Humanlution Issue-I

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‘HUMANLUTION’, kind of a weird word, right? But it becomes

the most obvious word if you understand the meaning behind it. We

will come to that. The idea about this interactive magazine came to

me after I observed and realized the privilege that I have in my life. Recently,

I have paid great attention to my surroundings and have seen

and understood things in great depth. And I can guarantee that you

see all the mishappening going on around us. We just tend to ignore

it because we think we do not have the time to tackle such problems.

The problems that I am talking about are discrimination based on

gender, race, colour, jobs, caste, preferences, wealth and the list is

infinitely long. Name a situation and you will see some kind of discrimination

going on in it. Other problems are environmental hazards,

inequality, societal pressure and yet another never ending list. The

question that came to my mind was what brought these adversities to

existence? Intriguing right? The answer is pretty simple and known by

everyone but no one wants to believe it. It’s us humans who brought

this up. The evolution of humans especially Homo sapiens (i.e., present

humans) is the root of all the mishappening. The world is a better

place without us. We are the biggest mistake on Earth. We think that

we are the superior species, we feel that we are the ultimate being but

guess what we are not, not until we stop behaving like we do.

The real question is whether we want to remain the biggest

mistake or whether we want to become the biggest asset on Earth.

I prefer the latter. We have caused a big mess of our home but you

know what the best part of creating a mess is? It is that the mess can

be cleaned up. I want to use my privilege to support minorities/less

known communities and under-privileged population; and to help the

environment. We need to act now and this magazine is the first step

by me and my wonderful team to clean up the human mess and find

the solution to the problems caused by us humans. I believe that we

are the solution to the problems caused by us. Hence, the name ‘HU-


I am Kautilya Srivastava, CEO/Founder of HUMANLUTION and I

urge you to come join the community. Together we will work and clear

up the mess and recreate a sustainable Earth for every creature living

on it.







A letter from the CEO

Kautilya Srivastava, CEO of Humanlution

A peek into pollution

Abhinaya Iyer, Head of Design Department

Who are the Rohingyas?

Navya Sharma, Head of Research Department

Kautilya Srivastava, CEO of Humanlution

Into a Dystopian Future

Soundaram Veerappan, Humanlution Writer

A healthy atmosphere?

Shreelakshmi Iyer, Humanlution Writer

Abhinaya Iyer, Head of Design Department

Our Contributors

Photo courtesy: Ujjawal Sharan



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