Reconvene Branding Guide

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Branding Guide

This festival will be the celebration of a lifetime,

complete with Jazz music, 1920s style attire,

all taking place at the famous Apollo Theater

in New York City. The Apollo is a place where

all are welcome, and the home for jazz in the

city, making it the perfect location. Attendees

will be dressed in 1920s attire, and will have

the opportunity to see live performances

by jazz musicians, Broadway artists,

as well as taking part in Charleston

dances and many more activities

that are the bees’ knees!


1. A round of applause for the healthcare workers who worked tirelessly during the pandemic

2. Jazz musician performances

3. Charleston and Foxtrot dance competitions

4. Photobooth photo ops

5. Special performance by the cast of the Broadway musical Hadestown

6. Candlelight vigil and moment of silence to honor those who passed away during the pandemic.


This is an event open to anyone, since the event takes place at the Apollo Theater,

a diverse area of New York City. Everyone has been affected by the pandemic

differently, many have lost loved ones, and many have missed out on important

life events during this time. The target attendee is anyone looking to celebrate

the end of the pandemic by getting out of the house and living life once again.


Let’s Live Life Again.

The Reconvene branding guide gives

the entire visual identity event and all,

a fun, unique, and unified brand.

Together, we’ll find the best path

to maintain the Reconvene brand.

The visual identity reflects the tone

of the brand; elegant and refined,

yet fun and lighthearted. For the

visual identity to reflect the event

in an effective and positive way, it

must be applied consistently.

This branding guide will help ensure

consistency by providing standards and

specifications for the use of Reconvene’s

visual identity in a variety of situations,

including signage, merchandise,

advertising, etc. in a way that reflects

our brand voice.

Who We Are

History of the Brand

This event was started out of the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

New York was one of the first areas in the United States to become overwhelmed by the virus, and one of the most

difficult states to get back into the swing of things after the pandemic passed. We knew that although at first people

may be anxious, everyone was sick and tired of being cooped up in their homes, wanting and needing an escape.

We knew that once the pandemic ended, we needed a celebration, a way to bring people back together after being

apart for so long. Togetherness and unity is the driving force behind this event. We are social beings, and have had

that taken away from us for far too long. We were not made to be alone.

Similar to the 1920s, we have endured great hardships, and great loss. Therefore, in the spirit of the Roaring 20s,

we will come back together and celebrate being able to live life again, and to enjoy each other’s company. What

better way for people to come back together than with music? For years music has transcended beyond all barriers,

differing opinions, and even language. It is something that can unite everyone in this common cause, celebrating life.

There were of course, certain challenges to overcome in making this event possible. The pandemic brought

the economy to a halt, but with help from the government and fundraising by various communities, including

the Broadway community, made all this possible. It is from these communities, and from the healthcare workers

who worked tirelessly on the front lines to ensure our health and safety, that we were inspired to create this event.

This is why 10% of the proceeds from the event will go to healthcare workers, and another 10% will go to the

various communities who made this event possible.

We fought through the pandemic

together, and we will celebrate

our triumph together in style!

Our Purpose

During the roaring 20s, there was a host of celebrations to reconvene after the

difficult times that were endured in years prior, therefore the first celebration after

the covid-19 pandemic will be a roaring 20s themed event. The purpose for this

event is to bring people together, to remember those we lost during the covid-19

pandemic, and to celebrate a brighter, safer future together.


We believe that this event will be a good start for the healing process after

the events during the pandemic, and hopefully will be something that lasts

for years to come. We want everyone in attendance to have the time of

their lives, because they deserve it.

Brand Voice

Archetype: The Everyman

Definition: The everyman character archetype is a representative of the audience. This archetype has to do with

working hard and living a simple life. Their primary motivations are to have a sense of belonging and enjoyment.

They crave creating and forging connections with people. In literature, the everyman character archetype is often

put in extraordinary circumstances and situations. They just try to survive the circumstances they find themselves in.

They are also called the common man, the citizen, the silent majority, best friend and, egalitarian.

Characteristics: There are some characteristics that are common

to all everyman archetypes:

• They enjoy the simple tastes and pleasures of life.

• They are easily accepting of people, as they are understanding,

friendly and inviting.

• They enjoy being part of a group.

• They do not like pretense and are genuine.

• They support and encourage teamwork and are excited when

everyone solves problems together.

• They are often reliable and respectable of others.

Why we chose this archetype for our brand: The Everyman seeks connections, and is supportive, faithful, and

down to earth, which is something we all need after these especially difficult times. Everyone has felt the effects of

this pandemic, and we all need to learn how to connect with each other again, after being apart for so long.

Event Experience

Clients will no doubt feel building excitement as they purchase tickets and plan

for the event, starting from finding out about the event through social media, tv,

or the news, then picking their seating arrangement at the Apollo Theater, with

some flocking to the online site, and others to the doors of the Apollo. They’ll

feel a sense of thrill as they plan every last detail of the trip, how they’ll travel,

what they’ll wear, and who they’ll go with. As they travel to the event their

excitement will keep growing until it feels like they’re going to burst, then

once they get there and see the people waiting on line to get inside the theater,

they’ll be on the edge of their seat waiting to get inside. Once they get inside

and are shown to their seats, they’ll look around the theater in joy, because

finally they get to sit in theater seats once again, and will probably feel a bit

emotional as well, thinking about how so much has changed since they were

last in a crowded theater. As they watch the performances, take part in the

activities, and go for dinner afterwards, they’ll feel a rush that they haven’t

felt in a while. To be out in the city, enjoying a show, talking to people,

eating and drinking at a restaurant, these little things all feel so foreign,

yet familiar, and by the time it comes to leave and go home, they will be

appreciative of being able to go out on the town once again, and will

not want to stay home too long.

Lasting Effect

Once the festival ends and as the guests are on their way home, they will feel a sense

of relief, and a renewed hope, because now things are finally getting back to normal,

and people can go back to normalcy. The event will be something that sticks in their

memory for years to come, and they will cherish it forever.

Visual identity

The visual identity of our brand encompases the logo, imagery, typography, patterns, assetts, and colors that make

Reconvene special. Within this section, we include the guidelines for using our logo, including variant logos and

detailed examples of what not to do with our logo, brand assets, patterns, colors, typography, and brand imagery.

Through the visual identity we aim to convey our brand’s message about unity and supporting one another.


Consisting of a square and diamond shape with Art Deco inspired

elements in each corner, a saxophone with a heart shaped opening,

and music notes, the Reconvene logo should be used to establish the

brand’s identity for product use, or advertising purposes. The logo

design reflects the event’s theme: The Roaring 20s, by combing

classic Art Deco style illutration with a more modern, simplistic feel.

Minimum Size

The minial size allowed for use of our logo

is 1.75 in. W x 1.96 in. H.

Any smaller than this size is unacceptable,

as the details would get lost.


The standard amount of clearspace for our logo is the size of the capital ‘E’

in our logo type. This amount of space must be used when the full logo is in

use, otherwise one of the variant logos may be applicable.

Logo Variants

These logo variants take elements from the main logo in order

to create new designs, while keeping the feel of the original logo.

These variants should be used whenever the situation does not

permit usage of the main logo.


Living Life Again!


Living Life Again!



Living Life Again!


Do not stretch horizontally. Do not stretch vertically. Do not rotate. Do not add elements. Do not use drop shadow. Do not round corners.




Do not use off-brand colors.

Do not lower opacity.

Do not place color behind logo.

Logo Don’ts


Do not use color behind logo type. Do not use gradients. Do not remove elements.

These are some examples of what not to do

when using our logo. Please don’t use any of

these logo variations.

brand assets

Our brand assets are composed of a type heavy illustration, which is made up of one of our variant logos and

various sayings in our logo typeface. The sayings are meant to represent things people will most likely say when

they seee their loved ones again after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The brand assets were made to be used in signage for advertising, and merchandise to be sold at the event and

on our website. These assets may be used at any size needed to fit various designs.

Long time no see!

I Missed You

Friends Family

The gang’s all here!

It’s been ages!

Love Hugs


An elegant pattern created using one

of our logo elements.

This pattern was created using the square sunrise decorative element from our main logo.It was inspired

by the elegance of the Art Deco movement. The pattern can be used in many ways, as shown in the

examples on this page, and reproduced in different shapes and colors.


Secondary Colors

The color palette for our brand is inspired by the elegance of Art Deco,

with just a slight pop of vibrancy added for a more modern touch.

The primary colors are used for the logo and throughout the branding.

The secondary colors are used to accent the primary colors in brand

assets, patterns, and variant logos.

Rusty Orange

C: 15 M: 71 Y: 92 K: 3

R: 205 G: 102 B: 50

Hexidecimal #cc6632


Elegant Pink

C: 20 M: 43 Y: 32 K: 0

R: 203 G: 152 B: 152

Hexidecimal #cb9898


Primary Colors

Charming Pink

C: 4 M: 28 Y: 24 K: 0

R: 239 G: 191 B: 179

Hexidecimal #efbeb2


Glittering Gold

C: 16 M: 29 Y: 100 K: 0

R: 218 G: 176 B: 40

Hexidecimal # daaf27


Bees’ Knees Gold

C: 0 M: 19 Y: 89 K: 0

R: 255 G: 205 B: 52

Hexidecimal #ffcc33


Charcoal Black

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 99

R: 11 G: 10 B: 11

Hexidecimal #0a0a0a

PANTONE P Process Black U

Vibrant Orange

C: 4 M: 76 Y: 89 K: 0

R: 232 G: 98 B: 52

Hexidecimal #e86234


Rythmic Red

C: 4 M: 28 Y: 24 K: 0

R: 156 G: 65 B: 57

Hexidecimal #9b4138


Pearl White

C: 0 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 0

R: 255 G: 251 B: 253

Hexidecimal #fefbfc



These typefaces are the bees’ knees!

The typefaces shown are important to the visual hierarchy of the text, and specifically

our logo. Each typeface has its own individual instructions for use.

Our logo typeface, Odalisque NF, is a typeface based on Art Deco type design, with

great attention paid to the thicks and thins of the strokes. This typeface was a perfect

fit for our logo, as it captured the 1920s feel that we were searching for. For our

secondary type, we wanted to use a simpler typeface than our logotype, but also

a typeface with an elegant feel that paired well with our logotype. Baskerville fit

this description, and helps give our brand just the right amount of modern design,

while keeping with the elegance of the 1920s.

Odalisque NF

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q

r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 . , : ; ? ! “ ‘ ( ) [ ]

Odalisque NF

This typeface is specifically

for headline type, and the

Reconvene logo title type.

The color can be changed

to fit the design purposes.

Baskerville - Regular


R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k

l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 0 . , : ; / ? ! “ ‘ ( ) [ ]



This typeface should be used

for body copy, as well as for the

tagline in our logo type. Body

copy color can be changed to fit

the design. Logo tagline must

remain black at all times.

Baskerville - Italic


T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p

q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . , : ; /

? ! “ ‘ ( ) [ ]



This typeface is for subheads

only, and should be no larger

than 22pt. The color can be

changed to fit the design.

Brand Imagery

Music festivals, concerts, musicals, they all have their own stories to tell, with attendees meeting

new people with similar interests, musicians performing their artistry to thousands, and most

importantly they bring people together. Everyone knows the music that is being performed,

and everyone is happy, singing and dancing together in the audience.

This is the type of imagery incorporated into our brand, and the photography is used to

portray the unification of these types of events.

Acceptable photos fall into two categories:

• Event Photos

• Merchandise/Product Photos

Merchandise Photography

Merchandise is an extension of the brand, and what it stands for. It also

serves as a way to remember your experience at the event as well as with

the brand as a whole.

Merchandise should be photographed in good lighting, with no harsh shadows, and designs must

be visible in photographs (No cropping of designs is acceptable).

Event Photography

The event photography should capture the unification

of the attendees, that happy, content feeling people

experience when going to a music festival or concert.

These images capture how music touches people,

and brings them together.

Photography Don’ts

These are examples of the kind of imagery not permitted

for use with our brand.

No dated imagery.

As fun as these images from the 1920s are,

they do not represent the diversity of our brand.

No awkward angles.

We want to see the expressions on the audience’s face as they

watch our event, not the backs of their heads. This being said,

side profiles and 3/4 angles of the audience’s faces are allowed.

No overexposed lighting.

Flash photography is not permitted during the

performances of our event, and therefore should

not be included in event photography.

No silhouetted imagery or clip art photos.

We want to show real people playing instruments in our imagery, not a silhouette.

Web presence

Web presence is an important part of any event, with our event being no exception. Included here are

examples of our website and social media presence.

Our website includes information about our event, a link to purchase tickets, contact information, and a page where

you can buy Reconvene merchandise. On our Instagram account @reconvene_jazzfest, we post photos of our event

and any updates for our attendees. It is a great way for attendees to socialize with one another and talk about their

experience at our event, and ultimately with our brand.

For Educational Purposes Only.

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