An Introduction to Mayville Online School

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<strong>An</strong> introduction <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> <strong>School</strong>

<strong>Mayville</strong> High <strong>School</strong> – who are we?<br />

Since 1897, <strong>Mayville</strong> has been providing exceptional education in the heart of Southsea.<br />

True <strong>to</strong> the founding principle of educating the ‘whole child’, our ethos aims <strong>to</strong> instil<br />

a life-long love of learning in every pupil.<br />

At <strong>Mayville</strong>, we believe it is the happy child who learns and, as such, all pupils are valued as individuals and<br />

are supported <strong>to</strong> develop a sense of self-respect. We believe that if children feel happy, safe and confident,<br />

they will be ready <strong>to</strong> learn.<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> pupils are given access <strong>to</strong> a rich and varied curriculum, designed <strong>to</strong> give them a solid foundation<br />

on which <strong>to</strong> build, as they progress along their educational journey. The learning experience in our Nursery,<br />

Junior & Senior <strong>School</strong>s is designed <strong>to</strong> provide pupils with a wealth of educational and pas<strong>to</strong>ral opportunities,<br />

which help them develop in<strong>to</strong> confident and happy children, ready for the next stage in their lives.

Excellence… our foundation for the future<br />

In March 2020, schools in England closed, due <strong>to</strong> the COVID-19 emergency. During the lockdown and school<br />

closures, we transitioned <strong>to</strong> a full programme of remote learning, in order <strong>to</strong> ensure continuity of education<br />

for all of our pupils. We were in a favourable position <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> deliver this effectively, as the Google<br />

Education platform was already firmly embedded within our existing classes and homework.<br />

Our highly-skilled teachers were flexible and committed <strong>to</strong> ensuring that our pupils continued <strong>to</strong> receive<br />

an outstanding quality of education, along with the pas<strong>to</strong>ral care that is at the heart of the <strong>Mayville</strong> experience.<br />

Rich online learning resources, along with small teaching groups, enabled pupils <strong>to</strong> build on their knowledge<br />

and continue <strong>to</strong> thrive. During this period of radical change and uncertainty, we maintained high levels of both<br />

pupil engagement and parent satisfaction throughout.<br />

“I have nothing but praise for how you have all risen <strong>to</strong> the many challenges<br />

we currently face and how caring all the staff are.”<br />

“Our son’s learning and wellbeing is not suffering at all and for that I am truly grateful.”<br />

Furthermore, we found that some pupils became more responsive, learning at home, when compared <strong>to</strong><br />

a traditional classroom environment. Evidence demonstrates that relaxed minds are more receptive <strong>to</strong> learning<br />

and show better memory retention. Our online provision provided pupils a stable point of contact with their<br />

teachers and peers during both lessons and dedicated tu<strong>to</strong>r time – offering pupils reassurance, helping <strong>to</strong> calm<br />

anxieties and overcome other potential barriers <strong>to</strong> learning.<br />

“… most importantly that all the teachers we spoke <strong>to</strong> had our child’s wellbeing<br />

and mental health at the heart of the conversation.”<br />

In January 2020, ISI inspec<strong>to</strong>rs rated <strong>Mayville</strong> ‘Excellent’ in all areas of provision. Our core philosophy and high<br />

educational standards are now accessible <strong>to</strong> everyone with <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>.

What is <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>?<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> is an enriched ‘whole child’ learning programme, offering the <strong>Mayville</strong> High<br />

<strong>School</strong> experience in your home environment. Pupils access and complete assignments<br />

using Google Classroom, with remote access helping <strong>to</strong> overcome some of the barriers<br />

<strong>to</strong> education that might be presented by a traditional school experience.<br />

Our online tu<strong>to</strong>rs can provide a full curriculum programme of study, offering you everything you would<br />

expect from a school, plus a lot more flexibility in tailoring the education <strong>to</strong> the specific needs of the pupil.<br />

This flexibility can be of enormous benefit <strong>to</strong> pupils with outside commitments or special educational needs.<br />

Live lessons build positive connections between the teacher and pupil – this has been shown <strong>to</strong> improve<br />

academic achievement, social competencies and emotional wellbeing. The lessons remain available<br />

on the classroom after the initial 'broadcast', so that pupils who were unable <strong>to</strong> access it live can complete<br />

it independently, at a time that is convenient <strong>to</strong> them. Pupils can also choose <strong>to</strong> revisit lessons, in order<br />

<strong>to</strong> reinforce the learning.<br />

A holistic approach<br />

Our online teachers are all experienced classroom practitioners with Qualified Teacher Status. They provide<br />

a holistic approach <strong>to</strong> both your child’s learning and the pas<strong>to</strong>ral care essential in building confidence<br />

and self-esteem.<br />

• We provide a full curriculum of core subjects, working with our expert online teachers.<br />

• Our daily pupil updates will provide essential information regarding progress and development, whilst<br />

virtual ‘pupil review’ meetings will provide time <strong>to</strong> review and discuss your child’s development.<br />

• Termly reports will be provided <strong>to</strong> celebrate progress and consolidate assessment data.<br />

We can also offer:<br />

• For children studying for their GCSE exams, <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> can offer specialist support and tu<strong>to</strong>ring outside<br />

the school day.<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong>‘s excellent pas<strong>to</strong>ral care<br />

At <strong>Mayville</strong>, we understand that the emotional support we provide is intrinsic <strong>to</strong> developing a young person’s<br />

self-confidence and wellbeing, which both directly impact their academic engagement. All pupils are assigned<br />

a tu<strong>to</strong>r who will meet with them regularly <strong>to</strong> discuss any concerns.<br />

Our most recent ISI inspection (January 2020) found that, 'The quality of the pupils’ personal development<br />

is excellent'. Our pas<strong>to</strong>ral programme will develop your child’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing,<br />

so they reach their full potential and achieve their own personal best.

Who is <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> for?<br />

Overseas or distance learners<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> aims <strong>to</strong> provide young people access <strong>to</strong> a robust curriculum, wherever they are in the<br />

world. Our online school allows pupils access <strong>to</strong> a British curriculum that provides flexibility for your child's<br />

needs, where they can follow the same programme of study, at their own pace and level, and proceed<br />

<strong>to</strong> sit examinations.<br />

Special educational needs and disability<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> provides an alternative method of learning for children not coping well with the challenge<br />

of remaining in mainstream schooling, whilst needing specialist support for their learning differences.<br />

Many children, who may not have thrived in a traditional classroom environment, often grow and flourish when<br />

they are given the opportunity <strong>to</strong> learn at home. With <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>, we offer a range of services including<br />

Men<strong>to</strong>ring and Special Educational Needs support, <strong>to</strong> help overcome the learning differences faced by your<br />

child. We can provide specialist lessons from Wyvern House (our Specialist Learning Support and Wellbeing<br />

Centre), alongside curriculum lessons.<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> uses assisted technology, including ‘text-<strong>to</strong>-speech’ and ‘speech recognition’ software, that<br />

has been shown <strong>to</strong> unlock the potential of every child. Reducing the barriers <strong>to</strong> education is fundamental<br />

<strong>to</strong> our success at <strong>Mayville</strong> and we have been at the forefront of providing specialist education <strong>to</strong> children who<br />

struggle, due <strong>to</strong> the barriers they face, for over 20 years. We provide bespoke solutions for individuals, so they<br />

can use their strengths <strong>to</strong> overcome these challenges, resulting in a truly successful educational outcome.<br />

<strong>School</strong> attendance difficulties.<br />

Whatever the reasons for finding school attendance difficult, children often miss weeks, months or years of vital<br />

schooling. <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> can provide the education for your child from home, ensuring that they do not fall<br />

behind their peers. We can provide one or two subjects or the whole curriculum. Flexible schooling is vital for<br />

those who struggle with school attendance, so they can build their confidence at a pace that’s suitable for them.<br />

We can also provide mental health counselling.<br />

Flexi-learning<br />

Flexi-schooling – where a child attends school for part of the week and learns at home for the rest of it – is an<br />

ideal compromise for some families and is becoming increasingly popular. <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> can provide you with<br />

the flexibility <strong>to</strong> work, with parents and other schools, <strong>to</strong> provide this flexi-learning approach. You can decide<br />

on the subjects you would like <strong>to</strong> study at home and use <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> <strong>to</strong> run alongside the subjects already<br />

studied at school. Flexi-schooling can be a perfect home-school compromise, whereby children have access<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>’s subject-specialist educa<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

All our teachers are committed <strong>to</strong> providing the best possible teaching and <strong>to</strong> make sure that every child<br />

is happy and confident with their education. We pride ourselves on providing a warm and caring, supportive<br />

atmosphere, with the child at the centre of their learning. Our philosophy of educating the 'whole child'<br />

– head, hands, heart – is at the core of all we do. Our ethos serves <strong>to</strong> instil a life-long love of learning in every<br />

pupil, no matter where they are located.

How is <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> delivered?<br />

We fully utilise the Google Education platform, <strong>to</strong> provide your child with engaging lessons,<br />

assignments and assessments in a paperless environment. The platform is industry-standard,<br />

education-friendly and can be accessed on tablet, mobile device or via web browser.<br />

Pupils complete assignments and assessments directly on Google Classroom and completed work<br />

is simultaneously saved <strong>to</strong> Google Drive. Interactive content, such as videos and web pages, is integrated<br />

<strong>to</strong> create stimulating lessons and tasks. Pupils have a range of ways in which they can collaborate, including<br />

online discussions with other students, using group chats for project assignments or Google Docs <strong>to</strong> access<br />

work shared by their teacher. A blend of individual and group tasks helps students develop key skills for<br />

creative problem-solving and collaborative learning.<br />

Live lessons are delivered on Google Meet by highly-qualified, specialist teachers, who are online throughout,<br />

<strong>to</strong> provide support, feedback and enrichment. Pupils have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> discuss assignments, observe<br />

key lessons and develop positive relationships with their online tu<strong>to</strong>r. They are also able <strong>to</strong> share their screen,<br />

allowing the teacher <strong>to</strong> provide real time intervention. After initial broadcast, students are able <strong>to</strong> re-watch<br />

recorded material independently, at a time that is convenient <strong>to</strong> them, in order <strong>to</strong> reinforce the learning.<br />

A teaching ratio of no more than 1:10 across the board ensures that pupils improve their academic performance<br />

and reduce the attainment gap. Small class sizes enable teachers <strong>to</strong> differentiate lessons and assignments<br />

<strong>to</strong> each child’s specific needs, whilst pupils benefit from greater levels of individual attention and support.<br />

Google Classroom’s built-in <strong>to</strong>ols make communicating with pupils and parents easily accessible. Virtual ‘pupil<br />

review’ meetings on Google Meet provide opportunities for face-<strong>to</strong>-face discussion with your child’s online<br />

teacher, offering essential feedback on both academic and personal development. Daily pupil updates will<br />

provide essential information on progress. Termly reports for parents will be provided <strong>to</strong> celebrate progress<br />

and confirm assessment data.<br />

The use of Google Classroom equips pupils <strong>to</strong> confidently transition in<strong>to</strong> other learning management systems,<br />

which are essential for higher education learning. <strong>Online</strong> learners are comfortable using IT and are adept<br />

at taking ownership of their learning through the use of modern technology.

What formal qualifications are available?<br />

Our <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> pupils will be entered for the qualifications which are most appropriate<br />

for them, in relation <strong>to</strong> their ability, personal preference, geographical location and interests.<br />

The academic package that we provide is always bespoke <strong>to</strong> the individual student.<br />

Within our provision, we are able <strong>to</strong> offer a range of formal qualifications, including GCSE, iGCSE and Pearson<br />

Edexcel Functional Skills qualifications, in English, mathematics & science.<br />

GCSE<br />

GCSEs (General Certificates of Secondary Education) are the main qualifications taken by 14- <strong>to</strong> 16-year-olds<br />

in schools and colleges in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. GCSEs are subject-specific qualifications<br />

that mainly involve studying the theory of a subject combined with some investigative work. Highly valued<br />

by schools, colleges and employers, they are the first step <strong>to</strong>wards a range of careers or further study and<br />

have been used as a benchmark <strong>to</strong> judge pupil ability for more than 25 years.<br />

For more information:<br />

iGCSE<br />

Our pupils can expect <strong>to</strong> achieve outstanding results in iGCSE. International GCSEs are globally recognised<br />

qualifications with academic content and assessment designed specifically for international learners.<br />

iGCSEs deliver a consistent learning journey for pupils and teachers, with world class support services,<br />

everywhere in the world.<br />

For more information:<br />

Functional Skills Qualifications<br />

We offer Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills are qualifications in English and Mathematics. Suitable for learners<br />

of all ages, they’re also an accepted part of all apprenticeship standards and frameworks in England.<br />

For more information:

What if my child requires specialised learning support?<br />

Our outstanding Specialist Learning Support and Wellbeing Centre (Wyvern House) caters<br />

or all mild <strong>to</strong> moderate learning differences, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, mild dyspraxia<br />

and mild pragmatic language issues. We also support pupils who are coping with social,<br />

emotional and mental health needs.<br />

We take a holistic view that not all pupils learn at the same rate or in the same way and, through our expertise,<br />

we are able <strong>to</strong> provide bespoke learning programmes. Pupils’ self esteem is also central <strong>to</strong> our support;<br />

equipping them with life skills, coping strategies and confidence, as well as robust curriculum achievement.<br />

<strong>An</strong> Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written by the pupil’s SEND tu<strong>to</strong>r which provides summary details<br />

of a pupil’s particular difficulties and strengths, along with detailed recommendations for online class support<br />

and any specialist requirements. This is shared with the child’s other teachers, <strong>to</strong> ensure that individual needs<br />

are met in each lesson.<br />

The integration of technology supports and facilitates learning for students with learning differences. For such<br />

pupils, <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> has many benefits, as it generates immediate feedback, along with a multi-sensory and<br />

individualised response, enabling teachers <strong>to</strong> set up personal and cus<strong>to</strong>mised learning paths. <strong>Online</strong> learning<br />

allows teachers <strong>to</strong> closely moni<strong>to</strong>r progress and increase opportunities for inclusive learning, participation<br />

and collaboration.<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> is regularly inspected by the Council for the Registration of <strong>School</strong>s Teaching Dyslexic Pupils<br />

(CReSTeD), an independent body established <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r and evaluate the standard of teaching and provision<br />

for dyslexic pupils within the private education sec<strong>to</strong>r. From their most recent report (February 2020), <strong>Mayville</strong><br />

was graded ‘outstanding’ – ‘A school where students are listened <strong>to</strong>, supported, challenged and encouraged.<br />

The level of support from the learning support team and from mainstream teachers is outstanding.’

Why choose <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>?<br />

At <strong>Mayville</strong> High <strong>School</strong>, we understand the importance of seeing every child reach their<br />

full potential. Our most recent Independent <strong>School</strong>s Inspection (ISI) report observes that:<br />

‘The quality of pupils’ personal and social development is excellent.‘<br />

‘Pupils at <strong>Mayville</strong> exhibit strong teamworking skills which ensures all groups<br />

work <strong>to</strong>gether <strong>to</strong> achieve common goals.’<br />

‘Those experiencing particular learning challenges are supported by a system<br />

in which staff and the Learning Support Unit work with individuals <strong>to</strong> equip<br />

them with the strategies and confidence <strong>to</strong> pursue their own aspirations.‘<br />

‘Through their excellent pas<strong>to</strong>ral care and welfare systems, pupils are confident,<br />

exhibiting a sense of belonging in a unique family atmosphere.’<br />

(ISI report, January 2020. ‘Excellent’ in all areas of inspection).<br />

Our philosophy and high standards can now be provided <strong>to</strong> you, with <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>.<br />

How do I find out more about <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>?<br />

To find out more about <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong>, please email Mrs J Mills at:<br />

Wherever you are, <strong>Mayville</strong> <strong>Online</strong> is here for you and your child’s educational requirements.<br />

<strong>Mayville</strong> High <strong>School</strong> – at the heart of Southsea<br />

Furthermore, you may wish <strong>to</strong> join us and be part of our excellent day school, here in Southsea, Hampshire.<br />

For all enquiries and taster day requests, please contact the school office on 023 9273 4847<br />

or email:

023 9273 4847

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