About Attorney Alan Rosca

Alan Rosca is a securities attorney, adjunct professor of Securities Regulation, and speaker and author on Ponzi schemes, investment fraud, and securities regulation. Attorney Rosca is often interviewed in the media on topics ranging from fraudulent investments to bank regulation and professional liability. Attorney Alan Rosca focuses his legal practice primarily on complex litigation and arbitration arising out of disputes related to investment or securities fraud, market manipulation, corporate governance, and antitrust. Attorney Rosca has represented thousands of investors across the country and in over 60 countries around the world, in cases against entities accused of securities fraud as well as financial industry members and other professional organizations that played a role in enabling or facilitating fraudulent investment schemes. Attorney Rosca has been interviewed in the national media on topics from investment fraud to securities regulation. Visit https://alanroscaesq.com/#inthenews for a complete list of interviews. Alan Rosca is a Professor of Securities Regulation at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. For academic papers and collaborations visit: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=p6KB2EIAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2&oi=ao https://independent.academia.edu/alanroscaesq https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alan_Rosca https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=4460781 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8389-9581 https://publons.com/researcher/4060281/alan-rosca/ https://works.bepress.com/alan-rosca/ https://learninglab.si.edu/profile/alanroscaesq Follow attorney Alan Rosca on: Twitter https://twitter.com/alanrosca Facebook https://www.facebook.com/alanroscaesq/ Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-rosca/

Alan Rosca is a securities attorney, adjunct professor of Securities Regulation, and speaker and author on Ponzi schemes, investment fraud, and securities regulation. Attorney Rosca is often interviewed in the media on topics ranging from fraudulent investments to bank regulation and professional liability.

Attorney Alan Rosca focuses his legal practice primarily on complex litigation and arbitration arising out of disputes related to investment or securities fraud, market manipulation, corporate governance, and antitrust. Attorney Rosca has represented thousands of investors across the country and in over 60 countries around the world, in cases against entities accused of securities fraud as well as financial industry members and other professional organizations that played a role in enabling or facilitating fraudulent investment schemes.

Attorney Rosca has been interviewed in the national media on topics from investment fraud to securities regulation. Visit https://alanroscaesq.com/#inthenews for a complete list of interviews.

Alan Rosca is a Professor of Securities Regulation at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. For academic papers and collaborations visit:
Follow attorney Alan Rosca on:
Twitter https://twitter.com/alanrosca
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/alanroscaesq/
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/alan-rosca/


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2021 alanroscaesQ.com

Alan Rosca is a securities attorney, adjunct professor of Securities Regulation, and speaker

and author on Ponzi schemes, investment fraud, and securities regulation. He is often

interviewed in the media on topics ranging from fraudulent investments to bank regulation

and professional liability.

Alan focuses his legal practice primarily on complex litigation and arbitration arising out of

disputes related to investment or securities fraud, market manipulation, corporate

governance, and antitrust. Alan has represented thousands of investors across the country

and in over 60 countries around the world, in cases against entities accused of securities

fraud as well as financial industry members and other professional organizations that

played a role in enabling or facilitating fraudulent investment schemes.

Alan is also an adjunct professor of securities regulation at Cleveland-Marshall College of

Law, Cleveland State University. Alan received his Juris Doctor degree summa cum Laude

from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University in May 2008, and his

MBA degree in International Business from Baldwin Wallace University in 2001. While in Law

school he served as a Managing Editor of the Cleveland State Law Review, received the

Dean's (full) scholarship for the entire Juris Doctor program, was on the Dean's List and

won the "Best Orallst" award in the Jessup Moot Court competition. Pacific Region. He

passed the Ohio Bar exam in top 1%, with the highest grade in the state to the multi-state

(federal Law) section. He is Licensed to practice law in Ohio and several federal courts


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