Migraine Mystery Solved_

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10/11/2020 Migraine Mystery Solved?



Apart from 5-HTP (tryptophan) and vitamin B2 also the

following are bene cial in increasing Serotonin levels:

Vitamins C, B1, B3, B6, B12, D, folic acid, calcium, selenium,

zinc, & magnesium, regular exercise, and sunlight.


In the book ‘The Natural Way to Overcome Depression,

Obesity, and Insomnia’ Dr. Michael Murray wrote: “Bad

diet, lack of exercise, use of harmful substances such as

alcohol or ca eine (co ee, tea, cola drinks, etc.) can rob

your brain of the ability to make enough serotonin. This

produces a range of signi cant complications: depression,

obesity, insomnia, migraine headaches, or chronic

fatigue.” It means that in order to have more serotonin

you have to exercise and avoid stimulants such as alcohol

and foods or drinks which contain ca eine (co ee, tea,

cola drinks, etc.).

In January 2009 Psychopharmacology reported that one of

the studies found that also stress greatly decreases

serotonin levels.

If you want to have enough serotonin you should stay

away from the low-calorie slimming diets as experiments

with rats demonstrated that reducing calories in their diet

decreased serotonin levels. Instead, follow the normalcalorie

unre ned plant-based diet which is the best, most

healthy and e ective way to elevate serotonin levels in the


Fortunately there are some natural ways you can use to

have more of this precious hormone. According to

Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Glenmullen serotonin can be

enhanced by positive thinking, stress control, and by

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