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WEDNESDAY, fEBrUArY 24, 2021


Vice-chancellor of DU Professor Dr. Akhtaruzzaman addressing a press conference held at his office

on Tuesday.

Photo : Courtesy

Dr Zafrullah slams

BNP for failure to

wage any movement

DHAKA : Criticising BNP for

its failure to wage any

movement with public issues,

Gonoshasthya Kendra

founder Dr Zafrullah

Chowdhury on Tuesday said

senior leaders of the party have

apparently become 'deaf and

blind', reports UNB.

"Though there're many big

leaders in BNP, I think they've

become deaf and blind. The

government has been making

mistakes one after another, but

they can't do anything as they

can't see or hear anything," he


Zafrullah, also a freedom

fighter, came up with the

remarks while speaking at a

discussion arranged by Jatiya

Party (Zafar), one of the

components of the BNP-led

20-party alliance, at the Jatiya

Press Club, marking 'Amar

Ekushey', the Language

Martyrs' Day and

International Mother

Language Day.

He said BNP has long been

talking about only one issue of

its chairperson Khaleda Zia's

release ignoring the public

issues. "Even, they can't speak

straightly about the release of

Khaleda Zia."

The freedom fighter said

Khaleda has the right to go

abroad for medical treatment

as she is ill. "The rights have to

be realised."

He said though all the

offices, courts, madrasas and

maktabs are now open,

general educational

institutions still remained

closed. "Because the

government's intelligence

agencies have reports that if

the universities and halls are

reopened, an anti-government

movement can be waged."

Zafrullah slammed the

leaders BNP and the 20-party

alliance for not taking position

in favour of the students

seeking the immediate

reopening of the universities

and dormitories. "What are

you (20-party leaders) doing?

Why aren't you taking a

position in favour of the

students?" Don't you wake you

up? People's rights will be

restored if students

'movement is intensified."

He alleged that the

backbone of the nation is being

broken by keeping the

educational institutions shut

as the students are making

teen gangs by watching Hindi


Zafrullah said Awami

League is often making

mistakes since Prime Minister

Sheikh Hasina has become

'lonely' as the senior party

leaders like Amir Hossain

Amu, Tofail Ahmed and Matia

Chowdhury are not there

beside her.

"As the Prime Minister has

remained confined (to

Gonobhaban), Awami League

is going to a wrong direction.

The boat of the Awami League

government is now in a so

delicate condition that it'll sink

with just a little push."

About the current

vaccination programme

against Covid-19, Dr Zafrullah

appreciated the government

for providing people vaccine

on its own initiative.

He urged the government

not to allow private companies

to import the Covid-19 vaccine

to ensure quality jabs for

people free of charge.

DU merges its decision with

the line of government


The Dhaka University (DU) authorities

have changed its decision with the line of

the government on reopening residential

halls from May 17 and the classrooms from

May 24.

Vice-chancellor of DU Professor Dr.

Akhtaruzzaman told reporters in a press

conference held at his office on Tuesday.

Classrooms will be open for teaching from

May 24 and the residential halls will be open

a week earlier, on May 17. We will start

taking exams after two weeks of reopening

halls with the coordination of faculty and

related department. The exam routine that

fixed on basis of previous decision is no

more, said Akhtaruzzaman.

The residential students must have to be

vaccinated if there any health issue can be

considered. The vaccination programme will

be conducted following the heath protocol of

the related Ministry, VC added.

We made the decision as the government

said teachers and students are likely to be

vaccinated by May 17. We learned that four

weeks after the first dose of vaccine antibody

starts working for that reason we urged the

government to vaccinate teachers, students,

staff and employees by April 17, said the

Vice-Chancellor of DU.

It is not possible to make a single decision on

a subject in pandemic time. Instead, we have

to move towards a coordinated decision

that's why we took the decision with the line

of government, he furthered.

Akhtaruzzaman said we are grateful to the

government as it took the Mass vaccination

for students. It's a great initiative; many

other governments of the world can't even

think of it.

Being asked about students 72 hours

ultimatum he said, I firmly believe that they

will behave responsibly in this regard.

8th FYP to expedite country's

development: Mannan

DHAKA : Planning Minister MA Mannan

yesterday said that the 8th Five Year Plan

will take forward the country's

development trend through the

implementation of different projects and

generation of more employment

opportunities, reports BSS.

"Through the 8th Five Year Plan, many

projects will be implemented. The

members of the Planning Commission will

play a vital role in this regard. The projects

under the plan will be reflected in the

living standard of the country's people and

will expedite further the country's

development," he said.

The planning minister said this while

speaking at a meeting on the '8th Five-

Year Plan (July 2020-June 2025)' at the

NEC conference room in the city.

Through the plan, Mannan said, the

whole system of the country will forward

more which will be helpful in achieving

the country's development goals, Vision-


The planning minister urged all to feel

the Padma Multipurpose Bridge from

heart. "I sometimes look with surprise -

there will be a bridge, and a span will sit

on the river. For this, 16 crore people are

standing there to watch. Even, the

children often rent cars to go there. I also

saw it myself. They tried to feel with

hands. This is a very important matter.

There may be some emotion. Those who

do not realize will lag behind," he added.

He said the country will witness more

mega projects during this new Five-Year

Plan period while the implementation of

the existing mega projects would get a

'pick-up' and many of those would witness

completion during this 8th Plan period.

He said this expansionary Plan would be

helpful in attaining growth, further

alleviating poverty, further strengthening

the rural economy, addressing income

inequality, expanding and further

deepening the coverage of the social safety


Among others, Planning Commission

secretary, IMED secretary and members

of the Planning Commission were present

on the occasion.

The National Economic Council (NEC)

approved the 8th Five Year Plan (2021-

2025) of the country on December 29,

2020 in order to attain 8 percent GDP

growth on average per year and also to

achieve various economic and social

targets during the five-year period as

envisioned under the country's 2nd

Perspective Plan (2021-2041).

Missing army person's

body recovered from

Sangu River

CHATTOGRAM : The body of an army

person who went missing while taking bath

in the Sangu River was recovered on

Tuesday afternoon, reports UNB.

The deceased was identified as Asif

Hossain Nishan, 21, a resident of Halisahar

in Chattogram.

Anowara Upazila Nirbahi Officer Sheikh

Jobayer Ahmed said a team of new army

members came to Anawara upazlia for a

winter training programme.

Fire Service and Civil Defence Deputy

Assistant Director Farid Ahmed said Nishan

went missing while taking bath in the Sangu

River on Monday afternoon. The body has

been handed over to Bangladesh Army, he


Led by Mahbub Alam Badsha, Tati League president of 50 no Ward of Jatrabari

thana of the capital city paid tribute to language hero by placing wreath at Central

Shaheed Minar on Sunday.

Photo : Courtesy

Japan with Bangladesh to enhance regional

stability, boost connectivity: Official

DHAKA : Japan will have a stronger

cooperation with Bangladesh,

especially for enhancing regional

stability and connectivity in the region,

as the development of Bangladesh

contributes to the stability of Indo-

Pacific region, says a senior official at

the Japanese Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, reports UNB.

"Bangladesh is achieving a higher

rate of economic growth. We'll further

promote comprehensive partnership

with Bangladesh," Senior Regional

Coordinator at Southwest Asia Division

of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign

Affairs (MoFA) Hitomi Sato told UNB

in an interview.

Bangladesh and Japan are currently

focusing more on infrastructure

development and business partnership

under "BIG-B" initiative.

The two countries have deepened

friendship and partnership in a

number of areas, including Matarbari

deep seaport, Dhaka Metro and

Terminal 3 of the international airport

in Dhaka.

The Japanese, the MoFA official said,

both the leaders (Prime Ministers)

affirmed that the development of

Bangladesh through regional

connectivity would contribute to the

overall stability of the Indo-Pacific


Under the Bay of Bengal Industrial

Growth Belt (BIG-B) initiative, she

said, Japan and Bangladesh would

continue collaborating towards

development in the Southern

Chattogram area, including the highly

efficient coal-fired power station, as

well as bolstering cooperation which

could contribute to long-term

decarbonisation through supporting

the application of renewable energy.

Sato said Japan will continue its

support and cooperation with

Bangladesh in accelerating the

economic growth which brings benefits

for all the people of Bangladesh and


Responding to a question, she said

investment and trade also need to be

promoted further for the faster

economic growth of Bangladesh.

"In order to invite more Japanese

private companies to operate in

Bangladesh, the issue of improving the

business environment will remain

important," said the senior Japanese

official adding that Japan will continue

supporting Bangladesh's efforts to that

end. Sato said Japan will continue to

support Bangladesh to overcome social

vulnerabilities in various fields,

including health and education,

disaster management so that

Bangladesh can achieve the status of a

middle-income country by 2021,

sustainable development goals by 2030

and the status of a developed country

by 2041. Responding to a question,

Sato said the concept of free and open

Indo Pacific aims to promote peace,

stability and prosperity in the region.

She said they are focusing on

ensuring the international order based

on rule of law and promoting freedom

of navigation and free trade.

"This concept targets neither any

specific country nor any agenda against

any framework. In this context, Japan

intends to cooperate with countries in

the region and beyond," said the

Japanese MoFA official.

She said Japan does not see the BIG-

B initiative conflicting with any other

global initiatives.

Referring to the telephone

conversations of the two Prime

Ministers, Sato said both leaders

welcomed the fact that the exchange of

notes had been signed earlier under

which an ODA Loan Agreement

provided in response to the ongoing

coronavirus disease (Covid-19) crisis in


Bangladesh expressed its gratitude

for the support from Japan and the two

countries agreed to firmly cooperate

towards containing the spread of the

Covid-19 pandemic.

Reinstatement of 30% quota

FFs' descendants block Shahbagh

DHAKA : Bangladesh Muktijoddha Santan Sangsad, an

organisation of freedom fighters' descendants, are

demonstrating at Shahbagh intersection in Dhaka to press

home their 7-point demand, including revival of 30 percent

quota in government jobs. Traffic movement in and around

the area has come to a complete halt due to their sit-in


Hundreds of members of the organisation from across the

country, carrying posters and placards, gathered in front of

the National Museum around 10:00am.

Later, they moved to the Shahbagh intersection and started

the sit-in programme around 12:00pm. Additional police

have been deployed in the area to avert any untoward

incident. The demonstrators chanted slogans like "No place

for Razakars in this Bangla of Freedom Fighters", "Weapons

Prof. Dr. S M Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Acting Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International

University handing over the Champion Trophy to winning team members of Martyred Jobbar

Ekadosh organized by Daffodil International University Sports Club. Photo : Courtesy

WHO calls for prioritising vaccine

contracts with COVAX

DHAKA : The head of the World Health

Organization (WHO) has called on

Covid jab manufacturers to prioritise

contracts with the UN-led equitable

vaccines initiative, COVAX, saying "it's

not a matter of charity, it's a matter of

epidemiology", reports UNB.

Director-General Tedros Adhanom

Ghebreyesus was speaking at WHO's

regular bi-weekly briefing for

journalists on the UN health agency's

latest efforts to curtail the pandemic,

reports UN News.

He began by praising Friday's pledge

from leaders of G7, to intensify

cooperation and increase their overall

contribution to the international effort

under the ACT Accelerator

programme, to around $7.5 billion.

COVAX is working to ensure

equitable distribution of vaccines,

diagnostics and therapeutics to end the

crippling march of coronavirus, Tedros

said, expressing his thanks to the EU

nations for committing an extra $4.3

billion last week.

"These funds and donations move

us one step closer to meeting our

target to start vaccination of health

workers and older people in all

countries, within the first 100 days of

the year," said Tedros.

But all countries needed to step up,

he said, adding that money was far

from the only challenge: "If there are no

vaccines to buy, money is irrelevant.

Currently, some high-income countries

are entering into contracts with vaccine

manufacturers that undermine the

deals that COVAX has in place, and

reduce the number of doses COVAX

can buy.

"Even if we have the funds, we can

only deliver vaccines to poorer

countries if high-income countries

cooperate in respecting the deals

of '71 roar once again" and "We want 30 percent quota".

Their other demands include giving VIP status to freedom

fighters and their descendants everywhere, including

hospitals, government offices, enacting a law to protect the

freedom fighters' families, and exclusion of names of antiliberation

people from the government list of freedom


Bangladesh Muktijoddha Sontan Sangsad vice chairman

Mizanur Rahman said, "We won't leave the place until our

seven demands are fulfilled."

Bangladesh Muktijoddha Sontan Sangsad founding

president Soleman Miya, vice chairman Sojib Serker,

Mijanur Rahman, Yeasin Akand, Toslim reza, organising

secretary Nazmul Huda, Titumir, among others, joined the

protest programme.

COVAX has done and the new deals it is

doing. This is not a matter of charity,

it's a matter of epidemiology."

The WHO chief said that there was

still a funding gap of nearly $23 billion

to "fully finance" the entire ACT

Accelerator vaccine initiative.

To make sure the most at risk in lowand

middle-income countries get their

shots first, "we need more funding, we

need countries to share doses

immediately, we need manufacturers

to prioritise contracts with COVAX,

and we also need a significant increase

in the production of vaccines", Tedros


"More vaccines are being developed,

approved and produced. There will be

enough for everyone," he noted. "But

for now, and for the rest of this year,

vaccines will be a limited resource. We

must use them as strategically as we


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