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As l sit down under the big oak tree l wonder if my dreams of

becoming a doctor will ever come true. l have currently written

my final exams and l am waiting for my results and if l fail my

dreams of taking care of this family will soon become a


"Lisa there you are it's time for dinner." my mother said as she

was getting ready to go to her night shift. "Ok mom l will be

there l wish l could help you deserve to rest." my father had

passed away for a year or so and my mom had to do

everything on her own. " I know but one day you will have to

take care of all of us and you can take me to that vacation l've

always wanted." l have always wanted to help my mother but

there is nothing l can do l have tried selling goodies but l'm just

not a business woman.

"Maybe l should join the best crop competition and l could

grow some veges."

"l hate to burst your fantasy bubble but remember the last

veges you grew." my mother said laughing, the last time l

grew something it was a disaster. "Don't you believe in luck

you should encourage me rather than laugh." l said looking

hurt but deep down l knew gardening wasn't my thing at all. "

I'm sure you are good at something else, l wish we could hang

but l'm gonna be late."

"Sorry mom are the twins home." l was the second child in my

family followed by my brother and sister and they were twins.

My older brother was a farmer and he made lots of money

which he used to take care of us.

"Yep ok bye honey you better feed your brother and sister l will

be back as soon as possible if there is a problem you know

what to do."

"Ok mom you can go now or you will be late."

"Ok behave." and like that my mom was gone and l was in

charge, l might have hated being in charge at school but at

home it was heaven.

"Twins it's time for dinner." l said while dishing some mac and

cheese which had been made by my mom.

"Coming!" my brother lsaac said he loved mac and cheese so

did my sister Isabelle.

"That was so nice , so what should we do next sis." lsaac said

licking his plate.

"Yuck lsaac don't you have manners." my sister lsa said she

had always been smart and knew her manners.

"lt's fine lsa it's a way of saying it was so good."

"Eww Lisa you too l think l was born in the wrong family." lsa

said looking disgusted.

"l don't think so lsa cause we are twins or maybe it can happen

to be twins from different families can it happen Lisa." my

brother said sometimes he was such a dummy but it was cute.

"l don't think so lsaac anyway we can do the dishes, watch a

movie and go to sleep." l knew there would be a fight if l didn't

change the subject.

"Dishes are boring Lisa, what if you and lsa do them you are

the girls and guys don't do work."

"Don't be crazy lsaac both girls and boys can do work if you

don't want to wash the dishes with us then no popcorn for

you." l said to my brother hoping he would change his point of



"l agree with Lisa we should all do work no matter our

genders."lsa said she had always been the smarter one when

it came to the twins my brother was funny just like my dad. "

Now that we are done which movie should we watch."

"Barbie please please please." lsa said jumping up and down

but l knew it would become a fight.

"No we always watch that what about Dragon ball super." my

brother said .

"Ok guys what if l choose a movie which we will all like." l

quickly said because they were never going to decide.

"What do you have in mind." lsaac said.

"The secret life of pets 1 and 2."

"Yeah." they both said cause l knew they both wanted to watch

it so l searched for it and connected it to the tv. At 9pm they

had both fallen asleep on the couch and so l put them in their

beds so l was left alone.

"l'm home!" my mom said as she entered the living room at

10pm l usually slept at midnight.

"Hey mom."

"Hey the twins asleep?" she whispered so she wouldn't wake

them but even if we made that much noise they wouldn't hear

us they were really deep sleepers.

"Yep they slept an hour ago."

"l hope they weren't a problem."

"Not at all."

"Great l have something for you." my mom said as she pulled

out my favourite chocolate from her bag she knew me so well.

"Wow thanks mom you know me so well." l said smiling like a


"Off course 18years is not a joke." she said smirking at me.

"l don't think l'm that old mom there are more years to come."

"And l can't wait ok goodnight l'm going to bed love you."

"Love you too l think l should go to bed too."


The next day after breakfast we all decided to go and visit my

older brother who lived in the big city.

"Mom when will you change this car."lsaac said as he looked at

the car at the parking lot.My mom had bought a family car

which looked like it was used many times but it was strong.

"You can buy me a new car honey l don't think l will be able to

afford a new car any time soon." my mom said.

"Maybe Nigel is going to buy us one."lsa said putting her seat

belt on.

"I hope so."my mom said she always tried her best to make us

happy but the twins would have never understood how it was

hard to survive.

"l don't think we need a new car we have plenty don't we." l

said because l knew it hurt my mother to think she didn't have

the best.

"Yeah but all our friends have cool cars."lsa said.

"Hey lsa look it's your favorite shop." l said to make her forget

it all.

"Thanks Lisa but you know it's the truth they deserve better."

my mom said looking pale.

"Mom we should thank God for all we have it's better than


"l know but we need more."

"l don't think so mom it's better to have half a loaf of bread

than nothing at all."

"Why are you talking about bread Lisa?" lsaac asked looking


" lt’s an expression lsaac it means it's better to have little than

to have nothing at all." l said.

"Ok talking about bread l'm hungry." lsaac he had a old

persons appetite.

"We just ate lsaac." my mom said.

"l know but can you please buy me a burger it's a long way to

Nigel's home."

"Oh goodness me lsaac maybe next time."mom said.

"Don't worry mom l saved up some money you can stop at

Meaty Burgers and l will buy us all some burgers and ice


"That's nice Lisa but your brother has to learn to be thankful

for what he's been given."

"Mom please."lsaac

said trying to be cute.

"Yes mom please ." both me and lsa said.

"Fine ."mom said in a irritated way.

"Yes." both the twins said.

As we entered the restaurant l was surprised to see my old

friends who broke my heart into pieces because l refused to

cheat with them on the final exam.

"l think l'll go back into the car l just saw Laura and Celina."

"Really Lisa just ignore them or go and greet them you know

keep your friends close and your enemies closer." my mom

said seriously and l knew l couldn't escape so l went to greet


"Hi Laura and Celina how are you." l said smiling like a fool.

"Well well well if it isn't Miss Perfect ." Laura said in a rude way

as Celina started laughing but l was saved by my mom.

"Hey girls how are you."mom said.

"Ms Lesley what a pleasure to see you again ."Laura said as

Celina greeted her as well.

"You both look amazing as usual you should come visit some


"Thank you ma'am we will."they both said as they went to

enjoy their meal.

"See mom it was a bad idea those girls hate me." l said in a

angry way'

"l know but..." l quickly talked before she did.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer l know mom

but those girls will make fun of me until the end of time."

"No they won't if you keep being nice they will start respecting

you." with that l began thinking she was right lf l remained

nice they would respect me but l didn't want anything to do

with them they were bad girls.

"Excuse me Lisa rather than day dreaming can you buy us our

food."lsa said which made me laugh because she was the one

who usually day dreamed.

"Thank you little sister you have saved me from my day

dreaming lets go buy some burgers."

By noon we had arrived at my brother's home or as he calls it

the bro pad.

"Nigel l miss you bro l hate being with girls all the time." lsaac

said looking sad.

"Don't worry bro this time you can stay for as long as you like."

Nigel said.

"Really but l didn't bring any clothes."

"Well l did your bro here told me to do so cause he knew how

much you missed him."my mom said.


"Thanks mom so how long will l stay here."

"For as long as you like and we can have some quality girl


"l agree with mom when was the last time we got our nails

done."lsa said looking happier than ever.

"Come on lsa l'm sure by the time we get home you'll be crying

for lsaac." l said the last time they spend apart was a


"That was the old me Lisa ."lsa said.

"Ok enough we came to see Nigel not fight."mom said.

"Don't worry mom it's just me not some celeb."Nigel said


"Come on Nigel we missed you." l said.

"l missed you all too anyway whose hungry."

"l am." lsaac said.

"Seriously lsaac are you a pig."mom said irritated.

"Mom that's too harsh if the kid is hungry he can eat he is a

man."Nigel said.


We spend the next two days helping my brother on his farm

even though some of us have the touch that kills plants.As we

arrive home we see my uncle who was my father's brother in

the house. My mother had given him a key just in case he was

in town.

"Leo what a surprise is everything ok."my mom said surprised

as l was.

"Off course l just thought of visiting long time how are you all."

uncle Leo said.

"Uncle Leo how are you." l say as l go to hug him he is my

favorite uncle he has always be great with jokes and with my

father they were unstoppable.

"Little piggy whats up." my uncle used to call me little piggy

because l used to be fat as a child.

"Very funny Uncle Leo." l laugh in a irritated way.

"Hello Uncle Leo l have really missed you."lsa says.

"lsa how are you were is your bro."

"He's at Nigel’s bro pad." l say laughing.

"Bro pad seriously." says my uncle laughing.

"So Leo how is everyone back at home." says my mom looking

at me with the get the refreshments look.

"Excuse me." l say quickly as l go to the kitchen.

"Everyone is just fine l'm here with some very important info."

my uncle says.

"May l ask about what." mom says.

"Well l'm getting married in two weeks time with the love of

my life."

"What!" l say as l enter the living room.

"Yep and l wanted to personally invite you guys."

"Wow were are you getting married."lsa quickly asks.

" The Beverly Gardens."my uncle says in a cool way these

gardens were well known and celebrities got married there


"No way no one can afford the fees there." lsa says.

"Well your uncle here has been saving up and l have more

good news."

"Which is ?" l ask.

"You are going to be bridesmaids and your bro's can join too as

my best men."

"How isn't the bride suppose to choose her own bridesmaids

and who is she anyway?"my mom asks

"Well l asked her to make you bridesmaids and you will meet

her on the special day."

"Seriously Uncle Leo thank you." says lsa.

"Yep so you should inform your brother's"

"I'll call them right now."

"Are you serious Lisa?" Nigel asks as we talk on the phone.

"Serious l guess you are going to miss out." l say laughing.

"l guess we'll have to go back home."lsaac from the back


"Yep you have to come back."

" Fine we'll see you tomorrow afternoon when I'm done with


" Yay see you then."

As l hangup l see a message saying results are out.

"Lisa is everything okay."my mom asks behind me.

"Ye it's just the results are out."

"That's great news Lisa I'm sure you passed."

"You believe in me so much more than l believe in myself."

"Well you did study all the time so how could you have failed."

she said and l knew she was right.

As l waiting for the message l was shaking like crazy.

“Don’t be nervous darling I'm sure you passed.” my mother

said as she hugged me but it just didn’t help l needed

something to calm down.l decided to have some ice cream it

was my best stress reliever.

As l was eating my second spoon a message arrived and l felt

like puking and so l decided to call my mom.

“I'm sure it’s not bad news.” and so she began reading the

message as she froze for a split second and my heart started


“Come on mom is it bad news or what!”

“Um you passed.”

“So why are you saying it in a weird way?” l said as l grabbed

the phone from her.

As l looked at it l froze as well “No way 15 points mom 15.”

“l know.” she said as she started laughing.

“Why are you laughing l thought you believed

in me?”

“l knew you would do it all along but l didn’t think you would

pass like this l am so proud of you Lisa.”my mom said as she

began to cry.

“Mom why are you crying?”

“Sorry honey it’s just that l wish your father was here he

always believed in you more than me.”

“Mom he’s always in our hearts and you did believe in me more

than myself.”

“l know but you know 2 is better than 1 and you deserve


“l have everything mom.”l said as l hugged my mother l did

miss my father from time to time but l always kept myself

strong for my mom.

The following day we had a braai to celebrate my results and

my mom invited some of our family members. My brothers

also came home in time. I could see my life beginning just

because l got my results all l was waiting for was an email from

one of the schools l applied for. L was being congratulated all

day even by some of my old class mates and given presents by

some of my relatives.

“Hi aunt Lora.” l said to my mother’s sister.

“Hello darling congrats l am so proud of you.” aunt Lora had

always been my favourite aunt she always understood my

problems more than any one else and was a gift giver.

“l have something for you honey.” she said as she took out a

gift bag.

”OMG no way thank you so much.”inside was a iphone which l

had always wanted it was one of the most expensive phones l


“You deserve it.” she said as she hugged me.

“When did you even buy this?”

“A long time ago l was just waiting for the right time to give it

to you.

“Seriously!” l said surprised.

“What’s going on here Lora?” my mom asked.

“Oh nothing just charting with my favourite niece.”

“Don’t tell me you bought her another expensive gift!” my

mom shouted she hated it when my aunt wasted money but

she was rich and she was spoiling me anyway.

“Sis I'm not allowed to spoil my niece now.”

“l’m not saying that but you buy expensive gifts.”

“Come on Mary don’t you know expensive gifts win a person’s

heart over.”

“Ok but this is the last expensive gift you will buy her.”

“Come on mom it’s not even your money.” l say without


“Oh it’s not my money but it’s not yours as well l will take that

phone from you right now.” mom said angrily.

“Oh Mary what Lisa meant was that you’re spicing it just a little

bit too much.”

“You know what I'm done trying.” my mom said as she walked


“What’s up with her?” l say angrily.

“She is just stressed out.”my aunt says.

“About what she should be happy.”

“l know but she wishes she could do more for you.”

“l told her l ‘m fine what more does she want.” l shout.

“Lisa calm down.” aunt Lora says.

“How can l calm down when my own mother is angry when she

should be happy for me l can’t deal with this l have problems in

my life too.” l say as l go to my room.

“Lisa you know last year today is when your father died.” as

she said this my eyes filled with water and the image of my

father dead comes to my mind.l understand why my mom is

angry because everything we were doing reminded her of him

especially the braai.

“l remember but she’s the one who planned the braai.”

“l also don’t understand why.” my aunt says confused.

“It’s probably what dad would have wanted.” l say as l start


“Lisa please don’t cry.” my aunt says as she comforts me.

“Sorry.”l say as l cry some more l really miss my father

especially with this braai he was bad at making the meat and

it would always burn but he made the best sauce.As l think

about this the image of him comes to me l used to laugh cause

he thought he made amazing meat with that l start laughing.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Remember when would burn meat.”

“Oh yes remember when he made some burgers when l

visited.” my aunt says as she starts laughing.

“l really miss him.” l say he was my only best friend and he

always made me laugh.

“l know but just imagine how your mom feels.”

“Horrible.”now l understand why my mom is angry my parents

were very close they acted like teens in love.

“You should go talk to her.”my aunt says.

“What after what l did she won’t wanna see me.”

“She will she is my little sister and go with some chocolate you

know how much she loves it.”


As l ‘m about to enter her room l hear her crying and my eyes

fill with tears so l just barge in so l can go comfort her.

“Lisa!” she shouts as she wipes her eyes.

“Mom l’m so sorry l said all those things that hurt you.”

“No it’s not your fault l should be happy for you.” she says.

“Mom l know you’re thinking of dad.”

“l didn’t want you to think about all that stuff.”

“No mom l will always support you no matter what please

don’t cry.”

“l know Lisa but you’re my daughter not my therapist some

things are meant to be kept inside.”

“No mom no don’t say that it’s better to just express yourself

you could hurt yourself.”

“Lisa you have so much going on in your life you don’t need

more salt on your wound.”

“Well l want you to express yourself l want it.”

“Ok l promise Lisa but today is your day l wanted you to be

happy you concentrate on other people but you have a life


“Mom you’re my life.”

“No l ‘m not but l am very proud of you because you have

grown with a clean heart.”

“Thanks mom now lets go have fun it will get your mind of all

bad things.”

“Ok thanks Lisa.”

“You don’t have to thank me mom l brought you some

chocolate too.”

“You know me so well.”


It was almost my uncles wedding and l was so excited my

uncle deserved a wife. He supported us ever since my father

died he was like my second father.As l was thinking about this

the email l had been waiting for arrived. I had gotten in at

Medical And Sciences college and there was an interview on

the same day as my uncle’s wedding.

“No no no no no!” l shout why l have been waiting for this but

on my uncle’s special day.

“ls everything ok Lisa.”

“No l mean yes oh come on.”

“Just tell me.”

As l tell her everything her expression makes me laugh.

“Mom stop it this is serious.”

“Lisa that’s great news but you are the one who will decide

whether to go to the interview or the wedding but l will support

every decision you make.”

“Oh thanks a lot mom l can’t miss both events.”

“Lisa this is your life l can’t decide everything for you.”

“Why are these things on the same day if l don’t go for the

interview l won’t be able to go to college.”

“So do the right thing.”

“Uncle Leo we’ll be so hurt.”

“l know he’s going to understand.”


As l talk to my uncle l can hear the disappointment in his voice

why is this happening to me.

“l understand Lisa you made a good decision.”

“l really wanted to be there for you.”

“l know but this is the begging of your life maybe you can make

it when done.”


“Ok Lisa l have to go talk later.”

“Bye uncle Leo.” he usually stayed on the line longer but l

guess he’s sad.

The week ended faster than l thought that day had arrived l

had practised all week.I was left alone at home and my mom

and siblings went to my uncle’s wedding so no one was here to

help me.l have never been so nervous l tried calling my mom

but it just went to voice mail. I was dressed and had eaten but

l felt like puking . As l was about to go my mom called to wish

me luck.The drive was usually long but today it was short.

The interview was being done at one of the best hotels in the

city and it was top rated.As l entered the hotel my hands

became all sweaty at the reception was one of the guys l had

learned with.His father owned the hotel and sometimes he

would just be the receptionist l used to come and work with

him just for fun.

“Hi Lisa what brings you here.” Mike said.

“l’m here for an interview.”

“For that school you like.”

“Yes.” l said.

“Oh you look so nervous and you’re sweating.” he said as he

handed me a tissue.

“Thanks this is my life beginning l mean the beginning of my

life.” even my words were all mixed up.

“l know you’ll do well.”


“You are very intelligent Lisa and l believe in you.” Mike was

such a great friend he was the first one to congratulate me for

passing even though my mom always thought he would be a

great friend.

“Thanks Mike anyway were the interview being held.”

I’ll take you.”

“it's ok you have work to do.”

“Nah don’t worry the real receptionist is here l was just filling

in for her.”

“Um ok then.” the meeting was on the third floor in a suite.

“Here you are.” Mike said as he pointed to the room.

“Thanks.” l say as l hug him.

“You’ll do great Lisa.” he says as he leaves.

When it’s my turn to get interviewed my feet feel like jelly and

l can’t walk nicely.

“Welcome.” the woman inside says.

“Thank you.” l say nervously.

“And you are?” she asks.

“Um Lisa Lesley.”

“Oh welcome this is Mr Tod he’ll be interviewing you today.”

“it’s a pleasure to meet you sir.”

“Off course you may take a seat young lady.” as the lady


“Thank you.”

“So let’s begin.” he says.


“Tell me about yourself Miss Lesley.”

“l’m someone who is very passionate about helping people

that’s why l plan on being a doctor one day.l really love reading

and going to the library and volunteering at our local library’s

summer literacy program for kids.

“Oh very fascinating what is your greatest strength or


“l’d say frustration is something l ‘m trying to work on. If

something doesn’t click with me right away , l can get irritated

with myself.l understand that it takes time to get good at

something , so l’m trying to be patient. For example , l’ve been

taking up watercolors as a hobby, but since it’s a new skill l ‘m

not really good yet and l tend to dislike whatever l create. To

counterbalance that, l’ve been watching tutorials and trying

to repaint things and make them better.”

“Ok why do you deserve this scholarship Miss Lesley?”

“Ever since my cousin was diagnosed cystic fibrosis, l’ve

wanted to become a pediatrician. Medical school is expensive ,

and this scholarship will help me accomplish my goal of

becoming a doctor and helping sick kids like my cousin.”

“interesting what are your career goals?”

“My ultimate goal is to own my own hospital one day.l would

love to help in the community because many people can’t

afford to go to the hospital l will make the prices affordable.For

example my late next door neighbour died because she

couldn’t afford the hospital and it was far away l want to make

it easier for people.”

“Oh l’m sorry any way who has been a role model for you.”

“My mother has always been a hard worker she always makes

a plan no matter the problem.l want to be like her and make

the world a better place.”

“Tell me about a personal achievement that makes you proud.”

“l ‘m a naturally shy person with debilitating stage fright.l also

love poetry.Those two parts of me clashed when my English

teacher suggested l enter a poetry recital contest l really

wanted to do it but l was also scared l’d freeze or mess up l

nearly backed out.To work on my stage fright l practised

reading poems out loud to the book club. Over time l grew

more comfortable standing in front of people, and the more l

practised the poem, the easier it was to remember. if you’d

told me at the begging of the year l’d go to nationals to recite

a poem in front of an auditorium of 10,000 people, l wouldn’t

believe you.But l did it. L even got fourth place.”

“Ok then last but not least ls there anything you want to add.”

“Yes! I’d like to say how grateful l am for this scholarship

opportunity. Your school is a great school l would love to be

called a student of this college.l can’t wait to learn more about

it and meet the different types of people who have the same

dream as mine.”

“Wonderful Miss Lesley thank you for coming today.”

“No thank you for the opportunity.”

“You are very welcome we’ll inform you if you are in or not.”

“Ok Thank you.” l say as l leave the room and l feel so happy l

think l did well.

“So how did it go.” Mike asks.

“l don’t know l think l did well.”

“ l’m sure you did do you want to go and celebrate over ice

cream my treat.”

“That sounds nice but l have to drive to my uncle’s wedding.”

“Oh l understand another time then.”

“Off course.” l say as l get in the car.

“Drive safely.”

“Thanks.” l feel so relieved like a huge weight has been

removed from my shoulders l hope l’m in.

As l park at the venue of the wedding l see people leaving

including my mom.

“HI mom is it over.”

“Lisa hey how was the interview.”

“lt was ok so is the wedding over.”

“unfortunately yes but there is a video of the whole thing.”

“Oh come on.” l say angrily.

“lt happens Lisa but you should go congratulate your uncle

and his wife she is very pretty.”as l’m about to go my brother


“Hi Lisa lf you’re going after uncle Leo he’s gone for his


“Seriously dang it.”

“But it was so nice l have never been to such an amazing

wedding.” my brother says.

“ Oh shut up.” l say as l get into the car to leave.

“Lisa wait!” my mom says but l don’t listen and l hit the tree

behind me.When l wake up l’m in a hospital and l ‘m hurt


“Lisa.” my mom says.

“What happened?” l ask confused.

“You hit a tree and got hurt so we brought you here.”

“l’m hurt were.”

“Can’t you feel it your neck and leg.”

“Oh l’m sorry mom it’s just l missed uncle Leo’s special day

and he’s like a father to me l was just so angry.”

“Lisa accidents happen l understand what matters is that

you’re ok.”

“What about your car?”

“it’s fine it was taken to a repair place l guess will have to stay

here longer.”

“What!” l say.

“Until you’re fine.”


“Miss Lesley you’re awake.” a young doctor says.

“ Hello um how long have l been unconscious.”

“About an hour or so .” the doctor says.


“Yes if you’ll let me check you now.”the doctor says.

“Um ok.” l say.

“Ah were are my manners l’m Doctor Wanda.” she says as she

listens to my heart beat.

“A pleasure to meet you.”

“You just have a broken leg and your neck just needs rest but

you can go home tomorrow.”

“Oh thank you.” l say relieved l have never liked sleeping in


“You are welcome but you need to exercise your leg but not

too much.”


“And you should rest Miss Lesley.”

“Ok but please call me Lisa.”

“OK Lisa l think that’s all and you’ll be taking some pain


“Off course l say.”

“The plaster will be removed after four weeks.”

“ok.”l say


The following day l’m at home yesterday was a horrible day if

l had gone for some ice cream all this would have never

happened but l learned my lesson.

“Lisa sorry again it’s all my fault.”my brother says.

“Nigel it’s not your fault l’m the one who got angry for no

reason.”l say

“No Lisa ok to make it up to you I'll be your personal helper

until you’re better.”l liked the sound of that but l couldn't do

that to my big bro.

“No Nigel we are cool.”


“Serious.” l say as he hugs me.

“You’re very forgiving little sis.”

“Yes l am.”

“ok then l have to go to work now.”

“ok bro see you later.”

I was left alone because it was a week day but my mom kept

calling when l heard a knock on the door.it was Mike.

“Mike hey.” l said surprised.

“Hi Lisa l heard you got in a accident.” he said and all l could

think was what a creep.

“Um who told you?” l ask him.

“ l called you yesterday but your brother answered.”

“Oh.”l said but why was he here.

“l came to check on you.”

“Oh thanks l’m fine.”

“Fine but you’re on a wheelchair.”

“So l mean it doesn’t hurt.”today l was in a bad mood before l

left their hotel he told me to travel safely and look were l am.

“Lisa are you ok you look mad.” yes l am l say in my mind.

“Not at all Mike come in you must be tired from the long drive.”

“Thanks but l came to see my mom.”

“Oh um l understand please do greet her for me.”

“Off course any way l have to go l’m glad you’re ok.”

“Thanks and have a good drive.”

“Thanks.” he says as he leaves oh come on what was that why

was l so mean he came to see me and l was such a moron.The

next day my mom took me to the gym to go and stretch even

though it hurt .

“Lisa just calm down.”

“Mom it hurts.” l said as l stretched my leg and it hurt to the

extend of me crying.

“Oh Lisa.”she said as she laughed and l had to this for a month.

“I hate the gym and you know it mom.”

“Lisa do you want to walk again.”

“Off course.”

“So pull your self together.” when my mom was serious it was

a nightmare.After an hour of stretching we went to have lunch

at my favourite burger restaurant.

“So what do you want to have?”my mom asked.

“My favourite chicken burger and fries.”


“So how did the interview go?”my mom asks.

“I think l did well l don’t know.”

“Where you asked those questions you practised for?”

“some of them mom can you stop asking me this l get

butterflies when l think about the interview l think I've just lost

my appetite.”

“Fine leave the food.”

“Ok can we go home now l need to rest.”

“Lisa whats up with you you’ve been very cold lately.”

“ l ‘m fine ok can we go home now.”

“Lisa fine let’s go.” l guess l have been pretty cold lately.

“l’m sorry mom l didn’t mean any of that it’s just l missed my

uncle’s wedding and l wanted to be there for him.”

“Lisa l know it hurts but he’ll be back and if you get the the

spot at that school you’ll leave near him and you’ll visit any



“Yep now l want my nice Lisa.”

“Ok mom.”

After two weeks the message l have been waiting for arrives

stating l’m in which means my life is finally beginning. In three

days l will be going to the college of my dreams. My mom

suggested throwing me a going away party but l didn’t really

want a party.

“Lisa this is a once in a life time experience.”


“Thank you the party will before the day you go to college.”

“Oh l can’t believe l’m going to college.”

“I know l will really miss you l can’t imagine a life without

you.” my mom says as her eyes fill with tears.

”Mom you’ll always come and visit and we can video chat and

all that stuff.”

“Oh Lisa l’m so proud of you you’ve grown into an amazing

young woman.” my mom always said she was proud of me but

this meant a lot and it made me start crying.

“Oh mom l love you and I'll miss you too.”

“Ok lets not talk about this you should start packing up.”

“Ok mom.” l say as l go pack up.

The day of the party many people come to the party including

my old class mates including Laura and Celina.

“Hey Lisa congrats on the scholarship and passing.”Laura said

and it was so weird to the extend were l began laughing.

“l’m sorry thanks Laura.”

“Lisa l’m sorry about the way we acted and all those bad things

we tempted you to do we really miss you and we’re very happy

and proud of you.”Celina said.

“I forgive you.”

“What!” they both said.

“Yep l forgive you, you are my bff’s any way.” l say as l go hug


“Wow Lisa thanks.”they say.

“So are you going to college?” l ask but l regret asking.

“No we both failed so we are restarting our final year.” Laura

says humiliated.

“Oh l understand but if you ever need anything you can always

ask me.”

“Sure thing.”Celina says.

After the party we have some fireworks and some speeches.

The following day l have to go and it’s hard for everyone

especially my mom but l arrive at the school safely.


After 10years l was done with my training and l was a

professional doctor with my own hospital.As for my family l’m

now taking care of them and l do everything for them.They

now have a new house and so do l and my siblings are now

going to better schools.My big brother now has one of the best

farms in the city and we are partners.

My life started of small but it was amazing because l spend

time with my family that was truly the perfect life.

Whether l’m married or not is a whole other story.


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