Migraine Mystery Solved_

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10/11/2020 Migraine Mystery Solved?

means that taking L-tryptophan will result in producing

less serotonin than after supplementing with 5-HTP. Both

L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP must cross the blood-brain

barrier to make serotonin in the brain. However, unlike L-

Tryptophan 5-HTP doesn’t have to compete with other

amino acids to cross the blood-brain barrier. As a result 5-

HTP is much more e ective in getting into brain than it is

in case of L-tryptophan. For this reason 5-HTP is regarded

as signi cantly more e ective form of tryptophan in

boosting brain serotonin levels. Human body uses L-

tryptophan to produce a number of compounds including

Niacin (Vitamin B3), but 5-HTP is only used to produce

serotonin and melatonin (from serotonin). Your body can

convert L-Tryptophan and 5-HTP to serotonin in the liver

and also in the brain. When Part of L-tryptophan can be

converted to serotonin in the liver and this serotonin can’t

be used by the brain to improve mood or prevent


While supplementing with L-tryptophan and 5-HTP it is

also very important to make sure that the rst is taken

with vitamin B3 and the second with vitamin B6.

Tryptophan is crucial in boosting serotonin levels because

serotonin is made in the body from tryptophan.

Tryptophan is rst converted in the liver into 5HTP (5-

Hydroxy L-Tryptophan) by the enzyme tryptophan

hydroxylase with the help of vitamin B3 (niacin). The

problem, however, is that when the liver attempts to

convert tryptophan to 5HTP in the absence of adequate

levels of vitamin B3, it will use tryptophan to synthetize it,

and it uses 60mg of tryptophan to produce 1mg of niacin,

thus leading to tryptophan and serotonin de ciency! That

is why if L-tryptophan supplements are taken instead of 5-

HTP it should be used with B3. On the other hand, when 5-

HTP gets into the liver another enzyme (decarboxylase)

converts it to 5HT, but it can do it e ectively only with the

help of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Unfortunately, when body

is de cient in this vitamin, liver will convert 5HTP to some

toxic metabolites! For this reason 5-HTP, which

e ectiveness in boosting serotonin levels is higher than

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