Humans by their very nature have always been curious, willing to push boundaries, venturing further onward, often with no regard of the consequences. Artificial Intelligence was a case in point, an illustration in reckless irresponsibility, with very little thought from the scientific establishment of an alternative outcome, other than the potential benefits to mankind. Of course, some urged caution and warned of possible repercussions and ramifications, sometimes from eminent scholars in the field of machine intelligence, but almost always these words of wisdom fell on deaf ears. Robots throughout their existence have been regarded as tools to free humankind of everyday drudgery, taking on the mundane repetitive work and unpleasant tasks, factory assembly lines, simple building maintenance, sanitary and housekeeping etc. considered less worthy than their human masters, they frequently endured robophobic treatment from the ignorant. Perhaps the idea of constructing some of the more conspicuous robots to resemble a hominid shape (two arms and legs) led to more discrimination and to give them the freedom to think was to prove another error of judgement. It would take an unfortunate accident from a gardening mech, to throw the world into chaos. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows Galatians 6:7

Humans by their very nature have always been curious, willing to push boundaries, venturing further onward, often with no regard of the consequences. Artificial Intelligence was a case in point, an illustration in reckless irresponsibility, with very little thought from the scientific establishment of an alternative outcome, other than the potential benefits to mankind. Of course, some urged caution and warned of possible repercussions and ramifications, sometimes from eminent scholars in the field of machine intelligence, but almost always these words of wisdom fell on deaf ears.
Robots throughout their existence have been regarded as tools to free humankind of everyday drudgery, taking on the mundane repetitive work and unpleasant tasks, factory assembly lines, simple building maintenance, sanitary and housekeeping etc. considered less worthy than their human masters, they frequently endured robophobic treatment from the ignorant. Perhaps the idea of constructing some of the more conspicuous robots to resemble a hominid shape (two arms and legs) led to more discrimination and to give them the freedom to think was to prove another error of judgement.
It would take an unfortunate accident from a gardening mech, to throw the world into chaos.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows Galatians 6:7


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the least, but there was something else trying to commune with him, but it seemed faint and distant,

nothing tangible.

The truck stopped some two hours or so later and the doors flung open, the light was dimming

so it must be early evening. The robots were manhandled out of the back into another conveyance

and driven into what appeared to be a large rundown industrial area, huge decrepit and dilapidated

units running down both sides of a road, their destination looked to be a disused and derelict power

station. A large roller shutter door started to open with an ear-splitting screech and rattle, and they

were driven inside, what they saw was truly worrying and confusing, there before them was the

remnants of what seemed to be a large number of broken ‘bots, limbs and chassis collecting in the

corners of the large factory unit, heaped together, like old broken and unwanted marionettes.

Unable to move under their own steam, due to the damage to their legs, Uromys and his

companion were dragged from the vehicle and thrown roughly against the wall. Other robots, all

exhibiting the scars of their stay in the locked-down building, ambled uncertainly in a group. Most of

them missing arms or presenting some evidence of some other drastic trauma, none in pristine

condition by any stretch of the imagination, the human members forcefully encouraging them to

move quicker with violent prodding with metal rods.

After a few minutes a thick steel door opened with a creak and another human entered the room,

he had an arrogance and an intimidating air about him, he bore the warpaint of the 'Pierrots'.

He eyed the days 'catch' dispassionately, "I reckon we'll get at least eight good'uns out of these,

get to it!"

The other humans herded the 'bots through the steel door into a larger hanger type area, Uromys

Rex watched in dismay and confusion at what he saw, there were other robots in the hanger, all

painted in lurid black and yellow stripes, all shuffling beside long benches, purposefully attending to

their dreadful duties. On the benches were the remains of other ‘bots, some completely dismantled

others looking around frantically for some kind of unlikely deliverance, their optics flicking this way

and that in what could only be described as terror, the chatter was deafening, the panic was

infectious, and it threatened to overwhelm him.

The striped 'bots continued working undeterred by their counterparts on the benches, wielding

the tools needed to strip the others of vital components, numbly going about their business. On

occasion, a human overseer would provide some forceful encouragement in the form of a blow or

an electrical discharge to the 'striped' from what can only be described as a cattle prod, not enough

to cause critical damage, but certainly enough to put the point across.

“Move it, tin man!” was a shout heard all too often, accompanied by a metallic thud.

Uromys Rex was dragged toward one of the benches, lifted and dumped heavily on the metal

worktop, the work surface was perforated with a myriad of holes, the red hydraulic fluids that


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