ALDS 1001-A week 4 lecture 2

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Adult literacy campaigns

- Concerns over adult literacy a (relatively) recent development

- Metaphor of literacy as “disease” both prevalent and powerful

- Recent shift from national to international response

- five-level adult literacies scale (UNESCO)

- Question as to whether they address inequalities or reinforce them

- Ex. talking about illiteracy as a disease could marginalized people

- Western ways seeping into other parts of the world



- Source language (SL): the language being translated from

- Target language (TL): the language being translate into

- Product and process

Interpreter process

- Expression in SL

- Comprehension of SL

- Expression in TL

- Comprehension of TL

Contexts of translation

- In everyday life in multilingual communities

- In professional contexts

- In language classroom (explicit or implicit/rely on their experience with their first

language and translate manually)

- In linguistics analysis (ex. Interlinear translations)

Translation equivalence

- Translation often involved much more than just swapping in the SL words equivalent to

words in the TL

- Issues where no direct translation is available

- Involves making judgment calls about how best to convert the intentions, perspectives,

and beliefs of those involved in translation

- Might have to change something if a certain expression does not exist in the other

language, or if there are many more specific words to choose from

What changes in translation

- Phonological forms

- But how do you translate puns and word-play that rely on what words sound like? Make

a new joke or provide further explanation

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