Nurture Their Nature II

BY HEALING OUR VERY OWN [LEARNING] DIFFERENCE “ELBERT develops connection, trust, and love by instilling curiosity, autonomy, and attunement in our students.” by Tricia Cook


“ELBERT develops connection, trust, and love by instilling curiosity, autonomy, and attunement in our students.” by Tricia Cook


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Part <strong>II</strong> <strong>Nurture</strong> <strong>Their</strong> <strong>Nature</strong>: BY HEALING<br />


“ELBERT develops connection, trust, and love by instilling curiosity, autonomy, and attunement in our<br />

students.”<br />

Introduction<br />

After over twenty years of being in education, I provide tutoring, consulting, and coaching on dyslexia<br />

and other neurodevelopmental differences. Over the last 15 years, I’ve observed an increasing amount<br />

of behavioral, sensorial, cognitive, physical, mental, and spiritual difficulties and differences along with<br />

an increased number of children being medicated and misdiagnosed; Therefore, I developed a<br />

revolutionary program that includes an evaluation that “looks at the whole child.” I work with all<br />

stakeholders on constructive engagement when learning based on my student “whole child”<br />

observation(s) inspired by Maria Montessori, Neville Lancelot Goddard, Benjamin Bloom, Peter Levine,<br />

Conrad E. and Cohen B., Dr. J. Puleo & Dr. L. Horowitz, Howard Garner, Dr. Bradley Nelsen, Hans Berger,<br />

Jean Piaget, Grolnick, W. & Kurowski, C. and Erik Erickson. I have also developed a revolutionary<br />

training/intervention program for people with unique learning and neurodifferences. This program is<br />

based on my own inductive reasoning and a detective sense contributed to my own gift of dyslexia,<br />

countless hours of student observations, neruopedagogy, holism, neuroscientific, educational research<br />

and studies along with my perpetual care for children.<br />

For learning to be successful, we need to look at the “whole child” and their neuro-symatic learning<br />


Did You Read Part I <strong>Nurture</strong> <strong>Their</strong> <strong>Nature</strong>: By Looking To Heal Our Very<br />

Own [Learning] Difference?<br />

The book <strong>Nurture</strong> <strong>Their</strong> <strong>Nature</strong> looks at the “whole child” and complete learning differences including<br />

the nature and nurture of the neurodifference. For learning to be successful, we need to look at the<br />

“whole child” and their neuro-symatic learning functions. For learning motivation and resilience<br />

(meaning) to be successful, you need to have a strong cognitive, behavioral, and affective-spiritual<br />

components which include the following: central and peripheral nervous systems- “our senses''<br />

including our sensory system (especially visual and auditory), regulated RAS & ACC/HPA, Pons (parts of<br />

the brain), thymus and biofield (including electromagnetic field, internal chakras), neuroplasticity and IQ,<br />

positive perceptions specifically strength and empathy (along with reduced perceptions of anger and<br />

shame), healthy and functional physiological, sensory-motor systems, hormones released such as<br />

serotonin, dopamine, cortisol along with autonomy (for meaning, speed processing, and long-term<br />

memory) and attunement (for meaning & motivation, speed processing, and short-term memory).<br />

Therefore, when learning difficulties occur, our neurobiology (neurosystems), central and peripheral<br />

nervous system, complete chakra, and electromagnetic systems are all dysfunctioning or dysregulating<br />

simultaneously and individually at different degrees and causing abnormal neuroplasticity. Our goal is<br />

for ALL our systems and senses to function equalized, activated, and balanced. With a functional system,<br />

the child can trust themselves through spiritual mindset with self-directed neuroplasticity through ABC’s<br />

and gain God awareness (eventually unity) through PYAM.<br />

Again, speaking of the “whole child”- you need to examine every aspect of their learning, not just the<br />

end goal or result which is literacy and their appropriate learning behavior. Now, we know epigenetics<br />

relating to learning influences of generational anger and shame have the ability of being healed and<br />

determines which genes will be expressed and how their own systems will function. The main goal is to<br />

heal our very own DNA holistically through exercises and activities which block or ease the production of<br />

specific inflammatory proteins (toxicity) excreted by the gut-brain axis, decreasing biochemical reactions<br />

that happen between the Pineal, Pituitary, Adrenal & Carotid Glands along with by activating and<br />

aligning the Thymus (via vagus nerve chakra) and Pons, RAS & ACC/HPA (alta major and soma chakras)<br />

causing decrease in deficiencies while regulating our own biofields (including electromagnetic fields).<br />

This is the divine stamp where you are regulated and experiencing harmony, honor, wisdom, and<br />

becoming devoted to your purpose. You need to again, speaking of the “whole child”- you need to<br />

examine every aspect of their learning, not just the end goal or result which is literacy and their<br />

appropriate learning behavior.<br />

Ways to look at neurodifferences holistically: observe and take observational notes on the child…50%<br />

<strong>Nature</strong>- 50% <strong>Nurture</strong> (focus on epigenetics and spiritual mindset along with self-directed<br />

neuroplasticity):What Is Epigenetics? [Retrieved from The Answer to the <strong>Nature</strong> vs. <strong>Nurture</strong> Debate.”<br />

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, 30 Oct. 2020,<br />


<strong>Nurture</strong><br />

Chapter 5 The Body<br />

<strong>Nurture</strong>- is the adaptation of children responding to the demands of the environment in ways that meet<br />

their own goals and function in a safe and secure way. Children with learning differences hav e deficits in<br />

brain plasticity- The brain’s remarkable ability to rewire itself throughout a person’s life is known as<br />

plasticity. The goal is spiritual mindsight and self-directed neuroplasticity- a child who has healthy<br />

neuroplasticity can heal their DNA via the thymus- vagus nerve chakra, and RAS & ACC/HPA including<br />

the connection to the consciousness (God awareness) and consistently being provided a safe,<br />

supportive, healthy, and loving environment that facilitates their natural inquiry of learning (see<br />

chapter 10). The main objective is to prevent kids from learning primarily from learning with either their<br />

mental, emotional and etheric bodies (anger/shame). Along with rewiring their perceptions and filters of<br />

the parasympathetic (shame) and sympathetic (anger) response system during stress such as reading,<br />

their perceptions of anger and shame are their lens to how they view and listen to their very own<br />

existence in this universe. For anger, they need autonomy (I am Worthy) and attunement for shame (I<br />

am Enough)- both need the two Bs: body and breath (see below for more about the ABC’s of Selfdirected<br />

Neuroplasticity).<br />

Help Young Children Switch OFF Negative Markers Through <strong>Their</strong> Very Own DNA: Will Allow Future<br />

Generations To Heal & Not Experience The Same Suffering Of <strong>Their</strong> Past Ancestors.- Tricia Cook<br />

Results: Acute Initial Response<br />

Relative to epigenetics, nature and nurturing, the child with neurodifference, it’s the brain nature and<br />

nurture to integrate particular observations (patterns first) into a body to form coherent knowledge also<br />

the organization; primarily, It’s the basis on the child’s need for meaning and motivation (ask me about<br />

autism, Sensory Integration and Executive Functioning issues and/or disability). Therefore, the adult<br />

should make observational records including an anger and shame checklist of children’s inductive<br />

reasoning and matters of the mind (discussed more below) on all children before intervention!! The<br />

mind for instance: anger being replaced with strength, shame being replaced with empathy and both<br />

with love and removal of fear: therefore, they will increase their connection, trust, and love for<br />

themselves and others. I also touch on the safe, positive learning environments, toxicity and other<br />

environmental factors for instance you can view some of the activities and exercises: HERE.

1 - Again, because matters related to the body, brain, heart and mind along with all of the toxins (see image) excreted to the<br />

thymus and brain via the gut-brain axis, children are mainly learning through their mental and emotional bodies; rather than<br />

their authentic self. The authentic self-trust in their own natural, unique ways of learinng ; therefore, increasing learning apathy<br />

and self-directed neuroplasticity.<br />

Where they can- Trust <strong>Their</strong> Body-Trust <strong>Their</strong> Brain-Trust <strong>Their</strong> Heart-Trust <strong>Their</strong> Minds<br />

In-text: (“What is Epigenetics? The Answer to the <strong>Nature</strong> vs. <strong>Nurture</strong> Debate”, 2020)<br />

Section 5 Physical Plane- (see illustration 5.0 above)<br />

Mental Body– Anger Sympathetic Functional System Dominance- (SFD) needs body/soul consciousness,<br />

connection, and autonomy for help along with the following:<br />

HPA- Part of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal axis which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) along with the<br />

4th chakra especially the 7th chakra and 8th which is the Crown, Pituitary and Soma Chakra (right<br />

behind 3rd eye) which is known for decreasing energy (hypoarousal) and increasing consciousness.<br />

Note: The HPA axis is responsible for the neuroendocrine adaptation component of the stress response.<br />

Emotional Body–Shame Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance (PFD)- needs body/soul<br />

connection and attunement for help along with the following:<br />

ACC- which is part of RAS (6-8th chakra) with the Pineal, Pituitary, Carotid Glands, and PONS area of the<br />

brain especially the 8th chakra which is the Crown, 5th & 6th chakra, and Alta Major Chakra which is<br />

known for increasing energy (hyperarousal), also includes VACC involved in emotional appraisals,<br />

cognitive control, and error T. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat<br />

of the soul, vagus nerve chakra, or aka etheric chakra.

Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra,<br />

or aka etheric chakra (see below).<br />

Etheric Body– Anger/Shame has problems with both the emotional and mental body (mind)<br />

RAS including ACC/HPA along with chakras 6–8th includes the Pineal & Pituitary Gland, PONS part of the<br />

brain, Crown, Pituitary and Alta Major/Soma Chakra (Cingulate Gyrus- the cingulate gyrus is a large archlike<br />

lobe in the center of the inner brain that is a part of the limbic system. This area of the brain<br />

functions to process conscious emotional experience).<br />

Also RAS (6-8th chakra) especially the 8th chakra which mainly is part of the brainstem via the vagus<br />

nerve (thymus- vagus nerve chakra) involved in arousal (hyper-hypo) which helps to learn such as<br />

focus/attention, sensory integration, hormones released, speed processing, LT/ST memory,<br />

vigilance/motivation, and overall (hypo-, hyper-, & varied) arousal, sleep and wakefulness, and control<br />

of reflexes. Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus<br />

nerve chakra.<br />

2 Peter 1:17 NIV<br />

17 He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to hi m from the Majestic<br />

Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”<br />

Psalms 115:1 (NIV)<br />

Complete ELBERT Evaluation<br />

IS IT Anger Sympathetic Lateral Functional System Dominance? OR Shame Parasympathetic Lateral<br />

Functional System Dominance??<br />

The Complete Elbert Evaluation including social/emotional domain, grade level, and complete learning<br />

difference screening (SLI, VPD, APD, SCP) including memory-abstract thinking, etc. (takes 3 hours).<br />

Since I’m a dyslexia interventionist, I do a pre-diagnostic eval./screening to see if testing needs to be<br />

done or if there is another underlying problem that needs to be addressed. This is not a diagnosis,<br />

more like pre-planning or first steps. The evaluation includes a lengthy report for schools/families. Also<br />

includes a FIRST ONE FREE Consultation (30 min to discuss my observations).<br />



You might need to contact me for help if you or your child/student can’t be reached and seems<br />

disconnected; Also, when it comes to learning, they show some or all of the following emotions and<br />

challenges: anger, frustration, shame, and sadness; has chronic headaches, stomach aches, hives;<br />

appears to have low-self esteem; squints when reading; feels behind or “different” than the other<br />

kids; has behavioral and learning challenges; emotionally intense or desensitized; complains; thrives<br />

for constant attention; labeled emotionally intense, gifted and talented or twice-exceptional; has<br />

trouble focusing or paying attention; destroys their pencil, eraser, and crumples up their paper after<br />

working very hard; problems with organization or being on time; poor eye-contact, body-space<br />

awareness; sleep and/or digestive problems; has problems spelling or with handwriting; complete<br />

interest-based learner; grips pencil very hard; has glasses but still complains about not seeing the<br />

letters or words, ultra-sensitive, problems with authority; doodles on paper; problems understanding<br />

verbal directions; picks and scratches at their skin and nails; can be needy, clingy, and “whinny”;<br />

described as dramatic, creative and very imaginative by others; been or going to be held back in<br />

school; has trouble connecting to others; tired all the time; great with verbal comprehension and<br />

large lexicon, shows anxiety, anxiousness or depression; overactive-reads, writes, moves, and thinks<br />

extremely fast or slow; sensory-processing problems or issues; constantly moving hands/feet or<br />

fidgeting; overly kind or pleasing others; considerably ‘moody’; known for “daydreaming”; aggressive<br />

and violent; gets low grades: yet, highly intelligent; can comprehend well but has trouble with<br />

spelling/reading fluency; adverse to learning or trying something new (resilience) as well as low in<br />

motivation!<br />

I observed the student’s sensory acute response to stress and interview teachers the child, and parents,<br />

observe input/output of motor, verbal, and written behaviors in response to a literacy activity such as a<br />

phonics inventory, word- sound knowledge, phonological awareness exercises, and working memory<br />

activities along with the student’s interest survey and overall behaviors based on executive, somatic<br />

and autonomic functioning. My program is named ELBERT based on see in store is based off my book:<br />

HERE and includes the important help for the triune brain which includes the following: Brainstem- I<br />

have a fight, flight and freeze sympathetic/parasympathetic observational checklist; Midbrain- a<br />

screening for vestibular, proprioceptive, somatic issues, along with speech/language development,<br />

auditory and visual processing; Limbic- My lesson plan template that includes the 4 F’s: Facts,<br />

Forms/Functions, Feelings & Future along with a progress monitoring tool; Cordial- holistic, alternative<br />

suggestions for taking care of the whole child’s individual, dynamic needs.Lastly, my program, Elbert,<br />

includes a self-guided literacy intervention program, along with other coaching through a course on<br />

understanding Dyslexia and consulting (first one Free)!<br />

https://www.canva.com/design/DAERokhITS8/BA5PejOhW75eJ83GBvc5YA/view<br />

Brainstem– I have a fight, flight, flee and freeze PARA/SYMP observational checklist which includes<br />

alternative and holistic activities and exercises for the release of stressors and reactivation of the<br />

vagus nerve (vagus nerve chakra-thymus) to the body for instance: prayer, yoga, affirmations,

meditation, breathing, emotional coaching exercises and activities that look at the “whole child” and<br />

activating the vagus nerve for instance.<br />

Limbic– My literacy lesson plan template that includes the multiple intelligences along with 4 F’s:<br />

Facts, Forms/Functions, Feelings & Future. Note: Limbic Areas that are typically included in the limbic<br />

system fall into two categories. … and (brainstem) processing side and short-term memory (the limbic<br />

cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus) and (midbrain) which is a small part of the brain above the pons<br />

that integrates sensory information and relays it upward. In terms of long–term physiological changes,<br />

it is also associated with long-term memory. For assessment and ongoing evaluation, I use a rapid<br />

word and letter-sound recall checklist, plus some informal observations included in the lesson plansmentioned<br />


https://www.canva.com/design/DAERokhITS8/BA5PejOhW75eJ83GBvc5YA/view<br />

Midbrain– A screening and recommendations for vestibular, proprioceptive, somatic issues, along<br />

with speech/language development, auditory, and visual processing. Note: It’s a 30 page screening.

Including a progress monitoring and observational rubrics:<br />

Cortical– Lesson plans and activities for taking care of the “whole child” and their individual, dynamic<br />

needs for learning and the domains of development.<br />


Also, I just published Preview Of My Book Dyslexia Help: Reading in Research- Answering ‘Synonymous<br />

Whys of Dyslexia’… https://link.medium.com/ioU6zLY95cb


Response: ex better with long-term memory and appreciative check<br />

marked Shame= Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance<br />

Anger= Sympathetic Functional System Dominance– Student has overstimulated, hyperspinning of the<br />

chakras and thymus: including Soma and RAS (chakras 6–8th) being hyperactivated, or stopped<br />

altogether (deactivated) causing abnormal neuroplasticity via the vagus nerve. Plus, pathogens from the<br />

intestinal tract cause harm from problems with the thymus. Note: also varied from trying to regulate,<br />

align, equalize by moving from accelerated-slow so one and so forth. Goal is to regulate the deactivated<br />

or hyperactive chakras by slowing down the needed chakras (see below).<br />

Do number #3 for anger/strength, and # 5 for hatred/courage, #2 for peace/bliss then do #7 (visual-I<br />

see): lastly, end in RAS do #8 do 6–8th and soma together for the unity of abundance, unconditional love<br />

& I’m worthy! Note: #8 is also (visual- I see) and the Higher Heart Chakra with pink quartz or pink<br />

tourmaline (thymus chakra) for I see God. I am worthy. Others can now see me too!<br />

Students with Anger Sympathetic System Function Dominance…Therefore, hyper-sensory processing,<br />

accelerated and varied speed processing will be regulated!!! Students will no longer have — Known as<br />

being analytical-literal, verbal linguistic, strong auditory processing, logical-mathematical, 2-D learner<br />

and constantly breaking down information and the small details (good in maths, especially computations<br />

and written comprehension as well). Needing Autonomy- ex. I can do it! I am Worthy! Under stress, is<br />

known for fight-or-flight, flee response which is a physiological reactive response. They can be ultra-

eligious or non-religious. <strong>Their</strong> “love language” is action based! They consider what they do (actions)<br />

for God and vice versa along with being instant on answered prayers.<br />

Note: Students with Sympathetic System Function Dominance have a serotonin deficit; therefore, have<br />

lessened pleasure, relaxation, contentment and sensitivity (meaning).<br />

Speaking of the heart and not feeling “worthy”- They may have problems with receiving strength,<br />

knowledge, faith, reverence, obedience (lust, hatred, jealousy, envy), perception (gives resistance,<br />

judgment based off logic (outward appearances, not seeing the heart of someone), patience, courage,<br />

abundance, empowerment, attachment and autonomy, entrapment (desire, lust, fear), release (courage,<br />

trust), transformation (acceptance, harmony), revelation (unconditional love) or transfiguration (joy).<br />

Again, they need the soma and RAS #8 chakra (chakras 6th-8th).<br />

Response: Better with short-term memory using habits and addictions based on facts, forms/functions.<br />

They tend to focus again on the present and immediate situation. Which dysfunction of the Vagus Nerve<br />

and RAS and the soma chakra leads to negative perceptions and meaning of being angry– dominance,<br />

fight/flight (flee) and accelerated speed and varied processing.<br />

Hyper-proprioceptive, somatic and vestibular (hyper-gross motor ability dysgraphia, cerebral palsy).<br />

They are active and about doing things.<br />

Hyer-norepinephrine (diligence- fight, flight, flee & hyperarousal). Reactive with anger and have hyperspeed<br />

(accelerated) processing and long-term memory issues. If they have autism, they are known as<br />

`runners”. They think of the present and reacting instantly gets them to the “What?” much faster. The<br />

“what” is the most important factor for gaining meaning. Therefore, for them the “why” is not as<br />

important to answer for they use the scientific method of deductive reasoning. They learn best from<br />

movement and “doing” including auditory experiences and lectures, as well from reading and listening<br />

to others knowledge and information, analyzing “facts” and circumstantial evidence, and then<br />

formulating their theory and hypothesis.<br />

Hyper-visual processing leading to convergence and other visual processing issues (Third-eye chakra #6,<br />

Pons area of the brain-Soma chakra, #8 for RAS). Both: Left-Lateral Dominance= Autism can have Irlen<br />

Syndrome which is a problem processing light (more common).<br />

See graph below- If your body is toxic, it cannot maintain health such as Autoimmune diseases.<br />

Stimulating your liver with the detoxification layout releases toxins and encourages your lymphatic<br />

system to remove them, bringing about a physical cleansing. A Yellow Jasper or Obsidian at your solar<br />

plexus stimulates an emotional detox as well. This with Smoky Quartz, Drusy Chrysocolla energetically<br />

stimulates liver function and moves heavy metals out of the body.<br />

Also, it leads to abnormal neuroplasticity. They need the ABC’s of Self-Directed Neuroplasticity (See<br />

Below)<br />

NOTE: (Hyperarousal- mainly prefrontal lobe functioning): Possibly Dsyeidetic (visual) Dyslexia including<br />

WORRY OF THE PRESENT. Tend to be the abuser (dominant others) as have been abused<br />

(developmental trauma) need to believe they are “worthy” nurture(spirituality=God-soul consciousness<br />

and connection). RAS chakra 6th-8th (7th specifically)= Pons & Soma Chakra Issues (more common)<br />

(High Functioning Autism-below).

Shame= Parasympathetic Functional System Dominance– Student has understimulated, hypospinning<br />

of the chakras and thymus: including Alta Major and RAS (chakras 6–8) being hypoactive, or inactive,<br />

stopped altogether (deactivated) causing abnormal neuroplasticity via the vagus nerve. Plus, pathogens<br />

from the intestinal tract cause harm from problems with the thymus. Note: also varied from trying to<br />

regulate, align, equalize by moving from slow-accelerated so one and so forth. Goal is to stimulate the<br />

deactivated or hypoactive chakras by speeding up the needed chakras (see below).<br />

Do number #1 for shame/empathy, and #4 for grief/compassion, and #2 for peace/bliss, & then do #6<br />

(auditory- speaking, hear & listen); lastly, for RAS do #8 do 6–8th and alta major together for the unity of<br />

abundance, unconditional love & I’m enough! Note: #8 is also (auditory- speaking, hear & listen) and the<br />

Higher Heart Chakra (thymus chakra) with moonstone for I hear and speak of God. I am enough. Others<br />

now listen, hear/speak to me too!<br />

Students with Shame a Parasympathetic System Function Dominance…Therefore, hypo-sensory<br />

processing, slow and varied speed processing will be regulated!!! Students will no longer have — Known<br />

as being evaluative- visual spatial reasoning (good with geometry and maps and geography, computer<br />

graphics) learns best by “doing”, “whole-picture”, “out-side of the box” thinkers, 3-D learner and<br />

constantly getting “the big picture”.<br />

Needing Attunement- ex. I am Enough. Under stress, is known to freeze and “rest and digest” response<br />

which is related to the autonomic nervous system. They can be ultra-spiritual. They consider how they<br />

feel for God. <strong>Their</strong> “love language” are words of affirmation based! They have a strong faith in God but<br />

feel not enough.<br />

Note: Students with Parasympathetic System Function Dominance have a dopamine deficit; therefore,<br />

have lessened pleasure, reward, motivation, and euphoria (meaning and motivation).<br />

Speaking of the heart and not feeling “enough”- They may have problems with receiving empathy,<br />

wisdom, hope, power, willingness, intuition, destruction (death, guilt, shame), entrapment (desire, lust,<br />

fear), release (courage, trust), transformation (acceptance, harmony), revelation (unconditional love) or<br />

transfiguration (joy), surrendering (due to pride), acceptance (gives resistance, judgment based off<br />

evaluation (outward appearances, not listening/hearing/speaking to the heart of someone), compassion,<br />

beauty, joy, mercy, attachment and attunement. Again, they need the alta major and RAS #8 chakra<br />

chakras 6th-8th).<br />

Response: Better with long term memory based off of perceptions and choices for meaning (past and<br />

future) and motivation (autonomy and attunement), based on past experience and need for future<br />

reference. Therefore, they tend to focus and filter based on the past/future. With dysfunction of the<br />

Vagus Nerve and RAS and the alta major chakra, this leads to filters of shame, subordinance, freeze, and<br />

slow speed and varied processing.<br />

Hypo-proprioceptive, somatic and vestibular (hypo fine-motor ability dysgraphia). They can be<br />

considered less active and have poor handwriting.<br />

Hypo-norepinephrine (diligence-freeze, hypoarousal, mainly; poor short-term memory retrieval). Filters<br />

with shame and have slow speed processing (the controversial low cognitive speed) and short-term

memory issues. Remember, they are thinking of the past/future not so much the present. <strong>Their</strong> meaning<br />

is not present related as much as the need for the future and past. The “Why?” is the most important<br />

factor for gaining meaning. Therefore, for them the “why” is important to answer. Therefore, for them<br />

the “what” is not as important to answer for they use the scientific method of inductive reasoning from<br />

specific observations and intuitions to make broad generalizations. They learn best from movement with<br />

gross motor and tactile experience, as well from “doing” by experiencing visual observations,<br />

formulating their own theory and hypothesis, and verbalized conclusions and confirmations.<br />

Right-lateral dominance: Dyslexia, aspergers, can have specific language deficits including dysnomia,<br />

apraxia (speech) and even dysphasia with both possibly having dyscalculia. Right-Lateral Dominance=<br />

Autism can have language deficits including dyspraxia (speech disability) and even dysphasia wi th both<br />

possibly having dyscalculia (less common).<br />

Hypo-auditory processing leading to dyslexia and other central auditory processing issues and<br />

sometimes a dyspraxia (speech disability) (Throat #5, Pons area of the brain-Alta major chakra #8 RAS<br />

(chakras 6th-8th).<br />

Also, it leads to abnormal neuroplasticity. They need the ABC’s of Self-Directed Neuroplasticity (See<br />

Below)<br />

NOTE: Dysregulated and Dysfunctional System Responsive System Dysfunction (RSD) and Total<br />

Learning System Dysfunction (TLSD) works in a downward effect from RAS-PONS-THYMUS which can<br />

have all dysregulation diagnosis. They need Daily Functional System Regulation (DFSR) Thymus-Pons-<br />

RAS with doing Exercises & Activities for Lateral (Para/Sym-above) & Total Functioning System<br />

Dominance). It is for the mind, senses, body and spirit: On a physical and mental level, the goal is the<br />

vagus nerve and RAS & ACC/HPA to be functioning in alignment in the chakra system and balance of<br />

electromagnetism with mainly complementary to medicine such as: On a physical, mind and sensorial<br />

level, color/sound therapy, hands on healing, yoga, meditation, prayer/praise & worship, affirmations<br />

and breathing techniques. On a metaphysical and spiritual level, they can gain autonomy and<br />

attunement, release anger and/or shame and replace with strength and empathy to have bliss/peace,<br />

harmony, gratitude, comfort and unconditional love along with removing all fear and ask me about<br />

autism (See Section 6-Note: CAN is ACC/HPA and both controlled by RAS).<br />

image 5.1 the complete system function illustration<br />

Also, work on the thymus with the thymus chakra also known as the seat of the soul, vagus nerve chakra.<br />

Experiencing Other Complications (see below)?<br />

RDS: Specific organ associated (common complications)<br />

• Hostile • Irrational • Self-centered • Poor focus • Sleep disturbances • Tantrums • Coerciveness •<br />

Fidgeting • Racing Thoughts • Delays in the 5 domains of childhood development- meaning delays of<br />

reaching developmental milestones, and developmental disabilities (most common and can be included<br />

in Autism); cohabit with ADHD, impulsive/hyperactive type. Possibly other complications such as:

• Behavior disorders (ODD-hyper-dysregulation).<br />

• Brain injury (TBI).<br />

• Down Syndrome.<br />

• Intellectual Disability.<br />

• Spina Bifida.<br />

• Delays in reaching physical (Developmental Coordination Disorder especially gross motor such<br />

as Restless Leg Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy all included in Autism)<br />

• Adrenal & Thyroid Gland Issues (and Histamine Intolerance and other Autoimmune diseases<br />

such as Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Chronic Urticaria, Hashimoto’s, Lupus, Celiac disease<br />

and other diseases Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis (again- hyper-thyroid<br />

and thymus see Vertigo, Aphasia, Dsyeidetic (visual) Dyslexia under SPD-below<br />

• Chronic Pain and Inflammation in organs such as the Pancreas (CFS), Duodenum, Gallbladder,<br />

Liver, Tongue, Brain, Spleen, Stomach, and Throat (again- hyper- thyroid and thymus) and<br />

Histamine Intolerance and other Autoimmune diseases such as Chronic Urticaria, Hashimoto’s,<br />

Lupus, Celiac disease and other diseases Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Rheumatoid Arthritis<br />

(again- hyper-thyroid and thymus); & Dementia.<br />

• Symptoms: (Liver & Gallbladder) Depression, Frustration, Indecisiveness, Panic, Taken for<br />

Granted; (Spleen & Stomach) Low-Self-Esteem, Control, Failure.<br />

• Susceptible Developmental Trauma.<br />

• Personality Disorders such as Narcissism.<br />

• Abnormal Neuroplasticity.<br />

• Delays in reaching language (Specific Language Impairment/Delay)<br />

• Sensory Processing Problems/Issues — Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) such as Hyperlexia and<br />

& Sensory Integration Disorder (normally labeled SPD Problems/Issues): Hyper-visual problems<br />

such as Convergence (focus) and Irlen Syndrome (dimension/color), ADHD- hyperactive.: Hyper-<br />

Sight/Visual …Visual Processing Disorders Dsyeidetic (aka visual-surface) Dyslexia ex. Irlen<br />

Syndrome- hypersensitivity to light; Convergence Issues (focus beyond the object) all included<br />

Autism; Hyper-Sound/Auditory …Auditory Processing Disorders: Hyperlexia, or Aphasia, Central<br />

Auditory Processing Disorder (HyperNoise-CAPD), Misphonia, Hyperacusis, all included in<br />

Autism; Hyper-Touch/Tactile …All included in Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Hyper-<br />

Taste/Gustatory …social/emotional problems all included in Autism, depression; Hyper<br />

Smell/Olfactory …Hyperosmia (hyper-smell); Attention-deficit hyperactivity-impulsive disorder<br />

(ADHD), Tics, OCD- hyper obsessed (categories, sequencing), other Anxiety Disorders and<br />

Tourette’s Syndrome.<br />

• Sensory Processing Problems/Issues (SPD)- Specific Language Disability (SLD)/Specific Language<br />

Impairment (SLI) and & Sensory Integration Disorder (normally labeled SPD Problems/Issues) -

Hyper-visual processing such as Dsyeidetic (visual) Dyslexia, Hyperlexia, Dysgraphia (hyper-fine<br />

motor and coordination), and Dysphasia.<br />

Shame Parasympathetic Lateral Functional System Dominance<br />

(Hypoarousal mainly right hemispheric lateral functioning dominance): Possibly Dysphonetic (phonetic)<br />

Dyslexia along with WORRY OF THE PAST & FUTURE- NEED to be Present. Tend to be the victim<br />

(subordinate) as have been abused (shock trauma)- need to believe they are “enough” (religion=Godsoul<br />

connection). Paralysis of action • Dissociation • Emotional numbing• Sad • Distracting • Selfsoothing<br />

(stimming)• Reactive • Sulking • Whining/complaining • Clinginess or neediness • Reluctance<br />

to explore the world • Delays in the 5 domains of childhood development- meaning delays of reaching<br />

developmental milestones, and developmental disabilities (most common and can be included in<br />

Aspergers (high functioning autism); cohabit with ADHD, inattentive and distractible type, also RAS<br />

chakras 6th-8th= Pons & Alta Major Issues (more common) (see Dyslexia under SPD-below) Specific<br />

Language Impairment- Dysnomia included. Possibly other complications such as:<br />

• Behavior, Personality, Attachment Disorders, Social/Emotional, Personality Disorders and<br />

Psychological Disorders-: Obedient Defiant Disorder, (ODD-hypo-dysregulation), Bipolar Disorder,<br />

Sleep Walking, Mood Swings along with being susceptible to Emotional Intensity (EI), Post<br />

Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Shock Trauma, Bipolar Disorder (BPD), Narcissism.<br />

• Brain injury (least common).<br />

• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (hypo-arousal).<br />

• Slow Speed Processing Disorder.<br />

• Executive Function Disorder.<br />

• Abnormal neuroplasticity.<br />

• Chronic Pain and Inflammation (Allergies/Asthma-Migraines, IBS, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune<br />

Dysfunctions such as Histamine Intolerances such as Chronic Urticaria & Dementia including<br />

Alzheimers Disease (see hippocampus)).<br />

• Also, the organs such as Small Intestine, Hara, Glands-Sexual Organs & Reproductive, Heart,<br />

Lungs, Spinal Base, Colon).(again- hypo-thyroid and thymus).<br />

• Symptoms: (lung & colon)-Grief, Confusion, Self-abuse, Defensiveness; (small intestine)-<br />

Abandonment; (Glands-Sexual Organs-Reproductive) Unworthiness<br />

• Addictions & Fetal Alcohol Syndrome<br />

• Aspergers (more common).<br />

• Sensory Processing Problems/Issues (SPD)- Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) included Specific<br />

Language Impairment (SLI) and & Sensory Integration Disorder (normally labeled SPD<br />

Problems/Issues)- Hypo-auditory processing such as Dysphonetic Dyslexia, Dyscalculia,<br />

Dysgraphia (hypo-fine motor), Dysomia, Vertigo (hypothyroidism), ADHD- hypoactive,<br />

inattentive. Hypo-Sound/Auditory-Proprioceptive Reading Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia,<br />

Hypo-Touch/Tactile …All included Aspbergers, Hypo-Taste/Gustatory …Social/emotional

problems, eating disorders (Bulimia) all included High Functioning Autism (Aspergers); Hypo-<br />

Smell/Olfactory …Attention-deficit inattentive type (ADHD), Other Anxiety Disorders all included<br />

Adspebergs; Hypo-Sight/Visual …Visual Processing Disorders- Hypoglycemia.<br />

BOTH (Para/Sympth)Total Functional System Dominance– can be varied speed processing, plus cohabit<br />

with ADHD, combined type with Hyperlexia and/or CAPD (hyper Noise)-Dysphonetic (hypo Sound)<br />

and/or Convergence (hyper Focus), Irlen Syndrome (hyper Scotopic Light Sensitivity). They can have<br />

Autism with varied learning differences.<br />

Disclaimer: Remember, this tool is not a substitute for a diagnostic<br />

evaluation by a medical or mental health professional. If you believe<br />

your child has a psychiatric or learning disorder, please consult a<br />

professional.<br />

RDS: Specific organ associated cont. (see complications above)<br />

Section 7<br />

Reinforce: Spiritual Mindsight w/ Self Directed Neuroplasticity<br />

Mindsight, a skill we can all develop to break free from mental patterns that get in the way of living our<br />

lives to the fullest; A practical definition of the mind — distilled from a dozen scientific fields; The<br />

triangle of well-being — how to promote a healthy flow between your mind, brain, and relationships.<br />

Self-directed neuroplasticity, then, is the ability for the brain to change itself depending on how you<br />

direct your thoughts, focus, and attention. The “self-directed” piece refers to your ability to intentionally<br />

shape your brain by using it in a specific way to increase resilience and positive attitude in the face of<br />

aversion. The Sound & Color (below) can be done daily but as often as possible.<br />

Sound & Color<br />

Shame Parasympathetic System Functional Dominance, red reduces shame and depression (as well as<br />

autistic tendencies); tends to excite us and inflames our passions, creativity (tap on the collarbones, or<br />

massage if hypersensitive). Solfeggio Sound Frequency: 243.3 (Rom)<br />

Anger Sympathetic System Functional Dominance, yellow reduces anger and anxiety; represents joy or<br />

optimism and can calm you and help you think more clearly (tap on the top of the middle hea d on both<br />

sides, or massage in a diamond shape if hypersensitive) Solfeggio Sound Frequency: 243.3 (Lum).<br />

Total Functional System Dominance orange reduces anger and shame; represents peace, bliss and joy;<br />

gives us calmness of being happy (tap on the crown- top of the head lightly). Solfeggio Sound Frequency:<br />

354.3 (Ram)

(adults) Complete Functional System Dominance green & pink reduces hatred and noise sensitivity;<br />

tends to make people feel loved and protected but also can cause feelings of lethargy (tap on the<br />

breastbone, or massage in a diamond shape if hypersensitive). Solfeggio Sound Frequency: 465.3 (Yum)<br />

(adults) Complete Functional System Dominance blue- violet below reduces grief and is associated with<br />

immortality and anxiety, courage, or protection (tap on the throat, or massage if hypersensitive).<br />

Solfeggio Sound Frequency: 486.3 (Hom)<br />

Solfeggio: [Retrieved from<br />

https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/solfeggioTonesGenerator.php?fbclid=IwAR0dVT6eUW9KSoeCX_Lg<br />

e-5B2koVtoDo59ww4-I9Wz5Juxaay5ZloXYaPRw]<br />

Solfeggio can drown out their mind noises and heal the heart and mind. For balance (chi), do 7 minute s<br />

with like the inverted v transfiguration (see image and link above). Then do 7 minutes like the v<br />

transfiguration reversed (see image and link above). Get louder as the day goes on- start off the day<br />

really low like above.<br />

You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. John 16:20<br />

Affirmation of Transmutation: I had shame. I am joy.<br />

For Complete Functional System

The Soul- Cook’s Alternatives and Suggestions<br />

Work Primarily PYAM Daily: Pray, Yoga, Affirmations and Meditation<br />

When we have sympathetic (anger) and parasympathetic (shame) functional system dysfunction and<br />

this speed shifting tires out the brain much quicker than the balanced learning brain. Mostly checked<br />

marked on both columns, then Total Functional System Dominance (anger/shame) which is actually due<br />

RAS (chakras 6-8) and to constant speed shifting (accelerated/slow and varied) of the prefrontal lobe<br />

along with midbrain (left/right lobe) and information doesn’t know where to go which is due to poor<br />

(body) sleep, diet, lack of physical activity, sickness, color deprivation, emotional intensity or<br />

desensitivity dysfunction of Vagus Nerve and RAS; (spirit) connection, attunement; (mind) autonomy,<br />

trust, content switching, multi-tasking, sensory overload along consistently multi-tasking or contextswitching<br />

(handling 2 or more tasks at the same time) especially in this complex, non-connected,<br />

neurotoxic and EMF toxic infused environment- bioelectromagnetism and again complicated and<br />

disconnected world that we live in. The glass overflows-we see digression and misalignments.<br />

*make sure essential needs are met first: sleep, diet, calm, and safety!<br />

I have observed Autism, varied speed processing, and sensory processing issues (exercises for these-see<br />

below for more information including Total Functional System Dominance). Therefore, the information<br />

of learning gets scattered throughout the brain from lobe to lobe; Hence, when doing hands -on-healing,<br />

I’ve felt that the energy gets scattered throughout the brain and feels like scattered energy in the palms<br />

of the hands of someone with Autism. Also, for anyone, if the crown, third eye, throat and alta major<br />

chakras start to go hyopactivating or hyperactiving then you will get a migraine, vision problems,<br />

memory problems, “brain fog” and allergies. Goal: Equanimity which is mental calmness, composure,<br />

and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. Calmness is in most meditative practices<br />

including breathing techniques, 528Hz frequency of sound healing therapy, and Kundalini yoga which is<br />

good equanimity. See steps for a “melt down” below:<br />

Impacts of a Learning Difference<br />

People with Dyslexia have sound and language processing problems. In the mind is where we interpret<br />

our experiences and environment, they will struggle to connect letters to sounds and mainly problems<br />

identifying speech sounds. In the mind, they auditorily have problems learning how they relate to<br />

letters and words which is called Dsyphonetic (shame- auditory-PFD); as well, in the mind, those with<br />

visual processing problems struggle to understand visual information such as letters, shapes, or objects<br />

and, mainly problems processing graphic symbols. In the mind, they visually have problems learning<br />

how they relate to letters and words which is called Dsyeidetic (visual) Dyslexia (anger- visual-SFD).<br />

Related to the absorption and processing of sounds [sounds especially can be omitted from the middle<br />

position of words the most because it’s the last sound to be processed; even though, it’s in the middle<br />

position. Therefore, students with dyslexia most commonly omit letter sounds, words, phrases in the<br />

middle position, then the end, and least commonly the beginning. When they omit, they might do<br />

sounds confusions such as repetition(s), substitution(s), addition(s) or delete altogether, on the other

hand (hypo-shame-PFD); transversal and reversal are more common in students with a visual processing<br />

problem (hyper-anger-SFD)- have them remember: if it doesn’t look or sound right reread or rewrite till<br />

you’re brain feels like “it’s just right” [trust your brain- you are smart, you can do it, and you are love].<br />

People with Dyslexia also have a high coexistence of ADHD (3 types). In the mind, people with ADHD<br />

and Dyslexia have difficulty processing the basic sounds of language (phonemes) and graphic symbols<br />

causing fluency struggles. They “stumble over words” due to reading and processing too fast (hyperanger-SFD)/slow<br />

(hypo-shame-PFD); mainly, in the beginning-ending of word, sentence, paragraph,<br />

passage– rest of the time not too fast/slow sometimes it’s “just right” (I call this “varied reading rate”-<br />

Total Functioning Dominance (TFD)). If the prosody, reading rate, and expression/intonation objective<br />

aren’t met and they still don’t seem to comprehend; mainly, in the beginning-ending of paragraph,<br />

passage, etc. have them remember: if it sounds or looks too fast or slow, or robotic, then adjust your<br />

prosody and reading rate by rereading so it will be “just right” [trust your brain- you are smart, you can<br />

do it, and you are love].<br />

Because dyslexia and dysgraphia have a high coexistence too and cannot be cured, students can<br />

develop tools and strategies to help their working memory, phonological awareness, reading, speaking,<br />

and spelling. For Spelling, Dsyeidetic (visual-surface dyslexia) Dyslexia and Dysgraphic (hyper-shame-<br />

SFD) students need sound-word knowledge. In the mind, Sound-word knowledge is how many letters<br />

and how many sounds are in each word. Again, related to the absorption and processing of sounds,<br />

sounds especially can be omitted from words by the student, students with dyslexia most commonly<br />

omit letter sounds, words, phrases in the middle position, then the end, and least commonly the<br />

beginning. When they omit, they might do repetition(s), substitution(s), addition(s) or delete altogether<br />

or fusions, on the other hand; transversal and reversal are more common in students with a visual<br />

processing problem. After Spelling a word, have them remember: if it doesn’t look or sound right reread<br />

or rewrite till your brain feels like “it’s just right” [trust your brain- you are smart, you can do it, and you<br />

are love].<br />

[They need to check their spelling by counting the letters to see if they added or deleted any letters.<br />

They count the sounds to see if they repeated, substituted, or fused any sounds to the word.]<br />

People with dyslexia and ADHD- hyperactive type (reads/writes similar to those autism and hyperlexia<br />

appearing as dysgraphia)- In the mind, they read too fast, they skip over words and lines for which<br />

breaks down comprehension mainly, skips over small sight words (sight word/nonsense words are hard)<br />

about the same level in height (ex. one) and/or reading the end position of a big word (6 plus letters) by<br />

dropping the last part of the word does run-on reading (skipping over commas, periods), reads<br />

robotically with less intonation, and tends to overthink/get overwhelmed, anxious (hyper-shame-SFD)-<br />

needs to fidget or doodle, or rock/move, stand, when reading also tends to have dsyeidetic (visual<br />

dyslexia aka surface dyslexia).<br />

Many people with just dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyslexia along with ADHD are notoriously known for<br />

“guessing at words” and stories meaning despite having average/high IQ due to the dyslexia and ADHD<br />

tendencies! In the mind, they are having natural universal emotions of learning (such as anger, shame<br />

which need to be replaced with strength and empathy, as well as remembering calm). The tendencies<br />

change according to the reading, hour day, week, etc.. Also, the tendencies way heavily on if they are<br />

sick, hungry, tired, or stressed. Reading can make them feel ill with headaches, stomach aches/knots,

tight shoulders/neck and even dizzy. These are signs of a Dominance Functioning Issue or Responsive<br />

System Dysfunction (RSD)!<br />

How do you know if you have Dsyeidetic (visual) or Dysphonetic (auditory) Dyslexia? HERE<br />

image7.1 the complete Responsive System Dysfunction (RSD) illustration<br />

2 - PYAM Focus On Empathy & Strength: not on their non-focused, impulsive, disabilities, etc.<br />

Strengths of a Learning Difference<br />


development for neurodeficits and neurodiversity):<br />

holistic- spiritual, subjective, innovator, “gets things”- intuitive (wisdom), world view, naturalistic<br />

loves feelings and functions/future= interest-appreciative based learning, loves mysteries and asking<br />

“why” with inductive reasoning especially human psychology<br />

entrepreneur (not a follower but developer)<br />

interest based learning- other content ex birds, travel brochures

empathic, empathetic<br />

large gross motor ability w/body awareness w/ well balanced EF<br />

fantasy based- storytelling (fiction)<br />

body awareness EF (hyper/hypo)<br />

list-form thinking- poetry especially patterns and rhythm, anecdotal notes<br />

narrative and expository writing<br />

understands “true meaning”- whole-part-whole like philosophical<br />

sensitive (hyper, hypo)*- low self-esteem, emotional intensity<br />

sight words- learned words easier<br />

creativity- “outside of the box” thinking<br />

visualization/imagery- “movie cinema” thinking<br />

imagination-concrete thinking<br />

synthesis- logical<br />

PP intuitive- future oriented goal setting<br />

philosophy/spiritually related learning<br />

inductive reasoning- observation<br />

evaluation- form of logic<br />

good with long term memory- faces not name<br />

can be good in science, geography and geometry<br />

long-term memory unless an EF, phonological deficient and neither “break down tools”<br />

long-term memory- direct correlation with visual sensory memory “picture/movie thinking”<br />

visual-spatial thinking-learning (hypo,hyper)*<br />

kinesthetic/tactile thinking- learning (hypo,hyper)*<br />

smell-taste (hyper, hypo)*<br />


development for neurodeficits and neurodiversity):<br />

auditory thinking-learning<br />

auditory thinking-learning (hypo, hyper)*

non-fiction (note: unless interest-based and written out, complete steps required<br />

analysis- form of logic<br />

analysis- logical (break down category and sequence (steps)<br />

loves facts, forms and functions asking “what” with deductive reasoning<br />

avoids being personable- people oriented, social<br />

deep introspective about self- ego task oriented<br />

Isolated-inverted, task-oriented<br />

not philosophy/spiritually related learning<br />

ultra-religious<br />

good with short term memory- names not faces<br />

past (unless interest), present goal setting<br />

sensitivity- balanced<br />

decoding-sounding out words<br />

vocabulary- interest, religion and philosophically oriented “language inventory”<br />

“language inventory” states “I know already…”<br />

vocabulary- non-interest oriented<br />

works at “true meaning” part-whole<br />

rhyming/alliteration- with language not so much rhythm & beat<br />

isolated rhyming/alliteration language<br />

interest of foreign language learning<br />

foreign language learning<br />

free flowing analysis of information<br />

can be good in maths (less with geometry)<br />

chopped up information- can eventually be made whole or complete<br />

spelling (sight words) & spelling (phonetic)<br />

More Activities and Exercises

Total Functional System Dominance NEEDS- these are their needs (ask me which one is Para/Sym.- also<br />

ask me about Autism)<br />

graphic organizers for solving math word problems, geometry<br />

solving word math problems, operations needs to be applicable and real life<br />

list-form-separated out reading (isolated words and passages)<br />

smooth & fluent reading- audio books & modeled reading<br />

can be with history, “the arts” including language, visual, musical<br />

cursive<br />

(RR) recall and repetition in the “short-term” memory stage especially categorical and sequential<br />

POETRY- great with rhythm, chant, patterns, tone and tonality/inflection<br />

synthesis- weed out important information with graphic organizers<br />

organizing- categorically and sequentially the information already weeded out with certain text book<br />

(ask me) or “working memory task”<br />

comprehending- future/past with Socratic method<br />

comprehending- present with pictures and art work with MIND MAPS, Drawings w/ Dictations, Cartoons,<br />

or Anecdotes<br />

internalizing language (receptive language)- JOURNAL<br />

has problems with inferencing and others point of view- needs “social stories”<br />

externalizing language (expressive language) or vice versa- DEBATE or “Socratic Methods”<br />

emotional -dramatic, intense, emotional coaching and emotional reappraisal (see below section)<br />

dramatic, emotional (hyper,hypo) needs outlets like karate, painting. musical instrument, drama<br />

non-focused, impulsive and hard with social relations- needs to volunteer with kids with physical<br />

impairments at ball field<br />

inattention (hyper, hypo)- needs “listening skills”<br />

focus- needs to record and practice “life skills”<br />

problems with literacy- needs a systematic, & explicit literacy instruction (possibly multi-sensory)

3 - FInding <strong>Their</strong> Strengths- Cook's MI Grid Included With Elbert<br />

The Gift- using their strengths<br />

Again, the main goal is to heal our very own DNA holistically through exercises and activities which block<br />

or ease the production of specific inflammatory proteins (toxicity) excreted by the gut-brain axis,<br />

decreasing biochemical reactions that happen between the Pineal, Pituitary, Adrenal & Carotid Glands<br />

along with by activating and aligning the Thymus (via vagus nerve chakra) and Pons, RAS & ACC/HPA<br />

(alta major and soma chakras) causing decrease in deficiencies while regulating our own biofields<br />

(including electromagnetic fields). This is the divine stamp where you are regulated and experiencing<br />

harmony and devoted to your purpose. You need to again, speaking of the “whole child”- you need to<br />

examine every aspect of their learning, not just the end goal or result which is literacy and their<br />

appropriate learning behavior. Ways to look at neurodifferences holistically: observe and take<br />

observational notes on the child…<br />

50% <strong>Nature</strong>- 50% <strong>Nurture</strong> (focus on epigenetics and self-directed neuroplasticity with PYAM) [Retrieved<br />

from https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/what-is-epigenetics-and-how-does-it-relate-tochild-development/]<br />

Observe: information presented and environment, sensory stimulation, development, damage, or<br />

dysfunction. Another goals, understand the unique learning difference by examining each child’s neurosystematic<br />

learning functions (All learning goes by these areas and systems: vagus nerve, frontal lobe<br />

(limbic system), brainstem and midbrain, along with cortical neurosystems as it relates to the triune<br />

brain.<br />

Limbic– My literacy lesson plan template that includes the multiple intelligences along with 4 F’s:<br />

Facts, Forms/Functions, Feelings & Future. Note: Limbic Areas that are typically included in the limbic<br />

system fall into two categories. … and (brainstem) processing side and short-term memory (the limbic<br />

cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus) and (midbrain) which is a small part of the brain above the pons<br />

that integrates sensory information and relays it upward. In terms of long–term physiological changes,<br />

it is also associated with long-term memory. For assessment and ongoing evaluation, I use a rapid

word and letter-sound recall checklist, plus some informal observations included in the lesson plansmentioned<br />

above.<br />

BOTH (Para-anger/Sympth-shame)Total Functional System<br />

Dominance...During a Meltdown<br />

1. Tell them ‘you are safe’.<br />

2. Ask them, what are you feeling? State back to them their answer by saying, I understand that<br />

you are feeling _______. What can we do to make it better? (read below)<br />

3. Ask, can I hug or hold you? Massage the crown of the head, say a prayer over them.<br />

4. Follow up- see if they have redirected this emotion into something positive like strength or<br />

courage.<br />

Example:<br />

Anger Replace With Strength

1. Say ‘you are safe’. Ask them, what are you feeling? Please help him find the strength to<br />

identify the emotion: ex. anger (having to do the math homework).<br />

2. Ask, can I hug or hold you? Massage the crown of the head, say a prayer over them. ‘God,<br />

please take their anger and replace it with strength.’<br />

3. With courage, have them come up with a compassionate solution (PYAM, pray, take care of<br />

themselves like doing breathing exercise, and write in their journal, etc.)<br />

4. Follow up- see if they have redirected this emotion into something positive like strength or<br />

courage.<br />

Shame Replace with Empathy<br />

1. Say ‘you are safe’. Ask them, what are you feeling? Please help them empathy for oneself to<br />

identify the emotion: ex. shame (someone they know is hurting)<br />

2. Ask, can I hug or hold you? Massage the crown of the head, say a prayer over them. ‘God,<br />

please take their anger and replace it with empathy.’<br />

3. With courage, have them come up with a compassionate solution (PYAM, pray for them, sit<br />

down and listen to them, write them a letter, etc.)<br />

4. Follow up- see if they have redirected this emotion into something positive like empathy or<br />

compassion<br />

Marmas- OUR BODY POINTS OF LIGHT & Tree Of Life<br />

Toxicity of negative thoughts, feelings and ideas especially disparagement and lack of equanimity<br />

causes blockages in the marmas and nadis (see the pons and peripheral nervous system along with the<br />

thymus above in ch. 4). Speaking of the “whole child”- there are pressure points called marmas in our<br />

body. These can be given added pressure, massaged, tapped. They have different ways of soothing that<br />

your child can learn as well as yourself. The following can be done in 3-second increments (see right):<br />

Positive thoughts fire and wire together; meaning, when you're learning the assimilation and<br />

accommodations done in the brain will be perceived in empathy and strength (children) or courage and<br />

compassion (adults) or whatever affirmation or positive intent practiced most often. The toxicity and<br />

flow of chi (balance of the ALL chakras especially thymus) again affects the way our genes are expressed,<br />

genetic markers and creates epitome. [retrieved on 12/31/2020 “Pin on Magic.” Pinterest,<br />

pin.it/2hhVUOp.].<br />

NOTE: Tapping & EFT phrases<br />

Hyposensitive child: do deep pressure press on the specific marma point.<br />

Balanced child (both hypo/hyper- do tapping on the specific marma point.

Hypersensitive child: do light massaging on the specific marma point.<br />

4 - Turth of Sod: Praise & Hands-On-Healing<br />

SAY ALOUD: I'm not attached- release now<br />

Note: Think of the body as the four pillars or sides of a pyramid are closely connected to the<br />

symbolism of the TREE (Tree of Life); it also represents stability, and a broken pillar represents death<br />

and mortality (Jesus’ Salvation). In the Hebrew and Christian traditions, pillars of internal FIRE (Sacred<br />

Fire) and smoke signify the presence of God, and God punished Lot by changing his wife into a pillar of<br />

salt. The Tree is also represented with 3 pillars based on Kabbalah (Gnosis) includes 3 pillars: The<br />

book of creation 22 Hebrew letters which consist of God Consciousness at the head (crown) and root<br />

(our physical being). The 3 pillars: Left pillar of Severity-Wisdom (Yin) is masculine (new brain-native<br />

american), Right pillar of Mercy-Understand (Yang) is femine (old brain- native american). Prayer,<br />

meditation, and studying the Torah/Bible (10 zipoph) which leads to true spiritually will Balance-Will<br />

the pillars (YinYang). Other representations: The body is Jesus, the heart is Mary (for Catholics), the<br />

mind is The Holy Spirit of God!! We are made wonderful, actually perfect!<br />

Curiosity and<br />

“But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 NLT<br />

Affirmation of Glory: I am perfect love. I have no fear.

5 - Healing After Meltdown: Prevent Trauma Experiences

Chapter 6 Cook’s ABC’s: For Carers Who Work With Those With<br />

Neurodifferences<br />

Note: illustration 5.1 All three types of having a Functional System of Dominance (FSD) are about the<br />

ABC’S of Self-directed Neuroplasticity:<br />

Affective: Affirmations and Attunement<br />

Behavioral: Body and Breath<br />

Cognitive: Connection, Curiosity, and Consistency<br />

Spiritual: Safe and Supportive<br />

Facilitate: Natural Inquiry Of <strong>Their</strong> Mind<br />

What most people don’t know! Losing Connection Is On A Soul-Cellular Level; Mainly, Due To Pleading<br />

Disparagement and Needing to Gain Trust Your Mind, Others and Mainly Yourself (God).<br />

Disparagement- is expression of a low opinion of someone’s thoughts, ideas, & feelings which causes<br />

anger and shame contributing to the biggest offense to someone’s soul. You’ve heard the saying, ‘those<br />

who have shame, shame others; likewise those you have attract shameful experiences.’ Every cell in<br />

your body holds hundreds of pages of information on all levels of your being: physically, emotionally,<br />

mentally, and spiritually. Cellular memory is a theory that the body’s cells retain memories<br />

independently from the brain but the mind (thymus). Similarly, the glia, (also called glial cells or<br />

neuroglia) which are non-neuronal cells, are the bases for the deeper meaning held in what is lost and<br />

needs to be reclaimed- the big picture of our purpose of being here on earth and conscious connections<br />

with God (ARAS).

The goal of the ABC’s is Spiritual Mindsight w/ Self-directed Neuroplasticity!<br />

Again, Neuroplasticity is the capacity of nerve cells to biologically adapt to circumstances, to change<br />

their connections and behaviour in response to new. Most importantly, the transformations of glia cells<br />

is something miraculous with gaining spiritual mind sight, hearing it even mindset!<br />

Observe: information presented and environment, sensory stimulation, development, damage, or<br />

dysfunction.<br />

Goal: mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation<br />

(equanimity).<br />

Reinforce: Spiritual Mindsight w/ Self Directed Neuroplasticity Through Using ABC’s and PYAM<br />

Translates: To Positive Epigenetic Signatures<br />

Speaking of the mind along with not feeling “enough”nor “worthy” — those with neurodiverse may<br />

have problems with receiving empathy, wisdom, hope, power, willingness, intuition, destruction (death,<br />

guilt, shame), entrapment (desire, lust, fear), release (courage, trust), transformation (acceptance,<br />

harmony), revelation (unconditional love) or transfiguration (joy), surre ndering (due to pride),<br />

acceptance (gives resistance, judgment based off evaluation (outward appearances, not<br />

listening/hearing/speaking to the heart of someone), lacking compassion, beauty, joy, mercy,<br />

attachment and attunement. This can be very troubling for the child as well as the carer of that child. A<br />

troubled body and mind is not what we want nor what God wants for us! We want comfort and peace<br />

that the Word has told of Jesus’ gifts, the Holy Spirit transforming our wishes, and God’s promises of<br />

blessings and miracles! Roman 15:13; 2 Corinthians 12:9 (ERV) Also, Primordial Needs are our blessings<br />

and treasures due to God's mercy and grace which includes God's Trust/Gifts and Truth/Wishes:<br />

Blessings/Miracles (promise) that will happen on a body, mind and spirit level! Is your child having a<br />

hard time learning from you? Are they angry or weepy (shame) especially when it comes to teaching<br />

your child? How can you help them if you don’t have it in yourself. Here are some intents and prayers of<br />

Acceptance of God’s own/others gifts, wishes, values, ideas, thoughts, and perspectives<br />

(blessings/miracles) upon you, your child’s carer. Note: These intents and prayers below help you to<br />

accept and not resist or judge the circumstances but know it had to happen.<br />

The Goal of the ABC’s is Spiritual<br />

Let me tell you about the ABCs of self-directed neuroplasticity, and more posts on the go. The ABC’s<br />

of Spiritual Mindset and Self-directed Neuroplasticity along with the trust of the body, soul, and spirit.<br />

They can be hard to heal due to each individual’s circumstances, experiences, and attitudes. They can<br />

be hard because the anger/shame and hatred/grief responses are survival tools and actually work for<br />

some people; to a point, where it doesn’t work for them any longer and can be actually harmful to<br />

their and others’ safety. Through intents, you have to want to release, heal and lose control to gain<br />

connection. Plus, the findings on epigenetics (above) let us know the epigenome can be something<br />

temporary. This is why RAS which includes the alta major chakra and the ACC/HPA with soma chakra<br />

including the thymus takes awareness, work and needs to be “worked on daily”. [No worries, I will

give you ways in the revolutionary program, ELBERT and I’m here to coach you along the way to<br />

heal your DNA- for generations can benefit from revolutionary teaching! Again, awareness including<br />

knowledge and wisdom, controlling chemical markers, and matters of the body, heart, and mind are<br />

key to all this change.]<br />

Use SOAP= Read Scripture, Observation, Apply with Affirmation & Prayer Daily<br />

The Body (Gifts)- The body and mind (Christ) & trust His gifts (Jesus- for adults chakras 1-8)- With Jesus<br />

(gift), Positive body and soul which the Eyes that sees and hears the Truth (His word-Your mind)<br />

Intents:<br />

strength/empathy<br />

comfort/joy<br />

courage/compassion<br />

bliss/harmony<br />

gratitude/goodness<br />

S.O.A. P<br />

Scripture:<br />

Observations:<br />

Affirmation:<br />

Prayer:<br />

Prayer: God, please have mercy on us, I’m asking for Jesus to come into my heart, body and mind.<br />

Please come to my aid to give me the ability to see and feel courage and compassion also intercede for<br />

me to release fear and attain unconditional love. God, I trust in my gifts from you. Thanks for giving me<br />

the gift of wisdom. Right now it’s the wisdom of acceptance that I need. I am in acceptance of God’s<br />

own/others values, ideas, thoughts, and perspectives as well as gifts of _____________[what you need<br />

from above]. God, what’s my gift?<br />

The Soul (Wishes)

SOUL and the Heart (Holy Spirit) and Truth/Wishes (The Holy Spirit for adults chakras 9-11)- With Holy<br />

Spirit (wish), Positive Soul with Upper Heart (thymus) and Soul that feels Trust:<br />

Intents:<br />

righteousness/peace<br />

knowledge/wisdom<br />

grace/mercy<br />

hope/faith<br />

freedom/forgiveness<br />

S.O.A. P<br />

Scripture:<br />

Observations:<br />

Affirmation:<br />

Prayer:<br />

Prayer: God, I’m asking for the Holy Spirit to come and bless us with our wishes. Also to my aid to give<br />

me the ability to listen and feel mercy and grace and also intercede for me to have abundance and<br />

devotion. God, There is truth (Your Word- My Mind) in having wishes. I wish for hope. I ask for my peace,<br />

joy, bliss, harmony, gratitude, goodness, and righteousness, as well as gifts of _____________[what you<br />

need from above]. I love you and want to better serve you, God. God, what’s my wish?<br />

The Spirit (Blessings and Miracles Promised)<br />

Trust/Gifts and Truth/Wishes lead to miracles His Promise (God for adults chakras 12th)- With God<br />

(blessing), then Spirit can see, hear and feel in unity God’s Heart (miracle)<br />

Intents:<br />

Righteousness/Beauty<br />

Blameless/Pure<br />

Gratitude/Harmony<br />


Unconditional/Perfect Love<br />

S.O.A. P<br />

Scripture:<br />

Observations:<br />

Affirmation:<br />

Prayer:<br />

Prayer: God, again I’m asking for miracles of feeling freedom and forgiveness. God, I understand you<br />

promised many miracles and blessings. Thank you for all my blessings. God, what’s my miracle? (listen to<br />

Your Spirit)- feel your spirit. What do I feel today? God, please help me to feel my spirit and allow<br />

Curiosity, Blamelessness, and Purity which the key to life lead me closer to you and feel<br />

__________[what you need from above]. Also please help me make my personal angels make<br />

themselves known to me. Lastly, God, what’s my question?<br />

We pray that God himself, the God of peace, will make you pure [and blameless]—belonging only to<br />

him. We pray that your whole self—spirit, soul, and body—will be kept safe and be [pure] and<br />

blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ comes. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (ERV)<br />

Affirmation of Faith: I am blameless. I have purity.<br />

We pray to God himself<br />

Cook’s Theory of a BOTH (Para/Sympth)Total Functional System Dominance or Complete Functional<br />

System Regulation (adult- CFSR)<br />

If you use 10-25 percent of your brain power and you nurture our nature, you can do exercises and<br />

activities on the thymus, pons and RAS including God awareness along with healing DNA and the<br />

lower personal self (for children- different for adults ages 24 plus); then, as an adult you could reverse<br />

a dysfunctional system and have a complete functional system regulation: Therefore, you can focus on<br />

higher transpersonal self by healing your DNA by unlocking the rest of your (yourself & family- line)<br />

God-head unity (twin flame) of glory, victory including increasing your brainpower, super genius, or<br />

possibly acquire psychic powers like mind reading and telekinesis while reducing illness, learning<br />

differences, relationship problems, etc…-Tricia Cook<br />

Work Primarily PYAM Daily:<br />

• Prayer working on Thymus (high heart chakra)<br />

• Prayer, Yoga and Scripture Reading working on Pons (crown chakra)

• Prayer, Affirmations, and Meditation working on RAS (soma, alta major chakras)<br />

Especially, if there’s a day that might include triggers or learning stressors! NEEDS Daily Functional<br />

System Regulation (child- DFSR)<br />

6 - Work Primarily PYAM Daily:<br />

Ex. Monday & Wednesday- Prayer, Yoga and Scripture Reading<br />

Tuesday & Thursday- Prayer, Affirmations, and Meditation<br />

Friday-Sunday- Prayer Only<br />

NOTE: For helping a Dysregulated and Dysfunctional System such as Responsive System Dysfunction<br />

(RSD) and Total Learning System Dysfunction (TLSD), I suggest Daily Functional System Regulation<br />

(DFSR) Thymus-Pons-RAS<br />

which works in an upward effect!! Go By The Promises Of God In The Bible (see below catechize):<br />

When you read and meditate on the bible, with hope and faith, it comes alive. First, ask God In Jesus’<br />

Name for knowledge and wisdom that: You will see God and understand what God is written; You will<br />

hear God and comprehend what is written. You will find yourself sharing a mind with Him (God, Jesus,<br />

Holy Spirit) with the sense of feeling complete or whole which is perfect love. Second, ask God for the<br />

perfect love. In perfect love, from the holy spirit you remain in love (harmony) and have complete joy<br />

(peace) which is His love and joy that he has for you. Third, ask God for hope and faith. When you<br />

have the revelation of hope along with transmutation of faith, in turn you will give joy to others and<br />

love them completely, unconditionally.<br />

Hence you follow HIs command. “These words I command you, so that you love one another.” John<br />

15:17 Then, God will honor you with allowing others to put upon you their power of faith which leads<br />

to salvation. [Salvation] “In My Father’s house are many staying places. And if not, I would have told<br />

you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2.

The prepared place is the perfect love, complete harmony and peace for eternity.<br />

7 - Lower Self (1-8) IN Scripture Reading (Yoga)<br />

THYMUS-----PONS------RAS<br />

Higher Self (9-12) IN Prayer (Meditation)<br />

8 - May the Lord bless you and give you peace. Numbers 6:23-24 means YOU (His Chosen) is COVERED IN WHOLENESS=<br />

AWARENESS for INFINITY ACCEPTANCE for ETERNITY (the body, heart & mind of Christ) with ABC's:<br />

I.A.B.C.<br />

Intention (body)<br />

Affirmations (heart)<br />

Believe, Seek & Search (mind)<br />

Connection (releases soul)


FREE https://rb.gy/ianbik

9 - 'I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands; do not let me stray from your commands. Your<br />

hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands. ' Psalms 119: I-73<br />

I. A. B. C.'Scripture Reading and Paryer That Supports Lower & Higher Self:<br />

The body & breath Jesus (1-3) Heals The Past<br />

The heart Holy Ghost (4-8) Counsels You Presently<br />

The mind & soul God (9-12) Show (sight) & Tells You (hear) IN WORD ABOUT The Future So Pray<br />

*The Trinity- THREE IN ONE<br />

Example read the scripture like for example:<br />

John 14:13 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JHN.14.13<br />

I body: Awareness of Revelation: I am worthy & enough.<br />

A heart. Affirmation Of Authority (Heart of Holy Ghost-Truth=Wishes/Dreams)<br />

B mind . I am Worthy<br />

C soul Glory.= I have Purity. (releases hatred/courage)<br />

Prayer: With your mouth say out loud. Say, I am aware Jesus that you can heal my past. I need the strength to discover what<br />

made me angry in the past. It's my wish to have the courage to uncover any hatred in my soul. I know the truth: I am Worthy. I<br />

have Purity. I am thankful for you and I love you above ALL names. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.<br />

Lower Self (1-8)= Promises- Scripture Reading & Prayer for Others (Yoga)

______________________________God Awareness_______________________<br />

'“The Lord has blinded their eyes. He has closed their minds. So they can’t see with their eyes. They<br />

can’t understand with their minds. They can’t turn to the Lord. If they could, he would heal them.”<br />

(Isaiah 6:10) ' John 12:40 https://my.bible.com/bible/110/JHN.12.40<br />

' “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate<br />

to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it<br />

neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. ' John<br />

14:15-17 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JHN.14.15-17<br />

-------------------------------anger-hatred----strength-courage-------------<br />

A Prayer for Others & Yourself Psalms 4:1 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/PSA.4.1<br />

I body: Awareness of Transmutation I am worthy & enough. (Body of Christ-Truth=Gifts)<br />

A heart. Affirmations of Power<br />

b mind. I am Worthy<br />

c soul. Mercy= forgiveness, unconditional Love (releases anger/strength)<br />

A heart. Affirmations of Transmutation: Faith & Hope<br />

b mind. Hope= releases harmony<br />

c soul. Harmony= cleansed, rebirth, patience, reverence, righteous, & knowledge<br />

A Prayer for Others & Yourself John 14:13 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JHN.14.13<br />

I body: Awareness of Revelation: I am worthy & enough.<br />

A heart. Affirmation Of Authority (Heart of Holy Ghost-Truth=Wishes/Dreams)<br />

B mind . I am Worthy<br />

C soul Glory.= I have Purity. (releases hatred/courage)

A Prayer for Others & Yourself John 15:7-8 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JHN.15.7-8<br />

I body: Awareness of Revelation: I am worthy & enough.<br />

A heart. Affirmation Of Authority (Heart of Holy Ghost-Truth=Wishes/Dreams)<br />

B mind. I am Worthy<br />

C soul Glory.= I have Purity. (releases hatred/courage)<br />

-------------------------------shame-grief----empathy-compassion-------------<br />

A Prayer for Others & Yourself John 16:20 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JHN.16.20<br />

I body: Awareness of Revelation: I am worthy & enough.<br />

(Heart of Holy Ghost-Truth=Wishes/Dreams)<br />

A heart. Affirmation Of Authority<br />

B mind. I am Enough<br />

C soul. Victory= I have Blamelessness. (releases grief/compassion)<br />

'I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. Your hands made me and<br />

formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands. Let your compassion come to me that I<br />

may live, for your law is my delight. May the arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause;<br />

but I will meditate on your precepts. ' Psalms 119:10,73,77-78<br />

https://my.bible.com/bible/111/PSA.119.10,73,77-78<br />

__________________________________God Acceptance_____________________________<br />

Higher Self (9-12)= Promises of Prayer for Yourself (Meditation)<br />

A Prayer for Yourself John 12:26 https://www.bible.com/bible/110/JHN.12.26,36<br />

I body. Acceptance of Power- connection, curiosity, integrity, perseverance, praise, and worship<br />

A heart. Affirmation of Revelation- Divine Power of faith/honor<br />

B mind. Faith (peace)- Perfect Honor<br />

C soul. Releases (faith)- Perfect Harmony

A Prayer for Yourself John 16:33<br />

I body. Acceptance of Power- connection, curiosity, integrity, praise, perseverance, and worship<br />

A heart. Affirmation of Revelation- Divine Power of faith/honor<br />

B mind. Faith (peace)- Perfect Honor<br />

C soul. Releases (faith)- Perfect Harmony<br />

A Prayer for Yourself James 1:2-3 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/JAS.1.2-3<br />

I body. Acceptance of Power- connection, curiosity, integrity, praise, perseverance, and worship<br />

A heart. Affirmation of Revelation- Divine Power of faith/honor<br />

B mind. Faith (peace)- Perfect Honor<br />

C soul. Releases (faith)- Perfect Harmony<br />

A Prayer for Others & Yourself Psalms 119:10,73,76 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/PSA.119.10,73,76<br />

I body: Acceptance of Salvation<br />

A heart. Affirmations of Transmutation: Faith & Hope<br />

B mind . Hope= releases harmony (Mind Of God In Your Soul= favor of blessings)<br />

C soul. Harmony= cleansed, rebirth, patience, reverence, righteous, & knowledge<br />

B mind. Faith= releases peace (Mind Of God In Your Soul= favor of blessings)<br />

C soul. Peace= blameless life, virtue, and reconciliation, & wisdom<br />

--------------------<br />

A Prayer for Yourself John 12:36 https://www.bible.com/bible/110/JHN.12.36<br />

I body. Acceptance of Power- beauty, greatness, blessings, miracles, and light<br />

A heart. Affirmation of Revelation- Divine Authority of hope/love (Salvation)<br />

B mind. Hope (trust)- Perfect Love

C soul. Releases (hope)- Perfect Unity<br />

_____________________________God Unity________________________<br />

A Prayer for Yourself John 13:3 https://www.bible.com/bible/110/JHN.13.3<br />

I body. Received Power- I AM GOD<br />

A heart. Affirmations of Revelation: Divine Power & Authority aka Salvation (see below)<br />

B mind. Divine Power- releases Honor & Faith<br />

C soul. Honor with faith brings peace= perfect harmony, connection, curiosity,<br />

integrity, praise, & worship<br />

John 15:9-12 https://www.bible.com/bible/110/JHN.15.9-11<br />

I body. Received Power- I AM GOD<br />

A heart. Affirmations of Revelation: Divine Power & Authority<br />

B mind. Divine Authority- releases Love & Hope aka Salvation<br />

C soul. Love with trust brings hope= perfect unity. beauty, greatness, blessings, miracles, & light<br />

John 17:3-5<br />

I body. Received Power- I AM GOD<br />

A heart. Affirmations of Revelation: Divine Power & Authority aka Salvation (see below)=favor of<br />

miracles<br />

B mind. Divine Power- releases Honor & Faith<br />

C soul. Honor with faith brings peace= perfect harmony, connection, curiosity,<br />

integrity, praise, & worship<br />

'I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. Your hands made me and<br />

formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands. Let your compassion come to me that I<br />

may live, for your law is my delight. May the arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause;<br />

but I will meditate on your precepts. My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my

hope in your word. My eyes fail, looking for your promise; I say, “When will you comfort me?” ' Psalms<br />

119:10,73,77-78,81-82 https://my.bible.com/bible/111/PSA.119.10,73,77-78,81-82<br />


10 - image 6.2 Cook’s Think of Our Brains as a Computer<br />

Therefore, our “computer systems” aka neurobiology (neurosystems), nervous and systems, complete<br />

chakra, and electromagnetic systems are all dysfunctioning simultaneously and individually at different<br />

degrees and causing abnormal neuroplasticity. Goal is for ALL our systems to function equalized,<br />

activated, and balanced with a dysfunctioning system. I suggest you work with their strengths (see<br />

below) to help with their weaknesses. Gardeners MI- will help you discover their gifts!!<br />

Setting Intentions: You have to want and beleive can happen in prayer,<br />

yoga, affimations, and<br />

Speaking of the “whole child”-heard and love this quote, “prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening<br />

[seeing] to God”! Try out mediation for your child with a learning difference. They could hear positive,<br />

loving messages from God when meditating!! “If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are<br />

depressed you are living in the past. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. If you are in the<br />

present and nervous, you are needing to connect and give up control. You have to want to release, heal,<br />

and lose control to gain connection.” I was diagnosed with “Central Auditory Processing Disorder'' in<br />

1983. We referred to it as a Learning Disability; at least, this is how I remember my mom saying it to<br />

other people. I went to numerous private schools in New Orleans, LA (of the ones I actually could “get<br />

into''). You think teachers nowadays don't know about how to help learning differences; just think about<br />

40 some odd years ago. I struggled to say the least not only academically but socially/emotionally,<br />

spiritually, and every domain of child development. Kids were not forgiving or kind to my slow nature of<br />

learning and my reading/spelling. I was very frustrated, mad and upset, and so were my teachers. Don’t<br />

get me wrong, I had some caring teachers; but even then, they didn’t know how to help. As I retrained

my brain (the rewiring activities for self-directed neuroplasticity-discussed below to learn in my upper<br />

30’s, there was one component missing which were my true feelings and God-soul connection). I wasn’t<br />

frustrated, mad and upset; but actually I was Angry and Ashamed due to abandonment and<br />

disparagement to those I “looked up to”, by the people that trusted and were supposed to be helping<br />

and teaching me. Disparagement is a low-opinion of some else’s thoughts, feelings, and ideas (again the<br />

biggest soul offense that someone does and others allows). I had a Parasympathetic Functional System<br />

Dominance. This is why I wish teachers, my parents and others could have understood me and my<br />

strengths…Read My Story Here: Brunette-locks and the Three Doors.<br />

I also touch on the safe and supportive, positive learning environments, toxicity and other<br />

environmental factors for instance you can view some of the activities and exercises like PYAM DAILY<br />

(prayer, yoga, affirmations, and meditation). In my classes and sessions, I cover the affirmations of<br />

strengths [remember to trust your brain and heart and mind: I am smart, I can do this, I am love]. A<br />

neurodifference can be perceived as having “gifts'' such as: We are highly intelligent and have the ability<br />

to use tools and strategies to compensate for struggles to read, write, or spell. We may excel at thinking<br />

of “outside the box” solutions, seeing a problem from many different sides, and spatial relationships<br />

along with the ability to think in 3 dimensions. We often have intuitive and insightful, well-developed<br />

social awareness and emotions (EQ) while possessing a lexicon of words to help with the synonymous<br />

“whys of dyslexia”. We also have deep and holistic list-form thinking, problem solving and<br />

building/constructing abilities, computer skills and gaming strategies. Lastly, we seek out endeavors of<br />

creative, imaginative, visual, artistic and visionary skills, inventing and innovating pursuits.<br />

Chapter 8 The Spirit Of The CHILD- PYAM DAILY Work Primarily on<br />


11 - Work Primarily PYAM Daily:<br />

• Prayer working on Thymus (high heart chakra)<br />

• Yoga working on Pons (crown chakra)<br />

• Affirmation/Meditation working on RAS (soma, alta major chakras)<br />

A learning difference can bring up emotions such as anger (strength mantra) and shame (empathy mantra) as well as hatred<br />

(courage mantra) and grief (compassion mantra) for people older. If the anger and shame become too much, this can trigger<br />

sympathetic and parasympathetic responses and affect you neurologically, as well as, socially/emotionally, physically,<br />

mentally and spiritually.Especially, if there’s a day that might include triggers or learning stressors!<br />

The prefrontal cortex, neocortex is regulated by the RAS and soma chakra via the HPA. The basal ganglia, hippocampus is<br />

regulated by the RAS and alta major chakra via the ACC. The cerebellum (movement gives us our social connections) hence<br />

this connection to others, social relationships and is regulated by the amygdala and pons (God awareness) and crown chakra<br />

(6th-8th chakras). The thymus (vagus nerve chakra) is our mind- receiving the mind of Christ (see, hear, feel God), perceive as<br />

God does, and all His perfection this is regulated by this high heart chakra.<br />

Prayer<br />

Kids can do it too! Model prayer to them, pray with them...encourage daily! It really works to take their<br />

anger and shame that their learning difference can trigger! Speaking of the “whole child”- Help them<br />

with “emotional appraisal” by looking at this feelings chart for prayer coaching (see chart below). They<br />

usually exhibit anger and shame (as they get older other prescriptions develop such: as grief and hatred).<br />

Speaking of the “whole child”-heard and love this quote, “prayer is talking to God, meditation is<br />

listening to God”! Try out mediation for your child with a learning difference. They could hear positive,<br />

loving messages from God when meditating!!“You have to want to release, heal, and lose control to<br />

gain connection.”-Tricia Cook<br />

“Each day, set yourself the task of deliberately withdrawing your attention from the objective world<br />

and of focusing it subjectively. The day you achieve control of the movements of your attention in the<br />

subjective world, you are master of your fate.Our imagination, Neville Goddard taught, is the God-seed<br />

and Christ in you is your imagination: He saw literal and final truth in Psalm 82:6, “Ye are gods.””<br />

[Retrieved from https://www.harvbishop.com/neville-goddard-a-cosmic-philospher/?fbclid=IwAR2y-Sxj-<br />

4V1eox3ZjD-ch7LjTpL_EnUlBBeSyEWD4Elv2CQNJA6Yza8VTU].<br />

Children & Creativity (Increases Curosity & God Awareness)<br />

When have you asked your child, what positive did you have today?

Where is your focus of attention as being important?<br />

Where is our children’s focus and attention?<br />

Is our focus on being important enough on our own body, mind, and spirit?<br />

In today’s time, is our attention to God and His Word?<br />

Is your focus mainly positivity in attitude and thoughts?<br />

How do you perceive yourself? How do you think others perceive you?<br />

If you have anger, you can have hyperarousal and become frustrated, reactive, impulsive, irritable,<br />

anxious, etc. and if you have shame, you can have hypoarousal and become “shut down”, sluggish,<br />

needy, weepy, avoidant, etc.. You could have these responses normally! This is why it would be<br />

important to practice along with PYAM them (Prayer, Yoga, Affirmations and Meditation)!! Also, ask me<br />

below about the complete adult ELBERT program!! If you know someone with a learning difference<br />

and or stress responses, I’d say focus on releasing anger and strength and shame and replace it with<br />

empathy. Note: The prayer includes meditation and the yoga includes affirmation.<br />

12 - Note:<br />

confused, sad, jealous, etc is ANGER<br />

also<br />

● ● ● ● JESUS Affirmations● ● ● ● ●<br />

lonely, nervous, disappoited, etc is SHAME<br />

Speaking of the “whole child”- the child with learning differences usually feels like “they are not worthy”<br />

if they have perceptions of anger and if they have filters of shame they usually feel like “they are not<br />

enough”! This set intent rewires the RAS, adds to attunement and gives them more motivation to learn!!

RAS YOGA<br />

Speaking of the “whole child”- it takes large motor movement in order to coordinate the body to the<br />

mind. The increased focus will also help their short-term memory. The lower yoga positions and to the<br />

left are for releasing shame and replacing with empathy. The lower yoga poses (little higher than shame)<br />

and to the right are for releasing anger and replacing with strength.<br />

Yoga Develops:<br />

Good Balance & Muscle Tone<br />

Concentration<br />

Focus & Attention<br />

Self-Discipline<br />

Good Vestibular and Proprioceptive Sense<br />

Happy, Healthy & WISE<br />

Yoga Positions (see below) hold for 7 seconds with each Intention (alternate high/low and left/right)<br />

Low Positions-Center (Chi= Peace, Joy, and Bliss ), Right (Breath-in=Empathy, Breath-out=Shame) & Left<br />

(Breath-in=Strength, Breath-out=Anger)<br />

High Positions- Center (Chi= Peace, Joy, and Bliss), Right (Breath-in=Compassion, Breath-out=Grief) &<br />

Left (Breath-in=Courage, Breath-out=Hatred)<br />

• I AM…9 position below) Peace, Joy & Bliss* chi (center)<br />

• 8 position below) Empathy (right)<br />

• 10 position below) Strength

• 7 position below) Compassion (right)<br />

• 11 position below) Courage<br />

• 6 position below) Grace (right)<br />

• 12 position below) Mercy<br />

• 5 position below) Glory (right)<br />

• 13 position below) Victory<br />

Timer 3 min Each<br />

• I HAVE…4 position below) Divine Purity* chi<br />

• 14 position below) Blamelessness*chi<br />

• 3 position below) Divine Revelation*chi<br />

• 15 position below) Divine Transmutation*chi<br />

• 2 position below) Divine Power (right)<br />

• 16 position below) Divine Salvation<br />

• 1 position below) Divine Unity (Harmony)*chi<br />

Meditations<br />

Speaking of the “whole child”- if they have feelings of anger they could be hyperarousal, this affects their<br />

breath and ability to think (making logical decisions) especially when doing a stressful task such as<br />

reading. They might exhibit responses of impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and agitation (along with<br />

hyperactivity). NOTE: go to emotion chart to see if anger or shame occurs when they're reading!! You<br />

might be surprised what you find.<br />

Power of I AM (Affirmations): Suggestions for Help: devotion/<br />

blameless courage<br />

I AM is the self-definition of the absolute, the foundation on which everything rests. I AM is the first<br />

cause-substance. I AM is the self-definition of God. I AM is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very<br />

center of consciousness is the feeling of I AM. I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am, but I<br />

cannot forget that I AM. The awareness of being remains, regardless of the degree of forgetfulness of<br />

who, where and what I am. For example:<br />

I AM hath sent me unto you. [Exodus 3:14]<br />

I AM THAT I AM. [Exodus 3:14]<br />

Be still and know that I AM God. [Psalm 46:10]<br />

[Retrieved from http://nevillegoddardpdf.com/free-books-and-lectures/power-of-awareness-free/]

13 - Carers SAY In Front Of Child<br />

14 - Children Say Dai;y- You Tell Them Daily- They See It SOMEWHERE DAILY<br />

I AM SMART<br />


I AM LOVE<br />

Again, toxicity causes blockages in the marmas and nadis. The toxicity and flow of chi (balance of the<br />

chakras) again affects the way our genes are expressed and creates epitome. Toxicity can be<br />

environmental and in our foods which can affect our learning...read here “Marma points are energy<br />

blockages in the body located at the seventh level of the skin but they convey messages to the deeper<br />

layers and organs and are thus considered the “inner pharmacy of the body.” There are 117 marma<br />

points depending upon the system you follow. When a marma is sore or sensitive to the touch, there is<br />

inflammation or some toxicity (ama). Marmas block the flow of prana or the vital life force throughout

the body (there are 72,000 nadis or pathways in the body where prana circulates) therefore it is<br />

important to unseat, release or clear what is stuctoon order to promote awareness of the body and<br />

mind.”<br />

[accessed 12/31/2020] https://pin.it/2hhVUOp<br />

If the child has gone beyond the perception of anger and has internalized filters of shame, this also<br />

affects their ability to breathe. They might exhibit responses of “shut down”, ruminating on the negative,<br />

and even depression (along with hypoactivity). Likewise, one thing of having a learnin g difference is<br />

physiological problems- such as headaches, stomach aches, allergies, hives, inflation, etc..<br />

Chapter 7- ● ● ● GOD● ● ●Further Focus<br />

Before we move onto the next section on how to help yourself and your child. Please ask yourself this<br />

question not from your brain, heart but from your mind these questions:<br />

Meditating on Prayer<br />

Prayer/Praise & Worship (PPW)- ask me about hand-on-healing and prayer and my adult bible study.<br />

Note: You can also do SOAP with the students as an activity. The goal is actually reaching atonement<br />

which is to release all hatred (fear) and go back to an Authentic God-soul essence (unconditional<br />

love)! That He died on the cross, so we MAY live (our choice- autonomy and attunement). I know His<br />

love and purpose for me along with a life of living His Will (a totally Blameless Life).<br />

Imagine Jesus Being A Light In Front Of YOU as you Read This Scriptures:<br />

Jesus is the way, the light, and the truth; He is the way to truth of pure light and virtue. John 14:6 (KJV)<br />

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life [light]: no man cometh unto the Father, but by<br />

me. To shine your light so bright that it WILL overcome ALL darkness (fear)/hatred and only love WILL<br />

prevail on Earth.<br />

17 He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic<br />

Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”<br />

Psalms 115:1 (NIV)<br />

Imagine Jesus Speaking to You as you Read This Scripture:<br />

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth<br />

me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his<br />

name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art

with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of<br />

mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall<br />

follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. (Psalm 23 King James<br />

Version (KJV))<br />

Imagine Jesus Giving You This Message as you Read This Scripture:<br />

Psalm 91 You have made the LORD your defender, the Most High your protector, and so no disaster will<br />

strike you, no violence will come near your home. God will put his angels in charge of you to protect you<br />

wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands to keep you from hurting your feet on the<br />

stones. You will trample down lions and snakes, fierce lions and poisonous snakes. God says, “I will save<br />

those who love me and will protect those who acknowledge me as LORD. When they call to me, I will<br />

answer them; when they are in trouble, I will be with them. I will rescue them and honour them. I will<br />

reward them with long life; I will save them.” (2 Peter 1:17 NIV)<br />

15 - Mudras & Meditation<br />

Think about your soul (heart and mind) as energy and constantly make a hum, by focusing on the vowel<br />

sounds, with each word can be drawn out while your fingers are in either of these intended positions.<br />

See which “feels” right for you. The no right or wrong way!<br />

Self-regulation:<br />

Is s/he frequently irritable?<br />

Does s/he overreact to small problems?<br />

Does s/he have intense, angry outbursts?<br />

Does s/he have outbursts for little or no apparent reason? (specify situations in which outbursts occur)?

Oppositional and Aggressive behavior:<br />

Is your child destructive to toys or other objects?<br />

Does s/he say “no” or refuse to comply when asked to do something?<br />

Does your child regularly argue with you (parents), teachers?<br />

Does s/he tease or bully another child? Has s/he been teased or bullied?<br />

Is s/he aggressive with siblings, peers or adults, e.g., hits or pushes?<br />

Does s/he swear, call names or make threats?<br />

(answerd yes to above) Think about Anger Sympathetic System Functional Dominance, do the ones<br />

that say Hyper- ex. /luuuuumm/ with the right hand with the thumb and index finger<br />

touchingAttention and Executive Function.<br />

Is s/he easily distractible; does he act without thinking?<br />

Is s/he restless, not able to sit still; is he overly active?<br />

Does s/he have difficulty initiating or finishing tasks such as homework?<br />

Does s/he have difficulty finding things in his/her room or desk?<br />

Is his/her written work poorly organized, does s/he have difficulty planning ahead?<br />

Does s/he forget to hand in homework?<br />

(answerd yes to above) Think about Shame Parasympathetic System Functional Dominance, do the<br />

ones that say hypo- ex /loooomm/ with the left hand with the thumb and index finger touching<br />

Anxiety:<br />

Do you think your child worries more than other children?<br />

What does s/he worry about?<br />

Does s/he ever have problems falling asleep because she is worrying about something, can’t turn his/her<br />

mind off?<br />

Does your child have many fears?

Is s/he easily scared?<br />

Can s/he be easily comforted by reassurance?<br />

(answerd yes to above) Think about Total Functional System Dominance, do the one that says<br />

balance in /vaaaaamm/ with the second from top hand together for chi.<br />

Depression:<br />

What is your child’s mood like most of the time?<br />

Is s/he often unhappy, sad or tearful?<br />

Does your child’s mood change abruptly for no apparent reason?<br />

Have you noticed a change in his/her interest in things s/he used to enjoy?<br />

Have you noticed a change in his/her energy or activity level?<br />

Is s/he more quiet than usual?<br />

Have you noticed a change in his/her sleep patterns or appetite?<br />

By The Research Autism Group or online [Accessed 16 Dec. 2019].<br />

(answerd yes to above) Think about (mostly older teens-adults) For Complete Functional System<br />

Dominance, do the one that says balance in /shaaaamm/ and /oooooomm/ with the last and second<br />

to last hand together for chi<br />

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and<br />

knoweth God. 1 John 4:7 (KJV) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear<br />

hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 (KJV)<br />

Affirmation of God: I am love. I have harmony.<br />

DISCLAIMER: These checklists and questionnaires are not to be substituted for professional Medical<br />

advice. These are the opinions of Tricia Cook and should not be used to diagnose or prescribe. Tricia is<br />

not a doctor. This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information. It is intended<br />

solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited<br />

from disclosing, copying, distributing or using any of this information. If you received this

communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety,<br />

whether electronic or hard copy. Again, This evaluation, program, and suggestions are not to be<br />

substituted for professional medical advice. They should not be used to diagnose or prescribe. Tricia is<br />

not a doctor but the information could change your life!<br />

SEE CHAPTER 10 for Complete Lesson Plan & Natural Inquiry Learning<br />



Many People with Neuro Differences<br />

Brainstem– I have a fight, flight, flee and freeze PARA/SYMP observational checklist which includes<br />

alternative and holistic activities and exercises for the release of stressors and reactivation of the<br />

vagus nerve (vagus nerve chakra-thymus) to the body for instance: prayer, yoga, affirmations,<br />

meditation, breathing, emotional coaching exercises and activities that look at the “whole child” and<br />

activating the vagus nerve for instance.

Can we heal our DNA for future generations?

Midbrain– A screening and recommendations for vestibular, proprioceptive, somatic issues, along<br />

with speech/language development, auditory, and visual processing. Note: It’s a 30 page screening.<br />

Including a progress monitoring and observational rubrics:

Cortical– Lesson plans and activities for taking care of the “whole child” and their individual, dynamic<br />

needs for learning and the domains of development.<br />

FREE<br />

The goal of the ABC’s is Spiritual Mindsight w/Self-directed Neuroplasticity! Again, Neuroplasticity is<br />

the capacity of nerve cells to biologically adapt to circumstances, to change their connections and<br />

behaviour in response to new. Most importantly, the transformations of glia cells is something<br />

miraculous with gaining spiritual mind sight, hearing it even mindset!<br />

Observe: information presented and environment, sensory stimulation, development, damage, or<br />

dysfunction.<br />

Goal: mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation<br />

(equanimity).<br />

Reinforce: Spiritual Mindsight w/ Self Directed Neuroplasticity<br />

Translates: To Positive Epigenetic Signatures<br />

Yes- very important for learning!!<br />

ALMOST TIME!!! Friday mornings from 9:30 am CST learn more in Zoom: Sign Up Here:<br />

https://myelbertcom.wordpress.com/ Presented Tricia Cook linkedin.com/in/tcook2017


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