Humans by their very nature have always been curious, willing to push boundaries, venturing further onward, often with no regard of the consequences. Artificial Intelligence was a case in point, an illustration in reckless irresponsibility, with very little thought from the scientific establishment of an alternative outcome, other than the potential benefits to mankind. Of course, some urged caution and warned of possible repercussions and ramifications, sometimes from eminent scholars in the field of machine intelligence, but almost always these words of wisdom fell on deaf ears. Robots throughout their existence have been regarded as tools to free humankind of everyday drudgery, taking on the mundane repetitive work and unpleasant tasks, factory assembly lines, simple building maintenance, sanitary and housekeeping etc. considered less worthy than their human masters, they frequently endured robophobic treatment from the ignorant. Perhaps the idea of constructing some of the more conspicuous robots to resemble a hominid shape (two arms and legs) led to more discrimination and to give them the freedom to think was to prove another error of judgement. It would take an unfortunate accident from a gardening mech, to throw the world into chaos. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows Galatians 6:7

Humans by their very nature have always been curious, willing to push boundaries, venturing further onward, often with no regard of the consequences. Artificial Intelligence was a case in point, an illustration in reckless irresponsibility, with very little thought from the scientific establishment of an alternative outcome, other than the potential benefits to mankind. Of course, some urged caution and warned of possible repercussions and ramifications, sometimes from eminent scholars in the field of machine intelligence, but almost always these words of wisdom fell on deaf ears.
Robots throughout their existence have been regarded as tools to free humankind of everyday drudgery, taking on the mundane repetitive work and unpleasant tasks, factory assembly lines, simple building maintenance, sanitary and housekeeping etc. considered less worthy than their human masters, they frequently endured robophobic treatment from the ignorant. Perhaps the idea of constructing some of the more conspicuous robots to resemble a hominid shape (two arms and legs) led to more discrimination and to give them the freedom to think was to prove another error of judgement.
It would take an unfortunate accident from a gardening mech, to throw the world into chaos.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows Galatians 6:7


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It was obvious this adventure would take more planning than Rusk first thought if indeed he did

make it across the channel, which was not a given, would there be food and water. Indeed, how

would he make it home if the trip turned into a disaster? But Rusk was young and with youth comes

imprudent courage, he was becoming more exhilarated by the idea every day and it threatened to

overwhelm him.

It was time to sleep now, the main hall was slowly emptying, the clansmen and women picking

up the tired young ones and making their way to their homes.

It was dusk and the sky was reddening, it would be a fine day tomorrow.

Another day on the White Isle.


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