VAERS Results 01312021

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Adverse Event Description

PFIZER\BIONTECH Death 65+ years 962307-1

PFIZER\BIONTECH Death 65+ years 962325-1

PFIZER\BIONTECH Death 65+ years 962390-1

PFIZER\BIONTECH Death 65+ years 962714-1

tired; legs felt heavy; stopped breathing; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizersponsored

program a non-contactable consumer. A 93-year-old male patient received

bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration

on 04Jan2021 11:00 at single dose for covid-19 immunization. The patient medical history

and concomitant medications were not reported. Patient received vaccine around 11:00

a.m. About two hours later, he said he was tired and couldn't continue with the physical

therapy he was doing. He was taken back to his room, where he said his legs felt heavy.

Soon after, he stopped breathing. A nurse declared a do-not-resuscitate order. The patient

died on 04Jan2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. Outcome of stopped

breathing was fatal. Outcome of tired and legs felt heavy was unknown. No follow-up

attempts are possible; information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained.; Reported

Cause(s) of Death: stopped breathing

"Patient's wife called this morning stating that her husband has passed away last night. After

receiving first dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at around 0830, patient remained in the

Immunizations Department for the 15-minute monitoring period. Per wife, patient's only

complaint was pain at the injection site. At 1300, wife states that patient complaint of dizziness

which ""dissipated after a few minutes"" followed by a headache which ""dissipated after a few

minutes"" as well. Then patient complained of nausea, no vomiting and ""couldn't relax."" Per

wife, from around 1400/1500, patient stayed on his recliner while still having a conversation

with her--""he didn't get up to eat."" Last conversation they had was around 2000/2100. Per

wife, at around 2100/2200, patient was quiet and when she checked on him, ""he wasn't

responding anymore."" Wife then called 911, ""but they couldn't revive him."""

Admitted to hospital after vaccination with Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, Septic shock;

Aneurysm of arteriovenous dialysis fistula; expired 1/16/2021

We do not believe that the patient's death was an adverse event from the vaccine. Patient

received COVID vaccine from Pfizer Dose #1 12/19/2020 (lot # EK5730) and Dose #2 1/7/2021

(lot # EL1284). No side effects or adverse events noted; lived in 24/7 care facility and monitored

twice daily for reaction. Patient died 1/10/2021 from chronic respiratory failure and congestive

heart failure after recent aspiration pneumonia requiring hospitalization. Death was anticipated

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