Habitual_E102_BP4_Single page

Habitual’s pages are where style and sustainable practice co-exist; a meeting place for millennials to appreciate the constellation of ethically sourced materials without minimizing quality and aesthetics. Through features, photographs and visual elegance, the importance of living a meaningful life is at the forefront of Habitual’s design.

Habitual’s pages are where style and sustainable practice co-exist; a meeting place for millennials to appreciate the constellation of ethically sourced materials without minimizing quality and aesthetics. Through features, photographs and visual elegance, the importance of living a meaningful life is at the forefront of Habitual’s design.


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MARCH 2020











The Team

Art directors Editors Publishers



David Zhong

Zening Liu

Alicia Dang



Yuzhe Zhang

Midhat Kazmi





Magazine name:

Habitual: Live Meaningful, Practice Sustainable


To inform, advocate, and entertain.

Editorial Niche:

Living a sustainable and Ehtical lifestyle



Value Proposition

Habitual prioritizes sustainability seeing it as a viable and attainable habit that we can all adapt to.

Providing local and national options rather than taking a global approach gives Canadians the

ability to apply the content from the magazine to their own lives in a natural way. We want to draw

the attention of millennials and conscious consumers who want to integrate style and environmentalism

into their daily lives. Consumerism is approaching a turning point that asks for

conscious yet stylish choices; Habitual will help lead into this era of sustainability. This will be

done so by creating interesting and unique content that leads towards sustainable lifestyles.

Increasing awareness while entertaining audiences reveals a better understanding of how sustainable

living can better their lives and the Earth simultaneously. Distinguished from competitors by

a true commitment to the individuals paving the way. By learning from their practices and values

Habitual is better able to provide insight and connection to the slow-fashion and sustainable

model of life. There are currently limited resources for how to live with both the environment and

style in mind. Habitual provides diversity to the blandness existing in the market.

Mission Statement

Habitual’s pages are where style and sustainable practice co-exist; a meeting place for millennials

to appreciate the constellation of ethically sourced materials without minimizing quality and

aesthetics. Through features, photographs and visual elegance, the importance of living a meaningful

life is at the forefront of Habitual’s design.





MOCHNI is a digital-based platform that promotes

sustainability and ethical practices. Their sponsored content

is aesthetic and well integrated into their magazine in a way

that continuously promotes ethics. The content prioritizes

sustainable action that can be made by consumers and in this

way might prompt audiences to return in efforts to better live

their lives. The gap left by MOCHNI that Habitual is able to

fill is one which applies concepts locally. MOCHNI is only

available online which is a good way to reach vast audiences

however it can limit the readers’ ability to apply practices to

their daily lives. Habitual’s content caters to Canadian

readers which means any products or content mentioned can

be directly applied to most readers. Through applying a local

lens it gives readers the opportunity to make the sustainable

or ethical choice because they understand that it can have a

direct impact on their community which contributes to the

overall health of a city or town.

Screenshot retrieved from Mochni.com (2020) https://www.mochni.com/



Retrieved from Humour Noir (2019). https://www.humournoir.com/en-us/press.


Luxiders is a sustainable luxury fashion, eco-design, travel,

natural beauty, healthy lifestyle magazine. Alongside their

semi-annual magazine, they have a significant presence online

through their editorials. Similar to Habitual, Luxiders’ content is

aimed at an audience with a conscious mindset however, the

magazine showcases a majority of high-end and luxury brands or

designers. Habitual, in comparison, covers all price points in the

realm of fashion and lifestyle. Our magazine will ultimately target

a larger demographic as we aim to target an audience that is not

solely of the wealthy upper class. Additionally, Luxiders’ content

lives mostly online where a demographic focus is difficult to

achieve on the world wide web. Habitual print magazine features

Vancouver/Lower Mainland based products, brands allowing

local readers to adapt to the “slow fashion” lifestyle that many are

making the switch to.



Screenshot retrieved from EcoMogul Magazine (2020) https://www.ecomogulmagazine.com/





EcoMogul poses as a potential competitor due to the

global reach their company has. Through integrating

writers with a multiplicity of backgrounds the magazine

is able to adapt to different audiences thus

creating a possibly larger potential demographic.

Positioned by comparison however, our magazine

will likely be able to target a market more directly

through also having print publication which does

not appear to be present for EcoMogul. Visually,

however, the website falls flat and could have a better

presentation in terms of design. Because the entire

production team for EcoMogul does not have

geo-locations on their side there seems to be a lack of

cohesion between content. Habitual has a team that

is centred in the same city and therefore this allows

us to work together to ensure that all the content has

a thread of consistency. Although they offer several

categories “fashion”, “travel” , “swimwear” for example,

it contributes to a scattered feeling on the platform.

A reader might not be sure where to begin. Habitual

has a niche concept but there is room to move within

it and through not including categories such as “food

and recipes” but rather focusing more on consumer

products and practices we are able to have wiggle

room while ensuring that the audience receive the

content that they came there for. Visually the editing

of the content does not have as much consistency.

Some of the photography used is high quality and

others communicate a more vintage or grainy theme

and when placed side by side on the homepage create

a confusing visual theme.





Primary Channel: P

Habitual will have full length stories giving audiences insight o

sustainability into their lives. There will be high quality photog

articles. With articles featuring local entrepreneurs, sustainable

sourced materials, Habitual will give magazine readers a range

Long form articles will be featured on the primary print chann

required for these types of features have higher value due to tim

purchase copies of the magazine.

Advertisements are important as a way to generate revenue thr

experience through integrating ads into the articles, brand high

for local businesses and brands, online shops, and organization

appeal with an embossed cover and using ethically sourced pap


agazine Channels

rint Magazine

n how to make more ethical choices in their shopping practices and incorporate

raphic images to increase audiences visual interest in correlation with the

brand recognition, and informational content on eco-friendly and ethically

of entertaining yet insightful content under the umbrella of sustainability.

el. Interviews with entrepreneurs and subsequent photographic elements

e and financial investments so they will only be available to those willing to

ough print however, Habitual will work towards a seamless advertisement

lights, and features. Along with advertorials, Habitual will also have display ads

s. Published twice a year, the 112-page magazine is intended to create tactile






Secondary Channe

The website is to be used as a visual sphere rather than comple

there is a print option that the magazine would charge for, ther

have free access to. With that said, the website will contain sho

our audience. Alongside the blog posts, they will be paired with

not make it onto the print channel.

Social media - Instagram is our dominant platform for shorter

recent issue of the print magazine. As a visually-heavy social m

make up the majority of the Instagram profile. Having a collec

of Habitual’s online presence.

The digital stories will be those that drive the most traffic and

Sustainable”. Topics following this type of format might also be

audiences seeking information. Clearly marked advertisements

audiences. Ads will only be provided to brands that align with


agazine Channels

l: Online/Digital

tely reiterating everything that would be published in the magazine. Because

e is no need to provide repetitive content on the website which readers could

rter, easy-to-read blog posts that will serve as more of a sustainability guide for

photography that can be seen on our social media, and any outtakes that did

features, leading the reader back to the online blog and promoting the most

edia site, photography of sustainable lifestyle or behind the scenes content will

tion of high quality photographs will increase the number of visits and following

are shorter in length such as “5-Step Morning Ritual to Becoming More

more compatible with SEOs making it more likely for Habitual to appear to

will be included on the Instagram page to create rapport with brands and

the matching values to Habitual.




Figure 1. Total population in the British Columbia aged 30 to 34.

• Young adults between their late 20s to early 30s (25 to


• All genders and ethnic groups;

• Middle and upper class income earners (based on

Statistics Canada, people with annual income over

$45,000), they have sufficient economic conditions to

pressure or purchase high-quality life or products;

• People with post-secondary or higher education (such as

college, university, graduate). The higher level of

education, the greater sense of social responsibilities and

the higher concern for sustainable development.

Figure 2. Total population in the British Columbia aged 25 to 29.

Age maps (Figure 1, 2) retrieved from https://app-simplyanalytics-com.proxy.lib.sfu.ca/index.html




Figure 3. Total magazine expenditure in the British Columbia

• People interested in sustainable living who can learn

more relevant knowledge through Habitual;

• People who prefer tangible reading material rather

than digital-based content. Based on overlapping age

and magazine expenditure maps, our target audiences

are mainly distributed in north, central and coastal

areas of BC;

• People who choose to buy sustainable products

instead of mass-produced products, they want to

learn more about local eco brands through Habitual;

• People who are environmentally conscious, traveling

by electric cars, cycling, transit;

• People who pursue higher quality products, avoiding

repeatedly purchasing the same item(s).

Figure 4. Topographic Map of British Columbia


veronica anderson


ron johnsson




Habitual’s target demographic is an audience that is engaged with current

events while still concerned with fashion and aesthetic choices. This

means that the most logical places to stock with magazines would be at

trendy and higher end stores. In the Vancouver area this would include

shops such as Vancouver Special, Welk’s Grocery as well as Whole Foods.

Targeting the niche, trendy grocer in neighbourhoods that attract high

prices for custom and locally produced products attracts a dedicated

clientele to small businesses The magazine will be priced at $13 which will

attract a more financially stable group that would be likely to impulse buy

at this price.

The trend-concerned audience that is being targeted will use social media

platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn. Through Instagram, Habitual

will be marketed by way of promoted posts as well as sponsored posts

produced by stockists. Because of the aesthetic value of the magazine, we

encourage readers to share their reading experiences via Instagram and use

the hashtag #HabitualMagazine. Connecting with locally owned shops

such as Turf and Nada Grocery would provide the magazine visibility

amongst other ethically concerned products. Additionally, having Habitual

at local coffee shops such as Le Marché St George, Kind Cafe, or The

Garden Strathcona will increase the readership per-copy. Partnering with

the aforementioned shops as well as other brands to host events will

supply copies and help build interest for new and expanding audiences.

Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “Mala The Brand”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.




The main sources of revenue for Habitual will be primarily ads,

The main sources of revenue for Habitual are through advertising and

followed by print subscriptions and newsstand. Our magazine is

print subscriptions. Newsstand copies will be available, however, subscriptions

will make up a much larger percentage. Our magazine is published

published twice a year at a price of $13 per issue. We expect to at least

break even after Prelaunch, and steadily increase our profit in the

twice a year at a price of $13 per issue. The data will show that during the

following years. It should be noted that Habitual will be sold in bulk at

pre-launch, our profit margin was in the negative by 22.02%. At the end of

a discounted rate for distribution at events for publicity and brand

the first year, it will increase to 4.87% and the second year will remain at


4.32%. It should be noted that during pre-launch, Habitual will be sold in

bulk at a discounted rate for distribution at events.

At the pre-launch we plan to put 20,000 copies on the newsstand, and

the sell-through rate is projected to be 25% for single-copy print sales.

At the pre-launch we plan to put 2,000 copies on the newsstand, and the

In the first year, the number of copies will increase to 40,000, and the

sell-through rate is projected to be 25% for single-copy print sales. In the

sell-through rate will increase to 40%. At year 2, 50,000 magazines will

first year, the number of copies will increase to 5,000, and the sell-through

be placed, and the sell-through rate will increase to 50%.

rate will increase to 40%. At year 2, 8,000 books will be placed, and the

sell-through rate will increase to 50%.

For subscriptions, we set the price at $23 per year. The number of print

subscribers for pre-launch is expected to be roughly 5,000, year one is

For the print and digital subscription, we set the price at $28 per year. The

20,000, and year two is 35,000. Each issue will have 112 pages and the

number of print subscribers for pre-launch is 1,000, year one is 2,000, and

ratio of advertising and editorial content is 50% and 50%. We will aim

year two is 4,000. Each issue will have 112 pages and the ratio of advertising

and editorial content is 50% and 50%. Beginning in our first year, we

to get our magazine placed in public, for example, coffee shops, to

increase our per copy readership. Regarding digital audiences and

will aim to get our magazine in coffee shops. For each magazine, we will

advertising revenue, we have decided to use the Habitual website and

have roughly 1.5 readers per copy due to the combination of single-copy

Instagram as our social media platform. After thorough analysis of

sales and readership at local coffee shops. Regarding digital audiences and

Habitual’s competitors, we determined that on average, we will reserve

advertising revenue, we have decided to use the Habitual website and

20 spots for advertisement inventory each month.

Instagram as our social media platform. After thorough analysis of Habitual’s

competitors, we determined that on average, we will reserve 20 spots

for advertisement inventory each month.

Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “NalaCare”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.






Creating new and sustainable habits is an essential to combating

climate change. Brands and businesses are adjusting their

practices to contribute to a positive change. Habitual intends

to highlight these practices, products and ways of life to

promote a healthier and more environmentally friendly life.

Habitual’s primary channel is a print magazine, which will

feature full-length stories revolving around sustainability.

These stories will include product features, interview

segments with designers or entrepreneurs behind an

eco-brand, curated shopping guides, and behind the scenes of

sustainable clothing/product production.

Intentionality is the core value of Habitual, as the goal of the

magazine is to encourage readers to slow down and think

through their purchasing habits and lifestyle choices so that

they better align with the well-being of the globe. This slowing

down includes the choice to publish twice a year to illustrate

an alternative to seasonal publications which might celebrate

more purchasing and faster turnover of products. Leading by

example is an effective way to shift how not only readers

consume but how other brands and magazines might alter

their own practices.

While the main body of the print edition showcases dense

articles regarding sustainability, the secondary channels such as

the Habitual online website and Instagram profile will include

shorter featurettes and highlights of the people behind the

stories, photography of products or designers, and a

light-hearted blog to provide a quick read for those dabbling

into living a sustainable lifestyle. We want the digital content to

be an easy-read while leaving them with an eco-friendly mindset.

Through our online and social media channels, we will give

a preview of the deeper content that is discussed in our primary

print magazine. Overall, our editorial concepts through all

channels showcase sustainability as imperative, where everyday

habits and being environmentally friendly can co-exist.


Image retrieved from: https://com-quat.fr/a-propos/





1. Mala The Brand: Meet Melody

Inspired by the slow, minimalistic lifestyle of the Europeans,

Melody founded Mala The Brand - a hand-poured

soy candle company based in Vancouver, BC. As a

heart-centered business that operates with the Earth in

mind, Mala candles integrate her passion for sustainability

and love for all things marketing, design, and


Pull quote: “As a solo-preneur, from pouring your candle,

to creating the content that you see online, to responding

to your emails, keeping my small business local and as

sustainable as possible is very important to me. All of our

materials used in the candle-making process to the

packaging are eco-friendly. We thoughtfully source our

materials to make sure everything is made from

post-consumer waste - fully recyclable or biodegradable,

containing no plastic.”

2. The Shift: Brands that are working with feedback

Although local brands and stores are ideal places to

reduce carbon footprints, the reliance on online

shopping is unlikely to decrease in the next few years.

Arc Apparel and Nala Care have responded to consumer

demand to reduce waste and environmental impact. By

selecting ingredients and materials that reduce the

amount of chemicals and dangerous substances entering

the ecosystem

Pull quote: Nala Care: “At Nala, we’re free-from. We

chose the term ‘free-from’ over ‘natural’ or ‘clean’ because

we want to provide transparency in a market where

terms like these can get cloudy with misuse...We hold

ourselves to a higher standard than required by any

regulatory body, because if it’s possible, why not?“

3. Thrift on the go

The rise of online buy and sell marketplaces such as

Poshmark or Depop emphasizes the importance of

reusing and getting the most wear out of your clothing.

Better known as “fast fashion”, many commercial retail

stores offer trendy clothing at a low cost resulting in a

quick turnover in one’s closet as trends come and go

seasonally. Additionally, they are made of cheap material

that is not ethically sourced or produced. Online buy

and sell marketplaces provide a platform for people to

sell their used clothing for another person to make their

own. Not only does this decrease the amount of clothing

waste, another person across the country is able to enjoy

your pre-loved item.

4. Worn In: The Highlights of a Vintage Wardrobe

Sustainable practices are not just limited to the production

chain. Rather than shopping directly from fast

fashion retailers, purchasing products second hand gives

them a second life. This map highlights the best stores in

BC for a curated selection of vintage/thrift shops.

5. Get Settled in Sustainability: Your Sustainable

Dream Home

It might be difficult to rest easy on furniture that was

not created with sustainability in mind. If you understand

that the couch you watch Netflix from or the bed

which you look forward to resting in at the end of the

day will never adequately break down. For a more

sophisticated and financially stable readership providing

options for more eco friendly fabrics that contribute to

the environment in a positive way. Comparing certain

fabric and material designs against more eco-friendly

allows readers to understand where they can make

simple changes while maintaining their own desired

aesthetic. This article would further highlight how

choosing specific and thoughtful products for the home

has benefits for both environmental well-being and

personal well-being. A choice where readers are not

forced to forfeit any of their own wants, interests or

needs is an effective way to inform and implicitly

convince readers to choose better alternatives.



Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “Mala The Brand”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.






Starter’s Guide to Sustain

Habitual will have full length stories

sustainability into their lives. There w

articles. With articles featuring local

sourced materials, Habitual will give

Long form articles will be featured on

required for these types of features h

purchase copies of the magazine.

Advertisements are important as a w

experience through integrating ads in

for local businesses and brands, onlin

appeal with an embossed cover and u


y Channel Article


gital Article


giving audiences insight on how to make more ethical choices in their shopping practices and incorporate

ill be high quality photographic images to increase audiences visual interest in correlation with the

entrepreneurs, sustainable brand recognition, and informational content on eco-friendly and ethically

magazine readers a range of entertaining yet insightful content under the umbrella of sustainability.

the primary print channel. Interviews with entrepreneurs and subsequent photographic elements

ave higher value due to time and financial investments so they will only be available to those willing to

ay to generate revenue through print however, Habitual will work towards a seamless advertisement

to the articles, brand highlights, and features. Along with advertorials, Habitual will also have display ads

e shops, and organizations. Published twice a year, the 112-page magazine is intended to create tactile

sing ethically sourced paper.





The overall tone of the magazine will be communicated through its visual aspects and use of soft earth-tone colours to showc

tally friendly products along with minimalism; the inspiration comes from natural, organic aesthetics, using browns and green

(primary for text and secondary for background tints respectively), with a simple white background and black text.

Fonts used for the text will be serif to evoke sophistication but in combination with sans-serif for smaller snippets of text for

recognizable reading. Headers will also use sans-serif font for clean and easy readability. Colours will be warm-toned to evoke

reader as the magazine is not going for any extreme emotion and focusing on the products being shown following a certain ae

will at most be stronger shades of brown or green when not showcasing a product that might clash with the magazine’s aesthe


The colours and fonts will be presented in the primary channel of print magazines showcasing a clean aesthetic and balancing

small paragraphs of text to evoke the feeling of calmness. With careful selection, the goal of the visual concept is to create a hi

magazine that is lasting, rather than a disposable magazine. Finally, the secondary channel of online articles and imagery will f

simple layout while having more practical text placement and images, allowing for an easy read digitally.


Visual Concept

ase environmens

as accents

quick and

calmness in the

sthetic. Colours

tics (e.g. in

large images with


ollow the same






Colour Palette







Visual Concept


Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “Mala The Brand”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.

By: Alicia Dang, Elizabeth Stewart-Bain 2nd March, 2020

Mala The Brand:

Meet Melody

“As a solo-preneur, from pouring your candle, to creating the content that you see online, to

responding to your emails, keeping my small business local and as sustainable as possible is very

important to me. All of our materials used in the candle-making process to the packaging are

eco-friendly. We thoughtfully source our materials to make sure everything is made from

post-consumer waste - fully recyclable or biodegradable, containing no plastic.”

Inspired by the slow, minimalistic lifestyle of the Europeans, Melody

founded Mala The Brand - a hand-poured soy candle company based in

Vancouver, BC. As a heart-centered business that operates with the

Earth in mind, Mala candles integrate her passion for sustainability and

love for all things marketing, design, and entrepreneurship.

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Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “Mala The Brand”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.


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consequat, uis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit.

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luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi, lorem

ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam.




Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy

nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore

magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi

enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis

nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in

hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie

consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat

nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et

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te feugait nulla facilisi.

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wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

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euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore

magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi

enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis

nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in

hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie

consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat

nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et

iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent

luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore

te feugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy

nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore

magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi

enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis

nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in

hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie

consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat.

Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “NalaCare”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.




The Shift:

Brands that are working

with feedback

By: Alicia Dang, Elizabeth Stewart-Bain

Photography by: Dang, Alicia. “ArcApparel”, Habitual, 9 Mar.2020.

Nala Care: “At Nala, we’re free-from. We chose the term ‘free-from’

over ‘natural’ or ‘clean’ because we want to provide transparency in a

market where terms like these can get cloudy with misuse...We hold

ourselves to a higher standard than required by any regulatory body,

because if it’s possible, why not?”

Although local brands and stores are ideal places to reduce carbon

footprints, the reliance on online shopping is unlikely to decrease in the

next few years. Arc Apparel and Nala Care have responded to consumer

demand to reduce waste and environmental impact. By selecting

ingredients and materials that reduce the amount of chemicals and

dangerous substances entering the ecosystem.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat

volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation

ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat

volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation

ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse

molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros

et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril

delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam wsd



lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat

volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation

ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse

molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros

et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril

delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat

volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation

ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat

volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation

ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse

molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros

et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril

delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat

volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation

ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse

molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros

et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril

delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.


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