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The Travel Makers Australia


Flights to Lagos

About Lagos

Lagos is the most crowded city in Nigeria, spreading out across two principle

islands and onto the terrain. It is the country's monetary capital, and is

acclaimed all through Africa for its music scene. Lagos has an energetic

nightlife. Once in the past the capital of Nigeria, Lagos is an immense city

which started on islands isolated by rivulets. Despite the fact that Lagos is

still generally alluded to as a city, the present-day Lagos, otherwise called

"Metropolitan Lagos", and authoritatively as "Lagos Metropolitan Area.

Freedom Park

Freedom Park is a commemoration and recreation park territory in midtown Lagos

in Lagos Island, Nigeria which was earlier Her Majesty's Broad Street Prison. The

Park fills in as a National Memorial, a Historical milestone, a Cultural site, Arts and

Recreation focus. Once in the past the Old Broad Street Prison, a provincial time

instrument of mistreatment, it has as of late been transformed into a social place,

scene for occasions and shows, a gallery, a food court and a market. A portion of

the old jail structures are as yet standing.

Kalakuta Republic Museum

Incredible artist Fela Kuti's previous house and progressive base camp is currently

an intriguing gallery with everything unblemished. This historical center addresses

the home to battle, versatility against the military oppressors, activism and an

expect what's to come. It gives a knowledge into the existence of the late Abami

Eda as Fela was affectionately called. The name Kalakuta was received from one of

the jail cells he remained during his conviction known as Calcutta cell on acquiring

opportunity he chose to name his homestead the Kalakuta Republic which he later

pronounced a sovereign state which even enraged the then Military Government.

National Arts Theatre

The National Arts Theatre is the essential place for the performing expressions in

Nigeria. The landmark is situated in Iganmu, Surulere, Lagos. Its development was

finished in 1976 in anticipation of the Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) in

1977. The assortment of National Gallery of Modern Nigerian Art is housed in a

segment of this structure. Its outside is molded like a military cap making it stands

apart as a milestone building inside the city. The structure is named "the way of

life house" which addresses quite possibly the most recognizable public images

about Nigeria expressions and culture at home and abroad.

Hi-Impact Planet Amusement Park

Hi Impact Planet (otherwise called the Hi Impact Amusement park) is a delight,

amusement park and resort on the edges of Lagos however situated in Ogun State

along the Lagos–Ibadan Expressway It opened to the general population in

December, 2015. It is a-list event congregation with exciting outside rides and

energizing indoor games situated for youngsters, teens and the entire family to

have a great time filled insight.

New Afrika Shrine

Fela Kuti was an observed Nigerian artist who denounced debasement and awful

administration. His club, The New Afrika Shrine, plays host to the yearly

Felabration celebrations, with both filling in as an enduring heritage, guaranteeing

the name Fela is perpetually imbued in the recollections of Nigerians the world

over. In October 2000, on the third commemoration of Fela's passing, his oldest

child, Femi, opened The New Afrika Shrine in festival and out of appreciation for

his dad's memory. Multiple times greater than the first, The New Afrika Shrine is a

social place for the local area and obliges up to 2,000 individuals.

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