Video Production Services Melbourne

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Video Production

Video Production Melbourne

Video Production Melbourne is the overall name for the entire process of creating a powerful and engaging Video, starting with the initial idea or

concept, all the way through to the final Video Clip that is ready to be published, uploaded, broadcast or distributed.

Atlantis Digital is one of the most trusted and experienced Video production houses in Melbourne, with many years of high quality video production in

the corporate, broadcast, commercial and private production fields. We proudly have our own team of writers, producers, shooters, directors and

editors, and we own our own production and post production equipment.

Traditionally Video production is divided into three stages.

Pre-production is the planning stage. It includes research, meetings and discussions, followed by writing any scripts that may be required, booking any

crews such as Camera, lighting and sound recording professionals. Searching for, and securing the right locations, on camera talent, and voice talent

Production is where it starts to take shape. It includes the shooting of any footage to be included in your production, the creation of any special

graphics or animations that are to be created, and recording any audio including voice overs, music or sound effects.

Post production is the final stage, where all the raw elements that have been so carefully planned and produced are now cut together in an edit suite,

using state of the art software. Any music, graphics, special effects and voice narration are added in and mixed to the right levels, (also called audio

sweetening), before the final product is outputted for review and revisions. The delicate art of colour grading, where the video material is tweaked for

hue, saturation and luminance is also undertaken in the final stages of post-production.

Once your product has been approved by you, we can provide it to you on a Hard Drive in your choice of formats and quality options, or upload it for you

to the platform of your choice.

Please consider choosing our team of experienced professionals at Atlantis Digital for your next Video production. Feel free to discuss your ideas and

needs with no obligation with a member of our team. You can contact us by telephone, email, or by using the Contact form under the ‘Contact’ tab.

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