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Eyes of the Skin emphasized the importance of the senses in the processing of thoughts while Juhani

Pallasmaa perceives architecture. Pallasmaa pointed out that artworks need a form of perception in

design due to the eye-centered perspective imposed by the contemporary world. This visual approach

deprives the architects of other sensory forms and transforms the buildings they built into structures that are

not functional like photographs, but only appealing to the eye. Whereas, smelling, listening, tasting or

touching something brings you closer to it. Pallasmaa recommends all artists, primarily architects, to get

away from the mere visuality and experience the work they will create with all their sensory organs, which I

think is the best thing to achieve a functional and aesthetic result. Because, as users, we examine the world

and structures with all our bodily functions. We not only see, but touch, feel, sometimes taste and even

hear objects and structures. Therefore, designs that appeal to all our senses rather than just pleasing

aesthetic functions should be developed in buildings, focusing only on the eyes of our five senses and not

leaving the other senses behind. This situation impoverishes the architecture that constitutes our living

spaces. I think architecture should be experienced with all of our senses. Because while architecture

creates spaces for our actions, thoughts, actions and our lives, it also directs our behavior.

The digital design process can certainly help create new possibilities and push the boundaries of

construction, but it also flattens our spectacular and multi-sensory imagination. Today, while people

perceive hundreds of images in a minute with technology, they are forced to stay away from feelings such

as touch, taste and smell. This technology puts the distance between the architect and the building. In this

design process, the architect designs it without being able to identify the space with his body. Eyedistance,

touch symbolizes sincerity and warmth. Therefore, these structures, which are designed in a

technological environment, are far from sensuality and closeness and sincerity cannot be achieved in the

environment. As if all the buildings were built in the same molds as if they were from the same factory, they

turn into concrete piles without emotion, and they are far from being living, experienced and felt spaces. In

my opinion, when architecture is realized through a bodily perception and body guiding the design, an

end product can be created in the full sense. In other words, as a result of the loss of tactility rather than

the eye in architecture, serious breaks occur in the creative process and thus the structures are pushed

towards unreality.

The skin is the oldest and most sensitive of our organs, and touch is the most differentiated sense of all other

senses. Everything we feel is measured according to ourselves and our body, and everything is shaped

according to these spatial understandings. However, we should talk about sensory systems, not separate

senses. Understanding of our outer environment is also dependent on all our senses. Pallasmaa reveals the

state of tactile senses in the design of buildings and cities with its world experience and understanding with

the following words.

Let's get to the importance of light and shadow. Human imagination and design power are stimulated in a

dim light and shadow environment. Because the eyes and perception of man have been adjusted to

twilight rather than bright daylight since creation. Therefore, people can think more creatively and

functionally in dim environments and make designs. "How mysterious and inviting the streets of an old city

are compared to today's bright and evenly illuminated streets, with dark and light areas in turn!"

Our sense of hearing improves our experience and understanding of space. For example, when we

enter a building and look at it, it does not give us any feedback, it does not react, but when we

speak, it sends our voices back to our ears and the sound echoing on these walls makes us directly

interact with the space. These sounds measure the space and reflect the scale to us. Thus, a much

more effective and creative design is created.

Finally, let's talk about the relationship of architects to the sense of smell. Odor often creates the most

lasting memory of a place. Each structure has a unique odor. These special scents allow us to re-enter

the places our visual memory has forgotten in our minds. So our nose is a reminder of our eyes.

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