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647 participants from 7 countries performed at the

International Online Dance Festival “DANCE onLINE”

647 participants from 7 countries represented their dance skills in the International Online festival “DANCE

onLINE”. The forum was held on 6 and 7 June 2020 in the global internet and provided a field for dancers from

the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine (Luhansk region), Poland, Italy, Belgium and the United

States. Winner of the prestigious Grand Prix is Alena Kostigina. She was awarded a free trip to one of the next

offline festivals of the creative association.

Three dance groups have been awarded certificates that bring a discount for the participation of 5 dancers

in one of the next offline festivals, which will be held by the same organizers. The distinguished ensembles are:

Exemplary dance ensemble “Carouse” from the Republic of Belarus, Ballet Studio “Magical shoes” from Russia

and Dance company “E.SPERIMENTI” from Italy.

The winner of the “Online voting for the best dance group” is the dance group “Cheleesh” from Kyzyl, Russia.

The virtual quiz, held within the event, was won by Alexei Ivanchuk, a representative of the dance group “Souvenir”.

The international jury awarded the groups according to all categories and age divisions based on the results

of the protocols with laureates I - III degree and diplomas I - III place.

The festival provided an opportunity, even in a pandemic environment, to overcome the barriers between

countries and to present the colorful cultures of different nations.


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