Remarkable International Schools in UAE.

Today these schools have caught the attention of the world. We have attempted to feature few of these eminent schools in the latest edition of our magazine The Knowledge Review - Remarkable International Schools in UAE. Hope this edition throws some insights on international schools in UAE. Have an interesting read about the schools featured, the CXO standpoint from industry experts and articles curated by our inhouse editorial team. Happy reading!

Today these schools have caught the attention of the world. We have attempted to feature few of these eminent schools in the latest edition of our magazine The Knowledge Review - Remarkable International Schools in UAE.
Hope this edition throws some insights on international schools in UAE. Have an interesting read about the schools featured, the CXO standpoint from industry experts and articles curated by our inhouse editorial team.
Happy reading!


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irst there was nothing in terms of formal

Feducation. Then came the teacher, a Guru who

took his band of pupils out into the open to teach

things right there where it mattered. When things got

complicated and needed explanation, along came a

board which in all likelihood was brown in the eastern

and mid-eastern context given that we and the rest of

the world below the Mediterranean were sun-baked

and used things sun-baked. Those above the Med

discovered paint and possibly found the colour black to

be most interesting!

For over a century teaching, education and everything

elementary therein had to have a black board to

explain. The more resource-endowed went green a few

decades back. But for the rest, it was always black.

Intermittently there was the computer screen and

screens of myriad dimensions and capacities.

And then in the 20th year of the 21st century came the

virus. In a matter of days, public places including

schools and educational institutions were rendered

soul-less and eerily empty. With schools and

educational institutions closed, pad-locked and

protected, students had only one respite for education.

The ubiquitous gadget screen.

What was till a while an option has today become the

mainstay and from the looks of it may remain so for

quite some time given that the virus has brought about

a scare which makes screens a better option than being

seen in person. Isolation being the only way to control

the spread of the pandemic, the condition may continue

for quite some time.

But how long?? Already the strains of isolation and

staring at a soul-less screen is causing the kind of

fatigue we never imagined. What felt good for a while is

now turning into a nightmare which comes with a mix of

excessive screen time and zero human in-person

interaction. What was in the past ‘started and ended’,

today starts but never seems to end gracefully. You

could earlier speak with the teacher and create a

certain warmth and understanding with the subjects,

but this is totally missing with screen-time. Speaking of

warmth and empathy, you cannot really feel the same in

the absence of real people. Empty rooms and

computers just do not suffice.

you cannot. Part of the feeling of competition comes

from being with people and feeling the vibes. The same

just does not happen in inanimate and cold environs of

machines, how-so-ever ‘intelligent’ they be.

That said, the pandemic did bring its share of plusses in

the field of education, some of which in the context of

poorer countries make a lot of sense. For a start, it has

done away with the need of ‘infrastructure’, the one

thing which defined, distinguished and differentiated

between good and not-so-good schools. Irrespective of

classrooms and even teachers to an extent, the new

form of education can impart decent learning when it

comes to certain streams and subjects.

Education, the online way, can be imparted right where

the student is. This reduces education time right down

to its basics shorn of all the hype and hoopla. For

countries like India and the entire sub-continent where

education at the primary level, is the real problem area

and is the reason behind human resources being way

behind other countries in understanding and in

productivity, education in small booster doses can be

the best way to address the gaps.

The other way in which the recent change in dynamics

in education is helpful is in the form of better teaching

itself. With dedicated learning and development

platforms coming up on the internet with unerring

regularity, the best teachers in the subject need to only

make videos of their content and upload it for the

students. Some, private academies have uploaded

entire content that can educate students to crack

important higher-education exams like IIT-JEE, CET etc.

The changing dynamics of the classrooms in the end

shows us something most of us always knew - that

technology is a two-edged sword which needs to be

handled with care and caution. But if done so, it can

very easily and efficiently take care of the bottlenecks

that plague fields as significant as education and

industry, which in the Indian context remains

pernicious and very deep-rooted. T R

- Purushoutham M

Another thing - How does one keep trace of time and

progress vis-à-vis the rest of the classroom? In reality,

30 February | 2021

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