Task 2

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Task 2 - The Nature of Linguistics and Language

Submitted by:

Xiomara Catalina Chaparro Camacho

Erica Tatiana Aguirre

Karen Pahola Rodriguez

Paola Andrea Sierra Barrera

Vanessa Castro Salgado

Group: 518017_102

Tutor: Luz Adriana Perdomo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


Bachelor of English as a Foreign Language

Introduction to Linguistics

March, 2021


What is Linguistics according to Chomsky and what is the relation with the sociolinguistics'

study object?

Chomsky shows linguistics as a natural and unique organized mental base that allows to

understand, assimilate and deduce any sentence in different original language already known, this

allows and facilitates the process of learning and mastering language to be easier for the brain.

This language acquisition is presented by the way Chomsky explains the appearance of concepts

in the mind. Furthermore, Chomsky shows that these syntactic principles are universal and

already known in all languages.

In other words, all human beings possess an innate ability and an established grammar in their


Sociolinguistics is seen as a compendium between society and form of expression, since it will

always be based on knowledge of linguistics acquired and assimilated throughout life.

How does a language become a source of social and political power?

A particular way for the language to become a source of social and political power is the way of

expression that is used according to those who will be addressed, their region, language, age, sex,

ethnicity, as well as being clear about the interest that is both social and political, as well as the

linguistic structural form used.

What is "a variation"? Define the types of variation.

A linguistic variation is the gathering of different alternatives or forms that are used to express a

meaning of their own or the same in a different language, according to Chomsky variations of the

language are called styles.

There is a great variety of types of variation according to different authors, and they vary

according to the point of view or special characteristic that is observed.

Why is it important to carry out Socio - linguistics studies?

Sociolinguistics to us as future teachers we have a lot of tools that facilitate interacting with

different people, communities or companies of our environment and as well understand the

language used by them and be able to have and use appropriate language, understandable and

updated according to the need that is present and in accordance with the language that you are


What is ‘double articulation?

Double articulation is a linguistic term referring to the two levels into which language can be

divided. (words)

Meaningful units of sound, called morphemes, make up the first level

-The first level of articulation in a language consists entirely of morphemes. Some morphemes

are entire words, such as “dog” or “child,” while others are only part.

For example, the word “unbelievable” is made of three morphemes:

“un-,” “-believ-,” and “-able,”

each with a specific meaning. Morphemes like these make up the words and sentences people

use to communicate.

Hile the second level consists of phonemes, or sounds without meaning by themselves.

Phonemes, which are simply sounds without meaning, compose the second level of articulation.

A phoneme is not the same thing as a letter, although some phonemes can be written with one.

Others use multiple letters, while some letters are used for different phonemes depending on their

context. By themselves these sounds can’t communicate anything, but together they make the

morphemes of the first level of articulation.

Example: Love (él) –(óu)-(vii)-ii)

What is Language, Dialect and Social Dialects?

Language: It is the human capacity to understand what others try to communicate through

symbols, written or spoken sounds.

Example: Spanish Language.

Dialect: the language has variations according to geographical location; these variations are

known as dialect. Finally, the term dialect, particularly when it is used in reference to regional

variation, should not be confused with the term accent, the term dialect can also be used to

describe differences in speech associated with various social groups or classes. There are social

dialects as well as regionalones.

Example: Standard English being a dialect – admittedly a very important one – of English.

Social Dialects: based, social dialects originate among social groups and are related to a variety

of factors, the principal ones apparently being social class, religion, and ethnicity.

Example: There is a British ‘public-school’ dialect, and there is an ‘African American

Vernacular English’ dialect found in cities such as New York, Detroit, and Buffalo.


What is Linguistics according to Chomsky and what is the relation with the sociolinguistics'

study object?

-Chomsky´s theory explains that there is a specific mental structure that allows us to understand

and make any statement in any natural language we know, also explains that this allows the

process of acquiring and dominating the language easier and requires little processing in the brain

so that is beginning to develop almost automatically.

How does a language become a source of social and political power?

-Chomsky is considered one of the most active and committed political dissidents of our time,

since it has a rigorous management of the topics it deals with.

What is "a variation"? Define the types of variation.

-Linguistic variation is the use the language conditioned by geographical, sociocultural, or

historical factors, they way speakers use a language varies their personal circumstances or others

Why is it important to carry out Socio - linguistics studies?

-Because we are training as education professionals, it is necessary that we adopt sociolinguistics

as a fundamental tool to understand the language used by students, parents, and even ourselves so

as not to commit arbitrariness by considering the way speaking inappropriate.

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