Okunikko E-bike tour 210218

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1. What’s fun of this tour?

Okunikko Nature Tour by E-biking and Strolling

Okunikko is one of the best sanctuaries near Tokyo. You can put yourself in breath of the nature and enjoy yourself in

beauties through four seasons. With e-bikes, you can easily go up and down even in this bumpy area with less concern of

your physical strength. Through e-biking and trailing by foot, you may encounter not only seasonal beauty of nature but

also the wild plants and creatures well preserved in the Nikko National Park.

2. Tour Route (Duration of the tour is about 5 hours for 24-kilometers-long distance)

Chuzenji Kanaya Hotel (depart @ 10 a.m.) - Ryuzu Waterfall - Odasiro Plateau - Senjugahama Beach (arrive @ 12 a.m.)

- Lunch - Senjugahama Beach (depart @ 1 p.m.) - Lake Sainoko – Cuizenji Kanaya Hotel (arrive @ 3 p.m.)

Note; Season of this tour is from April to November and time for departure and arrival can be changed per request of guest.

3. Number of Guests: Minimum 2, Maximum 3

4. Price of Tour: 30,000 JPY per group including tax plus 2,000 JPY per person including tax for bike rental and insurance

5. Others; Price including safety helmet, and excluding lunch (Lunch can be prepared per request with your payment)

Tour by B-ike Corporation (Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bike.trip )

Reservation and inquire: Ike Sakurai, mail: ike@b-ike.com, Mobile; +81-90-2472-3358

Ryuzu Waterfall Odashiro Plateau Senjugahama Beach of Lake Chuzeji

Flower Garden of Japanese Primrose Kumakubo Beach of Lake Chuzenji Lake Sainoko





Ryuzu Waterfall

e-bike (folding model of Panasonic)

Kumakubo Beach

Lake Sainoko

Senjugahama Beach

Flower Garden of

Japanese Primrose

Chuzenji Kanaya Hotel

Lake Chuzenji

Running through forest in the park

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