An Insight Into Dental Implant Procedure Steps

Getting a dental implant? You may be curious about its process. Read the blog to get a better understanding of the steps involved in the dental implant procedure.

Getting a dental implant? You may be curious about its process. Read the blog to get a better understanding of the steps involved in the dental implant procedure.


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An Insight Into Dental

Implant Procedure Steps

by ​Dr. Shefali Sood​ ​January 21, 2021​dental implant

Looking forward to having a dental implant? Whether you have been

living without a tooth for a while, just lost a tooth because of an

infection or an accident or your dentist recommended having a ​dental

implant​. There is a good chance that you are curious about what goes

into the procedure. What happens first? How long is the procedure?

How many visits will it take? These are many of the questions people

have regarding dental implants. In this article, we will be going through

the steps of getting a​ dental implant​. The first step is obviously a

consultation with your dentist. If you have not gotten to this step then

book an appointment at ​Dental Panache​ fast! The dentist will provide

you options, discuss pricing, and get to know your oral history to make

an appropriate decision. The next steps will be discussed in this


Step 1 – Implant placement: ​Your tooth has been removed and now

you are getting ready to have it replaced. The first step consists of

placing the implant. The dentist will surgically place the implant in the

upper or lower jaw. This requires some drilling as the implant has to

be stuck to the jawbone, acting as the root of your newest teeth. The

placement of the implant is where your dental implant specialist or

oral surgeon’s expertise comes in. Since there are many nerves

present in the mouth, it requires a good dentist to place the implant

without damaging the nerves. After the implant has been placed, a

healing cap is put over it. Also note, bone grafting may be required

before or after the implant placement. In such cases, your dentist will

discuss it with you beforehand.

Step 2 – Healing and osseointegration:​ Once the implant has been

placed, it is time to heal. You have to let the bone in your jaw grow

around the implant This is time-consuming but it is what makes a

dental implant so strong. We usually wait for 3 – 4 months before

fixing a permanent tooth on top of the implant. Osseointegration

means fusing the implant to your jaw bone. This can take a few

months but do not worry, you will have a “healing cap” to protect the

implant and a temporary tooth in the meantime. After this let us move

on to step 3.

Step 3 – Tooth replacement:​This is the step you have been waiting

for! Your dentist will create a custom crown for you that will feel, look,

and act as your new tooth. If there is more than one tooth that needs

to be replaced then a bridge or denture may be needed instead of a

crown. The best part about this step is that you will leave your

dentist’s clinic with your new tooth that looks and functions like other

natural teeth in the mouth. No one will be able to suspect that you had

a missing tooth. The implant procedure is complete, congratulations!

These are the steps involved in a dental implant procedure, if you have

more questions or are ready to book a consultation, then ​contact us


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