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Behavior among two or more organisms within

the same species, and encompasses any behavior in

which one member affects the other. Social behavior

can be seen as similar to an exchange of goods, with

the expectation that when you give, you will receive

the same. This behavior can be affected by both the

qualities of the individual and the environmental

(situational) factors. Therefore, social behavior arises

as a result of an interaction between the organism

and its environment.

A major aspect of social behavior is communication,

which is the basis for survival and reproduction.

Behavior can arise by those consciously behaving

(where there is an awareness and intent), or by pure

impulse. These factors that determine behavior can

work in different situations and moments, and can

even oppose one another. There are distinctions

between different types of social behavior, such as

mundane versus defensive social behavior. Mundane

social behavior is a result of interactions in day-to-day

life, and are behaviors learned as one is exposed

to those different situations. On the other hand,

defensive behavior arises out of impulse, when one is

faced with conflicting desires.


The development of behavior is deeply tied with

the biological and cognitive changes one is experiencing

at any given time. Culture (parents and individuals

that influence socialization in children) play a large

role in the development of a child's social behavior, as

the parents or caregivers are typically those who

decide the settings and situations that the child is

exposed to. Emotions also play a large role in the

development of social behavior, as they are intertwined

with the way an individual behaves. Through social

interactions, emotion is understood through various

verbal and nonverbal displays, and thus plays a large

role in communication. The individual characteristics

of the child (their temperament) is important to

understanding how the individual learns social

behaviors and cues given to them, and this learnability

is not consistent across all children.





In biology, an organism (from Greek: ὀργανισμός,

organismos) is any individual entity that embodies the

properties of life. An organism may be defined as an

assembly of molecules functioning as a more or less

stable whole that exhibits the properties of life. Dictionary

definitions can be broad, using phrases such as

"any living structure, such as a plant, animal, fungus

or bacterium, capable of growth and reproduction.”

An organism may be either a prokaryote or a

eukaryote. Prokaryotes are represented by two

separate domains - bacteria and archaea. Eukaryotic

organisms are characterized by the presence of a

membrane-bound cell nucleus and contain additional

membrane-bound compartments called organelles.

Fungi, animals and plants are examples of kingdoms

of organisms within the eukaryotes. Estimates on the

number of Earth's current species range from two

million to one trillion, of which over 1.7 million

have been documented. More than 99% of all species,

amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived

are estimated to be extinct.


All organisms consist of structural units called

cells; some contain a single cell (unicellular) and

others contain many units (multicellular). Multicellular

organisms are able to specialize cells to perform specific

functions. A group of such cells is a tissue, and in

animals these occur as four basic types, namely epithelium,

nervous tissue, muscle tissue, and connective tissue.

Several types of tissue work together in the form of

an organ to produce a particular function. This pattern

continues to a higher level with several organs functioning

as an organ system such as the reproductive

system, and digestive system. Many multicellular

organisms consist of several organ systems, which

coordinate to allow for life.


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