Gma book - For print - 20 stories, 11 font, subtitles (75 pages)

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What is a funny memory

from your childhood?



he house we lived in before we moved to the house on Stadium Road had a

backyard that bordered the golf course. Mama just loved that. She was out

playing on that course every day. We had a maid that kept the house and watched

after Dot and me. One day when Dot and I were probably about 4 and 6 years old,

Dot came outside to show me a box of balloons she’d found in our parents’ bedroom.

The maid didn’t see any problem with us playing with balloons, so before long we

had them blown up all over the yard. To this day I laugh when I think about mama’s

face when she came in from playing golf and started screaming, “Oh my God! Get

these off the lawn!” They were condoms.

Not everyone knew what condoms were back then, but daddy had them from the

drugstore. I remember sometimes when I would help daddy at the store – I’d type

numbers into the adding machine while he took inventory. He would tell me, “If

you see a man walk in without a prescription and hesitate, you need to walk to the

back of the store and wait for me to call you back up here.” It wasn’t until later that

I realized these were men there to buy condoms. It wasn’t like it is today, with them

out for sale in plain sight in every service station.


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