Humanlution Issue-I

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There are more than half a million Rohingya refugees living in mostly substitute camps in Bangladesh.

The majority remain unregistered.An estimated 87,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar to Bangladesh since late

2016. The influx has been increasing since August 25 2017. About five lakh Rohingyas have already taken shelter

in Bangladesh over the last two decades.Bangladeshs Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited a Rohingya refugee

camp in September and called on the UN and the international community to pressure Myanmars government

to allow the return of hundreds of thousands Rohingya refugees.She said that Bangladesh would offer the refugees

temporary shelter and aid, but that Myanmar should soon “take their nationals back”. “We have given

shelter to a huge number of Rohingya refugees on humanitarian grounds and its a big problem for us,” she had

said. The country has opened its border for Rohingyas upon UNHCRs request and continues to shelter Rohingya

in over-crowded refugee camps at Cox Bazar. Refugees in Bangladesh have been banned from leaving the

overcrowded border areas. Police check posts and surveillance have been set up in key transit points from stop

Rohingya from travelling to other parts of the country.

What have we seen so far? We saw how a community is being ill-treated to a great extent and this is not

a recent event but it has a long history behind it. The question is why do they have to suffer so much? No living

being on Earth deserve the atrocity that Rohingya Muslims have gone through and is still going through. No one

should be considered as ‘THE MOST PERSECUTED MINORITY’. We understand that the Rohingya has also not acted in

an appropriate way. They could have chosen a different path and avoided the violence. They are also wrong in

their own way. They are not a victim as they are part of the reason for all the violence and torture that is happening

to them. But they are the victim of stolen identity and that is what we are trying to convey from this article. For

a moment just imagine yourself in their shoe and try imagining the pain and the tough situation that they went

through for so many years. If you can even imagine a portion of their pain you will realize how it feels to be denied

of any identity and basic rights that we all enjoy on a regular basis. It is just not worth it. It’s time that we learn that

we all are the same. We belong to the same category ‘Homo sapiens’. Gender, religion, caste, preferences, jobs

etc. should not determine how a person should be treated.

A mass atrocity is unfloding in Asia:

boat people are fleeing concetration camps

in Myanmar, and now other countries are

pushing their boats back out to the sea so

that they drown in open ocean-

something close to mass murder

-Nicholas Kristof, New York Times

Photo source: CBS News


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