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I have intentionally not provided the references from the Quran - No offence intended, I just want you all to re

study the book Quran with the open mind if you are really interested in rediscovering Deen.


“Muslims” all over the world acknowledge only one book as their valid document and that is the Quran. They

revere this book more than any other book or literature but very few depend on it for guidance and direction.

Al-Quran the book considered to be the best compass by which the Arabs of past navigated their entire course

of life is now been made an object of ridicule by the actions of today’s “Believers”.

Absurdly this is the only book in the world that is rote read and recited daily widely by its followers only for

earning “huge rewards” rather than for understanding its contents.

Those who claim to have understood the book actually understood the different versions of various

interpretations of their respective scholars they believe to be the exact interpretation of the original message of

the book Quran the 114 chapter book. The “Muslims” will apply their mind in every big and small affair but when

it comes to understanding the book Quran their mind gets numb as if they are facing some big monster.

It is really a pity that the man one of the best creation of the nature does not use his own sense / logic and relies

on other man or books for guidance for his day to day routine work. This is an insult to the dignity of man and his

intellect. A Man can only give advice to another man but the onus for following the advice remains the

prerogative of that man who had been advised. The book Quran clearly states many times that one should use

reason and verify any message before believing it (17:36) (25:73).

Man fails to realize that the main crucial book of guidance is available inside him (21:10) (18:54) which he fails to

recognize (2:146) (6:20). Without having a glance on his / her inherent book [Al-Kitab] he immediately runs and

tries to looks for outside help / guidance.

I can’t understand why people need guidance from “holy messengers” when they don’t even bother to ponder

on the available inherent messengers constantly sending out messages to them (9:128) (10:16) (23:32) (37:72)

(43:6) (49:7) (3:101) (3:164) (4:59) (2:139) (2:151) (3:81).this applys to all scriptures.


The sense of pain, the fears, the anxieties, the worries, inner voices, the urges, hopes, assurances, the gut

feelings, inspirations, confidence, courage, happiness, sadness and the curiosities are the only true messengers

and warners of God, plus they even speak in our own language. We don't have to learn their languages it is easy

to understand but we seldom give heed to them. This is what Rumi meant when he said pains or signs/ayaats

you feel or experience are God’s messengers listen to them and overcome / conquer your shortcomings.

But we are busy revering human messengers, searching to locate their exact birth places, their culture. We even

try to decode their dead languages by making tremendous efforts to learn and pronounce it properly, learning

grammar in order to know the true message. In the process we are missing the signs [Ayaat] within and all

around us which the inherent messengers provoke us time and again to take heed of.

imesiN imsNiw me 怀 m imesiN emNe memsiN me 怀 imi imeiNe e e NmimeNiw iism̈́wN ii ̈́mewNiw me 怀 NiweNiw iem N ieis ewNmwimwN e 怀 m̈́iewN

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