions to

complete. Once completed, the supporting character can be used for gameplay bonuses.

Supporting Character Descriptions

Mayor Long

Stats: 50s, Black, Female

Face: Viola Davis, Regina King, Angela Bassett

Hair: Black or dark brown spiral curls, afro, or shaved short

Clothing: Suit jacket, blouse, ambiguous flag pin

Mayor Long is the dedicated, but approachable, mayor of the neighborhood. She asks that you

start by cleaning up all the trash from the park. Her dialogue will be straight to the point with

moments of insight into how much the project means to her.

Beth & Buddy

Stats: Teens, White, Female

Face: Lili Reinhart, Olivia Holt, Dove Cameron

Hair: Blonde, wavy shoulder length

Clothing: Jean jacket, pastel colored top, necklace


Beth is a local teenager in the community. She asks the player to clean up the field at the park

so she can play with her dog, Buddy, there. Beth is cheerful, youthful, and positive, lots of

smiling expressions. Buddy is a golden retriever.


Stats: 30s, Hispanic, Male

Face: Oscar Isaac, Diego Luna, Jay Hernandez

Hair: Brown, longer on top with shaved sides

Clothing: Plain T-shirt in a masculine color, baby wearing harness with baby’s head visible

Jose is a stay-at-home dad of 3 kids. He asks the players to fix up the playground area so he

has a nice place to take his kids during the day. He’s happy, but a bit distracted during

dialogue, occasionally speaking to the baby strapped to him.



Stats: 60s, Indian, Female

Face: Shabana Azmi, Mira Nair, Sharmila Tagore

Hair: Black or dark brown with streaks of gray/white, long

Clothing: Bright colored churidar suit

Kamala is a retired professional musician. She would like for you to clean up the flower garden

since she finds it a very inspiring place to play music. Kamala is serious but kind, her dialogue

is intelligent yet whimsical like her music.


Stats: 20s, Asian/Ambiguous, Non-Binary

Face: Ian Alexander, Asia Rose Dillon, Bex Taylor-Klaus

Hair: Jewel tone, short pixie cut like style

Clothing: Subtle patterned buttoned up shirt

Taylor is a local artist and activist. They want you to clean off a wall in the park so they can

paint a mural on it. Taylor is trendy and cool, uses a lot of slang.


Stats: 80s, White, Male

Face: Donald Sutherland, Christopher Plummer, Alan Alda

Hair: White, short and tidy with a receding hairline

Clothing: Navy cardigan and neutral turtle neck

Sid is an elderly man from the neighborhood. He asks that you restore the gazebo, it was

where he proposed to his wife many years ago. Sid comes off as cantankerous at first, but

softens when talking about his late wife.


Task 3 - Missions

Mission 1 - Meet at the Park

Mayor Long: Alice, hello! Thank you for coming.

Alice [Happy]: Sure! You were sort of vague over the phone. You want to talk about… a park?

Mayor Long: Yes, this park.

Alice [Surprised]: I thought this was some sort of abandoned lot.

Mayor Long [Sad]: Exactly. I was hoping you could work your same magic here as you did at

your house.

System Text: Improving the park will unlock new items and bonuses at your house! But act


Mission 2 - Clean Up Garbage

Mayor Long [Happy]: I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to bring your design chops to the

neighborhood park.

Alice [Happy]: Of course! We’re excited to make the park shine again. Where should we start?

Mayor Long: I’d say the first step would be to clean up all the garbage.


Alice [Sad]: Even without all the trash, the park is in bad shape. We have a lot of work to do.

Mayor Long: If it helps, I’ve asked some neighbors to stop by. They have some ideas of where

the park needs the most improvement.

Mission 3 - Mow Grass


Beth [Happy]: As much as Buddy would love to play hide-and-seek in this overgrown grass…

Buddy [Happy]: Bark bark!

Beth: …We’d probably lose a lot of tennis balls in it.

Buddy [Sad]: Rrrr…

Alice: Right. Better to mow it back into submission.


Beth [Happy]: Look, Buddy! A big open field for us to play in. Go long!

Buddy [Happy]: Aroo!

Mission 4 - Fix Swing Chains

Jose [Happy]: After the slide, my kids love to swing.

Jose [Surprised]: It’s one of the only things that gives me a moments peace, ha ha…

Baby: Waaa! Waaa!

Jose [Happy]: No, mija, you’re too young! But if we get it fixed, you can enjoy it when you’re



Jose [Happy]: Looks great!

Alice [Happy]: I’m gl—

Jose [Surprised]: Oye, what did I tell you about pushing your brother too high? Gotta go,

thanks, Alice!


Mission 5 - Plant New Flowers

Kamala: Hello, dear. Would it be possible to plant some new flowers in the garden area?

Alice [Surprised]: I didn’t even notice the garden.

Kamala [Sad]: Yes, it has fallen into a right state, hasn’t it? Unfortunate. I always found it very

inspiring when I was composing.

Alice [Surprised]: Composting?

Kamala: No, composing, child. I’m a cellist and the garden used to be my favorite place to play.

So, the flowers?


Kamala [Happy]: Lovely. Now shoo, I can’t very well perform for an audience before the piece is


Mission 6 - Paint a Mural


Taylor [Happy]: Whoa, the vines are gone! But now this wall… big yikes.

Alice [Surprised]: It is?

Taylor: Bet. And, like, I don’t mean to sound thirsty for a flex, but I’d love to splash my art all

over it.

Taylor [Happy]: I promise it will be straight fire.


Taylor [Happy]: Do you highkey love it or what?

Alice [Happy]: Looks great!

Taylor [Happy]: Always happy to gain a new stan.

Mission 7 - Fix Gazebo Roof

Sid [Grumpy]: Now that people can actually stand in the gazebo again, you better fix that roof,

missy. What if it rains?

Sid [Sad]: …Like it did when I asked Miriam to marry me. She would have never said yes if

we’d been soaking wet under there.

Alice [Sad]: We’ll get it fixed up right away, sir.


Sid [Happy]: There. It almost looks just like it did before.

Alice [Surprised]: Is that a smile?!

Sid [Grumpy]: Don’t get too excited. I said almost.

Mission 8 - Replace Sign

Alice [Surprised]: Don’t parks usually have a sign?

Mayor Long [Sad]: Someone stole it. Who knows why.

Alice: We should definitely replace it then…


Mayor Long [Happy]: I’ll make sure nobody can walk off of it this time.

Mission 9 - Decorate for the Grand Reopening

Alice [Happy]: Now that the park is all cleaned up, we should decorate for the reopening!

Alice: I think some streamers and balloons will do.


Alice [Happy]: Perfect! Let’s let the Mayor know everything is ready.


Mission 10 - Cut the Ribbon

Mayor Long [Happy]: Thank you everyone for coming! And for all your help in making this park

the jewel of the neighborhood again.

Mayor Long [Happy]: And, of course, thank you, Alice! Would you do the honors?

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