The Bethlehem Star

The Bethlehem Star is a 50-page e-magazine of historical fiction for the month of Jesus’ birth, a one-time-only publication of Scripture on Stage of Livonia, Michigan, with fictional 1st century Jewish reporters covering all the various Nativity stories from the Infancy Narratives of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, with a bunch of extra stories, sports, weather, letters to our readers, etc. to enhance the experience of immersion in the events and people of this time. It is written by John Dzwonkowski, M.A. Theology, former 9-year (college & grad school) seminarian with The Maryknoll Fathers of New York, retired Director of Religious Education for his own St. Priscilla Catholic Parish, and current Master Catechist with the Archdiocese of Detroit. John is also a Catholic playwright, having written, produced, and directed 25+ plays, primarily exploring the great variety of emotions, challenges, struggles, conflicts, and joys surrounding the ministry of Jesus, but especially the events of his birth, and then of his passion, death, and resurrection. John is also the co-founder of St. Priscilla's Movie & Drama Ministry; as well as his own theatrical venture of 30 years so far, Scripture on Stage; through which he performs live 60 and 90-minute theatrical productions of An Evening with Simon Peter, An Evening with St. Joseph, and Peter & Magdalen ...on Jesus, all for solely a Free Will Offering to various parishes throughout the Detroit Archdiocese, complete with myriad emotion-charged music, stage lighting, multiple props, and even a 14' tall Roman crucifix that is used by Peter to demonstrate how this was done by the Romans. John has also published through his Scripture on Stage a comparable fictional e-mag of 58 pages, The Jerusalem Star, supposedly published in Jerusalem of the 1st century on the Sunday evening of Jesus' resurrection. Here we again have a variety of fictional 1st century Jewish reporters covering the various events of Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection, but from their close-up point of view.

The Bethlehem Star is a 50-page e-magazine of historical fiction for the month of Jesus’ birth, a one-time-only publication of Scripture on Stage of Livonia, Michigan, with fictional 1st century Jewish reporters covering all the various Nativity stories from the Infancy Narratives of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, with a bunch of extra stories, sports, weather, letters to our readers, etc. to enhance the experience of immersion in the events and people of this time.

It is written by John Dzwonkowski, M.A. Theology, former 9-year (college & grad school) seminarian with The Maryknoll Fathers of New York, retired Director of Religious Education for his own St. Priscilla Catholic Parish, and current Master Catechist with the Archdiocese of Detroit. John is also a Catholic playwright, having written, produced, and directed 25+ plays, primarily exploring the great variety of emotions, challenges, struggles, conflicts, and joys surrounding the ministry of Jesus, but especially the events of his birth, and then of his passion, death, and resurrection.

John is also the co-founder of St. Priscilla's Movie & Drama Ministry; as well as his own theatrical venture of 30 years so far, Scripture on Stage; through which he performs live 60 and 90-minute theatrical productions of An Evening with Simon Peter, An Evening with St. Joseph, and Peter & Magdalen ...on Jesus, all for solely a Free Will Offering to various parishes throughout the Detroit Archdiocese, complete with myriad emotion-charged music, stage lighting, multiple props, and even a 14' tall Roman crucifix that is used by Peter to demonstrate how this was done by the Romans.

John has also published through his Scripture on Stage a comparable fictional e-mag of 58 pages, The Jerusalem Star, supposedly published in Jerusalem of the 1st century on the Sunday evening of Jesus' resurrection. Here we again have a variety of fictional 1st century Jewish reporters covering the various events of Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection, but from their close-up point of view.


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The Bethlehem Star


Keeping An Eye on the Royals

By Kitty Caligula

May my quill be mightier than their sword!

Looks like Ol’ Herod is kissin’ up again, and we’re

getting stuck with the bill.

I just came from Rome a fortnight ago and, I gotta

tell ya, they think pretty highly of him over there, their local

royal puppet on the eastern edge of the empire. Apparently,

what we call murder, assassination, extortion, and

greed, ...they call good business. And, as long as Herod

keeps us paying taxes to them, and continues to crush any

potential rebellions, they think he’s practically a god; ...in

their warped minds.

Anyway, he petitioned for MMM more Midian

slaves to finish up work on his Temple in Jerusalem. He’s

been at it now for some XV years. The smart money says the

man goes to his grave without seeing that monstrosity ever


We’ve all watched the

construction over there on our

lunch hour. Did you know

that it takes over CCC slaves

more than a month to place

one of them humongous

stones in place? Just one

stone! Why Herod doesn’t

have them just cut them up

into more bite-size pieces, I’ll

never know. I think he

expects that west wall to last


Hey, it’s not his back,

is it?

Regardless, the man

is now LXVII years old, and,

quite frankly, that skin disease

he picked up really seems to

be getting the better of him.

He looks terrible these days,

and seems to be in continual discomfort. Unfortunately,

that’s had a rather frustrating effect on his paranoid


According to his close friend Nicholas of Damascus,

who seems to be preparing written notes for a later

biography, Herod spends an awful lot of his time these days

in the hot springs of Callirrhoe, just east of the Dead Sea, as

you know, trying to get some relief from his discomfort. If

Our renowned dirt-digging

investigative reporter Kitty Caligula

you have a


small claims

case pending,

therefore, you

may want to see

about trying to

settle out of court


Meantime, Bethlehemites, we’d better

prepare. Word has it that, if he does pass, he

wanted his body interred in that huge mounded

fortress we all call the Herodium just to our

southeast. I’ve been in there, and it’s absolutely

magnificent, ...if royal flamboyance is your

style. If you’re wondering

why your kids are living

off grain, and his family

has beefsteaks every day,

this place will tell you

where your money’s

going. I can see us all

paying taxes out of the

nose for all eternity trying

to cover the upkeep and

the guard duty on the

place, especially with so

many of us hoping to

steal an item or two just

to get some of our money

back from the wretch.

That’s all for now. But

don’t worry, if woeful

King Herod decides to

put to death any more of

his family, you’ll be sure

to read all about it right here. Seems, if you’re

going to marry ten different women and father

children with so many of them, you’ve got to

expect a little conflict when the table talk turns

to succession.

Let’s all watch our backs out there.

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